Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #94

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So what does it cost to stay happy on meth? anybody. a daily habit for example.
This makes sense...Casey was in Tony's bed each night.
Caylee was not there or with her grandmother.
Where was Caylee sleeping?

She was with grandma until after June 15th. Then, she just took off, I guess. She's a missing person....:waitasec:
In my social circles a tweaker is usually referring to a cokehead, I have a feeling that is the more likely of the two drugs because Meth is considered a dirty drug in this age group and cocaine is considered a high-class thing. It woluld explain why she needed to steal all that money. Here is a snip from an article about the effects and you can read more at the link. It's just an idea.
Some of the these complications include heart disease, heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, seizures, and gastrointestinal problems. Other physical symptoms include convulsions, nausea, blurred vision, chest pain, fever, muscle spasms, and coma.

As the habit of using cocaine becomes increasingly important, behavior such as lying, heating, stealing, absenteeism at work and denying the use of cocaine, is an evident side effect. While these behaviors are not directly related to the use of cocaine, these cocaine effects are often present due to the lifestyle of the addict.

Other long-term cocaine effects include:

ParanoiaHer family in danger?
Auditory hallucinationsThe phone call from Caylee?
Mood disturbances

That makes sense too. My daughter just told me that a tweaker in her "group" is a crackhead or cokehead. She is 21, btw. So I guess tweaker could mean a few things. Thank you so much for the info!
My husband and I were talking about this case earlier this evening, and he was telling me that if they are able to pinpoint where all she had been by using the pings from her cell phone, they can ask the military to help search for "freshly dug" ground in the triangulation area. He's in the military, and tells me that they have a technology that allows them to look for freshly dug graves while flying over an area. This technology has been used in Iraq right after the invasion of the country, to look for freshly dug graves of the Iraqi people from when Saddam ordered his military to do the "mass executions" prior to the start of the war.

I wonder if LE would ask the military to get involved...
Cannel 13 News is doing a live interview with the new Anthony PR person. He is saying that he's been brought in to "stop the spin" of the media. He's talking about all the great work he did on the Natalie Holloway case, the Ramsey case and the John Mark Karr case.
That makes sense too. My daughter just told me that a tweaker in her "group" is a crackhead or cokehead. She is 21, btw. So I guess tweaker could mean a few things. Thank you so much for the info!

That would make the amount of money she was going though make more sense if she was doing coke.
I agree with Amster!!! This whole thing stinks literally!
Allot of people are furious! No amber alert, forensic info in or not?
Are LE really going to let this nut out? Her child is missing, dah...............
IMO, nothing is making sense! KEEP HER LOCKED UP TIL SHE TALKS!!!
OJ,(golfing.........DP (boating) and this immoral nut will be out making another baby! IMO
I suppose meth could explain Casey's behavior, she just didn't look all 'strung-out' to me. I guess that doesn't mean much as there's this case:
That would explain the taking of money too, nuttin' much matters 'cept chasin' that next high. *shrug* would explain more to me.
Would a jail allow a inmate to go through withdrawals in their jail cell, or would they need to be hospitalized? Hasn't it been reported that Casey leaves her cell everyday? Family visited after incarceration, wouldn't the tapes of those visits show Casey was going through withdrawal?
That would make the amount of money she was going though make more sense if she was doing coke.

Yes, true!

I have know someone who traded custody of her child for some money...
she was also a meth head.. So that is completely plausible IMO.

Exactly, you can read about it online, it happens more than we'd think. (at least they try to trade/sell, etc.)

I suppose meth could explain Casey's behavior, she just didn't look all 'strung-out' to me. I guess that doesn't mean much as there's this case:
That would explain the taking of money too, nuttin' much matters 'cept chasin' that next high. *shrug* would explain more to me.

Right, so I am thinking it (if true about her being a tweaker) has to be coke or meth. Both leave a person searching for that next high. At any cost.
I mean all this Meth would make more sense IMO. The case I linked they had said in other stories it may have been that girls 1st try of Meth that weekend prior to their death (Janelle Hornickel) None of Janelle's friends could believe she was on drugs yada, straight A student etc. Nothing led them to believe she had been on them long.

Casey had started running in a new circle, could she have tried this and was sucked in over her head and is truly spaced out and lost on what all happened?
LOL between talking to Greta, NG, and Shep...I just bet he is taking calls from bloggers. Hahahahaha~

True, but that person quotes him directly. That would be a very foolish thing to do in this case if she is making it up.
If she's an addict it must not have been for real long - lets see what do we know about drugs...

Coke - expensive, addictive but not like heroin or crack I don't think, keeps you skinny, grin all the time, go go go, screws up your nose after a while. IMO - possible, though I don't think the addiction level to this drug is enough to sell your kid over - steal, yes.

Meth - cheaper than coke, highly addictive right away I think, Makes you skinny as hell, but I think you start to obviously look like crap right away with this one. IMO - possible - but I think Casey would look worse if she were such a bad addict.

Crack - cheap I think, highly addictive, you're totally out of it when you're high on crack, you look like hell and aren't out clubbing. IMO - not crack
Would a jail allow a inmate to go through withdrawals in their jail cell, or would they need to be hospitalized? Hasn't it been reported that Casey leaves her cell everyday? Family visited after incarceration, wouldn't the tapes of those visits show Casey was going through withdrawal?

Of course, or they'd have put her in a treatment area of the prison for a few days if she was an addict. I've known addicts. Casey Anthony is hardly an addict. A liar? Yes.
This girl who died in the snow storm--they suspected that weekend prior to her death was her 1st 'try' of Meth. Look what happened to her and her boyfriend, Casey didn't need treatment as she was fresh into it?
This girl who died in the snow storm--they suspected that weekend prior to her death was her 1st 'try' of Meth. Look what happened to her and her boyfriend, Casey didn't need treatment as she was fresh into it?
I do know someone who is addicted to meth and it has taken about 2 years though Im not sure of the amount of usage for the signs to show dramatically... (black teeth, dramatic weight loss, boney face, blackness around eyes, blisters on face)

So perhaps each person is different, and she could have been into it only the time length she has known Tony. . . Who knows.

This case is really bizarre and theres so much to think about! :behindbar
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