Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #84

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Bottom line - its sad. Pathetically sad. All the Anthonys' need to stop lying and tell the truth. Period.
"It's been 28 days"

That's 58 days.

I wonder what benefit a kidnapper has for keeping a 3 year old hostage for 58 days while being watched. What do you think their purpose is? Seems like a lot of trouble for no ransom or exchange.

Listen these grandparents have gone back and forth on reasons and excuses for this child being missing, from her being missing because the babysitter thought she could give her a better life, to kidnappers, to transients, to now people and entire group of people.

When are the aliens coming?

I am so angry so very angry and I am not even a relative. Do the Anthony's have other family? Like sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles???? Close friends? Godparents? Who are Caylee's godparents if she is catholic?

Can't anyone put an end to this disgusting charade????!!! Caylee does not deserve this circus.

What are we going to hear next that Caylee walked off on her owna nd is lost..

IMO I think the Anthony’s are setting up there defense case,
I hope that when and IF this case ever ends, and it's learned these self proclaimed psychics are NOT what they appear to be, people will realize this is hockus pokus and should not be inserted into missing person's cases.

It's disruptive to the investigation and also the mental well being of the victim's family. False hopes, false leads.

What these people put the family through is very sad, imo. :(

MAYBE the ones in this case are hockus pokus....
BUT I DO BELIEVE that psychics can have great information....
Okay...trying to gain some composure here... How many of YOU would stand idly by (or ride around with a billboard for hours) while you knew EXACTLY who had your granddaughter, where she was, and your own daughter sat rotting in jail on suspicions of homicide??!! I can't think of one single thing that would stop me from "movin in on them". This is horse . Unbelievable.

Exactly!! I'd like to think its true, but I've never heard of any situation like this where the location of a missing child was known and a SWAT team wasn't assembled to get her/him out right away. And I don't think they would announce it to the media to give them advanced warning. Maybe they just have a suspicion of where she is (whether grounded in reality or not) and hope that a threat like that will smoke them out?? :confused: While I would love to believe she is alive, I just don't see how she could be - but as another poster said last week, I will happily eat my share of crow (and I'm a vegetarian lol!) if this is true! And send a HUGE welcome home package to little Caylee! I still don't think its going to happen though. :(
Nothing wrong with wanting proof, Miss Lisa. We ARE all Sleuthers here and that's what we're searching for...
Miimaa, I read in the arrest warrant a few threads ago that Casey's "excuse" for going to the clubs was to try to find Zenaida Gonzalez. :rolleyes:

I read that. Drinking, dancing and rubbing other women. Hmmm.... I know when I've had too many I don't remember things so maybe she actually did see the kidnappers at the club but can't recall.

Also - I would not be out partying like a rock star if I knew someone had my baby. I swear to God I would get my hands on a gun and kill someone to get my baby back.

Zackly...!!!! :mad:
Yes -- you can see Casey desperately scouring the clubs in the "blue dress" photos.

Yep, she sure looked like she was desperately searching for the woman that reportedly "stole" her child, didn't she? :crazy: :slap:
Exactly - and George now told the world about them being watched so these people who are being watched by those people have now had their scam discovered by the american people and us people want to know who them people are who are watching those people.

I think it has all been figured out.


Word to the word! Why would you want everyone to know they are being watched??

Okay...trying to gain some composure here... How many of YOU would stand idly by (or ride around with a billboard for hours) while you knew EXACTLY who had your granddaughter, where she was, and your own daughter sat rotting in jail on suspicions of homicide??!! I can't think of one single thing that would stop me from "movin in on them". This is horse . Unbelievable.


Excellent first post!!! I was just about to post the exact same thing!

:Welcome-12-june: :)

Thank you! Believe me...I've been lurking for a while. Had issues registering. But I'm here now!
Maybe she thought she had her hidden in those shorts somewhere so she had to grind on her to see. Geeze.

Do Cindy and George really not see how all of them are coming off? And if I were Lee, personally, I'd slap Casey if/when she ever got out for treating him as she did. Cindy and George must like her treatment of them. They back her and let it continue, and continue and continue.
The accidental drowning theory doesn't really jive with me, because it could easily have been reported with no jail time. Given that CAsey has no problem lying, she could easily have made up any story about how it happened if there were no witnesses. That's the same problem with any accidental death scenario - Casey could easily make up a story to explain it, and not have gone thru the 31 day charade of hiding Caylee's disappearance from everyone, and now ending up with a felony neglect charge at the very least.

I think something much more sinister happened.

I also believe something more sinister happened, I can't buy into the accidental drowning.
I don't speak the same language as the family seems to, but surely Mr. A means that they are watching the alleged or suspected kidnappers and their movements, to see if they lead them to Caylee, who must not be there in these "known" locations. Otherwise, it is total nonsense. Well, it is anyway, but, still . . . They are using what, mercenaries to watch them? I assume they have told this info to LE. Too much.
When I first heard this on Anderson Cooper this morning, my first thought was that I hope they're not trying to set up someone else to take the fall for whatever Casey has done.
They have really fallen off the deep end, IMO.
That doesn't make sense to me. There are so many things a biological father can do to "get" his child. Kidnapping doesn't seem to be the thing to do. And even if he did...why not come forward explaining - both him and Casey.

Even if it was Caylee's biological father, why wouldn't Casey have gone to the police? She still had legal custody of her daughter.
lets keep an open mind this may be true. imo

don't we all wish? But then what happened in the car? we know it was not pizza and cleaning supplies...unfoturnately this is another dilusional story that casey has come up with to distract, confuse and give her family more false hope :-(
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