Caylee's Shoes...Important Clue?

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or put to bed in her clothes by a lazy or tired adult.

sounds more like KC ! ! !

KC is very difficult to understand...
she could tell the truth.... it would be the Motherly thing to do..
doubt that she ever ~ Never ~ ever will.

Caylee's remains had none of the clothes GA describes her wearing when she and KC left the house on June 16th.

Remember, KC is reported to have told the lady bountyhunter "they haven't even found her clothes yet". Her shoes will be with those clothes I would imagine.

The question for me is...why did KC change Caylee's clothes?

George statement was that she was wearing a pink shirt and blue jean shorts.

Caylee was found with a pink shirt that says "Big trouble comes in small packages."

It is not a stretch to think that Caylee may have soiled herself and needed her shorts changed.

At this point, the bounty hunter story is hearsay and it not be given to us in a doc dump. Until it is, I am treating that as a red herring.

Casey could have been saying that to throw them off.
In addition to her not being found with shoes, it has always bugged me that Cindy said in the Greta interview that she washed Caylee's sheets every week since she has been missing. Huh? Why did she keep washing the sheets over and over and over? What was on those sheets? Chloroform? Blood? And she certainly knew the blanket was missing. Hmmmm...between Caylee being found with her blanket, no shoes, and Cindy washing those sheets over and over again, I think Caylee was killed in her bed.

My first impression is usually my best thought.

When I watched the interview when it first aired, I saw the dogs on the bed.
I thought she was washing them once a week because the dogs were laying on the bed and just in case Caylee came home she would want them clean.

Then I heard Caylee slept with Casey and not on that bed at all.

Now I think Cindy was trying to sound like a good grandmother and she blatantly lied to "look good" or in someway garner symapthy.

I noticed this family says extra stuff that doesn't mean anything because they thinks it emphasizes or justifies them, not realizing it makes them sound dumb.
Casey's comment about them not finding Caylee's clothes (or something to that effect) makes me think there were some clothes, and possibly shoes, that were thrown away. Surely Casey wouldn't describe the outfit Caylee was really wearing when she died, in her written statement to LE. She would want to distance herself further away from that, IMO. I wonder if the clothes Casey described in her written statement to LE were the ones she threw away ? Hope I am making sense...
Good work thinking about the clothes and shoes, guys. I know sometimes I put my kids to bed in clean, comfortable clothes (not actually pajamas), but maybe a pair of stretchy shorts and a shirt. However, they wouldn't normally match perfectly the way daytime clothes do...
I think it is HUGE if there were no shoes found!

Didn't Cindy say that ZFG had everything Cayllee needed? So in fact Caylee could show up neeked and all would be okay. Blech - if I ever showed up at my Nanny's house with my son without shoes...oh wait....I never would.

Something is very wrong with this picture. In light of KC's statement "they haven't found her clothes yet".

It is funny that the exact outfit Casey describes Caylee wearing, in her written statement, is the exact outfit George describes seeing her in, on the 16th. Could it be coincidence because that really was the last outfit Caylee was seen in ? Well, it wasn't what she was found in, so I think there was some cooberation on that description at some point.
or put to bed in her clothes by a lazy or tired adult.

or taken from the house after a huge fight and before Caylee was put to bed. I doubt that CA allowed anyone to trudge through those beige carpets with shoes on.
that bothers me also... & certainly I would NOT be broadcasting it!!

Weird... talking about air dirty laundry
talking about doing the laundry !

clean / or other wise.... I feel it is weird to make the statements
to the PRESS....

perhaps to the LE/ ? but even still.... what is this accomplishing ?
what is the M E S S A G E ?

God Bless!

PI Cindy thinks the deed was done in Caylees bed. :eek:
Why else keep on cleaning the bed sheets? over and over :confused:
The baby's smell should be precious to her.
or taken from the house after a huge fight and before Caylee was put to bed. I doubt that CA allowed anyone to trudge through those beige carpets with shoes on.

well spotted lexington! i'll just bet it's one of those houses where everyone takes their shoes off at the door.
Good work thinking about the clothes and shoes, guys. I know sometimes I put my kids to bed in clean, comfortable clothes (not actually pajamas), but maybe a pair of stretchy shorts and a shirt. However, they wouldn't normally match perfectly the way daytime clothes do...

Me too...when the laundry needed doing :)

I have a feeling that unless it was Cindy who put her to bed, Caylee just fell asleep in whatever she was wearing at the time. I can't picture Casey putting down her phone or getting off the computer to change Caylee into PJ's, tuck her in, read to her, kiss her goodnight and all the other things a decent, caring mother would try to do. I think that poor child just fell asleep from exhaustion whenever Casey was "caring" for her. Unless, of course, they were at Tony's. With other people around, Casey might have begrudgingly read her a story to put on the "I"m a great mother" show.
Long ago when Caylee said "they did not find her cloths yet".
That was all I needed to hear to know that Casey knew exactly what is going on.
I would imagine the shoes are with whatever cloths she was making reference to.
How on earth would Casey know that her cloths need to be found?
Why didn't she just assume that the cloths would be worn by Caylee? when she is found.
or the extra cloth would be in a back pack or a plastic bag.
Just that statement alone is a red flag.

And IMO the reason that 911 call was not made sooner is because they all had to
talk and make sure that they are aligned in all the details that they wanted to give to LE.
I am convinced that LE dad knew exactly what to say and not say to the police.
And what is really strange is that even GA's finger prings are not on the shed or the gas tanks :confused:
I'm thinking you might be onto something here Bond. Following are the contents of the Dora the Explorer "Adorable" Backpack:

  • First pocket
    • Violet light color comb
    • Toothpaste "Spider-Man" with # 03-2010
    • Tootbrush "Reach"
  • Inside
    • Nice'n Toddler clean wipes (pack) serial #7488754530
    • Two pull-ups
Sure looks like the backpack was partially packed for an overnight somewhere, with a glaring omission being a change of clothes.

I suppose KC and a live Caylee could have gone to JBP and have enough time for playground activity on the 16th between 4:53 and 5:58...or perhaps there was another nearby playground, closer to Tony's. Another possibility to consider is that KC changed Caylee's clothes after she died, perhaps on the 17th when backed into the garage for the first time.

Did any of the TES searches produce a bag of children's clothes in JBP or on the route between Tony's and GA / CA? None was entered into evidence, but would be interesting to know.

...recall the clothing recovered early in the case (8/16/08) from JBP. IIRC, it included the pink-camouflage bag, etc.

I don't recall if it included any shoes, but, did include some jeans, woman's black top, etc. Not to be confused w/ the polka-dot women's underwear that was found (pic of it hanging on a fence IIRC). That find drew alot of attention owing to the pic of Casey sitting w/ Iassen wearing something in a similar design. There are pics available of the clothing found - albeit hard to tell through the plastic bags much about the contents, FWIW.

ETA: Link to the pics here. Also noting, as was pointed out @ the time of the find. The park had been thoroughly searched following Nicole G's murder ~6/9, suggesting these items 'appeared' post-6/9, FWIW. I've seen much better resolution images available...this was just the first link I could grab & provide.

ETA2: I have been forever affected by time spent on the Crime Scene Photo's thread. :bang: I just noticed for the first time in the linked photos above that there was a book or magazine underneath the palmetto behind the clothing. That escaped my attention first time 'round.
I'm thinking you might be onto something here Bond. Following are the contents of the Dora the Explorer "Adorable" Backpack:

  • First pocket
    • Violet light color comb
    • Toothpaste "Spider-Man" with # 03-2010
    • Tootbrush "Reach"
  • Inside
    • Nice'n Toddler clean wipes (pack) serial #7488754530
    • Two pull-ups
Sure looks like the backpack was partially packed for an overnight somewhere, with a glaring omission being a change of clothes.

*resp. snipped.
i don't see it as being necessarily packed in anticipation of anything in particular. caylee had her own toothbrush and hairbrush at the anthony house. i'm willing to bet that these items were a permanent fixture in that backpack. casey dragged her all over the place, days and nights, i think she'd just leave the toothbrush and other essentials in that bag all the time and add or remove pjs and clothes as needed.
most mothers of small children tote items very much like this (minus the toothbrush and paste) w/ them everywhere they go, i know i did.
*resp. snipped.
i don't see it as being necessarily packed in anticipation of anything in particular. caylee had her own toothbrush and hairbrush at the anthony house. i'm willing to bet that these items were a permanent fixture in that backpack. casey dragged her all over the place, days and nights, i think she'd just leave the toothbrush and other essentials in that bag all the time and add or remove pjs and clothes as needed.
most mothers of small children tote items very much like this (minus the toothbrush and paste) w/ them everywhere they go, i know i did.

I wouldn't be surprised if Cindy was the one who made sure the basic items were in there. In fact, didn't she say she always emptied it and cleaned it, removed partially eaten snacks, juice boxes, etc? I seem to recall her saying that at some point.
Baby wipes and a change of pull-ups are exactly what Casey would have taken with her to sit in her car for an hour waiting for George to leave for work.

After Casey and Caylee came back in. Casey probably took Caylee's shoes off, changed her into clean pull-ups and clean shorts and put her down for a nap. Casey never had to bring Caylee's backpack in to repack it with a change of clothes because Caylee wasn't alive.

After a drive to Mt. Dora and eating chili with her great grandmother, Caylee would have been bathed (or gone for a swim) and dressed in pjs before being put into her bed.

The next morning Casey dressed Caylee in her play clothes, packed the baby wipes, pull-ups and mama doll, drove a little ways away and waited for George leave for work. Then Casey and Caylee came back to the Anthony house where Caylee could be put down for her nap and Casey could text in air-conditioned comfort.

It is interesting that in this report, OCSO Supplemental, Debbie P. (supervisor of Cindy) says on the 15th (when Cindy returned to work after the tow lot incident), that Cindy was angry and said the car was a mess and the baby's car seat and clothes were left in the car.

On the same report, Charles (another co-worker of Cindy's) says that on the 15th of June Cindy returns to work and sounds angry, making a statement to them that the car "smells like a dead body". Cindy also mentions that the car seat was there with some of Caylee's clothes, her "favorite" doll, and some toys.

I don't remember that any of Caylee's clothes were found in Casey's car and taken as evidence by LE ...

Link to report
Cindy told Debbie P. that the car had Caylee's baby doll and backpack. She told Debbie B. that the car was a mess and had the car seat and clothes. Charles heard the car was a mess and contained Caylee's clothes, "favorite" doll and toys.

I think all three told LE exactly what they thought Cindy said on July 15.
It is interesting that in this report, OCSO Supplemental, Debbie P. (supervisor of Cindy) says on the 15th (when Cindy returned to work after the tow lot incident), that Cindy was angry and said the car was a mess and the baby's car seat and clothes were left in the car.

On the same report, Charles (another co-worker of Cindy's) says that on the 15th of June Cindy returns to work and sounds angry, making a statement to them that the car "smells like a dead body". Cindy also mentions that the car seat was there with some of Caylee's clothes, her "favorite" doll, and some toys.

I don't remember that any of Caylee's clothes were found in Casey's car and taken as evidence by LE ...

Link to report

I don't remember anything of Caylee's being listed either. But then, I have a really bad memory :)

It's just blows my mind...not only does Cindy go back to work after smelling death in the car, she shares this little tidbit with her coworkers and she's angry??? WTF was she thinking?? Perhaps she thought Casey merely murdered one of her friends? Or maybe it was just Casey's body stinking up the car? I will never ever understand how this woman's mind works!

OK, going OT and bordering on a rant...I'll be in the corner :runaway:
Can someone remind me please.
Didn't GA put some things in some dumpster?
I think he said it was stuffed dolls or something left outside by the home?
Was that dumpster ever looked into by LE?
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