China - Rescuers save newborn from sewer pipe


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Jan 26, 2004
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BEIJING (AP) — Chinese firefighters have rescued a newborn boy from a sewer pipe below a squat toilet, sawing out an L-shaped section and then delicately dismantling it to free the cocooned baby, who greeted the rescuers with cries.

A tenant heard the baby's sounds in the public restroom of a residential building in Zhejiang province in eastern China on Saturday and notified authorities, according to the state-run news site Zhejiang News. A video of the two-hour rescue that followed was broadcast widely on Chinese news programs and websites late Monday and Tuesday..........

The child — named Baby No. 59 from the number of his hospital incubator — was reported safe in a nearby hospital, and news of the rescue prompted an outpouring from strangers who came to the hospital with diapers, baby clothes, powdered milk and offers to adopt the child.

Police are treating the case as an attempted homicide, and are looking for the mother and anyone else involved in the incident.......more.......

This link has a video of the baby's rescue...amazing that he survived!

............But still, the baby was stuck, so both the section of pipe and the infant were taken to a local hospital.

Working together, rescuers and doctors began removing the pipe, piece by piece, as shown in video from CCTV.

It shows the exact moment hands in white gloves gingerly pulled away a part of the pipe, revealing the tiny face of a newborn.

The afterbirth was still attached.............
China: mother of baby freed from sewer pipe speaks out

Twenty-two-year-old said she kept pregnancy secret after father refused to stand by her and she could not afford abortion.


The 22-year-old said she went to the shared bathroom when she felt abdominal cramps, state media reported. When the baby slipped into the sewer pipe she was unable to free him.


Police in Pujiang declined to comment on whether the mother would face charges, saying the case was under investigation. But an employee at Punan police station, which previously handled the case, told the Guardian it was "an accident".

The mother of the Chinese newborn trapped in a sewer pipe in a stunning ordeal caught on video had raised the initial alarm and was present for the entire two-hour rescue but did not admit giving birth until confronted by police, reports said Wednesday.


Dushikuaibao said the mother was present throughout the entire rescue and expressed her concern for the child, though that didn't immediately rouse suspicion of the police.
Sorry to say this, but I have my doubts about that mother.
It sounds like she will probably get the baby if she wants him.
She's been at the hospital with him, visiting him and everything.
So hopefully it really was just an accident.
It's common that Chinese squat with legs spread apart over a flat toilet built into the floor. The opening for body waste can be quite large so I can see how easily a baby could fall through one even if the mother wasn't squatting over it but was lying on the floor or something.

*There is even a 'squatting movement' going on here in the US. Many believe that it's a healthier and easier way to defecate. I found this out when I saw an add for something called a Squatty Potty!

The woman told police she got pregnant after a brief affair with the man, hid her pregnancy from family and neighbours, and secretly delivered the child on Saturday in a rental building's toilet.

She said the infant accidentally slipped into the squat toilet and she raised the alarm. She did not initially claim the child was hers.

The police said she tried to retrieve the baby with a stick, then decided to flush the toilet to clear away the blood.

The 6.2-pound baby still had his placenta attached to his body, reports said, suggesting he had just been born

The baby was just 2 days old when residents of an apartment community discovered him trapped inside a sewage pipe, The Associated Press reported.

The baby, now 6 pounds, 2.8 ounces, is recovering from minor scratches from his ordeal, but is now back with his mother at their Pujiang area home, AP reported.
Seriously? She tried to get the baby out with a stick and then decided to flush away the blood? What did she think was going to happen to the baby when she was flushing away the blood?
Seriously? She tried to get the baby out with a stick and then decided to flush away the blood? What did she think was going to happen to the baby when she was flushing away the blood?

If you look at the babies feet you will see at least three round scabs, I'm thinking that is from her trying to push him though with that stick not retrieve him.
I am kind of surprised Chinese decided to give the child back to her. I though that they had no nonsense approach.
Now, if CPS did that, it would not have surprised me.

In 2007, according to a spokesman of the Committee on the One-Child Policy, approximately 35.9% of China's population was subject to a one-child restriction.

It restricts urban couples to only one child, while allowing additional children in several cases, including twins, rural couples, ethnic minorities, and couples who are both only children themselves

Not wanting her child, but unwilling to leave him to die in the drain, she reportedly notified a neighbor of sounds coming from the pipes, who then called police to investigate.

Jinhua police said on Tuesday that the case was being treated as an attempted murder investigation, but with the mother in custody having admitted the boy was her child, it was unclear whether police would charge her. int...harge-against-chinese-mother-of-baby-in-sewer

She admitted she was the mother two days later when confronted by police who had found baby toys and blood-stained tissues in her apartment, the reports said.

This article today says the mother is in the hospital and the baby was released to her parents.

(CNN) -- A newborn baby boy who was found alive inside a toilet pipe in Jinhua, China, has been released from a hospital and taken home by his maternal grandparents, police said.

The child's mother is still being treated at the hospital, but has been cooperating with the investigation, Xiang Jiangsong, a police official, said Thursday.

The police are labeling the case an "accident" at this time, and no charges have been filed against the mother............

The landlord saw the baby and called police, the officer said, adding that the woman later begged police not to tell her story to anyone, including her parents, because she didn't want public attention, according to the officer.

The mother's parents have agreed to help the mother take care of the baby, and police have identified a man they believe is the father. The police are conducting blood tests to confirm paternity, the officer told CNN.

Fang said that the mother has legal custody of the child and can decide if she wants help from the baby's father.

More at link....

I'm sorry, I don't trust her and hope the grandparents stay involved or keep him in their home.

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