Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

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As in "two for one" strike of a keystroke ....... birds of a feather, flock together ....... naw, ICA and IKC is what I like. Emphasis on the double I's or we could use ICA for KC and Ica for CA. Kinda/sorta takes CA down a level using lower case letters.


IDK.... KC is the one who actually intentionally murdered Caylee.... I know CA's actions over the years may have contributed, but could she get any lower than KC?

IDK.... KC is the one who actually intentionally murdered Caylee.... I know CA's actions over the years may have contributed, but could she get any lower than KC?

She produced and nurtured ICA to become the sociopath and narcessic person she is today.
Why would Kc be emotional? She already knew all this information.IMO She is the one who kept her head during all of this.IMO Someone had to be calm and explain to the police what happened.IMO Ca was in no condition to make any sense at that point. IMO The fact that Kc was not emotional may help her. IMO Many children lie to their parents because their parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO It is my opinion that Ca harbored these lies throughout the years and actually supported them. IMO This was always her easy way out. IMO Kc simply followed protocol and continued to lie to her parents to keep them happy. IMO Once Kc gave Ca the cold hard facts that Caylee was missing, Ca lost it, furthermore proving my point that the parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO Kc grew up in this vortex of circular lies and rules. IMO Kc was never allowed to tell the truth or be herself. IMO, it is no wonder she was looking to move out. IMO At that point on that phone call, Kc had to step out of the family unit and be calm and talk to the 911 operator in a calm manner. IMO This is nothing new in my opinion. Families live these lies all the time. Kc has a personal family counselor type of person that has interviewed her family members. IMO Kc was still a child living in that home (the home of the lies) (the only way to survive is to lie), she had never left home... IMO I am so glad that my parents supported my independence and let me be who I wanted to be and not some lie that they wished me to be. La was able to get out, being single and no children.IMO Lucky him. IMO Once Kc had a baby she was trapped in Ga and Ca life of lies. That is a route to her compelling reasons for her actions, but not motive for murder of her child. IMO This phone call may be crucial in proving to the jury that Kc was not living under ideal conditions. IMO The 64000 dollar question is, does Kc really know in her heart what is right and what is wrong? after growing up and living in this vaccum of lies. IMO So yes, I believe you are right, the gold is in Kc's voice on the phone call. IMO
But she didn't want to talk to can hear her say that. What could possibly be the explanation for that? She was able to speak to LE without CA being there, why lie then? Eerily calm...throughout...doesn't bode well for her IMO.
Need we remind nts that ICAs second 911 produced more a emotional voice than the first conversation. When she dialed 911 to report the protesters throwing rocks at HER house ....
I just speak from experience in my own life. That may come from being on the lower end of the income scale not sure. In my experience, police respond quicker when they are under pressure of some sort. It needs to be urgent and not some stolen car that happens to be in their own garage. I think she also said my daughter was missing and I just found her. These are not emergencies and no pressure to respond quickly. Now if you say your granddaughter is missing and it smells like there's been a dead body in the car, that will raise an eyebrow and get a response. Most people who have experienced any use of the police understand this. It must be urgent to get a quick response. This is nothing new to Ca. She knew this. all my opinion

BBM...I, having extensive experience in these circumstances say this to you...people do say things to get the police to respond faster. It happens very often. However, they don't use things as a ruse that are in fact true.. They make things up. CA wasn't making anything up, because everything she said turned out to be true. Hence, that reasoning defies logic.

Also your "no pressure" to respond or "urgent" to get a quick response comments are quite contradictory. There is "no pressure" to respond if the call is not "urgent" as calls are PRIORITIZED. You stated it must be "urgent" to get a response...again, use some logic. Of course if its urgent it gets a higher priority and thus a faster response. Calls are prioritized.
Perfect. All of you should wear your own t-shirts that say just exactly that in court.

Sorry, I'd never wear a tee-shirt to court.....although, back at the beginning a lot of folks were wearing Justice for Caylee shirts.
It just looked tacky to me.
I just speak from experience in my own life. That may come from being on the lower end of the income scale not sure. In my experience, police respond quicker when they are under pressure of some sort. It needs to be urgent and not some stolen car that happens to be in their own garage. I think she also said my daughter was missing and I just found her. These are not emergencies and no pressure to respond quickly. Now if you say your granddaughter is missing and it smells like there's been a dead body in the car, that will raise an eyebrow and get a response. Most people who have experienced any use of the police understand this. It must be urgent to get a quick response. This is nothing new to Ca. She knew this. all my opinion
Then it's not a stretch to think that she also knew what a dead body smelled like...being so experienced.
Good grief people ... we are up to 20 pages already, lol with 6 days to go.
Need we remind nts that ICAs second 911 produced more a emotional voice than the first conversation. When she dialed 911 to report the protesters throwing rocks at HER house ....

And, when she called to tell that her parents were outside and that there was going to be "altercations" if someone didn't get there pronto.

Not that I believe for one minute that she was afraid if her parents happened to get hurt, she was more afraid that they might have gott on past her parents, and into the house, and on her like stink on dirty sheets.
Yeah, she was upset with those phone calls.
I think she even mentions that she had called previously, and were still waiting on help to arrive??

IMO, when all those 911 calls are played, back to back in the order that they were recieved, it will show a more emtionally upset/distraught Casey hiding in the house than reporting her daughter missing, when she thought her life could be in danger next.
Good grief people ... we are up to 20 pages already, lol with 6 days to go.

Full moon?????.....................hmmpff - just took a look out my back door and see nothing but stars. Moon might be on the other side of the house??
Anyone got a full moon????
LOL ~ Yeah, we're baaaaaaaaaaad...
Why would Kc be emotional? She already knew all this information.IMO She is the one who kept her head during all of this.IMO Someone had to be calm and explain to the police what happened.IMO Ca was in no condition to make any sense at that point. IMO The fact that Kc was not emotional may help her. IMO Many children lie to their parents because their parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO It is my opinion that Ca harbored these lies throughout the years and actually supported them. IMO This was always her easy way out. IMO Kc simply followed protocol and continued to lie to her parents to keep them happy. IMO Once Kc gave Ca the cold hard facts that Caylee was missing, Ca lost it, furthermore proving my point that the parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO Kc grew up in this vortex of circular lies and rules. IMO Kc was never allowed to tell the truth or be herself. IMO, it is no wonder she was looking to move out. IMO At that point on that phone call, Kc had to step out of the family unit and be calm and talk to the 911 operator in a calm manner. IMO This is nothing new in my opinion. Families live these lies all the time. Kc has a personal family counselor type of person that has interviewed her family members. IMO Kc was still a child living in that home (the home of the lies) (the only way to survive is to lie), she had never left home... IMO I am so glad that my parents supported my independence and let me be who I wanted to be and not some lie that they wished me to be. La was able to get out, being single and no children.IMO Lucky him. IMO Once Kc had a baby she was trapped in Ga and Ca life of lies. That is a route to her compelling reasons for her actions, but not motive for murder of her child. IMO This phone call may be crucial in proving to the jury that Kc was not living under ideal conditions. IMO The 64000 dollar question is, does Kc really know in her heart what is right and what is wrong? after growing up and living in this vaccum of lies. IMO So yes, I believe you are right, the gold is in Kc's voice on the phone call. IMO

The answer for most parents to the bolded part is that anytime your child is missing or kidnapped it doesn't matter how long of a time has passed the parent will more often than not still be emotional and upset about the child. For example Natalie Hollaways (sp?) mom. Even after all these years she is still emotional and upset when talking about her daughter. To me that is the normal response. What is not normal is what Casey has done. I believe that the jury will be people that also think it is not normal.

Being calm does not help the police in this situation if you are going to lie to them about every detail of the past 31 days. There was no nanny. There was no job. There was no kidnapped child. Casey lied to police to try and get out of trouble. It worked with Cindy so she thought it would work with the police.

It also doesn't help that Cindy lied as well. She can try and take back what she said but it won't do any good. The 911 calls will come in for the exact reasons that the SA wants them in. Cindy will have to tell the truth while under oath or she will find herself in a jail cell near Casey. Caylee deserved more from her "family".

MOO know, I often agree with you on many points..for example, I, like you, believe that KC was neglected and abused. Your post here is very hard to read with all the IMO's in every single sentence. I do agree that KC's home environment was AWFUL and she has become who she is due to emotional abuse and likely sexual and physical abuse. I totally disagree that the cold manner she had during the 911 call will help her. On the contrary, that cold tone in both that call and her call home indicates a true complete lack of concern for Caylee. Indeed in the call to home there is apparent contempt for Caylee. Most people will not have a scintilla of sympathy for KC even though you and I understand her better than most. I do feel sorry for KC--but a tiny child like Caylee trumps a 23 year old "victim" every time. What the calm demeanor tells us is that KC was on auto pilot. When a child is missing there needs to be appropriate response. KC is very ill "IMO" and maybe Andrea Lyon and her batch were/are going to proffer the reasons behind her inappropriate response. I hope so..because it would be good for everyone to understand how KC became so detached and inhuman. I hope the truth comes out.

Thanks for the kind response :) IMO lol I have found that the IMO is the best way to move forward in these threads. And rightfully and respectfully so after each sentence. IMO I realize it butchers my text and takes away some of my ability to get the point across, but it is well worth it to move forward to get to the truth for Caylee. IMO

The problem I have is that Ca's tone and Kc's tone in the phone call do not in any way shape or form prove premeditated murder. IMO The state continues to come up with all these lies and demeaner, but not any real proof of premeditated murder. IMO It makes me wonder if they really do have a case here. IMO The states actions show me weakness in their case. IMO It is my opinion that the state is relying on one hair, a trace of butric acid, an unproven smell device, a questionable piece of tape and a whole sleugh of A family lies to prove premeditated murder. IMO I realize the case is highly circumstantial and based on Kc being a liar. IMO In this huge cloud of lies, the Jury will have to try to figure out what is true. IMO In the back of their minds they may wonder if the State really knows what has really happened here. IMO We have yet to hear the defense side of the story. IMO
In my life, when I hear only one side of the story, I realize that I only have a half truth. IMO a half truth is no better than a lie. IMO I must hold out for the defense side to get to the whole truth for Caylee. IMO
Set your preferences for more posts/page. I only have 5 pages...
Learn something new every day. Ok, its up to 494 with this post. Wowza

Thank you, didn't know we could do this. I changed it to 100 posts per page, but I think I might change it to a lower number.
Thanks for the kind response :) IMO lol I have found that the IMO is the best way to move forward in these threads. And rightfully and respectfully so after each sentence. IMO I realize it butchers my text and takes away some of my ability to get the point across, but it is well worth it to move forward to get to the truth for Caylee. IMO

The problem I have is that Ca's tone and Kc's tone in the phone call do not in any way shape or form prove premeditated murder. IMO The state continues to come up with all these lies and demeaner, but not any real proof of premeditated murder. IMO It makes me wonder if they really do have a case here. IMO The states actions show me weakness in their case. IMO It is my opinion that the state is relying on one hair, a trace of butric acid, an unproven smell device, a questionable piece of tape and a whole sleugh of A family lies to prove premeditated murder. IMO I realize the case is highly circumstantial and based on Kc being a liar. IMO In this huge cloud of lies, the Jury will have to try to figure out what is true. IMO In the back of their minds they may wonder if the State really knows what has really happened here. IMO We have yet to hear the defense side of the story. IMO
In my life, when I hear only one side of the story, I realize that I only have a half truth. IMO a half truth is no better than a lie. IMO I must hold out for the defense side to get to the whole truth for Caylee. IMO
The state is not required to prove whether Caylee died on June 15th or 16th, nor are they required to prove manner of death. Scott Peterson was convicted of 1st degree murder without either of these firmly established. Also, a body is not required for a 1st degree murder conviction. Hans Reiser was convicted of 1st degree murder without his wife's body, then he gave it up upon conviction.
You may not believe the tone of Casey's voice shows premeditation in the 911 calls, but that is after the crime, and it is only one piece of the prosecution's puzzle. They have much more forensics, and behavior of the accused, is also a key component. Casey was the last known person seen with the deceased. know, I often agree with you on many points..for example, I, like you, believe that KC was neglected and abused. Your post here is very hard to read with all the IMO's in every single sentence. I do agree that KC's home environment was AWFUL and she has become who she is due to emotional abuse and likely sexual and physical abuse. I totally disagree that the cold manner she had during the 911 call will help her. On the contrary, that cold tone in both that call and her call home indicates a true complete lack of concern for Caylee. Indeed in the call to home there is apparent contempt for Caylee. Most people will not have a scintilla of sympathy for KC even though you and I understand her better than most. I do feel sorry for KC--but a tiny child like Caylee trumps a 23 year old "victim" every time. What the calm demeanor tells us is that KC was on auto pilot. When a child is missing there needs to be appropriate response. KC is very ill "IMO" and maybe Andrea Lyon and her batch were/are going to proffer the reasons behind her inappropriate response. I hope so..because it would be good for everyone to understand how KC became so detached and inhuman. I hope the truth comes out.

There are tons of people who have lived through childhood abuse of various kinds and they turned out to be fine upstanding pillers of their community. I don't think that jurys put much weight in the murderer's childhood and what it was like. Not with the trials that I have watched on TruTV anyway.

Personally, I don't think that Casey was abused in any way during her childhood. I think the family was disfunctional but I don't think it was that bad. A lot of familys have either a mom or a dad who wears the pants in the family. Someone who has to be in control. In some that seems to work alright.
I don't remember reading anything negative about Casey when she was young. Don't remember hearing anything negative about her in school either.
If anything she was probably a spoiled brat.
The state is not required to prove whether Caylee died on June 15th or 16th, nor are they required to prove manner of death. Scott Peterson was convicted of 1st degree murder without either of these firmly established. Also, a body is not required for a 1st degree murder conviction. Hans Reiser was convicted of 1st degree murder without his wife's body, then he gave it up upon conviction.
You may not believe the tone of Casey's voice shows premeditation in the 911 calls, but that is after the crime, and it is only one piece of the prosecution's puzzle. They have much more forensics, and behavior of the accused, is also a key component. Casey was the last known person seen with the deceased.

I think it is like comparing apples to oranges.IMO Sp had strong motive. Kc is no Sp in any way shape or form. IMO I do not believe this Jury will be comparing the two at all. And yes you are correct that the State is not required by law to provide manner of death, but they may be required by the jury. IMO
I think it is like comparing apples to oranges.IMO Sp had strong motive. Kc is no Sp in any way shape or form. IMO I do not believe this Jury will be comparing the two at all. And yes you are correct that the State is not required by law to provide manner of death, but they may be required by the jury. IMO
Actually, I see quite a bit in common with the two of them. I think they are both sociopaths who killed their children because they didn't want the responsibilities of parenthood and settling down, not having their freedom to party and hook up with the opposite sex. Neither one of them actually searched for their missing loved one-they both went out drinking, had sex,and had fake tip lines. Casey had strong motivation to kill.
Actually, I thought of one difference between the two of them, at least Scott pretended to be concerned about Laci's disappearance, whereas Casey showed no emotion in her voice or concern for Caylee's whereabouts (until the discovery of the remains!)
She produced and nurtured ICA to become the sociopath and narcessic person she is today.

Sociopaths have been quite the topic of conversation on TruTV lately and the folks who have studied sociopaths believe that a sociopath is born that way and not made by anyone to be like that. I'm inclined to agree.
Whoa...I didn't know how else to describe it. It's on the videos of her police interviews. She was all sprawled out......definitely not ladylike and proper as I would be if I were being interviewed by LE.

I wonder if that was when she was pretty medicated? When you take some meds you are just like a wet relaxed. Maybe she was on a med to help her and she just felt totally comfortable and relaxed and didn't have it together enough to think about where she was and who she was talking to.
It's hard to imagine that Cindy would sit that way if she was playing with a full deck.
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