CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #47

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I'm not being snippy. I was asking a question <modsnip> It's all good.

Sorry I should have been clearer. I wasn't accusing you of being snippy... Just that it felt like the thread was starting to feel that way in general over the last page or so! I'll shut up now! :) :blushing:
The fact that LE knew it was a court ordered visit, means ER mentioned that specifically. Don't know about Ransom, but I was the one who wondered if ER told LE of her suspicions early on before the ABC interview.

And Bender got the info from where?

Below are MSM articles (most recent first) relating to LE considering runaway theory. 11-23-12 article provides a reason for considering this theory.


&#8230; the investigation is looking at a possible abduction or the possibility of a runaway,&#8221; said spokesperson Dan Bender of the La Plata County Sheriffs Office.


"We know some people are upset that we are even considering the possibility that Dylan may have run away," Bender said. "But we are working for Dylan and we owe it to him and to his family to consider every possible scenario that could have caused him to drop out of sight for a week. To disregard any potential circumstance could cause us to overlook a possible clue that will lead us to Dylan."


&#8220;Scenarios from abduction to runaway are being examined,&#8221; the release said. &#8220;Without any new clues, we have to continue to consider any and all possibilities, he said.


Bender said the search is &#8220;looking at all possibilities ... from foul play to a runaway, and everything in between.&#8221;


"The Sheriff's Office is not ruling out the possibility of an abduction but are also exploring the possibility that Dylan may be a runaway," the La Plata County Sheriff's Office said. "Some family members indicated Dylan may not have been in favor of the court-ordered visit this week. Dylan lived and attended school for years in the area and is known by many people."


&#8230;exploring the possibility that Dylan may have run away, Bender said.


Bender: &#8220;We&#8217;re leaning toward his being a runaway.&#8221; I'll be happy to find the answers. :seeya:
Okay folks. Zero tolerance for petty bickering and baiting others in this case.

Only warning before TOs.

I'm sure you guys are aware of the "ignore" feature by now. If you can't post respectfully, then please refrain on your own.
Oh for the love of Peter, Paul and Mary. I asked about ER mentioning her suspicions to LE because I wondered why they thought he was a runaway.

Perhaps they didn't think he was a runaway. Perhaps they did. Perhaps the fishing pole found really was his. Perhaps it was found by CR. Perhaps a scent was tracked, perhaps not. We can all pick and choose what we want to believe.

See my previous post #526 - All MSM quotes about Runaway Theory. This may help clarify or answer your question.


"The Sheriff's Office is not ruling out the possibility of an abduction but are also exploring the possibility that Dylan may be a runaway," the La Plata County Sheriff's Office said. "Some family members indicated Dylan may not have been in favor of the court-ordered visit this week. Dylan lived and attended school for years in the area and is known by many people."
Dan Bender, a spokesman for the La Plata County Sheriff's Office, said investigators from the beginning had considered the possibility that a crime was the cause of Dylan's disappearance.
“We've looked at the criminal aspect early on, since the second day he was missing,” he said.
As days went by with no sign of Dylan, investigators ruled out that he ran away.
“We're left with kidnapping and foul play,” Bender said.


Direct quotes from Bender - they may have kept saying Dylan was a runaway but it seems they were not "thinking" that way from day 2....
No snarkiness intended, but did you just read all of the MSM information that TXJAN posted?

Yes, my bad on the post you quoted by me.

LE may have been looking at other possibilities, but runaway was on the table for several days. My original question <modsnip> was if ER voiced her suspicions about MR to LE from the beginning. Nothing bad on Elaine. I just wonder if LE was fed that info from the beginning. IF they were, why would they think Dylan could have been a runaway and why did it take 10 days to secure a search warrant for MR's home and vehicles. If ER didn't voice those suspicions, it's not a bad thing and I'm not accusing her of anything. It was a simple question that got warped and reworded and wound up like DNA in a nucleus.
Yeh, I get that LE ruled out runaway. But why??? Because of time passed??? I don't think there was that much time that passed, I mean that other Dillon who ran away was found after 4 months, staying with some woman. He had run away. I just don't see WHY LE would say that. Time passing doesn't count. :p

One thing LaPlata County Sheriff’s Office is considering is that Dylan may have been kidnapped.

One time during a snowstorm, Dylan was the one to stick out his thumb and hitch the boys a ride home from the library.’s-life--

11 News asked investigators if they think the boy was abducted; they say at this point they’re not sure, but are investigating every possibility. Deputies have ruled out the theory that Dylan ran away because they believe he would have contacted someone by now.

One thing LaPlata County Sheriff’s Office is considering is that Dylan may have been kidnapped.

The thought of abduction was completely unexpected, yet, investigators told Action 7 news that’s exactly what they think happened. Lieutenant Ed Phippen of the LaPlata County Sheriff’s Office said it is now a criminal investigation with the belief that whatever happened was out of Dylan’s ability to control or get out.

Dylan wouldn't have run away: He was too happy, his father said, in spite of the fact that his parents had been locked in a rough divorce battle for about seven years. It's unlikely he was abducted from this home in a tiny community where everyone knows everyone else in the offseason and few lock doors. That leaves hitchhiking. Mark said he learned from some of Dylan's friends in the wake of the disappearance that his son had been known to hitchhike. So he ponders the what-ifs and details that might have led to Dylan's hitchhiking.

Early week: Approx. Monday, 11/26 or Tuesday 11/27
Earlier in the week they (La Plata County Sheriff’s Department) said there are two possible outcomes: 1) that Dylan ran away 2) that he was abducted or foul play was involved.

His childhood friends from Bayfield, which is just over 20 miles from the area where Dylan's father lives, suggested an alternative theory that police are also looking into. They believe that Dylan may have tried hitchhiking to go see them in his old hometown, during which he was abducted.

MR: "It sounds to me like he's not even in the area," he said. He said he is concerned that a stranger could have picked up the teen and abducted him. Mark Redwine said his son is the type of kid who would go into the wild to fish or hike.

The boys said Dylan wasn’t shy about hitching rides. “Honestly, I think he was walking into Bayfield and got taken away,” he said. W. agreed.
Dan Bender, a spokesman for the La Plata County Sheriff's Office, said investigators from the beginning had considered the possibility that a crime was the cause of Dylan's disappearance.
“We've looked at the criminal aspect early on, since the second day he was missing,” he said.
As days went by with no sign of Dylan, investigators ruled out that he ran away.
“We're left with kidnapping and foul play,” Bender said.


Direct quotes from Bender - they may have kept saying Dylan was a runaway but it seems they were not "thinking" that way from day 2....

Sorry, but that's like a hindsight 20/20. They can say they thought it from day 2, but that's not what they showed. Isn't the big thing, actions speak louder than words?
Yeh, I get that LE ruled out runaway. But why??? Because of time passed??? I don't think there was that much time that passed, I mean that other Dillon who ran away was found after 4 months, staying with some woman. He had run away. I just don't see WHY LE would say that. Time passing doesn't count. :p


Do you mean the kid that was seen at the gas station? I'm not sure he was gone 4 you have a link or remember his last name?


Do you mean the kid that was seen at the gas station? I'm not sure he was gone 4 you have a link or remember his last name?


He was gone a couple of days and he was found hanging out at a friend's house...not even the woman he was spotted with at the gas station.
Sorry, but that's like a hindsight 20/20. They can say they thought it from day 2, but that's not what they showed. Isn't the big thing, actions speak louder than words?

Well, they were searching the lake on Thanksgiving weekend due to HRD dog alerts......

La Plata Sheriff’s Office Investigators met Sunday morning with local representatives of the FBI to share information and resources as they continue to develop leads on where Dylan may be. Scenarios ranging from abduction to runaway are being examined.

"We know some people are upset that we are even considering the possibility that Dylan may have run away. But, we are working for Dylan and we owe it to him and to his family to consider every possible scenario that could have caused him to drop out of sight for a week. To disregard any potential circumstance could cause us to overlook a possible clue that will lead us to Dylan," said Dan Bender, PIO for La Plata County Sheriff’s Office.
MSM Articles/Statements to DISCOUNT (or POSSIBLY Discount)

This is still a work in progress. Anyone who has a suggestion to add, please feel free to discuss, post your addition and/or comment(s), and I will update. When it is finalized, I can post it in the timeline with the appropriate theory headings.

My attempt in doing this is to provide discussion for both SUPPORT of each theory as well as things that DISCOUNT the theory.

1. No communication to RN/friends before he set out to hitchhike and RN &#8220;expected&#8221; to hear from him.

RN said he would have expected Dylan to text him Monday morning if he overslept or at least to say when he was headed down to Bayfield.

2. DR never responded to RN&#8217;s text when DR was 15 minutes late arriving in Bayfield.

Expecting Dylan, Ryan set his alarm and woke up at 6:30 a.m. At 6:46, he sent a text to his friend, asking where he was. But Dylan never responded.

3. MR told him he would be back to take him to his friends and DR acknowledged that he understood.

&#8220;He was sleeping on the couch, and I told him I had to go about my errands,&#8221; Mark Redwine said in a Sunday telephone interview. &#8220;He said, &#8216;OK, I understand.&#8217; The focus for him was to go to his friend&#8217;s, but I live far back in the canyon.

4. Fishing pole missing, backpack missing, nothing left at home.

"I question why it has taken this long to start scouring the lake because from Day One they have known it is likely he had a fishing pole with him," Redwine, 52, said.

When he got back at 11:30, his son's dirty cereal bowl was beside the sink. The television was on Nickelodeon. His son's fishing pole was gone. So was his black-and-gray backpack. A few articles of clothing were left behind on the couch."

5. Elaine Redwine said she and Dylan had talked about being safe, including not hitchhiking. &#8220;It would be uncharacteristic of Dylan to do that,&#8221; she said.

6. MR&#8217;s poly inconclusive and/or failed. Did not take poly offered by JT on DP show. (Need to add link)

Well&#8230;they told me that I failed it. Then they told me it was inconclusive&#8230; and there was some question about the person giving the polygraph as to whether or not they were capable of performing that&#8230; polygraph test&#8230;
Dr. Phil Transcript

7. Phippen said all of the local registered sex offenders had been checked out and had alibis for the 48-hour period from when Dylan arrived at the airport to the time he was reported missing. Phippen wanted to reassure residents that the Sheriff&#8217;s Office &#8220;does not believe there is a sex offender abducting children&#8221; from the area.

There are 144 registered sex offenders in La Plata County, according to the Sheriff&#8217;s Office website; 56 of those are not named on the website. Two are shown with Bayfield addresses.
Yeh, I get that LE ruled out runaway. But why??? Because of time passed??? I don't think there was that much time that passed, I mean that other Dillon who ran away was found after 4 months, staying with some woman. He had run away. I just don't see WHY LE would say that. Time passing doesn't count. :p

Police stated that it was a variety of factors as quoted in these articles.

Law-enforcement task force discarded the possibility that he ran away Dan Bender said. He has a history of staying in contact with his family and friends; and there&#8217;s been nothing on his cell phone record since he was reported missing

Dylan Redwine did not run away, police say.
&#8220;There&#8217;s a combination of factors,&#8221; Bender said. &#8220;There&#8217;s been the passage of time without any sightings; Dylan was not a visitor but had friends here; he has a history of staying in contact with his family and friends; and there&#8217;s been nothing on his cellphone record since he was reported missing.&#8221;


Whether or not there were even more factors that contributed to their dismissal of that scenario, we obviously don't know.

Also of note, imo, is that MR and ER were both stating to media during this time period that neither of them thought he was a runaway. It wasn't just ER telling police that he wasn't a runaway...

I think it's also important to remember that ER said she originally did think MR in regard to the disappearance, however, with the police speaking with her, and their insistence publicly that he had runaway in the first few days it may have been enough for her to accept their dismissal of any concerns she did express. Many parents of true runaways don't want to believe their child would do that, but it does happen - sometimes without the parents realizing the warning signs as well... Also, think of Skylar Neese - her parents were positive she didn't run away, but yet the police in that case waited way too long to start investigating because they had a different opinion... It goes both ways sometimes.

As always, all of the above is MOO! :cow:
They don't need a search warrent if you give them permission. ER let them take what they needed. I'm in no way saying that MR did not let them do an in-depth search nor did he deny them (LE) the ability to take items, IMO the search at ER's was investigative and the second search at MR's was evidentiary and the need for the warrant was necessary to avoid items being tossed.

This is incorrect. They must have a search warrant in order to keep the chain of custody straight. Otherwise, whatever LE takes without a warrant cannot be used as evidence in court.

Do you mean the kid that was seen at the gas station? I'm not sure he was gone 4 you have a link or remember his last name?


It was a kid who ran away from home and was gone for 4 months. He was staying with this woman who was hiding him. She was arrested for having sex with a minor. I don't remember his last name now. Maybe his first name wasn't Dillion because I found Dillion McKee from Pagosa Springs, CO. But I can't find when he disappeared, just that he was found on February 13th.
This is incorrect. They must have a search warrant in order to keep the chain of custody straight. Otherwise, whatever LE takes without a warrant cannot be used as evidence in court.

That is absolutely false. A search warrant isn't required to use evidence in court.
Police stated that it was a variety of factors as quoted in these articles.

Dylan Redwine did not run away, police say.
&#8220;There&#8217;s a combination of factors,&#8221; Bender said. &#8220;There&#8217;s been the passage of time without any sightings; Dylan was not a visitor but had friends here; he has a history of staying in contact with his family and friends; and there&#8217;s been nothing on his cellphone record since he was reported missing.&#8221;

See, I can discount each of these things that were listed. If he ran away, he wouldn't be seen by anyone, he'd get the heck out of Dodge. Even he had friends in the area and a history of staying in contact, if he wanted to run away, he's not going to tell anyone who might talk him out of it and stop him, as in his friends and his mom, and again, if he didn't want to be found, he wouldn't use his phone OR the battery died. Perhaps he decided to be a hobo and ride the rails. Kids hear these stories and emulate them.

Thanks for finding those links for me. :)
It was a kid who ran away from home and was gone for 4 months. He was staying with this woman who was hiding him. She was arrested for having sex with a minor. I don't remember his last name now. Maybe his first name wasn't Dillion because I found Dillion McKee from Pagosa Springs, CO. But I can't find when he disappeared, just that he was found on February 13th.

O/T...McKee wasn't gone very long. That's whom I thought you meant. :blushing:
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