CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #19

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True most if not all boys that age like *advertiser censored* but if someone is obsessed w it where it starts to interfere w studies, socializing, etc that is a problem. Also *advertiser censored* that is very violent, etc could be troublesome. There is a whole spectrum to this...

Plus we don't know if he had a juvie record. Perhaps he acted out some way and the *advertiser censored* counseling is somehow related to that...

<modsnip> We just don't know the extent of it or if it was a serious addiction or someone making him stay in couselling.
OT: Thanks isn't enough. I work in a lab studying autism and most of our kids are very high-functioning, like your son. I really hate the push to label any child who is an introvert or a little quirky as autistic. :banghead: I understand that it's human nature to want to put everything in a neat category, so that there's an easy explanation for behavior that isn't "normal," and I understand that parents especially are often desperate for a WHY, but really, hasty labeling does a disservice to kids who have a legitimate ASD diagnosis. I hate that so many of "our" kids have social difficulties because people (children AND adults) have trouble seeing past their behaviors and instead label them as "strange" and treat them without compassion. Autism isn't a synonym for "weird" or "shy," and as with so many things in life, a little understanding goes a long way.

It's like Temple Grandin says - "The world needs all kinds of brains." Your son sounds like a neat kid, and if he ever gets discouraged, maybe you can remind him of what Ms. Grandin says, because it is SO true. She's actually given a TED talk at with the same title, and I thought it was super interesting as a scientist interested in autism. You might find the same. It's only 10 or 15 minutes long but was pretty neat.

OT: Yes, the world does need all kinds of brains!

And unfortunately, most of the time you do need the label to get services in school.

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Oh no!

If true ..the poster that keeps stating the thing about internet *advertiser censored* is going to tell us ....."see!"

But I think he may be right. I do believe that internet *advertiser censored* plays a bigger part in these crimes than many of us know. There are a lot of teens that are addicted to these SICK VIOLENT *advertiser censored* sites.

I am NOT talking about regular, soft *advertiser censored*. I am not talking about the type that a couple watches together to spice up their night. I am talking about violent, gruesome images that include bestialty, or torture and /or incest. People would be surprised at how many teens are being swept up in this chit.
True but knowing kids a lot think that those that demonstrate autistic or Asperger's are "strange".

I'm not saying I think he has it just that when a classmate said someone is strange and talking to themselves they may not be able to differentiate normal autistic behavior or someone who actually is strange.

I think I agree with you, but I may just be reading what I want to hear. :waitasec: I think my problem is labeling anyone who is withdrawn, semi-friendless, considered to be a bit strange, has unusual addictions/obsessions, and maybe talks to himself schizophrenic. All of those traits can be seen in someone with a PDD, or in a normal person. I'm not saying that normal people murder and dismember little girls, but they do sometimes have those personality traits. :crazy:
this is why I say temperament parenting is so important. All babies are completely whole human beings. In utero and birth experiences (not even brain trauma, but separation trauma and traumatic birth etc) form the first imprints on them of themselves and the world. Some tiny humans are totally cool being left alone, sleeping alone, feeding from a bottle, etc. some babies feel like they're literally going to die if they sleep alone, or can't nurse at will. What some people see as no big deal, others experience as trauma. If the parenting doesn't match the child's temperament, imbalance will occur. It will damage both the child and the child's relationship with the parent, and therefore their relationship with society and authority.
At some point, I think each individual decides whether to deal with the imbalance internally or externally. Or else people either do or don't have the capacity to deal with it internally or externally. some people have to act out the pain. some people have to inflict pain on themselves.
so, there's my take. attachment and temperament parenting are essential for a healthy culture/society. it's based in neuroscience and the stress/trauma responses of infants and how their brains become wired in and develop under those hyper active corticosteroid and adrenal influences.

Excellent post!! :seeya:
What 15 year old boy with an internet doesn't have *advertiser censored* addiction?

Not making light of it but what one may constitute an addiction another may think of as normal behavior of a boy who probably doesn't have many of those type of encounters with girls.

But there is a difference between a teen enjoying *advertiser censored* and using it as a 'release' and a teen who is literally addicted. I worked in a high school with 'at risk' kids, who were flunking out of school. And you would be surprised about how many were literally addicted to it. I mean to the point that they would say it was hard to do homework on the computer because if the computer was on, they felt compelled to be looking at *advertiser censored*. Some admitted to skipping school and staying home all day to get a chance to watch it while the family was gone. It is a bigger problem rhan some think.

Just like some kids can drink beer or smoke pot on the weekends, but are able to be responsible and limit it, while others lose control and come to school drunk or high ---same with internet *advertiser censored*. imo
Kdvr reports on its website that AS had been in treatment at age 15 for a *advertiser censored* addiction.

They also said he went on a vacation w his family to the Virgin Islands shortly after the May attack, staying at a luxury resort.

Hmm, didn't they have to declare bankruptcy in May?

Maybe he went with his dad?
I am just fed up with people getting out and re-offending once released. If a perp is going to do the crime, they should do the time, and ALL OF IT. Prisons were partially invented to protect society from people that can do them harm, and IMO, once this perp is convicted, then he has proven he is a danger to society and needs to be locked up for his entire penalty. <snipped for space>

I completely agree! I looked this up not long ago for another case/post, but it makes me sick how "prison time" isn't "real" time. i.e. 1 day in prison equals 3 "real" days. I'm a little ashamed to admit it but I've known someone sentenced to 12 years in prison who was out in much less time (IIRC under 2 years?). It wasn't for a violent crime and I know the math doesn't work, I'm sure there is more to it, but it's disgusting. IMO. Don't put hours/days/years on a sentence if they're completely fake, IMO.
Hmm, didn't they have to declare bankruptcy in May?

Maybe he went with his dad?

Yes news reports said the mother declared chapter 7 bankruptcy. News reports also showed the father's home on TV and it is very nice, a very big home set on a few acres.
Respectfully shortened and bbm.
It makes sense if he has a paraphilia (and most will have more than one paraphilia). He might not have been "interested" in a live victim. He might also be delusional and obsessed with dismembering someone.

As gross as it is I kind of hope so on the "necrophelia" or whatever mental delusion(s) he might have. It's all horrible but I keep hoping that since she was killed, it was quickly, and she didn't suffer through whatever this sicko did to her afterwards.
Yes news reports said the mother declared chapter 7 bankruptcy. News reports also showed the father's home on TV and it is very nice, a very big home set on a few acres.

It bothered me that Dad was living in that mansion, while mom was declaring bankruptcy. Couldn't he help her out, considering his sons were living with her? How stressful was that for his kids?
I read the law on juvie's and life sentences for a few states, but not CO. I know it's federal law that there is no death penalty for under 18. Back then it was guestimated at 30 years possibly? He'd be 47 if that's true. Are there some that never get out after 30? Guess I better check, huh?

When I read it several years back, they do get life but are also up for review or parole? more often than a lifey adult. Doesn't mean they will get it, but they do have more of a chance to go before the board.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I'd really want to know for sure how juvinile's
LWOP are handled with violent crimes in CO and country wide. tia
Kdvr reports on its website that AS had been in treatment at age 15 for a *advertiser censored* addiction.

They also said he went on a vacation w his family to the Virgin Islands shortly after the May attack, staying at a luxury resort.

I guess that kind of throws out the financial struggles made him do it. I've just been waiting for the media to start throwing out more sensationalism and will try to keep this up as long as they can. I really wish by this weekend they'll start backing off on the coverage and no live tv in the courtroom. I'm worried about copykats and if this extensive media coverage keeps up it only encourages it.
I am desperately trying to catch up, have been since this 7 pm pacific time, but with trying to read every post and every MSM article posted, it's almost impossible. So, I apologize if any of this has already been answered or discussed.

I've been waiting to say this, because its a story of a friend of a friend knows people, but what I've heard numerous times is that her uterus was cut out. That says sexual to me.

Graphic: I can't find a delicate way to say/ask this, but as others have speculated wrt necrophelia, could AS have thought this would "eliminate" detection of dna presence? I'm just going off of speculation from others that necrophiliacs tend to gravitate towards the mortuary field, AS wanted to become a mortician, and this piece of unsubstantiated information. It makes sense to me, and could also be one source of DNA evidence LE found if LE has DNA evidence.

I agree - but I guess, it would depend on where he abducted her. If he was in the middle of a neighborhood or near any area where he could be spotted, I seriously doubt he would risk strangling her in the car. It takes about 4 minutes to strangle someone - & she would be fighting him.

This really makes me feel for the friend's dad. I can't even imagine how he feels about this whole case right now, much less the guilt for deciding not to make the drive to her house when she didn't show. I am NOT blaming him by any means, I just know that if I were in that position, I would be battling feelings of guilt much of the time. It's more a question(s) of "If I had taken that drive, would I have been able to catch her before or would I have been able to see her in a car, or would I have been able to see something that would have aided in finding the perp sooner?" My heart goes out to him; I can't imagine what he might be going through. As I commented on Whitney Heichel's case, so many lives hurt/destroyed by one person's actions. Sickening!

I am glad this guy is in custody. I am concerned though, especially since he is a minor and because of the gravity of the crime, that neither he nor his mother invoked the right to counsel before he apparently confessed. While it may be good in the sense that LE gets info quickly, I worry that it does open up more ground for whomever does take on this guy's defense to argue coercion, procedural failures, etc. MOO

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This worries me too. I have no clue how these cases work, but I would think at the most only the confession could be deemed not admissible? AS is 17, and thus a minor, and though he waived his rights, I am concerned that his confession could be thrown out. Age of consent is 18 (as far as I know), so I am wondering if a defense attorney would argue that the reading of his Miranda Rights and subsequent waiving of those rights would be cause to throw out his confession during the trial since he is a minor (even though he is being tried as an adult)? Can someone in the legal field help me out with this question??

were they perhaps working? it happened during a school day/morning/day of the week.

I bet he missed a class that day (again just a guess)

I haven't had a chance to really study the map yet but why was he out then? on his way to the CC he was reportedly attending for a class? (live news said Arapahoe CC)

The classes I attended while working on my undergrad (community college and then university) were either MW or TTh classes (occasional F and Sat). I scheduled my classes, as did many of my friends, to all be on the same schedule so I was only in school two days a week. AS could have done the same thing, and the day he abducted Jessica could have been a day he didn't have classes. All MOO.

Confesses to hog tying her then strangling her. Per Rita on NG.

This detail, if true, hurts so much. The time it took for him to do this, all the while little Jessica is probably fighting to get away, means she must have been terrified much longer than if immediate strangulation occurred. Gawd that hurts to type...all I can think about is how much my little nephew (5 yrs) hurts when he falls down and scrapes his knee and I just want to take that pain away from him.

toss out idea about the cross (not that it matters much), but given his fathers sentences, and I always felt that they were made in a prison - maybe his dad made them in prison and gave it to him or he wore it to feel close to him? Just an idea. It just looks home made and I agree it looks different than the one in the video but same concept (wooden).

I can't find any articles for some reason stating the strangulation, is it on the local MSM's?

Does anyone know if his father is currently in prison? I had a thought that might be way out there, but if his father is currently in prison, would it be a stretch to think that part of the crime may have been a way to be with his father? I mean physically...trying to find a way to be in the same prison as his father at the same time? I know, way out there, but reading AstroKitty's post made me question this possible aspect... just a thought and JMO.
Not required in Colorado. Know this because my next door neighbor killed herself in a house near ours. The house was already on the market at the time this happened, but consulted and there is no requirement to report a murder/suicide/death in a house in Colorado. Unless it has changed from a couple years ago.

I am not sure of the rule... and it could change from state to state...

But IIRC.. a Real Estate Agent does not have to initially divulge this information... but if asked about there being a death in the house by prospective buyers... the Real Estate Agent must then share this information.

You know, we can blame *advertiser censored* or video games all day long for kids troubles these days, but in reality we use them as.scapegoats for the real problem.... lack of parental guidance. And not just any parental guidance, but PROPER guidance. Children should not have computers or other technological devices with internet access until they are old enough to properly use them. Computers should be in a family area of the house, not in bedrooms. Children who are monitored by parents while doing homework will have no trouble laying off the *advertiser censored*. For many of us, there is no such thing as a "little" *advertiser censored*. Naked bodies are for intimacy between a couple, not public viewing. If we don't teach children that things are special and sacred, how will they learn to treat them this way when they are grown? Children should not be playing video games with violent depictions. There's so much more to life than all that crap and we are turning little brains to mush. My children have absolutely no idea of the existence of most of this stuff. Children won't develop addictions to gaming if they are not purchased for them.

I don't care what the rest of the world is doing... I guess I'm old school. Read a book. Or go outside and play in the fresh air.

You know, I remember a term used when computers first came into mainstream society: GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out. That applies to little children, as well. We will only quit being shocked at the garbage they put out when we quit letting them put the garbage in!!

Off my soapbox... and I'm sorry if I offend those of you who have posted in defense of gaming. We have a Wii and Mario Kart is the goriest game we've got.... and they can only play that on Saturdays anyway. While I understand that for many of you, it is a normal part of life... and I'm not judging that.... I'm just trying to share that for many of us, it is not. While we have much technology around this house.. too much, if you ask children can only use them on weekends. Even the TV stays off during the week. My kids had a bucket of fun this afternoon. Literally. With a bunch of brand new tennis balls I picked up at Academy and a game they invented themselves.

We MUST empower ourselves as parents.

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To the above poster, no his father is not in prison now. The TV news showed his house and they said he was currently in Mexico, I think on business. The neighborhood was real nice, mansions really, and the neighbors were not happy w the TV crew being there.

There were financial problems w the mom as she had declared bankruptcy in may, according to news. Parents have been divorced many years.
9News reported that Jessica was not dismembered at AS's house, and LE is looking for a secondary crime scene.

If AS is cooperating, why hasn't he told LE the details of where he performed his horrific crime(s)?

Could he still be playing with LE, even at this point?:waitasec:

BBM, he hasn't?
His father is currently in Mexico on business.

According to MSM link.
You know, we can blame *advertiser censored* or video games all day long for kids troubles these days, but in reality we use them as.scapegoats for the real problem.... lack of parental guidance. And not just any parental guidance, but PROPER guidance. Children should not have computers or other technological devices with internet access until they are old enough to properly use them. Computers should be in a family area of the house, not in bedrooms. Children who are monitored by parents while doing homework will have no trouble laying off the *advertiser censored*. For many of us, there is no such thing as a "little" *advertiser censored*. Naked bodies are for intimacy between a couple, not public viewing. If we don't teach children that things are special and sacred, how will they learn to treat them this way when they are grown? Children should not be playing video games with violent depictions. There's so much more to life than all that crap and we are turning little brains to mush. My children have absolutely no idea of the existence of most of this stuff. Children won't develop addictions to gaming if they are not purchased for them.

I don't care what the rest of the world is doing... I guess I'm old school. Read a book. Or go outside and play in the fresh air.

You know, I remember a term used when computers first came into mainstream society: GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out. That applies to little children, as well. We will only quit being shocked at the garbage they put out when we quit letting them put the garbage in!!

Off my soapbox... and I'm sorry if I offend those of you who have posted in defense of gaming. We have a Wii and Mario Kart is the goriest game we've got.... and they can only play that on Saturdays anyway. While I understand that for many of you, it is a normal part of life... and I'm not judging that.... I'm just trying to share that for many of us, it is not. While we have much technology around this house.. too much, if you ask children can only use them on weekends. Even the TV stays off during the week. My kids had a bucket of fun this afternoon. Literally. With a bunch of brand new tennis balls I picked up at Academy and a game they invented themselves.

We MUST empower ourselves as parents.

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With all due respect, how old are your kids? I think we will have the conversation again when they are old enough to drive and have laptops. You cannot keep kids away from these kinds of temptations once they become teens. So you may find that , as careful and cautious and responsible a parent as you are, even your kids MIGHT fall into some of these waiting traps.JMO
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