Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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Mr Lanza joined General Electric and is believed to be paid about $1 million (£600,000) a year.

Though their marriage broke down in 2008, the couple were united in their determination to care for Adam Lanza, their troubled younger son.

Mr Lanza agreed to pay around $250,000 (£150,000) a year in child maintenance payments – more than his lawyers advised – in return for joint custody of Lanza and generous visiting rights.

The Republican businessman, who was described as a decent man by colleagues, moved an hour's drive away to Stamford, where he married Shelley Cudiner, a librarian at the University of Connecticut.

Why are all these mass shootings done by boys?
1. Because parents have sadly TRAINED their sons to be snipers by buying them violent video games rated R since they were little kids.
These are the same type of video games that our armed forces use to train adult soldiers. (My teen males played these games too and still do at times. I bought them a Walking Dead video game for Christmas which I might return now. :( )
2. Males have significantly higher plasma androgen levels which is associated with aggression.
3. IMO, it's also related to schizophrenia combined with higher androgen level. Males develop noticeable schizophrenia symptoms between 16 and 25 years old. Women symptoms are noticably higher after age 30 when most have learned better impulse control.
4. IMO, it is also related to sensation-seeking behavior and impulsivity which are also higher in males.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
The school picture with Adam as a young boy (looks 6/7) is so cute. He looks like a normal, happy kid in that orange Navy sweater. The picture of him waving (12/13?), his appearance is definitely different, but it doesn't look like a troubled kid, just an normal 12/13 year old going through a normal awkward stage. But then get to the B/W photograph where his eyes are bulging and his face sunken in... It's literally a different person.

I wonder when and why they started medicating him and if it correlates at all to the changes in him.
Please continue the discussion here:

At least 26 dead in shooting at Connecticut elementary school

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Thread #1

Thread #2

Thread #3

Thread #4
Officials Release Names of Newtown Victims in School Massacre

Charlotte Bacon, 6
Daniel Barden, 7
Olivia Engel, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Madeleine F. Hsu, 6
Catherine V. Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Jesse Lewis, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Aveille Richman, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison N. Wyatt, 6

Dawn Hochsprung, 47
Rachel Davino, 29
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Mary Sherlach, 56
Victoria Soto, 27

Thanks for putting the names of the angels on the first page.
I think his computers and internet life were some of the most important things AL's life. His whole world revolved around his computers. Once he made up his mind to wipe that part of himself out, there would be no stopping him on his murderous and suicidal path. IMO, he was destroying everything about himself that existed, by destroying his and his mom's hard drives. Doing that was like destroying everything but his body. He then destroyed his body, at the school.

IMO, of course, and RIP, all those dear people that he killed.

I hope this is true. Yesterday hubby and I had dinner at friends. Our friend happens to be an ex probation officer/investigator with this state. He has many dealing with Henry Lee, Vance and other law officials. He has been involved in many cases. Anyway, we were discussing the school shooting and asked him if they can retrieve the info from the smashed hard drive. He believes they can and I hope this is true. As, we talked about this case he broke down.
I think I'd be hiding out somewhere too. The media vultures likely haven't stopped circulating since his relation to Adam was revealed. I hope he and his new wife are strong people.
I also hope they will step forward soon and tell the truth about this killer's mental health history. It needs to be STUDIED to determine what, if anything, might be done to prevent other killers.
I wonder when and why they started medicating him and if it correlates at all to the changes in him.
Maybe his wide-eyed intense stare (bulging eyes?) was a sign of psychosis and should have been a red flag that he needed an immediate mental health evaluation and medication? Maybe his sunken face was a sign that he was not eaten or caring for himself which should have been a red flag that he needed a mental health evaluation medication?
Originally Posted by Pensfan
"Mr. Novia said it wasn't unusual for school officials to meet about troubled students, but Mr. Lanza's problems were more severe than most. He said he told the school's three security staffers who reported to him to carefully monitor Mr. Lanza, concerning "where he was, who he was with, and what he was doing."

Uh....Clearly this killer wasn't just autistic. Adults were afraid of him the results of his behavior and he was tiny.

I'm standing by my statement. :) This killer clearly wasn't just autistic.
"Mr. Lanza's problems were more severe than most. Three security staffers were told to carefully monitor Mr Lanza......"

This boy had 2 bedrooms one that he slept in and one where his computer and other games were.
SADLY HE WAS ALLOWED to play violent games and from what I did read his games were very violent.
His mom also shared with him her passion for guns and shooting…
Being mentally imbalanced I wonder if he crossed lines between games and reality :(
Do you think he looked hyperthyroid?
Yes and no. ( lol )

People suffering from psychosis can have this same anorexic look if they have stopped eating and "caring for themselves". This is a common sign in young people with psychosis or one who is in a prodromal stage of schizophrenia. It is impossible for me to see in the photographs if his eyes are actually bulging from inflammation like in Graves' Disease (hyperthyroidism).
I just sent my kindergardener and first grader out the door to go to school. I think I must have said "I love you" and "Listen to your teacher, no questions asked" at least a million times. I don't want them to go.

ANd I'm somehow just supposed to go about my day now, the post office, grocery store, gas station, like nothing's wrong....and I already know that for the entire day, my phone will not leave my hand, my mind will not leave my kids, and I'm going to be fighting the urge to just go pull them out for the day and go have ice cream or something.

Me and you and a few million other parents worldwide, huh?

yes, and I have teenagers and feel just the same (though without hope that they will listen to their teachers no questions asked...!). I hugged them both kissed them, looked them in the eyes and told them how proud I am of them and how much I love them. It's a mark of how affected they were by this that they hugged me back and told me the same - right out in the open where the world (ie their classmates) could see them. And we weren't the only ones by far. xoxoxxo
Have we learned anything official that we didn't know at oh, say, last midnight CST? asked the lazy wfgodot.
There were police patrolling around the middle school here, but not standing at the entrance. We got an automated call over the weekend about safety.

Also, I wonder if we will ever hear how the internet may have played into this. Unmoderated conversations online can be vicious and crazy in some places. Could the shooter have attempted to interract online and gotten into some weird conversations?
Exopthalmus in Graves' Disease

Maybe his wide-eyed intense stare (bulging eyes?) was a sign of psychosis and should have been a red flag that he needed an immediate mental health evaluation and medication? Maybe his sunken face was a sign that he was not eaten or caring for himself which should have been a red flag that he needed a mental health evaluation medication?

Hi Pensfan,

I do beleive we will find out this was pre-planned, pre-meditated. I'm am curious about his mental health history and wonder if drugs will be found in his toxicology. I'm also curious if he had any mild seizure activity, either petite mal or lobal activity. Thanks for your insight.

I also wonder if he hadn't been taking any steroids or started enhancement therapy R/E the eyes.
I also hope they will step forward soon and tell the truth about this killer's mental health history. It needs to be STUDIED to determine what, if anything, might be done to prevent other killers.

I'm okay with giving them a minute. Granted some information and specifics about just what AL's issues were MIGHT be useful in prevention down the road. They are fully cooperating with LE. That is the important thing to me. They owe me personally no explanation.
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