Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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This boy had 2 bedrooms one that he slept in and one where his computer and other games were.
SADLY HE WAS ALLOWED to play violent games and from what I did read his games were very violent.
His mom also shared with him her passion for guns and shooting…
<mod snip>
Being mentally imbalanced I wonder if he crossed lines between games and reality :(

I don't know, because I've never let my children play video games at all - not for fear of violence, but just because none of the rest of the family were game players, and I wanted them to be readers, and it was always easier to just not have any games around at all than to argue about time limits or whatever.

However I mentioned I have a mentally disturbed brother, and the first time he played a video game, as an adult, it was like... 'where've you been all my life?" He was immediately good at it, which was a rarity for him in any task at all (though he was brilliantly smart, he wasn't good at "tasks"), he was occupied without creating havoc in the house which was also a rarity, and it genuinely seemed to soothe and comfort him with the repetition. It was like a pacifier/babysitter/self esteem enhancer all in one.

My parents drew the line at anything violent or anything that mimicked shooting or guns or bombs, but I can actually see how a parent might have despaired that her child would ever develop a skill or interest in anything (and was constantly needing focused care, which is exhausting) and using the video games to compensate for those things. Not saying there's anything right or healthy about that, but that I can see how it might have come about through desperation, exhaustion, lack of understanding of this real issues, etc.
Group of terrified first-graders tried to escape from crazed gunman Adam Lanza - but they didn't make it

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I know there is a group of children that run past him and made it. I saw parents of one boy on TV. They said after teacher was shot, children run past him, including their son, and made it out alive. These children were in Soto's class. So this reporting is very confusing to me.
I also hope they will step forward soon and tell the truth about this killer's mental health history. It needs to be STUDIED to determine what, if anything, might be done to prevent other killers.

I look at those early pictures of Adam and I want to that child became a monster. It's not enough to call him one, that won't stop the next one.

Adam's life at school must have been excruciating. I have been thinking of the words to that song about "those whose names are never called, when choosing sides at basketball....those of us with ravaged faces, lacking in the social graces." Adam has been described as fearful, hugging the wall as he passed to his classes. Perhaps the motive is nothing more complicated than the fact that schools represented such painful times for him in the past. Maybe any school would have sufficed.

It is not excusing him to try to understand him. In the same way that we fund research programs into cancer , AIDS, etc...we need to reseearch the commonality between these mass killers. Because suicide does not seem to be enough for disturbed individuals anymore. In destroying themselves, they seem hell-bent to leave a legacy of sorrow for others to bear.
Good morning everyone I am so very behind in all of this. We&#8217;ve had our 8 year old G-son since Thursday, so we have not listened to any of this, actually we haven&#8217;t listened to any news of any kind. What I do know is 20 innocent children have been murdered, 6 adults (?) and the murderer is a 20 year old male, he used legally purchased by his mom guns, (I do wonder how that will play along with the gun control politics) I know I need to go back and read these threads from the beginning, but if I could just ask one question, does anyone know if this murderer was on Ritalin as a child?
Maybe his wide-eyed intense stare (bulging eyes?) was a sign of psychosis and should have been a red flag that he needed an immediate mental health evaluation and medication? Maybe his sunken face was a sign that he was not eaten or caring for himself which should have been a red flag that he needed a mental health evaluation medication?

It could also be due to him being medicated. Some basic warnings/effects of just ritalin alone are
"May exacerbate symptoms of behavior disturbance and thought disorder in patients with a pre-existing psychotic disorder. May induce mixed/manic episode in patients with bipolar disorder; assess for bipolar disease before starting therapy. May cause treatment-emergent psychotic or manic symptoms in children and adolescents without prior history of psychotic illness or mania at usual doses. Aggressive behavior or hostility reported"
"Nervousness, insomnia, hypersensitivity, anorexia, nausea, dizziness, headache, dyskinesia, drowsiness, BP and pulse changes, tachycardia, weight loss, abdominal pain, decreased appetite."

Though I understand you are a nurse, I have personally seen otherwise "normal" kids/people completely unravel and grow bizarre due to medications. Kids whose parents just wanted them to be able to focus better and ended up with a kid who started cutting themselves (and once removed from the medications stopped all strange and irrational behaviors).
So I wonder, based on the pictures, when and if they began to medicate him.

Amongst all the evil in the world, there are some really good people in this world. Thought I'd share this with you all to restore some our faith in humanity. I needed to see this. I needed this reminder.

Love to all.

26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year
Sometimes you need a reminder that people can do wonderful things.
Also, I wonder if we will ever hear how the internet may have played into this. Unmoderated conversations online can be vicious and crazy in some places. Could the shooter have attempted to interract online and gotten into some weird conversations?

LT Vance stated this morning that all phones/computers etc are being thoroughly investigated. Which means they have something to investigate. He would not comment on the state of those electronic devices though. If there is something there, i have every faith they will uncover it.
Only his father, stepmother and brother and other close relatives can speak to what if any mental health issues he had, what his state of mind was the last time they saw him, what kind of relationship he had with his mother, everything else will be pure speculation until they speak if they ever choose to go public,as it appears he was not close to anybody else in the period preceeding his death

they appear to be helping LE build up a picture of Adam and if that is all they choose to do then that is enough, if they choose to remain private and not give interviews then that right should be respected and they should be left alone to come to terms with their own loss and begin to live with the knowledge that Adam shot and murdered his own mother, 20 beautiful children and 6 adults, and has damaged beyond measure all the survivors, the victims family and a whole community and country,

I weep for the dead and the families who grieve,my heart goes out to Adams father and brother who will live with this stain forever,

I hope as a country America takes a look at herself, and re examines gun laws, how the mentally ill are treated, and all and everything that may contribute to why some decide to act this way,
It seems from most accounts that he was extremely shy,introverted, socially inept and just different; people were fearful for him not of him. He would be a target for bullying and I am assuming the mother operated in protective mode.

I have not read of any indicator that this boy was the least bit violent and, imo, he was apparently bottling up for the ultimate acting out. I am not sure what could have been done in advance because , from what we know so far, this was not predictable.

I don't think there is anyone that saw anything like this or even remotely close to this coming.What a tragedy.
It could also be due to him being medicated. Some basic warnings/effects of just ritalin alone are
"May exacerbate symptoms of behavior disturbance and thought disorder in patients with a pre-existing psychotic disorder. May induce mixed/manic episode in patients with bipolar disorder; assess for bipolar disease before starting therapy. May cause treatment-emergent psychotic or manic symptoms in children and adolescents without prior history of psychotic illness or mania at usual doses. Aggressive behavior or hostility reported"
"Nervousness, insomnia, hypersensitivity, anorexia, nausea, dizziness, headache, dyskinesia, drowsiness, BP and pulse changes, tachycardia, weight loss, abdominal pain, decreased appetite."

Though I understand you are a nurse, I have personally seen otherwise "normal" kids/people completely unravel and grow bizarre due to medications. Kids whose parents just wanted them to be able to focus better and ended up with a kid who started cutting themselves (and once removed from the medications stopped all strange and irrational behaviors).
So I wonder, based on the pictures, when and if they began to medicate him.

I wondered too if he might be on some sort of amphetamine just from the look of the most recent picture of him.

RIDGEFIELD -- Ridgefield schools are in a lockdown after an unconfirmed report of a man with a rifle seen near an elmentary school.

The man was reportedly seen with a rifle near the Branchville train station. State and local police have been dispatched.

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By 10 a.m., it appears the report is false, but police -- some in SWAT gear -- are still on the scene.

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RIDGEFIELD -- Ridgefield schools are in a lockdown after an unconfirmed report of a man with a rifle seen near an elmentary school.

The man was reportedly seen with a rifle near the Branchville train station. State and local police have been dispatched.

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By 10 a.m., it appears the report is false, but police -- some in SWAT gear -- are still on the scene.

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looks like a wooded area... could be someone out hunting???
Ridgefield is another beautiful sleepy town. Nothing much there but beautiful homes and lots and lots of woods
WTHN has the lockdown alert scrolling across the tv. Ridgefield police are saying this is a precautionary measure.
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