Conrad Murray trial -Day three.

As private an individual as MJ was, I don't think this is the case. That recording should have been erased as soon as it was made. A written consent is necessary to record a patient by audio or visual means. What Dr. Murray did is totally unacceptable and I think it might violate HIPAA. If I record or photograph a patient without written consent, I violate HIPAA.

What if he was doing it at Micheals request? We havent heard the whole recording. Could he have been using the recording as part of his job? :)waitasec: like he was doing any part of his job:sick:)
As private an individual as MJ was, I don't think this is the case. That recording should have been erased as soon as it was made. A written consent is necessary to record a patient by audio or visual means. What Dr. Murray did is totally unacceptable and I think it might violate HIPAA. If I record or photograph a patient without written consent, I violate HIPAA.

It was because he wanted the tour to be the greatest ever, IMO. He knew that on the drug he was seeing things from a higher plane, but could not remember any of it. Propofil slang for it is "milk of amnesia."

Regarding legal issues, lol, CM crossed that bridge already. He was doing what MJ wanted.

That depends on where you live. I live outside the city limits of a very small town. The last time we had to call 911, it took them almost 30 minutes to get here. We used to have an ambulance service with our volunteer fire dept., but they no longer keep one here, for budget reasons, I presume. There is one stationed in a town about 7 miles from us, but if it is on another call they will send one from the hospital which is 20 miles away. People have died waiting for an ambulance to get there.

I do think that Dr. Murray knew Michael was dead before 911 was ever called, and I think he went through the motions of trying to revive him when he knew it was futile. He should NEVER have given him propofol, I don't care how much money he was making. Propofol is meant to be administered in a hospital setting while monitoring the patient very closely. I also don't believe Michael injected himself, or that he was up walking around just prior to being found dead. I also think the defense is blowing smoke, they know that Dr. Murray is the one responsible for his death and all they are accomplishing now is trying to impeach the prosecution's witnesses, and they are not doing a very good job of that.

First time I've posted in these threads... been following the case but just happened to see this. I like it.

I also live out, a little over 30 miles to the nearest store. I would be at least 50 to 60 minutes after leaving the nearest town to get to us. Because of the winding scenic route it is a very slow drive. Speed limit is mostly 30mph. Please do CPR first on me!!!
I think MJ was alrady gone too, right now it doesn't look good for Dr. CM.
As private an individual as MJ was, I don't think this is the case. That recording should have been erased as soon as it was made. A written consent is necessary to record a patient by audio or visual means. What Dr. Murray did is totally unacceptable and I think it might violate HIPAA. If I record or photograph a patient without written consent, I violate HIPAA.

you are so right. The pt/resident needs to consent.
I also live out, a little over 30 miles to the nearest store. I would be at least 50 to 60 minutes after leaving the nearest town to get to us. Because of the winding scenic route it is a very slow drive. Speed limit is mostly 30mph. Please do CPR first on me!!!
I think MJ was alrady gone too, right now it doesn't look good for Dr. CM.

it isn't good to stop once you start is the reason of calling 911 first. I would have 911 on speaker and start. So you could be doing both (might sound like your exhausted but hey need to do both)
Yes, in all my years of reading I have never heard CM was introduced to MJ by Jermaine.

I saw a guy who TV who was on MJs security team back in 2006 when he and the children lived in Las Vegas and the kids had just come back from Ireland with bad colds and that is how Murray met MJ because he treated his children.

Thanks, ocean. As there is no 'reliable' source concerning Jermaine's drug use and involvement in procuring Murray, I'll put that on my BS list.
I understand he will have to answer hard questions but I still think he will get up there. They are going to take him from "a doctor" to "a human" or rather attempt to do that. IMO. IMO they are going to need him to get up there. He doesn't look like a regular person. He is a doctor.

They IMO will flip it to sound like him being a regular person who got caught up in MJ's crazy odd strange world.

If he testifies I do not feel the jury will bond with him.

This is not a regular man. This is a man who first demanded 5 million dollars for his services and his one patient wound up dead.

The DT has to be extremely careful how they build Murray up. It opens the door for all unsavory things to come in about him.

Thanks, ocean. As there is no 'reliable' source concerning Jermaine's drug use and involvement in procuring Murray, I'll put that on my BS list.

What does a cold have to do with seeing a cardiologist? The story doesn't make sense.
I'm coming into this late - can anyone tell me if there was any electrical activity on the EKG when the EMS were on scene?

ETA: woops - wrong thread!
Perhaps at the time he was staying in the same hotel and he was the closest doctor available.

You know like: "Is there a doctor in the house?"

Murray lived in Vegas. I asked my friend again and she is sure Jermaine introduced them, she says Jermaine was part of his security team and that's the connection. She said this used to be common knowledge.
What does a cold have to do with seeing a cardiologist? The story doesn't make sense.

A lot of them treat people for general things too.

My doctor is an internist but I go to him even when I have severe headaches or back pain.

Murray lived in Vegas. I asked my friend again and she is sure Jermaine introduced them, she says Jermaine was part of his security team and that's the connection. She said this used to be common knowledge.

Jermaine was a part of his security team???? I have never heard that either. Didn't Jermaine live abroad for some time?

If it is common knowledge then the media would know about it and I have never heard this before until now.

For all we know it could have been someone staying at the casino and MJ may have mentioned the kids were sick and they recommended Murray.

Perhaps at the time he was staying in the same hotel and he was the closest doctor available.

You know like: "Is there a doctor in the house?"

Some casinos/resorts do keep a list of doctors in case one of their guest needs one.

And even though he specialized in cardiology doesn't mean he doesn't know how to treat other illness. Pretty much has to be a MD first anyway and then go on to be specialized.


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