Crime Scene Investigators return to Anthony Home with Search Warrant #2

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Thank you. I was seriously considering cutting my own wrists as people seem so stupid where the Anthony's ( Cindy) are concerned. I also think she isn't that concerned about Casey not KC. But, rather her own self interests. This thing with initials vs. real names is trying to protect the perps. Use the real names and not the cute internet names when there is a murderer in the fold.

Me, too, on the desperation, and the nauseating thing about people not getting the Anthonys.
Ditto on the cutesy names. :sick:
Thank you. I was seriously considering cutting my own wrists as people seem so stupid where the Anthony's ( Cindy) are concerned. I also think she isn't that concerned about Casey not KC. But, rather her own self interests. This thing with initials vs. real names is trying to protect the perps. Use the real names and not the cute internet names when there is a murderer in the fold.

My bold.

Really? I'm taking you at face value since you said seriously. If that's the case, maybe it's time to take a big step back.
Thank you. I was seriously considering cutting my own wrists as people seem so stupid where the Anthony's ( Cindy) are concerned. I also think she isn't that concerned about Casey not KC. But, rather her own self interests. This thing with initials vs. real names is trying to protect the perps. Use the real names and not the cute internet names when there is a murderer in the fold.

I use KC cuz it's shorter .I'm a one finger typist.My son is frequently in my lap : (
Being that GR is such Buds with JB, I wonder if this is insider info?

(Why did I just think of Insider Trading?)

Weird that you say this. I was watching Fox earlier. A Fox female reporter was discussing the case. She knows a close family member of mine. From this family member... I have learned just how much behind the scenes stuff gets discussed on their cell phones and then they go on the news and report it as TRUTH. Everyone has their cell phone in hand. Totally "insider info stuff!!!" They can't wait to be the first to have the "scoop." Believe me....can't believe everything you here on the news as being true. You see it on TV, trust the reporters as having integrity. But I know it first hand... its no more than people gossiping. In fact... I believe you guys here before the actual "news" people.
Here it is-

Fox Orlando 10pm ( Florida time) news not yet linked.​

***Impromptu candlelight vigil at remains site as people gather to pay respects and leave items at Caylee memorial

***Atty of G&C Anthony says they will remove the memorial and donate the items to the needy.

***No funeral mass or memorial mass planned as of this time, for tommorow's mass, according to pastor of G & C.

***Capt Nieves fron OSCO says that his Dept will continue to treat the Anthony family with respect during this difficult time.

:rose:RIP CAYLEE 2005-2008:rose:​

That's horrible. How dare they take down a public memorial not on their property? Kinda says it all. :furious:
Weird that you say this. I was watching Fox earlier. A Fox female reporter was discussing the case. She knows a close family member of mine. From this family member... I have learned just how much behind the scenes stuff gets discussed on their cell phones and then they go on the news and report it as TRUTH. Everyone has their cell phone in hand. Totally "insider info stuff!!!" They can't wait to be the first to have the "scoop." Believe me....can't believe everything you here on the news as being true. You see it on TV, trust the reporters as having integrity. But I know it first hand... its no more than people gossiping. In fact... I believe you guys here before the actual "news" people.

ITA that's why I stay here...good info!
You can read 3 different stories in 3 different papers or on the news,and they will all say something a little different.
What bugs me right now is most reporters still refer to Caylee as three years old.She never made it to her third birthday.
I thought I read that LE took the computers during the last search (not todays) maybe they found something new on the computer since the last scan that made them want to get back into that house.
I agree, that isn't on their property so that would be stealing wouldn't it???

Seems like it to me, plus being incredibly insensitive. I don't see how they can do this legally or otherwise. Miracles, weigh in here!
That's horrible. How dare they take down a public memorial not on their property? Kinda says it all. :furious:

I personally need more context to taking it down. This evening? In a week? What is the public consensus so they know when it is not too soon and when it has crossed some time line that becomes "they leave the memorial to rot in the road like they did their granddaughter?".

I would snap under this kind of scrutiny, tragedy or no tragedy, having my every movement and word analyzed and judged by people who don't know me would be too much for me to handle.
not that I agree....but if those things have their ganddaughters name on them...then I would think they could go and take them...since they are next to kin.....since it suppose to be for Caylee......KWIM
Here it is-

Fox Orlando 10pm ( Florida time) news not yet linked.​

***Impromptu candlelight vigil at remains site as people gather to pay respects and leave items at Caylee memorial

***Atty of G&C Anthony says they will remove the memorial and donate the items to the needy.

***No funeral mass or memorial mass planned as of this time, for tommorow's mass, according to pastor of G & C.

***Capt Nieves fron OSCO says that his Dept will continue to treat the Anthony family with respect during this difficult time.

:rose:RIP CAYLEE 2005-2008:rose:​

why would they remove the memorial? i don't get it..this actually pisses me off.
I would also think they would thank all of those who gave those things for Caylee and let the public know that they will be going to children who are in need of that they dont just stay there and rott
The timing is bizarre to even make such an announcement. All they're going through and they have their attorney already talking about removing a little makeshift memorial in the woods? What's wrong with these people? They're completely inappropriate.
That's horrible. How dare they take down a public memorial not on their property? Kinda says it all. :furious:

It was a spot on the 10pm Fox Orlando news. Since it concerned the crime scene, I reposted it here.

Thanks for your response as I felt unsettled about it.

I was terribly offended, even though the A's Atty said it would go to needy, to others who could use the stuff.

It disturbed me greatly.
but.....they should let the memorial stay there for a bit.....but I think if they take it down now.....they are just pzzzzzd at the neighbors....:( and arent really thinking of Caylee but them selves....
why would they remove the memorial? i don't get it..this actually pisses me off.

A good friend of mine told me this happens - and there are firms out there that handle it. While they will collect and keep the cards and written notes, some families do decide to donate the keepsakes (in this case the toys) to charity. In fact, if the family attorney contracts with a firm to do it, they will also handle the written materials as though to preserve them: laminate, categorize, scrapbook, etc.
It was a spot on the 10pm Fox Orlando news. Since it concerned the crime scene, I reposted it here.

Thanks for your response as I felt unsettled about it.

I was terribly offended, even though the A's Atty said it would go to needy, to others who could use the stuff.

It disturbed me greatly.

they thru away the other stuff animals....because *they* said they smelled ......that really upset people....
The timing is bizarre to even make such an announcement. All they're going through and they have their attorney already talking about removing a little makeshift memorial in the woods? What's wrong with these people? They're completely inappropriate.

Just want to clarify.

Fox Orlando reporter Pagues was reporting from the memorial, where people were gathered in the darkness with candles and memorial gifts, cards, toys, etc.

Reporter said he spoke to A's Atty tonight and was told this. Atty was not interviewed on camera.

Okay, don't want to stray too OT.:blowkiss: in case I am wandering off. I'm :sleep:
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