Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

j2mirish said:
someone said they could be looking at the blood splatter--and i was just thinking that in the blood bath of the night- and dont understand how they can make heads nor tails out of it now- thinking if it had any bearing at the time, it would have been noted....goody- do you think darlie is going to turn on him?
Actually, it wasn't a "blood bath". The blood was contained in the general area of the crime scene. Its easy to find spatter even amongst pools of blood, not in the them, but around them. There is high velocity blood spatter on the wall in the entryway. High velocity means that someone was running and bleeding. Darlie never says anything about her blur running thru the front door. The only person running and bleeding in that area was Darlie. There is cast off blood on the back of Darlie's shirt. Most likely coming from raising the already bloody knife up to stab the boys again. And if Darin's jeans would ever be tested, most likely there'd be cast off or blood spatter on them
You asked Goody, but I'll throw my :twocents: in. Do you mean is she going to rat him out to save her lily-white butt? No, it's been too long and she's given so many different versions, there's no way it would even work. Plus, I feel Darin did alooooooot more than memorize(or try to) a few lies for Darlie. My feeling is that he came down after or while she was stabbing Devon. Read Goody's "The Motive" thread. She and I explain our theories there. If she turns on him, she admits to murder or to being an accomplice . If he calls her out, same thing. That lame story(ies) is all they have to go on. Basically the Darlies are shouting shoddy police work. I don't think there was any. There are so many "innocent" people in prison who claim shoddy police work, makes you wonder why we even have a police force.
This is my opinion BUT...I hope she meets her maker the only sad thing is she will leave this world pain free unlike her gorgeous little boys. The father knows more than he says and I worry about the little boy that is left. I pray he is kept safe and he has a troublesome future ahead sadly caused by the people who should love him the most. The only phrase I can think that fits a person like Darlie is : *Dead Woman Walking*. As harsh as that may sound it does not even come close to being what she deserves. At the end of it all this is just my opinion and does not mean to offend in anyway. :eek:
CyberLaw said:
Is there any posting of her current Federal Appeal, I would like to read it and comment.

If evidence could have been entered at trial, in a timely manner, then

a)the court would ask: Why was this not entered at trial and why was it not tested at the time of the trial. Why was an alternate theory of the crime with this evidence not offered at trial and now 10 years later. What lead to the "discovery" of this new evidence and why is it relevant.

b)What other evidence do you have to support the testing of this now, what other relevant evidence in truth and fact is now available but was not then.

c) Why should we support the testing of this material now, the case has been decided and a decision rendered.

d)What conclusive evidence would this prove at this late date, that may contribute to a "miscarriage of justice"

e) State the facts that the court can rely upon that supports the fact that another person was involved in this crime and how does it affect the defendent. You offered no prooof of an intruder at trail and no evidence.

f)On what grounds should a new trial be "ordered"........

I would be SHOCKED, just shocked if a new trial was ordered.....I really don't think it will be.

The defence would have to prove that this "new" evidence was not available at trial and only newly discovered and it would have a relevant and material offerings of a miscarriage of justice and a trial that was not fully impartial.

I don't see that happening. There really is no ground for a new trial, nor testing of evidence at this late date......
I agree based on the points you raise, but I don't think new testing of old evidence would be what the defense would go for in the fed appeal. Do you?

I would think the court record with its errors and possibly conflict of interest issues with Mulder. And I have no idea how the federal judges would rule on either one. So can you tell me that both of these issues cannot be brought up on a federal appeal for some legal reason?
Jeana (DP) said:
Coming clean, if she were to ever get a new trial, won't save her from the death penalty, imo.
I think it would, IF she got a new trial, and IF Darin had more participation than just innocent bystander determined to save the love of his life.
deandaniellws said:
But it might get her partner in crime.:furious: Darin knows what happened, and by covering up for her, he is just as guilty. IMO of course. I wish Texas would do the testing. I would like to see Darin and Darlie turn on each other. We might get a little bit of the truth that way.
I agree!
Jeana (DP) said:
defense KNOWS it will prove the state's case. However, if the defense NEVER tests those things, it has plenty of so-called ammunition for them to stand around blaming the state for. They simply want to run their collective mouths. They certainly don't want anyone to take them up on the things they claim to want.
I agree with this, too. As long as they don't do the tests, they can point fingers and claim "frame up" or "over zealous prosecution," etc. Just like the bloody fingerprint. One thing about a new trial though would be that we might finally get to hear exactly how close to Darlie that print actually is. Personally, I believe that it is hers.
deandaniellws said:
WOAH....hang on!!! I didn't say it was going to keep Darlie from the needle. SHE thinks it will. The testing MIGHT show he was involved as well. I don't want him to walk free if he is covering for her or if he was involved in the actual killing of his two precious sons. :behindbar
I totally agree! It gripes my butt to think that she got the needle and he got nothing if he was involved in this crime. I don't have a need for either of them to die, but I sure would like to see them punished for whatever they did and own up to it.
Jeana (DP) said:
LOL :truce:

I agree that if Darin was involved that he should be punished. I just don't see it happening. Even if he was arrested today, it would be Darlie's word against his. After all of the lies that she's told, I don't think her word is worth too much these days. ;)
I don't know about that, Jeana. Darin is the worst liar in the world. I think the truth would bleed thru no matter which of them decided to come clean.
j2mirish said:
The more I think about this, the more involved I think he may have been. I have thought for a long time, he just helped cover up, but the fact he has not left her to fend for herself in prison, he has no relationships, that just makes me wonder if he had to be involved in the act itself- like everyone has said, him helping cover up, would more than likely this many years later, not put him in a cell....and this many years later, having drake to take care of, if it was just covering up, you would think he would finally spill--but I think she holds something very heavy over him, and the only thing it could be to keep his silence and "devotion" would be his involvement with the murders themselvees.
Me thinks you are right. Even my 26 year old son thinks that and all he knows is that Darin is still supporting her. It just isn't believable that he is such a smuck that he keeps tripping over his heart. I am amazed that people who know them don't get on talk shows and talk about them. We see friends of other defendants and "persons of interest" do it all the time. Why not in this case? Is it because they truly are loved by all or because people are afraid of repercussions?
beesy said:
There is high velocity blood spatter on the wall in the entryway. High velocity means that someone was running and bleeding.

Actually "high velocity" means it was a speeding bullet that caused the injury. LOL! Just thought you would like to know. I forget exactly what they termed the velocity in this case. Probably low.

j2mirish said:
....goody- do you think darlie is going to turn on him?
I think she is a damned fool if she doesn't.
cami said:
Weren't they sitting together by those sliding glass doors while the paramedics were in the room?
That is what two of the policemen said, but I think Darlie and Darin said it was not true.
Goody said:
[/b][/color]Actually "high velocity" means it was a speeding bullet that caused the injury. LOL! Just thought you would like to know. I forget exactly what they termed the velocity in this case. Probably low
Oh oops, like Superman then..LOL

Is it cast-off then, the bleeding and running? From these defs. it sounds like cast-off

Cast-Off Pattern -- A bloodstain pattern created when blood is released or thrown from a blood-bearing object in motion.

I don't understand the following, but these defs don't sound like running and bleeding:
Low Velocity Impact Spatter (LVIS) -- A bloodstain pattern that is caused by a low velocity impact/force to a blood source.
Medium Velocity Impact Spatter (MVIS) -- A bloodstain pattern caused by a medium velocity impact/force to a blood source. A beating typically

beesy said:
Oh oops, like Superman then..LOL http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_1_118v.gif
Is it cast-off then, the bleeding and running? From these defs. it sounds like cast-off

No. If you are talking about the blood droplets on the floor as she moved back and forth between the rooms as opposed to the places where she was standing still for awhile, the differences are as follows:

Walking--droplets have tails on them. Tails point to the direction she moved.
Standing still--droplets are round.
The longer the tails, the faster the movement.

beesy said:
I don't understand the following, but these defs don't sound like running and bleeding:
beesy said:
Low Velocity Impact Spatter (LVIS) -- A bloodstain pattern that is caused by a low velocity impact/force to a blood source.

Medium Velocity Impact Spatter (MVIS) -- A bloodstain pattern caused by a medium velocity impact/force to a blood source. A beating typically .[/QUOTE]

They seem to be saying the same thing.... referring to a knife or club or hammer, etc making impact on someone's probably bleeding body or to a pool of blood. But the keyword is "spatter". The blood found on Darlie's floor was not spatter. It was dripping from her arm. That is what they called "low velocity" movement at the trial. Maybe that is where you are getting confused.

I am not a blood expert, not even in websleuthing (that would Camilla), but you have cast off, spatter, and dripping blood from a wound. All three very different.

GoodyNo. If you are talking about the blood droplets on the floor as she moved back and forth between the rooms as opposed to the places where she was standing still for awhile, the differences are as follows:

Walking--droplets have tails on them. Tails point to the direction she moved.
Standing still--droplets are round.
The longer the tails, the faster the movement
What are those called?
Medium Velocity Impact Spatter (MVIS) -- A bloodstain pattern caused by a medium velocity impact/force to a blood source. A beating typically
They seem to be saying the same thing.... referring to a knife or club or hammer, etc making impact on someone's probably bleeding body or to a pool of blood. But the keyword is "spatter". The blood found on Darlie's floor was not spatter. It was dripping from her arm. That is what they called "low velocity" movement at the trial. Maybe that is where you are getting confused.
I am not a blood expert, not even in websleuthing (that would Camilla), but you have cast off, spatter, and dripping blood from a wound. All three very different
I was talking about the blood on the wall of the entry way near the front door. Remember that? Somewhere on this board we discussed it was blood caused by someone bleeding and running. I think it was when we were trying to figure out who opened the front door first. We ruled out everbody except Darlie, including Darin, who had blood ON him, but was not bleeding. Can high or medium or low velocity ever be spatter or cast off?
Goody said:
That is what two of the policemen said, but I think Darlie and Darin said it was not true.
Yeah the cops said they were standing by the sliding doors, heads together and whispering. When one of the cops approached,they quickly stopped talking. If the 2 D's deny this, it shows more guilt. They were probably talking about their stories and denying the whole incident kept them from having to explain the convo.
GoodyNo. If you are talking about the blood droplets on the floor as she moved back and forth between the rooms as opposed to the places where she was standing still for awhile, the differences are as follows:

Walking--droplets have tails on them. Tails point to the direction she moved.
Standing still--droplets are round.
The longer the tails, the faster the movement

beesy said:
What are those called?

I don't know that they are called anything.

I was talking about the blood on the wall of the entry way near the front door. Remember that? Somewhere on this board we discussed it was blood caused by someone bleeding and running. I think it was when we were trying to figure out who opened the front door first. We ruled out everbody except Darlie, including Darin, who had blood ON him, but was not bleeding. Can high or medium or low velocity ever be spatter or cast off?
Yes, you just posted definitions from a website that described the velocity in blood spatter. Remember?

I don't know if it would ever be referred to in cast off but I suppose it is possible if the hammer, bat, or knife (what have you) doing the casting off was moving at speed faster than the normal movement of one's arm striking or stabbing.

Velocity refers to speed. High velocity usually refers to something that can go as fast as a speeding bullet. So it could never apply to how fast someone moves. Unless you are talking about Superman, of course.

I have never heard of medium velocity until recently. I am not sure what speed that might refer to.

Low velocity, as it applies to Darlie's case, refers to the movement she made in moving from room to room and bleeding as she did so. No velocity occured when she was standing at the sink, for example. Another thing that does not support her standing there to wet towels unless we are to believe she stood there for some time wetting them without moving back and forth between the rooms, but that is not her testimony.

As for the blood in the foyer, I don't think we've ever discussed that much. If it is on the wall, I would assume it got there when she went for the front door and as she swung her injured arm about. I would expect that to be low velocity.

You have to think when it comes to velocity.....if high velocity is the speed of a bullet and low velocity is walking movement (either slow or rapidly), then what could medium velocity be? A whole lot faster, I would expect, than walking. You would have to ask an expert for a better explanation than that.
beesy said:
Yeah the cops said they were standing by the sliding doors, heads together and whispering. When one of the cops approached,they quickly stopped talking. If the 2 D's deny this, it shows more guilt. They were probably talking about their stories and denying the whole incident kept them from having to explain the convo.
If this is true, it would make my brow furrow at Darin. The fact that both he and Darlie have the same alibi "I was sleeping" aggravates my senses anyway. If he was talking to her and denies it later, my mind wants to explore areas not appealing to him, that is for sure.
It's been a long time since I've reviewed this case, so forgive me if I'm asking questions that have already been covered:

So who has these pants of Darin's? LE?

Are there any crime scene photo's published of him and the notorious pants?

I hope your family treats you like a Queen all day long and that you are forced to gorge on cake and ice cream all day long! Oh, and absolutely no housework allowed today!

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