DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #2

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I believe Steffon/Stephen is his brother. Different birthdate. There is an apartment within 0.1 miles of the abandoned Porsche registered to a Stephen Wint.

So he uses the brother as a fake ID from time to time?
EXCLUSIVE: 'I'll drop you one by one' - chilling threat prime suspect in DC family murder was accused of making to landlord is revealed - and he told another woman he could kill her saying: 'I'm good with a knife'

Daron Wint is America's most wanted man after being named as prime suspect in the brutal murders of a family and their housekeeper

Police believe he is in Brooklyn, New York, after fleeing Washington DC, where he allegedly murdered a CEO, his wife, son and housekeeper

Daily Mail Online can reveal history of arrests and convictions - and series of allegations of threatening appalling violence

His own father sought protective order after he threatened him and his wife and said Wint had threatened to shoot him

Routine dispute with landlord escalated with Wint making chilling threats to her and her husband, she said in court papers

Accused of sexually and physically assaulting woman while he was 'messed up' in nightclub

Allegedly told another woman he was not afraid of police as he threatened to kill her

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...rd-told-woman-m-good-knife.html#ixzz3aoznFlCf
On Anderson Cooper:

Female reporter claimed that suspect MAY have commandeered a vehicle to get out of Brooklyn.

Must either be leak or poor reporting.

Cannot believe Bratton would want that kind of info released esp as darkness & weekend approaching.

Hope they get him tonight.
I am of the opinion that Steffon and Daron Dylon are one and the same.

I saw the pictures that Steffon had on his Facebook before it was shut down within an hour of the Press Conference today. Many of the same and similar pictures. Otherwise I would say they are the spitting image of one another.
I am of the opinion that Steffon and Daron Dylon are one and the same.

I saw the pictures that Steffon had on his Facebook before it was shut down within an hour of the Press Conference today. Many of the same and similar pictures. Otherwise I would say they are the spitting image of one another.
I looked into that, but one had a lot of hair, and one didn't. Both had relatively recent pictures. But all the other info was the same. Who knows?
Just FYI, Robin Ficker is known around the DC area as a big ... let me just "whack job." He has made a name for himself as being "heckler in chief" for the Washington Wizards. He has seats behind the visiting team's bench and literally just yells offensive things to them throughout the Wizard's games. He has also run for various political offices, but he's such a joke, no one in their right mind would vote for him.



OMG. He's the Wizards heckler guy? Yeah, grain of salt and what not
I believe Steffon/Stephen is his brother. Different birthdate. There is an apartment within 0.1 miles of the abandoned Porsche registered to a Stephen Wint.
According to MPD he also goes by "Steffon Wint"
EXCLUSIVE: 'I'll drop you one by one' - chilling threat prime suspect in DC family murder was accused of making to landlord is revealed - and he told another woman he could kill her saying: 'I'm good with a knife'

Daron Wint is America's most wanted man after being named as prime suspect in the brutal murders of a family and their housekeeper

Police believe he is in Brooklyn, New York, after fleeing Washington DC, where he allegedly murdered a CEO, his wife, son and housekeeper

Daily Mail Online can reveal history of arrests and convictions - and series of allegations of threatening appalling violence

His own father sought protective order after he threatened him and his wife and said Wint had threatened to shoot him

Routine dispute with landlord escalated with Wint making chilling threats to her and her husband, she said in court papers

Accused of sexually and physically assaulting woman while he was 'messed up' in nightclub

Allegedly told another woman he was not afraid of police as he threatened to kill her

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...rd-told-woman-m-good-knife.html#ixzz3aoznFlCf

I hope all of those past victims keep themselves and family safe. The female employer he also complained about should keep herself safe. This guy is in revenge mode.

OMG... This Fickler attorney - on Nancy Grace -is really pi*****ing me off. Wow. He is saying that Wint wasn't there and the DNA will be thrown out. He actually is saying it's not accurate or concerning that he was there eating pizza while this was going on. How are people like this not in a padded room?
I think the assistant is totally innocent and I doubt he spoke to NG or knew what was in the package he dropped off. He would have known something was wrong if he had also known $40,000 was in the package and he was told to just drop it on the front porch.

More problematic is what NG has said. LE have said the family was held 10 hours. If that is true, it means the killer arrived in the wee hours of Thursday morning. But NG insists she received a phone call from SS on Wednesday asking her to contact Vera's family and instructing her not to come to the house the next day. This contact by SS doesn't fit within the 10-hour LE timeline.


It's clearly not true that family was held for only 10 hours. Whoever came up with that didn't do the math. It has been reported widely that police believe family was being held hostage staring sometime Wednesday. There is no way that adds up to only 10 hours.
OMG... This Fickler attorney - on Nancy Grace -is really pi*****ing me off. Wow. He is saying that Wint wasn't there and the DNA will be thrown out. He actually is saying it's not accurate or concerning that he was there eating pizza while this was going on. How are people like this not in a padded room?

The idiot lawyer said that Wint is such a nice guy he could go to lunch with anyone's grandma. What a douche.
I am speechless. Listening to DDW's attorney on Nancy Grace.
If I had to imagine what was going on I don't think he/they were even thinking in terms of cleaning up after themselves from their dinner. Probably concerned about prints maybe worried about cigarette butts if there were any, but he would have to be really farsighted to think about pizza crust or throwing their garbage away. I think they have been saying that the fire was set in an upstairs bedroom, it may not even have burned much of the downstairs.
Im guessing that the kitchen had a trash compactor and that's where they found they pizza crust. Protecting it somewhat from fire and water damage?
I guess you could send your grandma to have lunch with the suspect if you really don't like your grandma.
That lawyer represented him on a bunch of minor cases many years ago, and thinks he has an insight into his character?
DDW was an innocent victim also being held eating pizza. Give me a break!
It's dark now back east, where is he? Maybe he found a flea bag motel to hole up in? Hopefully that instead of another home invasion.
Regarding the cuts on the victims, I hope they were not from a machete, horrible either way, but a machete just seems even worse.
Where did he get all the gasoline to douse them with?
We have gardeners, we don't store gasoline in our garage, because our gardeners bring their own equipment, including the gasoline.

If he brought it with him, there should be a video of the purchase.

Also, MSM is saying they have additional evidence, including video evidence. Inside home, or elsewhere?

Would be interesting to know if the 40k was in $100. bills. Much easier for him to carry and conceal.

These are questions I would be asking, if I was reporting on this case.
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