Dissimilar head hair on Q107 and extra DNA segment on the duct tape

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If I was the defense I would definitely use the tape dna and hair to show contamination and create reasonable doubt that LE was sloppy and have not investigated all leads. If I Iwas the prosecution, I would get some of RK hair to rule him out. Just my opinion.
Personally, I feel that if LE/SA/FBI were "concerned" about this single hair, they would have held on to it longer and the hair would still be under "investigation".

Na, it's gonna be to some people like that pimple that just won't go away ....... on the grand scale of the investigation, it's nothing to worry about.
Hmmm I would have checked the A family's hair, DC and JH's hair, maybe JB's just for fun. :)

I hope they will be ruling out others, AZ, it was interesting to know they've ruled out the investigators and I'm glad they did.
Personally, I feel that if LE/SA/FBI were "concerned" about this single hair, they would have held on to it longer and the hair would still be under "investigation".

Na, it's gonna be to some people like that pimple that just won't go away ....... on the grand scale of the investigation, it's nothing to worry about.

No, I wouldn't expect the prosecution to be interested since it didn't match Casey. I really appreciate that the hair was collected, preserved as evidence and is on the record. Such a tiny thing. Sometimes one tiny piece of evidence like that can wind up being very important to getting justice for a victim. Thanks to the investigators.
Does anyone else think that the Gatorade bottle looks as if it has not been under water? The label looks relatively new. We know the body was underwater. So when would this bag have been placed there? jmo

A couple of options there.

1: Are we sure Area A was under water? and if so, for how long? one day? two days? a week?

2: IIRC the expiration date on the gatorade bottle was before June 08, so, sounds like old trash, but I suppose someone could have thrown it in there in early dec 08

3: It may be possible that the bag and bottle floated and was never submerged.

I think hair floats. This crime scene had to be very contaminated. I do not think they will be able to link the Disney bag to the crime, and if they do, then they will have to explain this extra hair. imo
Since we know that DC and JH, JW went to this area maybe they should compare the hair to them as well, OH and RK and the other two people that were with him that day as well *advertiser censored* Cain, and the officers who responded to the scene, and the ones who recovered the remains. It would take them forever to locate the source of this hair, not to mention that there was a hurricane in 08 and a school right across the street. Its not far fetched to beleive that the hair floated there, or was washed there with the flood waters.
I hope the Baez will check this hair against LA's hair. While he's at it, maybe he should check it against C & G Attorney and their private eye (DC) who was walking above Caylee's grave site poking around with a stick before Caylee's body was discovered.
Just wondering but being that the remains site was located, if I'm remembering correctly, down the street from a school, is there anyway that a hair from a student or teacher could have "floated" into evidence during photographing? I live directly across the street from my school's playground, and it looks like a little fog the stuff the kids can kick up.

I don't think that the hair found at the site is a big deal because who knows how many people have been in that area before Caylee was placed there and then people are walking by there all of the time. That hair like so many things in that area where Caylee was found could belong to anyone just like most of the junk laying around there.

The DNA on the tape...probably someone in the lab. I don't understand why there were no fingerprints on that tape. It is sticky and would be really difficult to get off the roll and around Caylee's head with gloves on. Guess no fingerprints were on the tape found on Lacey Peterson's clothes. Just don't get that.
I'm sure the defense will make a big thing out of the DNA on the tape. Hope they know which lab person's DNA it was. The defense will probably try to say that everything that was tested during that time is bad. Hope the Pros can combat that.
I've never had much to say about the quote that Dr. Lee found 17 hairs in the trunk of the car a la LKB.

So I was mooching around in the myth buster thread and discovered that Lee found one hair in the already stripped down trunk. While Dr. Lee was still there, the LE found an additional three hairs in the trash.

And after Dr. Lee left, the LE found 14 more hairs in various trash, liners and covers.

So I'm not concerned about one hair found at the large, much disturbed over six months crime scene. I'm more concerned about whose hair was found in the trunk Caylee was carried around in while she began to decompose.

bold by me

I'm not sure what you mean by much disturbed crime scene... who disturbed it? How did they not spot the remains? Not to mention how would a hair so near Caylee's remains be of less interest than any of the others in the case?
Though people do dump some trash in that area, no one except RK has mentioned coming across Caylee's remains in all that time. (Though KW did mention coming across a balloon....I still wonder...we know for sure he didn't have 5" long hair at the time LE spoke to him....) But anyway, no one else has claimed to have come across the remains, the smell also apparently didn't attract anyone's attention early on which always did surprise me since people do sometimes come up to dump yard trash nearby apparently ...But there was also no mention in the crime scene documents of any trash on top of the remains/black bags/canvas bag/clothing etc or immediate vicinity. Who knows if the Disney bag/bottle with syringe/etc that were so close to Caylee's remains will prove to be connected to her case, they definitely seem of interest to me, likewise any hair on them. Personally I can't assume a hair found so near Caylee's remains is unrelated to her case, I hope we'll find out more about the items and the Q107 hair. (To go OT momentarily regarding the trunk, I agree, any hairs showing death banding will be of interest. Or any hairs from anyone you would not expect to find there. Well, really, I'll be interested to learn more about any and all the hairs that have been recovered. MOO. :) )
Since we know that DC and JH, JW went to this area maybe they should compare the hair to them as well, OH and RK and the other two people that were with him that day as well *advertiser censored* Cain, and the officers who responded to the scene, and the ones who recovered the remains. It would take them forever to locate the source of this hair, not to mention that there was a hurricane in 08 and a school right across the street. Its not far fetched to beleive that the hair floated there, or was washed there with the flood waters.

Well DC's hair doesn't seem to be 5" long or dark, I don't think, it seems like he has short hair maybe half an inch long or so :) I would have to look again....but yes of course anyone in the case whose hair is similar you would think would need to be ruled out, certainly those people who had been around Caylee and Casey prior to Caylee's "disappearance", not only those who are known to have been on or near the scene....It wouldn't take any longer to do it than to study the many hairs from the trunk, vaccuums, etc. and after all that's what the laboratory is for. As you see with the tests run on the crime scene investigators' hair, it's very simple, people just provide a few hairs, they're looked at under the microscope to measure the cuticle thickness, pigment, etc.
are there procedures today where DNA can be obtained from a single hair?
are there procedures today where DNA can be obtained from a single hair?
"Until recently however, the forensic use of DNA fingerprinting had been somewhat limited because the method requires micrograms of DNA--that means several hairs, or blood and semen spots in amounts larger than what is often found at a crime scene. Now two research teams, taking different approaches, have developed DNA analyses that can be performed on nanograms of DNA, an amount typically found in a single strand of hair. This is an important benchmark because hair is commonly found at crime scenes."
bold by me

I'm not sure what you mean by much disturbed crime scene... who disturbed it? How did they not spot the remains? Not to mention how would a hair so near Caylee's remains be of less interest than any of the others in the case?
Though people do dump some trash in that area, no one except RK has mentioned coming across Caylee's remains in all that time. (Though KW did mention coming across a balloon....I still wonder...we know for sure he didn't have 5" long hair at the time LE spoke to him....) But anyway, no one else has claimed to have come across the remains, the smell also apparently didn't attract anyone's attention early on which always did surprise me since people do sometimes come up to dump yard trash nearby apparently ...But there was also no mention in the crime scene documents of any trash on top of the remains/black bags/canvas bag/clothing etc or immediate vicinity. Who knows if the Disney bag/bottle with syringe/etc that were so close to Caylee's remains will prove to be connected to her case, they definitely seem of interest to me, likewise any hair on them. Personally I can't assume a hair found so near Caylee's remains is unrelated to her case, I hope we'll find out more about the items and the Q107 hair. (To go OT momentarily regarding the trunk, I agree, any hairs showing death banding will be of interest. Or any hairs from anyone you would not expect to find there. Well, really, I'll be interested to learn more about any and all the hairs that have been recovered. MOO. :) )

Seriously ? Not much disturbed? Six months in an overgrown area, where small animals distributed Caylee's bones over a large area, and a hurricane and flood, to mention a couple. It seems to me that if animals were removing bones and whatever from Caylee's remains, it would be much disturbed.
Seriously ? Not much disturbed? Six months in an overgrown area, where small animals distributed Caylee's bones over a large area, and a hurricane and flood, to mention a couple. It seems to me that if animals were removing bones and whatever from Caylee's remains, it would be much disturbed.

Where is the logic in this? LOL you know I am only teasing you. :truce:
Seriously ? Not much disturbed? Six months in an overgrown area, where small animals distributed Caylee's bones over a large area, and a hurricane and flood, to mention a couple. It seems to me that if animals were removing bones and whatever from Caylee's remains, it would be much disturbed.

I think some of these naysayers need to go visit Florida right after a hurricane has passed through. Or heck, visit Florida right now and take a look at all of the overgrowth and whatnot. It seems like they refuse to take in account the environment that is in Florida when talking about the dump site. I know people have posted pictures, but that doesn't seem to be enough for some people.

I'm glad that the trial will take place in Florida, where people know, understand, and accept the environment this happened in, not refuse to see it and question everything.
Seriously ? Not much disturbed? Six months in an overgrown area, where small animals distributed Caylee's bones over a large area, and a hurricane and flood, to mention a couple. It seems to me that if animals were removing bones and whatever from Caylee's remains, it would be much disturbed.

As well as they could have brought things in with them, KWIM..how awful for Caylee to be eaten by the creatures in that swamp. Doesn't this infuriate the grandparents??? In my heart I feel they know the truth and are trying to save their daughter from a death sentence but it's only KC who can save herself. I do believe Inmate Anthony truly feels she can beat this altogether and her boy Baez must concur...truth be told, he should lay it all out for her for it truly doesn't look as good as he may be making her feel. It's all about fame and fortune for Baez, IMO...but it may just backfire big time on him and his future career...JMHO

One hair on the gatorade bottle should not be a big problem due to the conditions of that swamp and what was dumped in there. Hoping this isn't what makes or breaks this case when there is so much more incriminating evidence to deal with...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
As well as they could have brought things in with them, KWIM..how awful for Caylee to be eaten by the creatures in that swamp. Doesn't this infuriate the grandparents??? In my heart I feel they know the truth and are trying to save their daughter from a death sentence but it's only KC who can save herself. I do believe Inmate Anthony truly feels she can beat this altogether and her boy Baez must concur...truth be told, he should lay it all out for her for it truly doesn't look as good as he may be making her feel. It's all about fame and fortune for Baez, IMO...but it may just backfire big time on him and his future career...JMHO

One hair on the gatorade bottle should not be a big problem due to the conditions of that swamp and what was dumped in there. Hoping this isn't what makes or breaks this case when there is so much more incriminating evidence to deal with...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Oh Geez - you gave technicolor details which i was trying to avoid even thinking about so left it at bones. Plus the remains were laying in swamp water, conditions for six months - nothing pristine there.

I'm going to watching for a whole epiphany from Missie Casey after three or four hearings in front of Judge Perry. I think he is going to scare the c**p out of her and all this will be moot when she pleas. I didn't think it would happen with JS, but I'm leaning that way now.
Whoops - sideways into OT - sorry!

River Cruz Upset That Bloggers Speculate Mystery Hair May Be Hers. Says It’s Impossible As She Never Met Caylee. If Hair Is Hers, Did George Set “Zanny the Nanny Prototype” Up And Put It There?

That's It!!!! The title of this case is "Anything Goes". And I'm not trying to be funny - some things just go too far.

Thanks for posting the article Paintr.
I found this thread very difficult to follow, so, perhaps this is old news that I just couldn't find clearly documented already. :bang: So, if it isn't new news, perhaps this post will just serve to put a stake in the sand for this having been established by the released docs.

FWIW, in reviewing some of the motions I noted on handwritten page 8707 in an FBI email that the DNA on the duct tape was identified as having belonged to lab technician Lorie G.

Doc here on page 13 of 19 in the pdf.

ETA: If there's a member following this thread well enough to summarize it in a post...that'd be very helpful. TIA!
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