Do you have a stun gun in your home as the Bakers did

Do you have a stun gun

  • I have a stun gun in my home

    Votes: 24 9.5%
  • I do not have a stun gun in my home

    Votes: 46 18.2%
  • I know someone personally who has a stun gun in their home

    Votes: 16 6.3%
  • I do not have one or know anyone who has one but im going to get one

    Votes: 8 3.2%
  • I do not have one and I do not know anyone who does

    Votes: 100 39.5%
  • I do not have one nor do I believe I know anyone who does.

    Votes: 59 23.3%

  • Total voters
...i've taught my daughters that where to aim is important too, "right between the legs & as hard as you can" should buy you a few minutes.

Keep in mind that most men protect that area more than any - so that can be where they anticipate a blow will land. I've heard hitting in the most vulnerable places (ie: shins, pushing the nose straight up vs. in, eyes, wrists) first and trying to buy a little time to get away. Of course, I am no martial arts person nor a self defense expert - just what I have been told.
I have never used it but I do own a stun gun and so does a female friend of mine. We purchased them at the same time for about $25.
I dont have a stun gun or for that matter even seen one that I know of. We do have hunting rifles in the house and a few bb guns. Can someone explain what a stun gun does exactly.

Basically, its a handheld shock stick. If you press it to flesh and pull the trigger the person is "suppose" to get a nice shock - think of putting your finger in the wall outlet and getting zapped. But I would NOT rely on one working as indicated. I've both been zapper and zappee and there are times when the result was not felt by the person. The 'shock' is not much and does not put the suspect down like a tazer does. Clothing and such can interfer with the charge being delivered and many people are unfazed by the charge level. It works best when it can startle a person but if I see it coming I will take the shock and keep up the attack.
ok K9Snoop, I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley! I think the biggest part of having some kind of protection is helping you to feel you might actually have power over the situation - and that is the piece that can make or break the difference. I would rather have my stun gun available to me than not - but I still would not have a gun in my home (other than the Red Rider BB gun). I think the best weapon one can have is their brain, and I have successfully talked myself out of two times when a gun was pulled out, I have had a knife pulled on me, and a couple of times watched someone hit the wall instead of me.
Just curious who owns a stun gun since one was found in the bakers home. Im thinking they are not too common in peoples homes but someone on the other thread stated she had one along with her mother, so may be more common then i would have assumed.

We do not have one, but we have discuss getting one to carry in the car. We do have other firearms, at the ready. I think more people have them that one would think. My niece was given one by her father while in college as she was often out alone at night.
I think the best weapon one can have is their brain,

I'll agree with you here!!! Most people have their brain with them at all time unlike weapons.
I'll agree with you here!!! Most people have their brain with them at all time unlike weapons.

I am glad you put "Most".
Sometimes my brain is not with me - and I hate it when that happens.
Our local DJ has one. Just because there are often fights in places that he works after people get all liquored up. One night he said "I wonder if it works?" One of my less bright friend volunteered. It didn't do anything! It made his arm spasm, but that was it.

Thank God the man never tried to use it on someone. He would have just made them angry!
You're absolutely correct and I constantly think of JonBenet when reading about this case.

Same for me, it just breaks my heart for them. Although the lives of Zahra Baker and JonBenet Ramsey could not have been more different, that ransom note/fake kidnapping set-up in the deaths of both girls cannot be denied as a very eerie and disturbing parallel. And in both cases, these girls were supposedly kidnapped by who, and for what reason? Just to explain why a live child cannot be produced but evidence of a dead one is waiting to be discovered? At least the Ramseys had enough financial backing to give the ransom note/kidnapping scenario an air of credibility, but the Bakers had nothing...hence the 'boss mix-up'. IMO, there was very damning evidence on Zahra's body, and not only was EB (and perhaps AB) psycho enough to actually be capable of dismembering the body, but may have even felt they had to to hide whatever horrors the evidence of abuse on the body would tell when discovered and examined. God rest you, Zahra, baby angel, may you never feel any pain ever again. And if I may continue yet not be too OT, the Caylee Anthony case also reminds me of JonBenet Ramsey's in the way the family is matriarchal-based, how the child is basically seen/used as a possession and not exactly viewed or regarded as a separate individual who has her own rights despite what the female adults in charge of her want, and with how the women in that family dynamic seem to play these subtle mind-control games/power trip struggles with each other that directly affect the child's daily life (to the detriment of the child - JonBenet was working as many hours as an adult to train and rehearse to win pageants awards in order to receive the love, praise, and validation from her mother, aunt, and grandmother that a child of six lives for...and poor Caylee, not even 3 yrs old yet, was just a pawn, a bargaining chip and a tool of control and revenge, and poor, poor Zahra - the human outlet for the wrath and misery and hatred of a seemingly mentally-ill woman and a useless father who wouldn't stand up for her when she couldn't do it herself.) IMO.... and how appearance is everything and there is seemingly no limit to the endless lies they will tell, all to protect the living family members while sacrificing the murdered child, letting her down as no child should ever be let down by her very own family, who was supposed to protect her and save her from the very abuse she suffered til it caused her untimely death. IMO. I would never own a stun gun, and I do not believe I know anyone who does. It gives me the absolute creeps to think the Bakers had one of those, knowing how Zahra was openly abused in front of friends, family, and neighbors - what went on behind closed doors? I am so sorry, Zahra. Beautiful child - how could they be so cruel to her? IMO to all.
In Australia it's illegal to have any type of weapons in the house unless they're registered collectors pieces, or used for a specific purpose. To own a gun, you would need to be a farmer on the land, be a member of a shooting club (I've only known military people in these and have never seen a club), or a biathlon athlete. Stun guns in houses? Freaky bad! Even our police have been going through a difficult 12 months determining whether they should carry or have access to stun guns, as they're seen to be so unreliable and have the potential to kill. I realise we 'down under' are very mild, and have different attitudes to our "rights", but it seems to me if you need a stun gun in your house that you're living in fear. I can't comprehend how AB would want one nearby given his cultural background.
I guess it could be called a stun gun. I have a tazer - it looks like this
Does a stun gun leave a mark on one's body, similar to a burn or is there no mark at all?
Just curious who owns a stun gun since one was found in the bakers home. Im thinking they are not too common in peoples homes but someone on the other thread stated she had one along with her mother, so may be more common then i would have assumed.

I do not have one, and hope I'll never want one. I don't know anyone who has one. (Same status as a handgun -- don't have; don't want. But that's not the topic here...)

Somehow I missed the news abut the Bakers having one. When did this info come out? (How did I miss it?)

That just gives me chills and shakes. I have already imagined EB with the prosthesis in her hand as a weapon against that little girl; but now I have to imagine that b**** with a stun gun. Oh, my heart aches as my imagination goes to a horrible place. Please no.

Drawn & quartered is also in my imagination... both of 'em, JMHO.
I believe it usually leaves marks...and like any other weapon...should never be used unless in fear of loss of life. This type of weapon is used close up and would not be advisable for women.
It is a matter of choice as in everything. I grew up around guns and hunters and military people. Saftey is key to me. I haven't been invited to shoot skeets again since I took my .357 and my 22 target pistols and hit almost every one. I was the only girl here in gun club for a long time. Shot 38s thru the 357, cheaper at the time.
It is a matter of choice as in everything. I grew up around guns and hunters and military people. Saftey is key to me. I haven't been invited to shoot skeets again since I took my .357 and my 22 target pistols and hit almost every one. I was the only girl here in gun club for a long time. Shot 38s thru the 357, cheaper at the time.

Peazzer - I use guns hunting...and target practice...but never point anything at someone unless I am threatened and plan to shoot. Grew up around them myself...tasers however, too close for knife as a weapon...use it to gut deer though. I am using a weapon that keeps the subject at a respectful distance from my person. LOL
I bought one on ebay a couple of years ago but alot of good it will do be along with the pepper spray in a camera case. I never think about it, havent used it and hope I never have to.

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