Dow Jones Industrials Fall 778 Points

Kindergartners on a sugar high indeed !

I have to say - CEO or not - no one is worthy of more pay than they are really worth and IMO - no one is worthy of a yearly salary in the seven figure range and definitely not worthy of a 8 figure reitirement or separation package - no one is that freaking valuable - not even athletes. Definitely kindergartners on a sugar high. This is assinine especially with the disgraceful extent of poverty in this country and the number of people without medical insurance to help them out. It's BS.

Which is why no one really LIKES the bailout, but the consequences for not doing it are too much for the economy to bear. And there was a lot more oversight in this bill than in the original. So everyone compromised a little bit. If there weren't so many voters who didn't understand how dire the situation was calling their congressman, and if it wasn't an election year, I bet it would have passed.

For the wealthy? 2/3 of Democrats voted FOR it and 2/3 of Republicans voted AGAINST it!
It looks like it's getting crazier and crazier. I know something has to be done, but the way this major financial crisis was presented to the country out of the blue, makes me wonder. Secretary Paulson had to see this coming. Why weren't we warned? I hope there will be a lot of controls put in the bailout so that the little guys are helped. People are so fed up. Another crazy aspect are the lawmakers who are on each side and con. We have Cheney, Bush and the democrats on one side and conservative republican idealogues who are very sincere in their beliefs that there should no bailout. I"m sure the conservatives will be figting for modifications to the bailout or they won't pass it.
Which is why no one really LIKES the bailout, but the consequences for not doing it are too much for the economy to bear. And there was a lot more oversight in this bill than in the original. So everyone compromised a little bit. If there weren't so many voters who didn't understand how dire the situation was calling their congressman, and if it wasn't an election year, I bet it would have passed.

For the wealthy? 2/3 of Democrats voted FOR it and 2/3 of Republicans voted AGAINST it!

I don't disagree but a "bailout" per se is not the answer either - especially put into the hands of one man who can't guarantee it will work effectively. There are a number of things which can be done and sorry to say - if this is the only option Paulson can come up with - then his thought processes are too narrow and too bland. Repeal Sarbannes Oxley for a start, look at actual methods that don't require a hand over of 700 billion to one man and Congress stop throwing in all these "goodies" for your favorite groups - that is total BS. $20 million to special intrests, left wing special intrests on top of it ? BS.

Truth is, this finger pointing is assinine - why the heck are the Dems pointing at the Republicans and blaming them for this failure when one third of their own party refused to vote for this. All they needed was 12 votes to pass it and they couldn't squeeze that out of their own party. More BS. Get rid of this partisan politics garbage and something constructive might actually happen. Until then nothing will happen.

Personally I think we need another Boston Tea party in this country to wake up this do nothing bunch up on capital hill which are screwing us into the ground. We may have to suffer - but if things continue along the path demonstrated in the past week, we will suffer more.
Rome, anyone?

We need a compromise... letting things just fall as they will, is not the answer...
I'm surprised old Nancy Pelosi didn't closed down the Senate for a few weeks so she can fly around the country in a private fuel consuming jet promoting her unsellable book. (Like she did a few weeks ago.) Buy my freakin' book or I'll turn off the cameras and lights until you do.

Pelosi does nothing to get the two parties together....and seems to enjoy laying all the blame on republicans. Some speaker of the house!
Let it go to zero and we'll find out where the bodies are buried. This has been a long time coming. My late uncle always said that what we needed to straighten out our country was a good old fashioned depression. I believe he has been proven correct.

Oh yeah-I might have to steal this phrase, MM-your uncle is very, very right.
I'm surprised old Nancy Pelosi didn't closed down the Senate for a few weeks so she can fly around the country in a private fuel consuming jet promoting her unsellable book. (Like she did a few weeks ago.) Buy my freakin' book or I'll turn off the cameras and lights until you do.

Pelosi does nothing to get the two parties together....and seems to enjoy laying all the blame on republicans. Some speaker of the house!
She's no Tip O'Neil for sure, we deserve better than this.
Yikes! This means, love them or hate them, hold on to your jobs no matter what. Stop spending which will hurt the retail establishments who will then have to fire people. It's an endless cycle. Christmas anyone?
Christmas? We need a thread to discuss what we all will be making for gifts, I think I'll go to the Jury room now.
I have friends who are loan officers and such at banks who may lose their jobs since banks are no longer giving loans. :(

And with all due respect, anyone who thinks we NEED a Depression is insane! :slap: We don't need that level of suffering.
Exactly RC. We are being spoonfed for the most part. Yes, there is a crisis in the financial markets but why all of a sudden the taxpayers are to absorb this huge debt in a short period of time when it took quite a bit longer for it to get into this shape. Yes, consumers have an inordinate amount of debt for the times but this is likely due to rising costs and job lost. The financial institutions, for the most part, were doing short selling and other risky practices until they were caught with their collective pants down. This hierarchy of greed was rampant and some of this reflects in the bonuses/pay/dividends/ parachutes/etc. available to the top people. I am not downgrading the right to make a living or a really good living but you have to question the whole bailout scenario and the rush to push it through without forethought. I hear Halliburton humming in the background and I wish I didn't.

I was a realtor for almost a decade in Atlanta and had mostly young clients. They all had good jobs but not much in the way of down payments and had good credit too. So, loans were made for this group over and over...conventional, FHA, 100 % financing and the whole creative opportunity. The problem wasn't the loan or the individual but rather circumstances out of their control.

Bad loans or job lost, risky business practices/fraud/greed? Politicians with no grasp on anything but their own pocketbooks and egos? It is like a bunch of kindergartners got loose with too much chocolate.

:clap::clap::clap: We could only remain consumers for so long. I feel like a revolving door, fed up with buy, buy, spend, spend and a vacant job market along with a lack of industry, all due to Corporate greed. Politicians who neither read bills before them but manage to keep their hands hidden in their deep pockets. Bailout no bailout its all bad, were just beginning our slide. Growing tent cities, buckle down, its all a shame. Wake up America, your now the Global Red headed step child. :mad:
She's no Tip O'Neil for sure, we deserve better than this.

The speaker ought to be the voice of reason and bring the two parties together....not drive a destructive wedge between them.

You are right Moe, we do deserve much better than this from our PAID PUBLIC SERVANTS.
Dark Knight, I agree. We don't need that level of suffering. I don't think anyone who lived through the Depression would wish it on anyone.

I quit using credit cards a long time ago and converted my stocks to cash months ago. What little is left of my retirement account after 9/11/2001.
I think we are blessed this bill did not pass. How rare and I believe historic? Maybe someone is looking out for the average American, and putting the smack down on corporate greed?

Although, rumor has it they are working up another bill. :eek:
The world weighs in on America's greed.


I just LOVED this line: The whole world has financed the United States, and I believe that they have a reciprocal debt with the planet," he (Colombian President Alvaro Uribe) said.

Excuse me, but isn't it the other way around. Hasn't it been America all these years who has loaned money to the world to shore up the economies in almost every nation and, in most cases, the money was never repaid?
I just sent the above Dave Ramsey link to my senators and congress. The skeaky wheel gets the grease folks, get working!
I just sent the above Dave Ramsey link to my senators and congress. The skeaky wheel gets the grease folks, get working!

Put 'em on the money envelope system! hahahaaaa

Actually I wish I had some extra money to invest in the stock market at this time!
Put 'em on the money envelope system! hahahaaaa

Actually I wish I had some extra money to invest in the stock market at this time!

LOL re having extra $ to invest - I JUST got back from dinner with hubby, and I told him I needed just a few million to invest - I would piggy-back on Warren Buffet's investments. So he goes ahead and invests Billions in GE, etc. - as someone else said this morning, there's no one smarter about investing. I figure I'd just play along, knowing Buffet would be making sure the companies he's invested are going to turn to the positive. There we go!

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