Dr. Teresa Sievers - Motives and Theories (Including MS speculation)

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I agree with the total idea but can anyone throw in some Hollywood?

Not book worthy yet.

Need some more twists.
Maybe Mark slept with someone's mistress and they repaid him back by killing the doc. Idk.
First, thank to the mods for creating this forum.

I think I already posted my theory, but since there is a theory page....!

IMO, I'm thinking MS was a casino employee with aspirations for wealth and success, but no promising plan to get their quickly. TS was a woman who created her own success. She could "afford" to be swooned by a guy who could be her "right hand man" and not her provider. He got to ride on her coattails. She got someone to support her at home and at the office.

MS was successful only by association. Maybe he felt that he deserved some of the hero worship, from her, and from the world. But the TV shows and magazine covers, the patients, they only cared about her. Maybe he was tired of riding her coattails and wanted to wear the coat. Maybe there were other women who bought into the successful image MS portrayed and made him feel special. Maybe he started having affairs.

At the same time, maybe TS was discovering more and more about MS that made her uncomfortable--really, husband, your best friend is an ex-con meth head who is retired in his early forties to a trailer? Hmmm. So, husband, you told me that you wanted to go to law school, but that never happened. I thought you said you were ambitious w hen we met. Instead I pay for a chef and a nanny and....what exactly is your role again?

Maybe TS considered divorcing MS and told him so. (Maybe sometimes loudly.) But maybe she realized that would rock the kids' world and would also be a financial debacle. She would not only have to pay him monthly, but also now pay for childcare. Maybe she couldn't afford to divorce him. So she decided to stay and make the best of it. It wasn't THAT bad, after all.

Maybe MS promises the woman he's having an affair with that he'll leave his marriage. But, frustratingly, he realizes, he can't. Without TS, he would lose EVERYTHING: the practice, her money, her social cred, her professional cred, the house and pool, and maybe half the time he has with the kids. He would be back to square one, a guy who used to work in a casino, likely in an apt or townhouse, with little money, or more probably, big money problems. A loser in his mind.

Or, WOULD he have to lose everything? Not if something happened to TS. Like, if she interrupted a robbery in their home and got murdered. He could get MORE money than ever with insurance payments and donations from those who loved her through public fundraising. He could continue the practice and live happily ever after and build a life with his affair lady from the proceeds of the murder. Plus, he could even bring attention to the practice through TS's death.

But he'd have to do it himself, and then he could get caught--isn't the husband always the first person LE looks at? Hmmph.

But, then, CWW jokes about his dopey friend JR who fancies himself a hitman. And suddenly the crazy idea of getting rid of his wife seems to make sense. A break in gone wrong. The guy would probably do it for $10k. For a fee, CWW would make it happen and MS wouldn't even have to do anything except make sure TS is at home alone. MS could pay CWW through the practice and so there'd be no trail of the hit. And LE would never suspect a random dude from MO for the break in gone wrong.

Brilliant! Foolproof! Unless you have ever watched one episode of Dateline.

Tricia. We have a post of the day right here. Very well thought out and well said. I salute.
First, thank to the mods for creating this forum.

I think I already posted my theory, but since there is a theory page....!

IMO, I'm thinking MS was a casino employee with aspirations for wealth and success, but no promising plan to get their quickly. TS was a woman who created her own success. She could "afford" to be swooned by a guy who could be her "right hand man" and not her provider. He got to ride on her coattails. She got someone to support her at home and at the office.

MS was successful only by association. Maybe he felt that he deserved some of the hero worship, from her, and from the world. But the TV shows and magazine covers, the patients, they only cared about her. Maybe he was tired of riding her coattails and wanted to wear the coat. Maybe there were other women who bought into the successful image MS portrayed and made him feel special. Maybe he started having affairs.

At the same time, maybe TS was discovering more and more about MS that made her uncomfortable--really, husband, your best friend is an ex-con meth head who is retired in his early forties to a trailer? Hmmm. So, husband, you told me that you wanted to go to law school, but that never happened. I thought you said you were ambitious w hen we met. Instead I pay for a chef and a nanny and....what exactly is your role again?

Maybe TS considered divorcing MS and told him so. (Maybe sometimes loudly.) But maybe she realized that would rock the kids' world and would also be a financial debacle. She would not only have to pay him monthly, but also now pay for childcare. Maybe she couldn't afford to divorce him. So she decided to stay and make the best of it. It wasn't THAT bad, after all.

Maybe MS promises the woman he's having an affair with that he'll leave his marriage. But, frustratingly, he realizes, he can't. Without TS, he would lose EVERYTHING: the practice, her money, her social cred, her professional cred, the house and pool, and maybe half the time he has with the kids. He would be back to square one, a guy who used to work in a casino, likely in an apt or townhouse, with little money, or more probably, big money problems. A loser in his mind.

Or, WOULD he have to lose everything? Not if something happened to TS. Like, if she interrupted a robbery in their home and got murdered. He could get MORE money than ever with insurance payments and donations from those who loved her through public fundraising. He could continue the practice and live happily ever after and build a life with his affair lady from the proceeds of the murder. Plus, he could even bring attention to the practice through TS's death.

But he'd have to do it himself, and then he could get caught--isn't the husband always the first person LE looks at? Hmmph.

But, then, CWW jokes about his dopey friend JR who fancies himself a hitman. And suddenly the crazy idea of getting rid of his wife seems to make sense. A break in gone wrong. The guy would probably do it for $10k. For a fee, CWW would make it happen and MS wouldn't even have to do anything except make sure TS is at home alone. MS could pay CWW through the practice and so there'd be no trail of the hit. And LE would never suspect a random dude from MO for the break in gone wrong.

Brilliant! Foolproof! Unless you have ever watched one episode of Dateline.

I agree with you that TS was thinking of leaving, or that MS felt threaten about the relationship in some way. You make a great point about paying CWW through the practice. That could make things much harder to prove, if MS was careful. But I'm counting on MS to have been about as smart as CWW, and having left a good digital footprint for LE. All IMO.
I agree with the total idea but can anyone throw in some Hollywood?

Not book worthy yet.

Need some more twists.

If someone in her practice was in on the plot that would be Hollywood with already having the husbands best friend in on it. jmo.
A GRANDIOSE mind feels it can have it all and conquer all! If you take this thought into all of your above theories, you realize why it may have failed. Sometimes intelligence is in the mind of the beholder, not necessarily in the "fool proof" plan. Maybe we're giving them way too much credit...JMO

I think this is the same thing that is called "CEO disease." People feel that they are above the rules, and don't even worry about the idea of being held accountable. (I remember first hearing about this state of being when a famous President of the US thought he could likely get away with having an affair with an intern). The only problem is that MS wasn't a CEO or a Pres. He was just a wannabe with a pretty bad plan!
I agree with you that TS was thinking of leaving, or that MS felt threaten about the relationship in some way. You make a great point about paying CWW through the practice. That could make things much harder to prove, if MS was careful. But I'm counting on MS to have been about as smart as CWW, and having left a good digital footprint for LE. All IMO.

The irony is that it sounds like LE was onto the fact that CWW and JR did the dirty work for MS in like two seconds--okay, well at least two weeks.
Is this book-worthy? Someone in the office or an outside competitor wanted TS gone. They set it up so that MS (and CWW) would think she was having an affair or planning to leave MS (even though she wasn't). MS and CWW took the bait. The person who created the illusion didn't actually "do" anything, they created situations and allowed things to be assumed, so they can't be charged with any crime. MS, CWW and JR go to prison, and the mastermind gets away with it.

ETA: I don't think this is what happened, but I can't imagine what else the sheriff might be referring to.
Just throwing this out there - haven't thought it through fully yet.

Maybe the motive and the Wow are the same. What if MS was becoming more annoyed with his life in his wifes shadow, and wanted to replace her, not with another lover but with another person or persons that he could easier control and who would be more grateful for his support. He may have envisioned retiring like his friend.
Whilst we can see now that the practice can't survive without TS, MS may have believed that it was his skills not hers that created success.

If killers were the genuises that they think they are, the jails would be empty.
I think TS found out about the secretive "bromance" that has been going on for decades between you-know-who and CWW.

So TS wanted out of the marriage but as the only one of the 3 bringing home the bacon, divorce wasn't going to happen. Plus she threatened to tell the truth about their duplicity.


I think TS found out about the secretive "bromance" that has been going on for decades between you-know-who and CWW.

So TS wanted out of the marriage but as the only one of the 3 bringing home the bacon, divorce wasn't going to happen. Plus she threatened to tell the truth about their duplicity.



I considered this for a long time, but everything I have seen of TS, she doesn't seem the type to sit on that for any length of time 'holding it over them'. If this were true I believe that MS would already be sharing a trailer with his bro' and his new wife and TS would be healing herself. She could afford to stay in the home, fund a divorce, and take care of her family.

(Unless a gambling addiction gets thrown into the mix somewhere as a motivating factor ---- sorry just thought of that)
Ive thought about the Bromance angle but from what we have heard about TS, I do not see her divorcing MS over it. They seemed to be a partnership in work and home, and I suspect if that were the case, they would continue to function that way. Her work with the transgender community tells me she would be more understanding. JMO
Gambling is an interesting idea.

Their lifestyle does not scream money. Perhaps he was gambling it away online.

And he had her killed because ?

It doesn't make sense that they would go on a family vacation and she left the children with him if she had any suspicions.

Why get rid of her? She was going to be pulling in huge bucks with the supplements and TV.

Here is an example of what can be made selling supplements


Big money in infomercials
The van

What possible connection could it have.
If TS arrived home and her killers were already there, where does the van come in?

Even if she was already home and they came in, what does the van have to do with it?

Any suggestions?
A GRANDIOSE mind feels it can have it all and conquer all! If you take this thought into all of your above theories, you realize why it may have failed. Sometimes intelligence is in the mind of the beholder, not necessarily in the "fool proof" plan. Maybe we're giving them way too much credit...JMO

BBM: My point exactly. MS and CWW had very grandiose thoughts and plans, IMO. They thought they were so smart and would never get caught due to having JR do the dirty work. Two have been caught - CWW and JR. I am waiting for the other arrest(s).

Just one other thought I have had is that the male voice arguing really was CWW arguing with JR. I think CWW was the lookout guy and waited (possibly in the dog park) for JR to finish inside of the Siever's house. It was getting later and CWW thought he had better see what was taking JR so long. CWW goes in and sees that JR was still messing around with the safes, but had already done the murder.

Let's say that in addition to the overalls he had from work, JR also had one of those thick rubber aprons worn over the overalls in the smelting business to protect from sparks and heat. Could JR have had a small torch attempting to open all of the safes? Was JR to have only gotten into one of the safes instead of the several there supposedly was? CWW lost it, shrieked, and argued with JR that it was almost daylight and they had to get out of there.

Okay. Even I will admit I am getting ridiculous in my farfetched theories!
The van

What possible connection could it have.
If TS arrived home and her killers were already there, where does the van come in?

Even if she was already home and they came in, what does the van have to do with it?

Any suggestions?

Several possible reasons for LE still holding on to the van as evidence:

1. Dr S may have already been attacked in the garage. Prints and DNA (unidentified ?) on the van?

2. Intuition .. tells me the dents in the back of the van were possibly new. Accident on the way back from the airport? Airport garage? Fight broke out inside the home garage? DNA/prints? Dents were made with a "hammer"?

3. They found evidence inside the car that was not supposed to be there, perp's fingerprints/ DNA?, prints overlapping D S's prints? Who was the last one to move/ drive the car? Did the perps arrive with her inside the van?

4. Evidence inside the car is still being processed, unidentified DNA/prints (doghair?)

All my opinion, and nothing but my opinion..

Several possible reasons for LE still holding on to the van as evidence:

1. Dr S may have already been attacked in the garage. Prints and DNA (unidentified ?) on the van?

2. Intuition .. tells me the dents in the back of the van were possibly new. Accident on the way back from the airport? Airport garage? Fight broke out inside the home garage? DNA/prints? Dents were made with a "hammer"?

3. They found evidence inside the car that was not supposed to be there, perp's fingerprints/ DNA?, prints overlapping D S's prints? Who was the last one to move/ drive the car? Did the perps arrive with her inside the van?

4. Evidence inside the car is still being processed, unidentified DNA/prints (doghair?)

All my opinion, and nothing but my opinion..


Any chance they put the dogs inside the van to contain them? I don't know what sort of scene inside of the house was but I would think that they would need the dogs out of the way while trying to murder the owner? JMO
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