Dutch plan to ban burqas

Yep, it's not about profiling (whether that is good or bad), it's about not being able to see a person's face, and the problems that has for society. I think that's a reasonable thing to say. People shouldn't be able to walk around wearing a full ski-mask and goggles either.

The woman who wanted to wear the cross - well, sorry, it's not part of the uniform. She can wear it all she wants, just as all her coworkers wear their own emblems, under her blouse at work, over when outside of work. I personally think that one's a stupid little PR bit - why does she need to wear a cross over her blouse?
I hope anyone who is outraged by this proposed ban on burqas (imo it reeks of religious intolerance) will let the Dutch (and French for that matter) know their feelings by refraining from investing in their business sector, by taking their tourism dollars elsewhere, etc. Let all the Muslims with business interest in these countries pull out. If a policy is offensive to me or my religion, I vote with my feet and do business elsewhere. Our family likes to travel, and we can just as easily travel to other countries who are NOT racist and intolerant.

My hope is that countries demonstrating this sort of intolerance will realize there can be some consequences to this sort of action. Vying to host the best athletes from around the globe at the next Olympics? You may not be so lucky if you can't tolerate others' religious traditions.

I already buy everything Danish if I can find what I need imported from there.

--They completely have my support. If the Muslims can't adapt to the nations they're migrating to, let THEM leave.
Details said:
Ummm, I know what the Koran says - but as practiced, I would not call Islam a peaceable religion. It may not be true Islam, but it's what those who claim to be Muslims do - and I'm not talking about the terrorists. I'm talking about the Muslim theocracies.
I stand by my original post. Islam is a peaceable religion.
Karole28 said:
I already buy everything Danish if I can find what I need imported from there.

--They completely have my support. If the Muslims can't adapt to the nations they're migrating to, let THEM leave.
What if they are born and raised there? Should they leave as well? :waitasec:
sandraladeda said:
What if they are born and raised there? Should they leave as well? :waitasec:

If their "religion" interferes with Danish law? And, they refuse to adhere to the law? I'd say leaving is a dandy idea.

(Burquas aren't commanded in the Koran)
Karole28 said:
If their "religion" interferes with Danish law? And, they refuse to adhere to the law? I'd say leaving is a dandy idea.

(Burquas aren't commanded in the Koran)
If the discriminatory Dutch law does not get passed, then their religion doesn't really "interfere" with it, does it? :rolleyes:
sandraladeda said:
If the discriminatory Dutch law does not get passed, then their religion doesn't really "interfere" with it, does it? :rolleyes:

It should be passed. And, I hope other countries adopt the same laws. (We have them in Georgia, the KKK prompted a law that it's illegal to be in public or on private land (without owner's consent), with your face concealed).
Karole28 said:
It should be passed. And, I hope other countries adopt the same laws. (We have them in Georgia, the KKK prompted a law that it's illegal to be in public or on private land (without owner's consent), with your face concealed).
It probably won't be passed in its current form (i.e. a full ban in public places) because any likely coalition will include the Pvda (labour party), which wants to limit the ban to schools, public transport, and the workplace.
British Airways backed down over its ban on workers wearing the cross after a hurricane of criticism.

Airline chief Willie Walsh ordered a rethink of the rule that barred check-in worker Nadia Eweida from wearing a tiny cross at work.

reb said:
AWESOME!!!! WOW, i commend them for their bravery to stand up to the muslims... and to all the bleeding-heart wimps of the world. after all, if the muslims want to drag themselves back to the dark ages, go back to your own GD country and do it. why on earth do they want to be in the netherlands anyway...?? or france? or NYC? or london? or toronto? or michigan? or pennsylvania?

IF the netherlands (or, the US for that matter-) want to defend and protect their own customs and culture in their OWN country, then why the heII shouldn't they be able to?? maybe they'll have the guts to ban islam too- the world's most dangerous religion... before it takes over the entire world like a cancer.
Catholicism beat them to it.
windovervocalcords said:
Wow, what an about face. You think Islam is a peaceful religion too.

Of course! This isn't an 'about face'. Have you never read anything I've written?
Burqas are archaic and symbols of oppressive regimes -women's liberation? What a joke! What happens if they take them off? It's the subjugation of women..............
it's a sad world where women finally get the equality and freedom they deserve.. and then what do they do?? insist upon continuing to oppress themselves.
kylie said:
Burqas are archaic and symbols of oppressive regimes -women's liberation? What a joke! What happens if they take them off? It's the subjugation of women..............
reb said:
it's a sad world where women finally get the equality and freedom they deserve.. and then what do they do?? insist upon continuing to oppress themselves.
I agree with both these posts! The Muslim religion is extremely repressive towards women. For that reason, women should not wear burqas! Orthodox Jewish women cover up their hair but not their faces. There are also security reasons involved, and I don't believe banning burqas is a step back towards the Holocaust.

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