Educator Gets Suspension For Calling Kids "Trailer Trash"

That would of had Al Sharpton on every newscast for the next two weeks! I tell my own kids and my neighborhood kids when they throw trash in my yard or on the ground that we do not live in the GHETTO so they need to put their trash in the can. I think the term trailer trash goes way back and it's never going to ''go away'' . A friend and her daughter came over the other day and out of nowhere the daughter started doing some booty dance in my living room and her mom told her to stop acting like a hood rat. They are black, never lived in the hood, and the girl is definately not a hood rat but apparently she was acting like one?? Anyway I was like hmm thats a new one.. I don't let things get to me and take things personally.we can't be sensitive to everything people say..Buck up little campers!!! I don't agree with a teacher calling or threatening to call students any type of names...ever!

Imagine if he had said they were acting 'ghetto'. He'd have been fired and imagine the fallout.
First let me say, as a teacher, I would hope I have never said anything like this about "trailer trash." Many of my students live in trailer parks and I dearly love them and do not think they are trash, nor do I treat them like trash in any way. Indeed, they have often been treated like trash at the regular high school, and that is why they are with me at a high risk-alternative school.

However, I will admit to saying things like, "If you act like a baby you will be treated like one. This isn't a pre-school," or "If you want respect, take the high road and have some class and manners," or "Keep it up, you can enjoy wearing orange for the rest of your life."

Anyway, you get the picture. I have never had a student complain. I think they appreciate my calling it the way I see it and caring about them enough to impose some standards. But I can see how a person (parent, maybe) could twist things I have said, and I guess maybe to protect myself, I should temper my words at times.

I do feel being a teacher is getting to be downright impossible. I don't know how much longer I can do it before I'll get in trouble or quit. There is so little support and such ridiculous expectations. That being said, I do think the "trailer trash" comment was out of line. But I do think the teacher may have been trying to convey something good. Which she did badly.

First let me say, as a teacher, I would hope I have never said anything like this about "trailer trash." Many of my students live in trailer parks and I dearly love them and do not think they are trash, nor do I treat them like trash in any way. Indeed, they have often been treated like trash at the regular high school, and that is why they are with me at a high risk-alternative school.

However, I will admit to saying things like, "If you act like a baby you will be treated like one. This isn't a pre-school," or "If you want respect, take the high road and have some class and manners," or "Keep it up, you can enjoy wearing orange for the rest of your life."

Anyway, you get the picture. I have never had a student complain. I think they appreciate my calling it the way I see it and caring about them enough to impose some standards. But I can see how a person (parent, maybe) could twist things I have said, and I guess maybe to protect myself, I should temper my words at times.

I do feel being a teacher is getting to be downright impossible. I don't know how much longer I can do it before I'll get in trouble or quit. There is so little support and such ridiculous expectations. That being said, I do think the "trailer trash" comment was out of line. But I do think the teacher may have been trying to convey something good. Which she did badly.


Thank you for putting my feeling into words, Eve.:clap: Your last paragraph is how I feel EVERY DAY, unfortunately.
First let me say, as a teacher, I would hope I have never said anything like this about "trailer trash." Many of my students live in trailer parks and I dearly love them and do not think they are trash, nor do I treat them like trash in any way. Indeed, they have often been treated like trash at the regular high school, and that is why they are with me at a high risk-alternative school.

However, I will admit to saying things like, "If you act like a baby you will be treated like one. This isn't a pre-school," or "If you want respect, take the high road and have some class and manners," or "Keep it up, you can enjoy wearing orange for the rest of your life."

Anyway, you get the picture. I have never had a student complain. I think they appreciate my calling it the way I see it and caring about them enough to impose some standards. But I can see how a person (parent, maybe) could twist things I have said, and I guess maybe to protect myself, I should temper my words at times.

I do feel being a teacher is getting to be downright impossible. I don't know how much longer I can do it before I'll get in trouble or quit. There is so little support and such ridiculous expectations. That being said, I do think the "trailer trash" comment was out of line. But I do think the teacher may have been trying to convey something good. Which she did badly.Eve

When I was teaching, I used the phrase, "putting it in black and white," to my African American principal. He said he was offended. I thought this was a reference to newspapers. Guess you interpret according to your background.
When I was teaching, I used the phrase, "putting it in black and white," to my African American principal. He said he was offended. I thought this was a reference to newspapers. Guess you interpret according to your background.

Oh Gosh, I have put together a mental list of such "offensive" anecdotes in the course of teaching. It is exhausting. At 50, I don't know how much longer I can put up with it. Or why. I don't get paid or appreciated enough to do so. Also it is NOT producing better human beings/students (or teachers), imo.

This difficulty is in other arenas too. We had a priest (Episcopal) who came down hard on the decorating committee because they wanted to paint some of the sanctuary walls white. They changed the paint color to "Sante Fe Sand" or something like that. Would have looked better white. The church is white, with a red door. White was much better with the overall color scheme. But she said it was racist/white supremacist.:confused:

First let me say, as a teacher, I would hope I have never said anything like this about "trailer trash." Many of my students live in trailer parks and I dearly love them and do not think they are trash, nor do I treat them like trash in any way. Indeed, they have often been treated like trash at the regular high school, and that is why they are with me at a high risk-alternative school.

However, I will admit to saying things like, "If you act like a baby you will be treated like one. This isn't a pre-school," or "If you want respect, take the high road and have some class and manners," or "Keep it up, you can enjoy wearing orange for the rest of your life."

Anyway, you get the picture. I have never had a student complain. I think they appreciate my calling it the way I see it and caring about them enough to impose some standards. But I can see how a person (parent, maybe) could twist things I have said, and I guess maybe to protect myself, I should temper my words at times.

I do feel being a teacher is getting to be downright impossible. I don't know how much longer I can do it before I'll get in trouble or quit. There is so little support and such ridiculous expectations. That being said, I do think the "trailer trash" comment was out of line. But I do think the teacher may have been trying to convey something good. Which she did badly.


Good point Eve, I wasn't sure how I felt on this subject but am definite after reading your post. No it wasn't right but I could see why this stressed out teacher did so. Also I think this was a high school so we are not talking about little bitty kids we are talking about almost adults who are usually unrully and incredibly rude at that age. I know I was.
This wasn't a teacher accidentally spouting off in a moment of exasperation. It says in the story that she "handed them a memo" about acting like trailer trash. She took the time to actually put this down in writing and then handed it to them. This is no different than saying "if you're going to act like a N*****R, than I'll treat you like one." Trailer trash is a derogatory, racist term. It is based on the old pre-trailer term "poor, white trash". It shows extremely poor judgement and I would expect better from someone entrusted with educating my child.
This wasn't a teacher accidentally spouting off in a moment of exasperation. It says in the story that she "handed them a memo" about acting like trailer trash. She took the time to actually put this down in writing and then handed it to them. This is no different than saying "if you're going to act like a N*****R, than I'll treat you like one." Trailer trash is a derogatory, racist term. It is based on the old pre-trailer term "poor, white trash". It shows extremely poor judgement and I would expect better from someone entrusted with educating my child.

I hear you, Shadow, but I expect a lot better from my students and their parents than I usually get, too.

Teachers make the same mistakes as many others in our society. I still think her intent may not have been to inflame or belittle but to make a point, using a very poor choice of words, to be sure.

First let me say, as a teacher, I would hope I have never said anything like this about "trailer trash." Many of my students live in trailer parks and I dearly love them and do not think they are trash, nor do I treat them like trash in any way. Indeed, they have often been treated like trash at the regular high school, and that is why they are with me at a high risk-alternative school.

However, I will admit to saying things like, "If you act like a baby you will be treated like one. This isn't a pre-school," or "If you want respect, take the high road and have some class and manners," or "Keep it up, you can enjoy wearing orange for the rest of your life."

Anyway, you get the picture. I have never had a student complain. I think they appreciate my calling it the way I see it and caring about them enough to impose some standards. But I can see how a person (parent, maybe) could twist things I have said, and I guess maybe to protect myself, I should temper my words at times.

I do feel being a teacher is getting to be downright impossible. I don't know how much longer I can do it before I'll get in trouble or quit. There is so little support and such ridiculous expectations. That being said, I do think the "trailer trash" comment was out of line. But I do think the teacher may have been trying to convey something good. Which she did badly.


Excellent post, Eve! :blowkiss:
While I understand how being called trailer trash would be insulting, I can't believe a teacher was suspended over this. 1) The teacher didn't call the kid trailer trash; the teacher said the child was "acting like" trailer trash. In my mind, that's a lot different than calling somebody a name. I am totally against calling people names. For instance, I would never, ever call my kid a brat, but if she was acting like one I'd say so.

2) Are we raising our kids with such kid gloves now that something said in a heated moment in a classroom warrants a suspension of a teacher? One of the best teachers at my school says a phrase constantly that I find offensive ("This is so gay"); what if she were suspended every time she said it? Not only does the school have to pay for a sub, the students miss out on quality education.

If the student was offended, the teacher should have apologized (I would expect no less from a student who said something offensive). But suspension? Give me a break.

I should not have said "you disgust me." For THAT I will apologize to you. Sorry!
As you can tell this is a pretty sensitive subject to me.
I hear you, Shadow, but I expect a lot better from my students and their parents than I usually get, too....


Ain't that the truth!
I definitely agree with something I once read in Ann Landers column though...she said don't put it in writing, if you wouldn't want to someday see on the front page of the local paper. I think this teacher will think twice about her words (especially wriitten ones) in the future.
I am sorry you were hurt so badly, WR, and I can certainly understand your sensitivity.
You can't believe a teacher would be suspended over this? Obviously you didn't grow up in a trailer/trailer park...and know how much this might hurt...just because someone grew up in a t/p DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLZ tell me WHAT is the difference in BEING trailer/trash and ACTING LIKE IT?
And kid gloves? Like I said, you never grew up in a trailer park....Yeah we feel "so bad" for growing up poor/ AND considered trash...we really NEED to be told this by a TEACHER....SOMEONE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO LOOK UP TOO!!!!!!!!!!
We REALLY need to be told time and again how "different" we are!
"Suspension...give me a break?"....ugh you make me sick...I don't give a flying flip if I am given a time-out OR a permanent suspension...from this site...YOU DISGUST ME...GROW UP IN A TRAILER PARK AND THEN COME AND TELL ME HOW MUCH THIS DOESN'T HURT/MAKE A KID FEEL LIKE CRAP!!!!!!!
I DON"T CARE IF I AM KICKED OFF THIS SITE...If I am, I will miss MOST of you...goodbye...but this post just struck me to the core and I will NEVER apologize for what I've said.

Exactly. If you've never lived in a trailor or been called that, you never really know just what it feels like. I was called that more than once by other students and behind my back by teachers. That term, and the stigma I got from it, still bother me to this day -- there isn't one day when I wish that I had been raised "normal" or "with a lot of money."

First let me say, as a teacher, I would hope I have never said anything like this about "trailer trash." Many of my students live in trailer parks and I dearly love them and do not think they are trash, nor do I treat them like trash in any way. Indeed, they have often been treated like trash at the regular high school, and that is why they are with me at a high risk-alternative school.

However, I will admit to saying things like, "If you act like a baby you will be treated like one. This isn't a pre-school," or "If you want respect, take the high road and have some class and manners," or "Keep it up, you can enjoy wearing orange for the rest of your life."

Anyway, you get the picture. I have never had a student complain. I think they appreciate my calling it the way I see it and caring about them enough to impose some standards. But I can see how a person (parent, maybe) could twist things I have said, and I guess maybe to protect myself, I should temper my words at times.

I do feel being a teacher is getting to be downright impossible. I don't know how much longer I can do it before I'll get in trouble or quit. There is so little support and such ridiculous expectations. That being said, I do think the "trailer trash" comment was out of line. But I do think the teacher may have been trying to convey something good. Which she did badly.


I agree with this as well to a point. I was a teacher for several years, and sometimes you do just have to be blunt with the kids. But what this teacher did is rediculous, and as a teacher she MUST have learned somewhere that talking to students like that is unethical and likely to get you fired. She's actually lucky some parent hasn't filed a major lawsuit against her and the school.

Part of the reason I quit teaching was because of all the hoops you have to jump through to get and keep a job in this state. I'm still in school, but there is no way in anything I'd want to go back into the classroom again. If I work in the education field again, it will be either administrative or one-on-one (school counseling is what I'm working on now).
Exactly. If you've never lived in a trailor or been called that, you never really know just what it feels like. I was called that more than once by other students and behind my back by teachers. That term, and the stigma I got from it, still bother me to this day -- there isn't one day when I wish that I had been raised "normal" or "with a lot of money."

I agree with this as well to a point. I was a teacher for several years, and sometimes you do just have to be blunt with the kids. But what this teacher did is rediculous, and as a teacher she MUST have learned somewhere that talking to students like that is unethical and likely to get you fired. She's actually lucky some parent hasn't filed a major lawsuit against her and the school.

Part of the reason I quit teaching was because of all the hoops you have to jump through to get and keep a job in this state. I'm still in school, but there is no way in anything I'd want to go back into the classroom again. If I work in the education field again, it will be either administrative or one-on-one (school counseling is what I'm working on now).

How interesting to hear from someone who has experience with both sides of the issue :) Thanks
Exactly. If you've never lived in a trailor or been called that, you never really know just what it feels like. I was called that more than once by other students and behind my back by teachers. That term, and the stigma I got from it, still bother me to this day -- there isn't one day when I wish that I had been raised "normal" or "with a lot of money."

I agree with this as well to a point. I was a teacher for several years, and sometimes you do just have to be blunt with the kids. But what this teacher did is rediculous, and as a teacher she MUST have learned somewhere that talking to students like that is unethical and likely to get you fired. She's actually lucky some parent hasn't filed a major lawsuit against her and the school.

Part of the reason I quit teaching was because of all the hoops you have to jump through to get and keep a job in this state. I'm still in school, but there is no way in anything I'd want to go back into the classroom again. If I work in the education field again, it will be either administrative or one-on-one (school counseling is what I'm working on now).

Like I said, I have many students who have told me the same story - it's a rotten thing to say about/to anyone. I object to it, obviously. In fact, I think education majors are told ad nauseum not to speak this way to students. This has nothing to do with the training she received, I feel certain. Also, I would say teachers are conditioned to fear lawsuits and to tread very softly in many ways with students, even to the point of absurdity, imo. Oh and someone asked about classroom management training, yes, of course we are trained in classroom management but it remains a very tough thing to teach someone - I think people are usually just good at it, or they are not.

On the other hand, teachers back in the old days routinely hurled insults and worse at us - I was once called "motor mouth," LOL! That makes me laugh now, but I was pretty mortified at the time and humiliated in front of the class. My parents wouldn't have dreamed of going after the school or the teacher. Although I knew my mom was secretly annoyed, her position was that I should keep my socializing to a minimum, stop "visiting with my neighbors," and get along better with that teacher, for my own good.

If you go into administration, I hope/trust you will be better at it than most I see and work for!:blowkiss:

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe if I didn't grow up in a t/p I WOULDN'T have the guts to say this....
but I did and I do!

I did not grow up in a trailer but I still get called trailer trash and it still Ps me off. The other one I hate being called is a hillbilly or redneck. I just say to the person that says that you say that like something wrong with being a redneck.

Just how does a teacher treat trailer trash.
I guess she would treat them like poor people. This link says that that what trailer trash is.
i was called motor mouth in school. my mother said do not talk so much. maybe the parents of these children should have told them to stop acting like they are so poor.

after all what is the insult with the term "trailer trash". it is that anyone that lives in a trailer must be trash. since a trailer is the choice of homes for those that can not afford a standard home if you live in a trailer you are poor and therefor trash.

do i want the teacher jailed for harassing the students? of course not. if a student calls a teacher a derogatory name they should be suspended. i feel a adult teacher should be at the very least held to the same standard.

i am shocked that a teacher would take the time to write a memo telling students they are poor and worthless (unless of course this teacher thinks trailer equals rich and trash is valuable) and then takes the time to find the student and deliver the memo. i would be somewhat more understanding had the teacher lashed out and said this in a moment of high stress in the classroom. the length of time between the stress's and the action give me concern.

yes kids today are harder to teach than in the past. a child dresses like a *advertiser censored* star. a teacher should not use that as a excuse for sleeping with a student. a group of 3rd graders plot to harm their teacher and a teacher 2 states over leaves a loaded gun in her 3rd grade classroom. i am sorry if you do not agree but i do not feel you can use the bad behavior of a student to excuse the bad behavior of a teacher. both should be punished when they misbehave.
Good point Eve, I wasn't sure how I felt on this subject but am definite after reading your post. No it wasn't right but I could see why this stressed out teacher did so. Also I think this was a high school so we are not talking about little bitty kids we are talking about almost adults who are usually unrully and incredibly rude at that age. I know I was.

I agree completely!

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