FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #22

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I added my thoughts in red as yours were done so well. Very good points.

Des Sands, I thank you too for your wonderfully thought out post. I need to read it again cause it is so late here. ;}

Hi Truthwillsetyoufree, I hadn't heard about the boat yet, but it is interesting as you say, It could be that is why the Sheriff said they didn't need a thousand people searching for her.

If they found forensic evidence in that boat, maybe it was telling enough to where they know she is in water.

You would think someone would notice the boat being moved though, right? There would be such possibilities for someone to see it in transport or out on the water :confused: I am assuming Ron has a way to move it. Have the police confiscated it?

ETA: Hi SWAG, I just saw your post. LOLOLOL
I wonder if cadaver dogs have hit on the boat?
LE sure took that john boat real quick like. But today they said they are suspending the water search. Well, now they are suspending all searches. So, I don't know about the boat.

I want to know about the phone situation and was that the fatal flaw in the plan? I can't see leaving a 17 yr old with two little children alone without a phone in case of emergency.
I'm in here constantly, I don't do alot of posting because I like to think and get many facts before I do. Some of the observations I've made and concerns are as follows:

*GF says "Somebody stole your child."
*The timeline isn't 37 minutes, 3 in the morning until Ron got home at 3:27, it's more like a 10 hr. window actually, if the story about the AC guy and GF's brothers were indeed there and left about 5:30 that evening.
*GF laid low until day 2 when she came back *Wondering if Ron sent her away until he was finished talking to LE first, OR she was scared off by him and his actions and came back after he cooled down?
*GF as we all know has given many stories, We were all in the same bed, no Haleigh was in her own bed, NO, I was in my own bed, Haleigh was near the tv. etc. etc. This is why I question whether or not she was even there.
*Tonight she said she was cleaning at 10 o'clock
*RC's reaction is very questionable, from the first 911 reaction to now. He may have been in great pain but I see overkill (no pun intended) but he's one hard a%s dude and I don't see him breaking like that for anybody.

*IMO he's scary and dangerous, he has a long rap sheet, very little jail time. Did his mother working at the Sheriff's office have anything to do with his getting a pass on alot of things? Also is that how he got the children, bio mom states that the papers were sent to wrong address and she was railroaded into losing the children. He supposedly is a drug dealer and has been caught and know to use Cocaine, heroin, Lortabs, Xanax, *there's that old Zani again* He's had many accident, drives under the influence and has left the scene of an accident with bodily injury. He clearly should never have had the children.

*People were afraid of him, known to have been abusive to CS and his children. The court docs state the Magistrate notes he is likely to cause harm in some way to his children with his lifetstyle, aquaintances etc.
*The pee blanket bother me, did Haleigh pee the bed out of fear and the blanket is gone now, or they knew from the CA case to be careful about blankets?
*A gun was stolen from him? Oh yeah, I pity the supposed cousin who took it. He's not the kind of guy you steal from !!
*He remarks right off the bat that he would give his life to have his child's life back?? How does he now she's dead? Don't you say to the police, we have to find her quickly. Also he says the piece of trash will pay.
*I'm not even sure GF knows what happened, I don't think he'd let her in on foul play (If that is the case with him) He dictates what she should say when on GVS.
*Or GF does know, but is NOT a good liar and is terrified and controlled by him. I certainly wouldn't cross him, he's known to have an anger problem.
*Bio mom's plea was so weak tonight, I was actually waiting for it, when it was over. Bio mom had a waitress job, making only 900a month and was oredered to pay over $300. monthly in child support to him.
*There are too many direct links to SO's right in their own family.
* I still say GF is too young for him, here in NY she would be known as jail bait. She was only 16 two months ago, and responsible for a ready made family? NOT
*LE is saying very little, but they are watching and waiting. The perp is closer than we think, that's their reason for releasing so little.
*I think she may have been removed by boat.

If anyone wants to add to this list, or dispute feel free to so. I'm only expressing my observations and opinions. :waitasec:

Excellent observations!

So do we have:

1. GF who could have been out and therefore responsible for the abduction?

2. GF perhaps responsible for an accidental death or intentional death cover-up?

3. GF covering for RC out of fear or whatever?

4. GF innocent and it was a stranger abduction?


1. RC - Same as above scenarios, excluding: #3 (instead fear of past history, drugs, etc.?)

So, both could be completely innocent or one or both are involved.

Just trying to understand as well because of all of the information we are reading here and not much coming from LE to speculate.

I hope we get more answers in the upcoming days. This is such a tragedy for 5 year old Haleigh. It's hard to sleep at night thinking about her missing.
Des Sands, I thank you too for your wonderfully thought out post. I need to read it again cause it is so late here. ;}

Hi Truthwillsetyoufree, I hadn't heard about the boat yet, but it is interesting as you say, It could be that is why the Sheriff said they didn't need a thousand people searching for her.

If they found forensic evidence in that boat, maybe it was telling enough to where they know she is in water.

You would think someone would notice the boat being moved though, right? There would be such possibilities for someone to see it in transport or out on the water :confused: I am assuming Ron has a way to move it. Have the police confiscated i

ETA: Hi SWAG, I just saw your post. LOLOLOL

It just makes me worry when LE states they don't "need" volunteers to search for a missing child, makes me go what????:confused:
LE sure took that john boat real quick like. But today they said they are suspending the water search. Well, now they are suspending all searches. So, I don't know about the boat.

I want to know about the phone situation and was that the fatal flaw in the plan? I can't see leaving a 17 yr old with two little children alone without a phone in case of emergency.

Hi again SWAG, Isn't that ODD for them to suspend all searches without giving a reason?
Des Sands, I thank you too for your wonderfully thought out post. I need to read it again cause it is so late here. ;}

Hi Truthwillsetyoufree, I hadn't heard about the boat yet, but it is interesting as you say, It could be that is why the Sheriff said they didn't need a thousand people searching for her.

If they found forensic evidence in that boat, maybe it was telling enough to where they know she is in water.

You would think someone would notice the boat being moved though, right? There would be such possibilities for someone to see it in transport or out on the water :confused: I am assuming Ron has a way to move it. Have the police confiscated it?

Thanks Scandi, I'm so log winded when I write, probably why I read more than post. lol The boat comes into play IMO only to move her to another area. I don't necessarily (sp?) think she's in the water, but could be.

I see Truth and Swag we're kind of on the same wave length here at this point.
You know if my Husband came in from work and i told him his son was gone
I can honestly say my husband would probably say a lot worse then Ronald did

I would probably do the same

you don't know how you would react unless your in there shoes

I read through the 52 pages of the custody hearing. I honestly believe Ronald was doing everything he could for his kids
my opinion he has nothing to with the disappearance of haleigh

I guess my husband was in the mother shoes
when my husband ex-wife filed for divorce he didn't get a lawyer and he didn't contest the papers that was served on him.
when he showed for court he spoke up and wanted joint custody the judge told him it was too late he would have to take her back to court to get it changed.

4 years later after saving ever dime he could they were back in court and he got full custody after 4 years of doing what ever his ex wife said so she would let him see his son

well i guess not exactly in the mothers shoes My husband has never done drugs and has never been in trouble with law
unless you want to count his lead foot lol

Knock on wood no speeding tickets for about 5 years

Thanks for the link. I just read the court proceedings. It was interesting.
I found the dad to be intimidating. I thought that the trip to Texas and by the way Mexico a threat that if she fought for custody, and won, he would simply disappear with the kids and she wouldn't see them again.
I also felt that him bringing up missed appointments while he was living with them unfair. He was certainly holding her accountable but probably didn't make appointments so that he could drive her there. So she was left at home without a license and without a car. But when they seperate, he runs off with the kids, she gets a job, and a license, and a car. But, when she finally gets the kids back, she is told by him that she can't work, or he'll take the kids back. Then he gets custody because she doesn't have a job? wow.
So for the last three years she has seen her kids every other weekend, and he finds a babysitter/lover who doesn't have a license, guessing here, and doesn't have a car, whom he calls a dumb b*tch gf.
CS states recently in the media that Haleigh wakes up crying and comes to her bed in the middle of the night when she is with her.
I think that both mom and MC state that Haleigh is motherly towards her brother. Hugging on him and caring for him.
Now speculation; what would dad do if Haleigh expressed consistently that she wanted to go live with her mom? no accusations, just speculation and jmo

ETA; I don't think he was a kind man to CS, and I don't think he is a kind man to MC. I doubt that his home is filled with loving words of comfort and encouragement, and speculate that he yells, swears, and threatens a lot. And his attitude toward the 911 operator and LE was that if they weren't going to help in the time and manner that he wanted, they were x&%&*, or to put it another way, worthless, and worthy of zero respect...
I think he can be described as a bully... jmoo
LE sure took that john boat real quick like. But today they said they are suspending the water search. Well, now they are suspending all searches. So, I don't know about the boat.

I want to know about the phone situation and was that the fatal flaw in the plan? I can't see leaving a 17 yr old with two little children alone without a phone in case of emergency.

I'm not sure if she had a car either.
Thanks for the link. I just read the court proceedings. It was interesting.
I found the dad to be intimidating. I thought that the trip to Texas and by the way Mexico a threat that if she fought for custody, and won, he would simply disappear with the kids and she wouldn't see them again.
I also felt that him bringing up missed appointments while he was living with them unfair. He was certainly holding her accountable but probably didn't make appointments so that he could drive her there. So she was left at home without a license and without a car. But when they seperate, he runs off with the kids, she gets a job, and a license, and a car. But, when she finally gets the kids back, she is told by him that she can't work, or he'll take the kids back. Then he gets custody because she doesn't have a job? wow.
So for the last three years she has seen her kids every other weekend, and he finds a babysitter/lover who doesn't have a license, guessing here, and doesn't have a car, whom he calls a dumb b*tch gf.
CS states recently in the media that Haleigh wakes up crying and comes to her bed in the middle of the night when she is with her.
I think that both mom and MC state that Haleigh is motherly towards her brother. Hugging on him and caring for him.
Now speculation; what would dad do if Haleigh expressed consistently that she wanted to go live with her mom? no accusations, just speculation and jmo

Seems like to me he like holding all the cards and used them all against the Biomom and the Biomom got away from him and started over and her life has improved somewhat. Her new baby certainly looks well taken care of and loved and in no way looks neglected just by looking at the pictures.
I'm not sure if she had a car either.

Another sign of a VERY controlling guy. Also I forgot to add that he was threatened by the school with jail if Haleigh missed any more school. This was not a good situation all the way around. If I were the judge, the kids would never have gone to him. The mom seemed to do pretty well after leaving him. She got a car and a mortgage.
Hi again SWAG, Isn't that ODD for them to suspend all searches without giving a reason?

They are waiting for the slip up, they already know who did it. IMO
Going to bed, have a good night friends.
Just a theory but would a person hide a little girl to punish a Mother and a Girlfriend, hide this child with some undesireable friends to scare the carp out of these women to make a buck or some kind or revenge or punishment?
Ok - another question

Wasn't that Walden Parsons guy the tennant BEFORE RC and MC moved in?
They are waiting for the slip up, they already know who did it. IMO
Going to bed, have a good night friends.

Thanks Des Sands, Now that you have stated that I can go to bed too! :):) What you say makes perfect sense.

Either they know where the body is, which I doubt or they would retrieve it ASAP for forensic evidence. Or they know who did it, and why spend money on expensive searches when they know they can get that person to cave. They might have already got word the caving in is imminent!

For me, it's either Misty or someone who only knew bio mom's side of the family.
Reasoning: A lot of people assume that even dad's that have custody of their kids aren't as caring as mothers. I don't know why there is this particular prejudice, but there is. I can't shake the feeling that bio mom just really doesn't give a carp. Her tears are fake, pleas are fake, she's a robot, imo.
So a person that knows her and doesn't know whether or not Ron really cares about the kids might assume that he.she could take Haleigh and no one would care. Might even have some time to get away before anyone noticed that she was gone. I think if we run out of likely looking SO's in Ron's neighborhood, then it might be time to start looking at acquaintances of bio mom.

I watched the bio mom really closely tonight just to see what I could see and I have to admit her eyes look very tired but her plea reminded me of Susan Smith without the tears. I feel guilty even saying that but she has never seemed sincere to me from day one. Maybe that is just the way she is though. I would rather it be her than anyone else because that would mean that Haleigh is alive somewhere.

Could the abducter be the cousin of Mistys that messed around with her when she was younger? He would know the routine of the household and if Misty had woke up he could have come up with an explaination for being there as he is related to her. I wonder if he is a registered sex offender? If not it sounds like he should be. I just hope this little girl is found alive but the days are flying by so fast and not a sign of her.

Are they still searching and is Tim Miller and Co still there? It doesn't sound like they even have any clues. I guess no one claimed the reward or Haleigh would be home now.

The name of the county that Haleigh is from seems so familiar. Have there been a lot of murders there in the past few years? Maybe children?
No - not a cuz - IIRC earlier peple were sleuthin' previous tennants at that address - I remember seeing that name. I'm asking because I found a landline for the address BUT its under this guy's name - so it could be an OLD number.

I can see leaving her without a car - but a phone is a necessity - especially when there are ilttle kids there.

HOW did she call him from the house if she doesn't have a cell and there is no landline?
Just a theory but would a person hide a little girl to punish a Mother and a Girlfriend, hide this child with some undesireable friends to scare the carp out of these women to make a buck or some kind or revenge or punishment?

Hi Truthwillsetufree,

We had that theory in Madeleine's case, that Kate had a friend take her with plans to have her found at a certain time and their plan went haywire because she died from being overdosed. The idea of it was to scare the bajebus out of Gerry for something bad he had done. It was said they were on the edge of divorce when they went on Holiday.

It turned out to be nothing - so far ;}
No - not a cuz - IIRC earlier peple were sleuthin' previous tennants at that address - I remember seeing that name. I'm asking because I found a landline for the address BUT its under this guy's name - so it could be an OLD number.

I can see leaving her without a car - but a phone is a necessity - especially when there are ilttle kids there.

HOW did she call him from the house if she doesn't have a cell and there is no landline?

I believe this is a key point in the initial 911 call as well as the report to LE. Need to find out about the 2nd phone very important, IIRC Ronald made a statement to the effect that Girlfriend called him as he was pulling into the driveway informed him someone stole his child and he said why are you calling me, call 911. So by that statement, he inferred she had a phone. The question is did she? You do have a very valid question, if she did not that brings up many many other questions into this.
The other side of this is an intruder had to pick the right house, the back door had a "sticking' problem so the intruder had to make sure the sticking door did not make any sound when opening, and then the intruder flipped on the kitchen light, making himself visible and possibly waking the adult or adults in the house. Not to mention bring along a cinder block to prop open the screen door. Even if the person was a person the family knew, this all still had to be done and then get a sleeping child 5 year old up and out of the bed without waking her or the 3 year old little boy and out of the house all the while not waking the girlfriend, that is asleep inches or feet which ever story you believe.

Usually when a child is abducted from a home, the perp usually takes his time to observe the family routine, correct? Unless it's a relative, how could they observe this family. The google map shows me that that house is pretty isolated.
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