FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #26

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Okay I'm still sticking to my tenative theory that Lil' Missy is somehow involved with Haleigh's disappearance. Either directly or unwittingly. I've got a slant every so slight towards directly now but it can change back to unwittingly.

Here are the reasons why for this afternoon, because I've posted a lot on why I have my eye on her for now.

She didn't call 911 until Ronnie pulled into the driveway and told her to do so. (Yes, I've seen the explanations as to why she might have done that, but it still stinks to me)

She washed two blankets the night Haleigh went missing, it was a long and drawn out story on video about those blankets (yes, i know we've explored the innocent explanations for this behavior but I'm looking at what's adding up for now in my own mind)

She gets up in the middle of the night to go pee/get a drink and finds the back door wide open. She says she goes to check on the children (good deal in my book). But, She doesn't call family (that we know of) or 911. Not only is the back door wide open but the screendoor is propped open with a cinderblock (brick in her 911 call).

Her involvement is the most straight forward logical explanation for me. I am not discounting anyone else's theories because we just don't have enough facts.
Would make since if she was "cleaning" up drugs, ashes, any related evidence...
I just bet LE said "Let's find Haleigh, then we'll deal with your cleaning spree, they're not that stupid.

If LE thought drugs were involved all they would have to do is bring in a drug dog. No matter how much cleaning was done they still would have made a few hits.

The shirt bothers me however they are not saying too much about it. I am thinking that even if Misty did leave the kids alone that night, she did in fact put them in their night clothes so why the changing of the story? She would have known what clothes she put on the kids. I am thinking that they found the pink shirt outside somewhere? Maybe in the "items" of interest?

At this point I am really thinking that a family member or someone they know took her. I think they came through the front door and left through the rear door like someone else said.
She washed 2 blankets?? I thought she only washed the pee one....
So if she lied about what the child wore to bed then she likely lied about putting the child to bed, right? That would back the timeline up.

It would change the timeline completely. If the pink shirt has been accounted for and is not what Haleigh was wearing when she disappeared, Misty lied about that. That makes her whole story suspect.
Just my opinion but I don't think Misti harmed the child BUT I don't think Misti watched the children well. I think she came and went with her friends and had people in and partied, drugged, drank etc. I think these kids were just an afterthought. Hope they stay in bed and not get into any trouble. I am not even sure Misti was home when this child was abducted.
I agree with the posts that said the investigators are releasing it to put pressure on MC without her screaming for a lawyer.

I don't believe there is any way that investigators would say that they have the shirt that MC thought she was wearing but now they have no clothing description at all....without a reason because they have to know that media and public is going to come down on her like a ton of bricks now that they have said this.

I think that this is exactly why they did it.....pressure from media, pressure from public....
If that rumor of Misty being gone 3 days, drugged up or whatever...and Ron found her and brought her back and left his kids in her care....then he's an idiot. And irresponsible. And probably a liar, also. Poor little girl, Haleigh...were there no responsible adults in her life??
SS, something's been bothering me. They said the ac man was there to work on it. If the ac man was there, chances are a window was open in the home b/c the ac wasn't working. Even if it was chilly at night, they might have still left a window cracked. Couldn't the perp have climbed through a window and then went out the back door? Maybe the perp propped the back door with the cinderblock to secure a fast escape and then climbed through the window to take Haleigh. Something still seems fishy to me, though. I don't believe the perp turned on the kitchen light. I believe MC left it on herself, maybe even forgot to turn it off before she fell asleep. Maybe MC wasn't even there and that's the reason the back door was propped, maybe as a staging. I have no idea, but I'm thinking MC might have been negligent in her care for Haleigh. Jeez, I was looking through some pics of her and there's some from when she was 14 and drunk! I remember being a teenager, but I was never a 14 year old drunk teen that was brazen enough to show pictures as proof on the internet! Actually, they didn't have the internet in this capacity when I was a kid, so maybe I shouldn't compare, but still. Anyway, something's just not jiving with MC...or is it just me? I certainly don't want to rip the poor girl apart, afterall she might have just made a minor mistake...but I can't help but wonder...

JG, this would be IMO the other likely point of entry--besides intruder w a key to front door that is. And the more I've rethought and tried putting myself into head of a home invader, the more I think they absolutely would turn on a light. Afterall, which is riskier or apt to disturb someone asleep: a light from the hallway or adjacent room... or the sound of intruder crashing into objects, groping or stumbling his way around trying to find and escape w child in same room w sleeping caregiver? JMO

We don't know where the shirt was found right? ( or did I miss something?)

More than likely, the shirt she described Haleigh as last wearing was found, inside trailer, van, outbuilding or elsewhere on property. OR at brother's? Confusion in the frenzy? Innocent mistake? So much for the one descriptive they had... JMO

I hit the submit too soon (Husband called while I was typing and I got distracted). Okay and I don't like her ever changing stories about sleeping arrangements to the Media.

I also don't like that now it's unknown what Haleigh was wearing. That changed too, pink shirt undies, pink shirt-tan shorts, pajamas, etc.

Lil' Missy got a lil' 'splainin' to do. All I gotta say.
I wondered the same thing, the "pee" was inserted in there not as a response to any question, but like someting she had to make sure and let people know.
I brought it up back in thread 18. Seems weird, and sad that she would even have to bring this up. We (here) talked about it, and personally, it says alot. It is mentioned at the same time she feels compelled to say " I was cleaning"...

I thought the reason for that story was to show that someone could have seen inside the house before entering it to see where Haleigh was, so they didn't have to go search for her, or that someone peeked, saw, and at that time decided to kidnap.opportunity, but it doesn't explain the locked door, and how he got in there. Because why be soooo adamant that the door is always locked, and double checked every single day, if the lock is easy to pick. jmo
If that rumor of Misty being gone 3 days, drugged up or whatever...and Ron found her and brought her back and left his kids in her care....then he's an idiot. And irresponsible. And probably a liar, also. Poor little girl, Haleigh...were there no responsible adults in her life??

Not to mention if it is true, who was she with. I am sure that group of people has some real winners in it too.
:(Does anyone know if the links to the pressor today still work? I'm having a problem getting the video to even play after the commerical part
Could be. I wonder if the shirt is why the field was searched? Did they find it in the home? Don't they know we need to know these things?????!!!!!
You would think they definitely have a conspiracy not to tell us important things!! :banghead: Don't they know we are spoiled from the "other" case?!

1) If the shirt was IDed by people who saw her wearing it that day, it would not have supported either way if she was or was not still wearing it when she went missing...no reason to change the Alert.

2) If someone in the home finally told them she was not wearing it after being confronted by LE finding it inside the house...reason to change the Alert.

3) If they found it during one of the searches outside and waited on DNA to confirm it was the shirt Haleigh had worn...reason to change the Alert.

I think they waited until it was confirmed that Haleigh was not wearing what MC said initially.
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