FL - Cats being mutilated and killed in miami-dade, fl

Accused Cat Killer Running Out of Scratch
Teen will get taxpayer funding for legal defense

The teen accused of killing nearly 20 cats throughout Miami-Dade is running out of money as he defends himself in what is shaping up to be a massive case, according to his lawyer.

Tyler Weinman's attorney, David Macey, was in court this morning to plead for economic assistance for the case, which he expects will include over 100 witnesses.


I just hope this lil gets a lot of time from this. He did it. He's a "blooming" Ted Bundy - not doubt. Thing is, he comes from an affulent family with money, so I don't quite understand why the public defender and his "out of money" claim. Can't remember I didn't think he was over 18 - could be though.

Again, I just hope they put this kid away for a long, long time - or we will be hearing about him again!!!!

swag this is florida.......where casey anthony had 4 high profile lawyers but gets to cry poor house
I'm weighing in very late on this one as I'd never seen the thread and I joined WS after the arrest. I've watched this case very closely as it ties in closely with our family's experience. I've posted about these events on other threads but thought I'd add them here.

The young man (he was 14) who raped our eight youngest children (6-12 yrs. old and all with special needs was a cat/dog/bunny/chicken/small wild animal killer and mutilator. He'd been at this craziness since a very young age. He raised birds and had a pet cat but he preyed on neighbor's animals. He used the mutilation and rapes of our precious pets as a way to silence our children. Each and every one of or children (and the other two accusers who were not related to us) told detailed stories as to how the rapist used mutilation as an intimidation tactic.

This monster anally penetrated our beautiful 6 month old kitten and caused it's death. He cut the tail off of our next kittie (who survived and just passed away at age 15). He raped several of our pet dogs and threw a tiny foster kitten in the air causing its death. My husband once caught him mutilating a still live baby opossum. When confronted he tried to minimize his act saying that opossums were killing his birds and saying that it was already dead and he was "dissecting" it. It was NOT dead. His mother jumped to his defense saying that he was always "tender" with animals and adored them. Not two weeks later we found the head of a tiny baby skunk on our doorstep. It had not been torn off by an animal but cut.

One of the rape victims (not one of our kids) described in gruesome detail how he had watched as the rapist strung up a lovely golden retriever with ropes and sliced it with a knife--not killing it--just terrorizing it and the child. He managed all these atrocities in a two story bird coop in his back yard. That's the same place he raped many of our children.

We've been told (after the trial, of course) that before we moved next door to this monster, it was a frequent occurrence for cats and dogs to go missing. That seemed odd to me even then as we live in a very pet-focused town and our home was in a quiet historical area. People cared for their pets dearly. The teen himself has a doctor for a dad and a teacher/librarian for a mother. He wanted for nothing. He was not popular, though, but seen as a bit odd. We took pity on him (stupidity and naivete) and kept giving him second chances. Remember, we had no earthly idea that he was the rapist of our kids or the mutilator of our pets. We just knew not to trust him too much. We've done tiny dog rescue, specializing in disabled, special needs, and extreme elders for years and I never allowed the teen inside our home or to even hold one of my tiny ones. There's even another WSer who knew this teen as a child and she agrees that he seemed genuinely interested in animals but had a drive to torture them. He tried desperately to get other kids to go along with him but he was shunned in this endeavor.

He was outwardly very very lovable to our pets he encountered outside but they despised him and would even growl or hiss, which was unheard of with these animals. It was only after the rapes where disclosed that the real stories came out. He was found guilty of 12 charges of rape and sodomy of young children and sentenced to 10 years. Not one animal disappeared or turned up injured in our neighborhood during the rapists' incarceration. Coincidence?

I worry that Tyler's fascination with mutilation was/is going to morph into some even more ominous. I also worry about our children's rapist. Wherever he is now (he's a RSO for life), I have no doubt that kitties are starting to disappear. It breaks my heart. As much as I've lived through eleven years of grief and heartbreak while raising eight children who were horribly raped, I've also grieved the loss and the pain of my dear pets. Children, the disabled, animals, and elders are all so vulnerable and deserve special protections.
You didn't know this, kbl? I'm sorry. I have to admit that while I go to this sort of "numb" place when I talk about the kids' rapes, the animal torture still brings me to tears.

I'm watching the town where I think the rapist lives now for missing cat cases. I know he'll start up again. It's just far too ingrained in who he is and he never received any treatment as he never admitted. He just sat in lock-up for 10 years.
You didn't know this, kbl? I'm sorry. I have to admit that while I go to this sort of "numb" place when I talk about the kids' rapes, the animal torture still brings me to tears.

I'm watching the town where I think the rapist lives now for missing cat cases. I know he'll start up again. It's just far too ingrained in who he is and he never received any treatment as he never admitted. He just sat in lock-up for 10 years.

im sure animals arent the only victims where he is :waitasec:

you might have mentioned it before but not in that detail. i actually got queazy. and i've seen some of the most horrific autopsy photos ever....
Sorry but he is a full blooded serial killer in the making. Said it when I heard about it and saying it now. I just hope he gets some time out of this. Made me sick last year when I heard about it. :sick:

I just hope this lil gets a lot of time from this. He did it. He's a "blooming" Ted Bundy - not doubt. Thing is, he comes from an affulent family with money, so I don't quite understand why the public defender and his "out of money" claim. Can't remember I didn't think he was over 18 - could be though.

Again, I just hope they put this kid away for a long, long time - or we will be hearing about him again!!!!


Hey I'm all for him getting a public defender. Much less concern about his case from the lawyer most likely.
Prosecutors on Wednesday dropped their case against accused serial cat killer Tyler Weinman after two scientific experts determined that an animal, not the teen, was to blame for a string of grisly feline mutilations in South Miami-Dade last year.

That means Tyler Weinman, 19, is now a free man.

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/11/24/1942068/accused-serial-cat-killer-cleared.html#ixzz16F8KFrXU
From the link:

`"`They peeled back underneath the skin and found puncture wounds and that was the end of the case,'' Fernández Rundle said. ``This is a classic case of scientific evidence trumping a circumstantial case.''

And why wasn't this done in the beginning before Weinman was arrested and charged? Granted he appeared to be a likely suspect, however, one would think something as basic as performing a proper necropsy would've been done. :mad: MOO
Wow... Um... Just wow...

Something seems very off here.

I remember this case, & I am now going back to re-read through it, but I personally find it very hard to believe that another animal did this.

This guy struck some kind of a private deal which is why we wont be hearing about a lawsuit from his family on his "behalf"...

My advice? Folks, lock up your pets... Lock up your kids, & lock up Grandma & Grandpa who can't see too well & like to sit outside, & get fresh air because a person is likely next even if it takes 5-10 years.

This nutty buddy will be back in the headlines.

This sux! Off to re-read.
Jeez, well that didn't take very long. I didn't need to read past the 1st post on here to have my questions answered:

The black cat's body was found in the grass, just feet from the hedges where she slept each day.
Miss Kitty was still warm to the touch when the South Florida couple who cared for her found her in the yard next door. Her head was smashed and her back legs skinned, like pieces of chicken in a grocer's freezer. And she was not the only one to suffer such a fate.

Yep... Folks have forgotten this case & here's what we get... Another animal did it... Really!?

Again... 1st post... Another animal did this... Well, then da*n, tell me what kind then!

Horrified owners have been finding their cats killed and mutilated for the past month in two south Miami-Dade County communities. Many of the cats were missing fur and appeared to have been cut with a sharp, straight instrument, police said. In all, investigators are looking into about two dozen deaths, with enough evidence to try to prosecute at least 15 of the cases.
Incredibly interesting...

So, this guy goes to jail, & the "animal" that was apparently responsible for the deaths of these cats suddenly stops... And no more die. Hmmmmmmmmmm.....

There are no coincidences... Not like that.
Incredibly interesting...

So, this guy goes to jail, & the "animal" that was apparently responsible for the deaths of these cats suddenly stops... And no more die. Hmmmmmmmmmm.....

There are no coincidences... Not like that.

I am totally in agreement with your suspicions about something being very "off" with this case. From the article quotes in your previous posts, which gave graphic descriptions of the mutilations, it does not appear all the deaths were caused by other animals. Furthermore, how would an animal leave what appeared to be cuts from a sharp, straight instrument? And yes, ironically, the killings suddenly stopped. What is the explanation for that? :waitasec: MOO
Nobody bothered (reporter, anyone) to inquire what sort of animal is suspected to have done this? Because I gotta say this explanation does not cut it for me.

Unless there is some sort of four legged predator roaming the streets and in that case I agree with the poster above, the public should be warned to watch over their small children.

Interesting that they haven't been warned that tho.

MOO the two legged predator just walked and that sux raw rotten eggs.

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