Fl Death Row

I am opposed to the death penalty.

And not everyone on this board thinks she is guilty...so saying "we" and speaking for the entire population on this board is not accurate.
I am opposed to the death penalty.

And not everyone on this board thinks she is guilty...so saying "we" and speaking for the entire population on this board is not accurate.

Thank you for answering my question-- I am also opposed to the death penalty. I'm sorry if something in my post offended you-- I wasn't trying to speak on behalf of others.
Thank you for answering my question-- I am also opposed to the death penalty. I'm sorry if something in my post offended you-- I wasn't trying to speak on behalf of others.

No, nothing you or anyone said for that matter bothered me. I just hate seeing the "trigger happy" mentality, is all. People are ready for her to basically fry and she hasn't been proven guilty yet. LE is still doing their job, the public only knows about a fraction of the evidence (I'm assuming). From what evidence has been released to the public so far, it's just hard to put her on death row. I'm still not 100% convinced. Again, that may or may not change when her trial happens and LE releases more evidence. Obviously there is more since the GJ indicted her w/in 30 mins. lol
I have not seen any pics in this thread either...but I have to comment on the "innocent until proven guilty" remarks.

After many years of reading here at Webleuths I cannot count how many times that has been used...respectfully, and please I mean no offense...this is not a court of law...its a discussion Board.

If we are going to be that PC or sensitive...then IMO we should not be here at all...

what s/he said.

I oppose the death penalty. (lately I have started feeling severe abuses to children should possibl...but that is my moral issue....)

She wont get the DP. They will use it to make her tell where the body is.

eta: thank you for posting the info. it is interesting if a bit hard to think about.
...but I have to comment on the "innocent until proven guilty" remarks.

After many years of reading here at Webleuths I cannot count how many times that has been used...respectfully, and please I mean no offense...this is not a court of law...its a discussion Board.

If we are going to be that PC or sensitive...then IMO we should not be here at all...


If she is found guilty, and the laws in your country condemn her to DIE for her crimes - so be it.

Personally, I think she's as guilty as sin, so to hell with her.

If she is found guilty, and the laws in your country condemn her to DIE for her crimes - so be it.

Personally, I think she's as guilty as sin, so to hell with her.

I have to agree, I oppose murdering your child!
KC will never see Death Row.
Im going to share something that I dont normally talk about. I know, testified in court for a man facing DP. I was completely shocked that I even knew anyone who could be in this position. But I was there and had to deal with it. He took my car in order to committ the murder, kidnap 2 children, attempt to murder the childrens grandparents and a whole slew of other charges. The murder weapon,gun and bullets were in my car. His children were at my house playing with my child while he met up with his girlfriend, I was clueless!!! I was in it deep and fully cooperated... Anyway his sentence was Death, 2 life terms plus 10 years. Some years later I had to go thru the whole nightmare again at his appeal, which his DP was overturned and now he is serving 3 lifeterms plus 10 (I believe, dont quote me)

IMO KC will never go to death, she will never see death row. After he was released from Death Row, I received many calls from this man, who said he forgave me (whatever) and asked for money to be put into his account so he could go to commecary (sp) He had access to a tv in his cell, a full library, phones, full medical and was working on his college degree while there. He even had a hot plate so he could heat up his Raman Noodles... So ya know what.. I feel very little sympathy for KC about DP or jail...

PS, yes I changed my number and now its been many years since I heard from him....
I have not seen any pics in this thread either...but I have to comment on the "innocent until proven guilty" remarks.

After many years of reading here at Webleuths I cannot count how many times that has been used...respectfully, and please I mean no offense...this is not a court of law...its a discussion Board.

If we are going to be that PC or sensitive...then IMO we should not be here at all...

KC will never see Death Row.
Im going to share something that I dont normally talk about. I know, testified in court for a man facing DP. I was completely shocked that I even knew anyone who could be in this position. But I was there and had to deal with it. He took my car in order to committ the murder, kidnap 2 children, attempt to murder the childrens grandparents and a whole slew of other charges. The murder weapon,gun and bullets were in my car. His children were at my house playing with my child while he met up with his girlfriend, I was clueless!!! I was in it deep and fully cooperated... Anyway his sentence was Death, 2 life terms plus 10 years. Some years later I had to go thru the whole nightmare again at his appeal, which his DP was overturned and now he is serving 3 lifeterms plus 10 (I believe, dont quote me)

IMO KC will never go to death, she will never see death row. After he was released from Death Row, I received many calls from this man, who said he forgave me (whatever) and asked for money to be put into his account so he could go to commecary (sp) He had access to a tv in his cell, a full library, phones, full medical and was working on his college degree while there. He even had a hot plate so he could heat up his Raman Noodles... So ya know what.. I feel very little sympathy for KC about DP or jail...

PS, yes I changed my number and now its been many years since I heard from him....

WOW. Im sorry you were put thru that and involved in such a horrible situation. I hope the kidnapped kids were not hurt and were returned safely to family? Thank you for sharing that with us, every case is different but I agree it seems theres always ways of getting off thier intended sentence.
WOW. Im sorry you were put thru that and involved in such a horrible situation. I hope the kidnapped kids were not hurt and were returned safely to family? Thank you for sharing that with us, every case is different but I agree it seems theres always ways of getting off thier intended sentence.

He left the kids with me, so yup they were fine and well hidden from the reality. They had no idea he murdered their mother. He called the police and let them know he did it after he dropped the kids off. I didnt have to testify before the grand jury he allready admitted to doing it. Which makes me realize even more that KC will not sit on DP

I wish KC had left Caylee with someone like me... then we'd know she is fine....

PS his appeal resulted in him serving 2 life terms. I went and checked.
I didn't see the pics either, but I've seen pics of California's death row... nothing gruesome about them, just an ugly green rooom with a gurney with straps, that looks like a "chamber" of metal like you might find on a submarine but larger.

I was on submarines for several years. There's a LOT more room in the death chamber than anywhere on a submarine (except the reactor compartment...and hanging out in there for any length of time is unpleasant!). Even the gurney looks more comfortable than the bunks we had to sleep in. Of course, they did let us OUT of the submarine...so I'll take that option any day!

I'm against the death penalty, but for my own selfish reason. It costs more to put someone to death, counting appeals & all the crap after sentencing, than it does to just warehouse their sorry butt until they die of natural or unnatural causes. Use that money for something better, like getting the drugs off the streets (which in turn will reduce the number of people on death row in the first place!!!) and just let the inmates suffer for the rest of their lives with the memory of what they did to get there. Hell...paint a mural of their victims on the ceiling of the cell, so that is the last thing they see before they go to sleep at night, and the first thing they see when they wake up. KC can see a pile of bones and a picture of Caylee painted on her ceiling for the next 60 years or so. (OK, so I'm cruel. Sue me.)
If Casey is found guilty, I wonder if she ever thought through the penalty, before committing the crime?

I can remember when I was only around 11 years old, a mobile crime bus came to our area. Not only did it have an actual electric chair that you could get right up to and touch, it had all the prisoner's pictures who had been executed in it posted above the chair. It was a harsh fact of life my parents took me to see, one that I will never forget. Guess what, it made me realize how terrifying it could be to break the law and the consequences of it. I NEVER, EVER thought of breaking the law after seeing that electric chair and pictures. It put the scare of God in me to say the least.
According to the U.S. Supreme Court, the presumption of the innocence of a criminal defendant is best described as an assumption of innocence that is indulged in the absence of contrary evidence (Taylor v. Kentucky, 436 U.S. 478, 98 S. Ct. 1930, 56 L. Ed. 2d 468 [1978]).

D'ya think the evidence released and discussed on WS rebuts the presumption of innocence?
He left the kids with me, so yup they were fine and well hidden from the reality. They had no idea he murdered their mother. He called the police and let them know he did it after he dropped the kids off. I didnt have to testify before the grand jury he allready admitted to doing it. Which makes me realize even more that KC will not sit on DP

I wish KC had left Caylee with someone like me... then we'd know she is fine....

PS his appeal resulted in him serving 2 life terms. I went and checked.

I am sorry you had to go through all of that, but each state is different. Florida has a reputation of not playing around with people who murder. Many states do let them off or reduce their sentences, but thank God Florida is not one of them.
I am sorry you had to go through all of that, but each state is different. Florida has a reputation of not playing around with people who murder. Many states do let them off or reduce their sentences, but thank God Florida is not one of them.

We used to be #2 in the rankings out of the states which execute the most. I think Texas was #1. I'm not sure in the last few years who is in the top five. I think we may have moved down the chart a peg or two. We had a bit of a lull when Old Sparky started sputtering. Then we moved to lethal injection. Those on Death Row can still choose Old Sparky if they wish.

Back in the day, Florida (along with Texas) was really known for giving and enforcing the DP. For instance, that is why people wondered why Bundy came here after all this killing elsewhere when he certainly knew if he got caught *here* he would be executed. And he was...Old Sparky acted up on his death too. I don't know how many people were executed with that electric chair after Bundy, but that chair certainly was not 100% reliable.
If Casey is found guilty, I wonder if she ever thought through the penalty, before committing the crime?

I can remember when I was only around 11 years old, a mobile crime bus came to our area. Not only did it have an actual electric chair that you could get right up to and touch, it had all the prisoner's pictures who had been executed in it posted above the chair. It was a harsh fact of life my parents took me to see, one that I will never forget. Guess what, it made me realize how terrifying it could be to break the law and the consequences of it. I NEVER, EVER thought of breaking the law after seeing that electric chair and pictures. It put the scare of God in me to say the least.

KC has never had to suffer the consequences of her actions throughout her life, so I really doubt if she gave the punishment much thought. Normal people think things through, but KC comes off as being far from normal.
Why is there a DP debate on here? It's an informational, educational thread, as I see it about where the prison is, what it is like, etc.
I'm against the DP too. I live in Texas. But I used to live in California. The big difference between CA & TX as far as the DP goes (as I see it) is that here it's just not a big deal. They report it on the news as a small item and it's just very matter-of-fact. In California they show protestors and almost do a countdown on the news for several days. I used to get soooo creeped out when the state of CA did an execution because of all the build-up. It still bothers me here in Texas but at least I don't have to deal with all the anxiety from the news. Afterall, I am not the one that commited the crime. I do not have to pay the consequences.

I honestly don't feel that this thread was distasteful at all. The OP was simply facts. Nothing offensive about it at all. It's a reality. It's KC's potential reality.

On a side note, I actually felt relief when Bundy and Gacey were executed so there is a smidgen of me that thinks that sometimes the DP is appropriate.

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