FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #11

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I think there were two vehicles being driven by different people. Someone was driving Dale's red truck and taking the kids to the grandparents home. I think the cell phone was in that truck as it went the same route, apparently.

Then someone had to be driving the Hummer, and it had to be moving away from his home before the pickup left for the grandparents, because otherwise the neighbors would have noticed if the Hummer was out front for 2 hours.

So maybe Grandpa drove the pickup, and dale drove the hummer to the dump site. OR a female accomplice drove the Hummer while Dale drove the kids to his folks house. imoo

I don't think Grandpa. If Dale plans it out, he gets another accomlice. He takes cell phone drives a distraction route with phone to send police on wild goose chase. Police can suspect him all they want - they need proof. Need a body.

Meanwhile accomplice (friend of Dale) goes wherever they want. They have 7 hours to go whereever to dump body and dump Michelle's car. Whatcha think?
Ok here is a thought. Would Dale he be stupid enough to keep Michelle's cell phone on while carrying out a crime? Or was the phone deliberately left on and given to someone else while he did something with evidence? Smoke and mirrors?

Here's the thing and let's say I'm right about her Hummer being at Alafaya at 4pm... If its true her phone never pinged in the Waterford lakes area, then she couldn't have had her phone with her. According to my Co-worker he got a better look at her than I. He said the women he saw driving looked to be the same lady as pictured in the flyer. He also said she looked to be traveling alone? (Now of course someone could have been crouched down in the back seat and that wasn't noticed by my Co-worker.)

But if she and her Hummer was indeed at Alafaya as I and my Co-worker believe. Then the absence of any phone ping in the Waterford Lakes area would mean she didn't have her phone. It also means she was still alive at 4pm... Now I'm not so sure what that could tell us other than it really messes up the time line and some theories as to what might have happened?
I hope to obtain the time records of our travels for that date from my Boss. I asked for all time records of toll charges between 3pm and 4:30pm of that date... Until I hear back from him you'll just have to go on my statements with faith... When I get the info I'll post the times for each toll charge and it's location. As of right now I can only estimate times but I have to be pretty close in my guessing. It takes us about 30 minutes to drive from Waterford back to the Shop. And I know we was at the Shop just around 5pm... If you factor in we spent about 30 minutes there in Waterford doing our job, then that has us exiting the 408 there at Alafaya around 4pm...

Hi Ironhorse! I want to use your post to demonstrate something that has bothered me with this case and others.

See the bolding by me of Ironhorse's post.

Most people don't know ahead of time that their exact time down to the minute will be needed in the future. As your post demonstrates when we go back and try to timeline our activities they are only estimates and usually rounded off.

The only times in this case that we can be sure of are the actual text MP made or received that day everything else is estimated. Even the time on DS's neighbor security camera only being off by 2 seconds that day is left up to what the neighbor supposedly told a reporter (no offense TP).

We don't know what any of witnesses in this case actually told OPD in their statements. For all we know DS could have told OPD that MP got to his place "sometime before 4pm". And as for what time MP left the salon, did she really jump up and run the second that the PC show went off the air at 2:30 or did she go to the restroom, grab a cola and chat a few minutes? Did she sit our in her vehicle touching up her lipstick and hair before even starting the vehicle up.

The one time I would really like to see is the daycare check out time for the twins. Of course this may only be available if the daycare was a commercial type of one. If it was a home based daycare they may not even have an exact time it could be yet another "about" or a "sometime around, before or after."

Not to say that I don't agree that DSjr is the prime suspect I just want to know exactly how he and others worded their statements before I state any of the times we have been given are concrete. And of course I am sure OPD will have more evidence than these times when an arrest is made but until them I can't say I positively know DSjr did it.

Does anyone feel like me that I am almost hoping for an arrest of anyone just so that the sunshine law will come into effect and we can see what OPD really has on this case?
Ok here is a thought. Would Dale he be stupid enough to keep Michelle's cell phone on while carrying out a crime? Or was the phone deliberately left on and given to someone else while he did something with evidence? Smoke and mirrors?

No idea. But whenever I think of suspects/defendents this always come up..."How would Scott Peterson be so stupid as to call his mistress, Amber Frey (unbeknowst to her that she was his mistress) during a vigil for his missing wife and unborn son?" I don't think stupidity is always the answer. Could it be panic? Worried about a time frame? Misdirection?

I have just always heard this excuse, even when I interned for the DA's office. A defendent's mother cornered me to ask me (after her son had gone around bragging all over town that he had killed his friend for his car...to everyone he could think of...there was also a ton of other evidence that linked him to his friend's murder, which is why he was rightfully convicted) "Would my son be so dumb as to tell everyone he killed someone?" Yep...he did...and he was. Criminals are not exactly the "sharpest knives" in the drawer. I think crime shows and movies make us think that everyone that commits a murder is very clever. :innocent:
I think there were two vehicles being driven by different people. Someone was driving Dale's red truck and taking the kids to the grandparents home. I think the cell phone was in that truck as it went the same route, apparently.

Then someone had to be driving the Hummer, and it had to be moving away from his home before the pickup left for the grandparents, because otherwise the neighbors would have noticed if the Hummer was out front for 2 hours.

So maybe Grandpa drove the pickup, and dale drove the hummer to the dump site. OR a female accomplice drove the Hummer while Dale drove the kids to his folks house. imoo
Your post made me think. I've been following this case, but haven't read every post, so this may have been discussed. We own a Hummer and it has OnStar. Long story short, we once had to track its position and the police were able to track/find it within minutes. I wonder if she also had OnStar and they can tell when/where her phone and her vehicle separated and thereby trace the suspect's/suspects' routes.
Here's the thing and let's say I'm right about her Hummer being at Alafaya at 4pm... If its true her phone never pinged in the Waterford lakes area, then she couldn't have had her phone with her. According to my Co-worker he got a better look at her than I. He said the women he saw driving looked to be the same lady as pictured in the flyer. He also said she looked to be traveling alone? (Now of course someone could have been crouched down in the back seat and that wasn't noticed by my Co-worker.)

But if she and her Hummer was indeed at Alafaya as I and my Co-worker believe. Then the absence of any phone ping in the Waterford Lakes area would mean she didn't have her phone. It also means she was still alive at 4pm... Now I'm not so sure what that could tell us other than it really messes up the time line and some theories as to what might have happened?

Michelle was never spotted alive after 3:18 so my theory of two cars - one running a distraction route and someone taking hummer to dispose of body is plausible.
But if she and her Hummer was indeed at Alafaya as I and my Co-worker believe. Then the absence of any phone ping in the Waterford Lakes area would mean she didn't have her phone. It also means she was still alive at 4pm... Now I'm not so sure what that could tell us other than it really messes up the time line and some theories as to what might have happened?

Snipping your quote again, respectfully. If her phone was not with her...than how could it be texting at 4:26 pm to her brother's phone "Waterford" when the phone was 8 miles away from Waterford and not at DS's home?

So if she was in the Waterford area, without her cell phone, the only logical place it could have been was at Dale's. In this scenario...did she return to retrieve it?

Since we don't know where and when her phone pinged and off what towers and how long her phone stayed stationary, anything is possible. I don't necessarily think the timeline (with what your passenger saw) is corrupted. Largely because of the fact that LE has told us and the media and Michelle's family jack.
Your post made me think. I've been following this case, but haven't read every post, so this may have been discussed. We own a Hummer and it has OnStar. Long story short, we once had to track its position and the police were able to track/find it within minutes. I wonder if she also had OnStar and they can tell when/where her phone and her vehicle separated and thereby trace the suspect's/suspects' routes.

She had onstar but it wasn't an active acct
Do we know for certain MP wasn't going to go spray tan someone? What if a perp set an appt for a tan and had other ideas for her? To me, that makes sense as to why the Tan decal was removed from the vehicle, because its directly connected to the perps reason of being in contact. Does that make sense? Something inside me still believes this was a crime done by a sexual predator.

Also,I watched the 3part PC on YT and it doesnt appear that Dale was super angry. It didn't seem like that would have fired him up. He didn't seem aggressive to me at all.

I really pray that DS didn't commit a crime against MP, those kids need both of their parents, and if something terrible has happened to MP those kids will need their dad. :(

ETA-What I mean by the PC episode is that I don't see how it would have been embarrassing to DS and that he would be angry watching it.....However, I definitely see how it would cause a conversation between the two, and hopefully DS wasn't drinking....

Hi danilee!! You need not say more in describing your thoughts on the PC episode as I understand and agree with you wholeheartedly.. I absolutely get what you are saying as my reaction was quite similar it seems to how you reacted.. I know that it certainly seems as tho we may possibly be in the minority who saw the episode this way(tho not necessarily as it may br that there are more that feel similarly but have just not chosen to post about their specific opinions regarding the PC episode).. But upon my reading your post I felt I must broach the subject once more in saying that I, too saw it as something THAT WOULD NOT FIRE DALE UP IN HIS HAVING WATCHING ITS PREMIERE BROADCAST WITHIN THE HOUR THAT MICHELLE ARRIVED AT HIS JOME WITH THE TWINS..

I personally thought that if anyone came out or felt they were the winner that it would definitely be Dale IMO.. Not only did Judge Marilyn rule in favor of the plaintiff for $2500 but IMO the overall tone that Judge Marilyn had in engaging him was very "cutesy-cutesy" to me.. With her keeping on going back to Dale and laughing it up with him saying she really really wanted to see some pix of him in his costumes(I know some saw this as her actually being overtly negative and actually outright making fun of him to his face).. My feeling is this.. Tho they may indeed be true that she was in a way being derogatory And mocking him.. However IMO that totally went right over Dale's head if that were the intended purpose.. Because obvious from his reaction that the more Judge Marilyn giggled and joked about wanting to see pix of him in his super hero costumes.. The more Dale literally was eating it up and saw it as the judge being friendly and funny toward him.. In his eyes further fueling that he was the victor in the case and on the show.. I felt alot of real negative amd more judgemental overtones that were directed pointedly at Michelle by the judge.. She cut her zero slack and was not near as friendly and cutesy-cutesy with Michelle as she was with Dale.. I think Michelle definitely got the short end of the stick any way you look at the PC episode..which I totally 100% understand and sympathize with Michee's humiliation at knowing the broadcast was airing that day.. IMO she wanted it to all just be over and everything have blown over about the entire ordeal so that she could finally move on already with her new found beau, Nate..

IMO if anything I believe that Dale would have absolutely derived utter enjoyment from watching the episode and was very likely delighted to see that Michelle overall seemed to be the one raked over the coals.. I can see him being extremely smug and actually a little excited maybe knowing that Michelle would be dropping off the twins soon after and he'd even get a chance to rub it in a little more just what a raking over the coals she'd taken and how that the world had just witnessed his victory over Michelle.. Who knows maybe even Dale was hoping she'd see what she was missing and that she'd see afterall that he wasn't the bad guy she made him out to be and that she actually should want to get back with him(of course that's obviously some major speculation there..lol.).. My point mainly is that tho I believe wholeheartedly that there was nothing in that episode that would have reignited a rage within him.. And if anything I believe he derived enjoyment and satisfaction from the episode.. And that I believe due to his head being a little inflated from him believing himself to have come off looking so damn good on that show that he began ribbing Micgelle when she arrived with the twins.. I could see him really rubbing it in and that it was Michelle that just snapped.. She'd had it and she wasn't gonna take his ribbing and rubbing her nose in that damn show that he'd drug her on to against her will to begin with..

I believe Michelle was feisty little thing and that she was perfectly capable of giving it to him good... I mean both barrels fully loaded up close and personal giving it to him good.. For me it is something more along those lines that pushed his buttons(I've posted extensively towArds the beginning of the case that I believe they both were volatile in their poison relationship amd that they both knew superbly well just how to push one another's Buttons unlike anyone else.. I see it very possible that Michelle could've just really been brutally honest in letting him know she had totally moved on in a very serious manner with Nate and God knows what else could have been stated in the heat of passion and anger between these two.. Its at that point I believe it escalated at break neck speeds and was likely over within moments.. Dale is no shrinking violent but rather a rough and rumble former marine that is in no way new to physical altercations with individuals a whole helluva alot bigger and stronger as his opponent than what tiny Michelle would have been..

Anyway as I said really nothing more than speculation but I do feel it's very likely something similar transpired on the afternoon of 11/17.. But one thing I do know is that IMO the PC episode would not have in any way shape or form a negative triggering mechanism that sent him into murderous madness.. Nope.. Quite different is that I believe Dale likely got a real kick and a good laugh from Michelle's discomfort, embarrassment, and her obvious raking over the coals it appeared she took from Judge Marilyn.. That IMO absolutely delighted and pleased Dale..
Snipping your quote again, respectfully. If her phone was not with her...than how could it be texting at 4:26 pm to her brother's phone "Waterford" when the phone was 8 miles away from Waterford and not at DS's home?

So if she was in the Waterford area, without her cell phone, the only logical place it could have been was at Dale's. In this scenario...did she return to retrieve it?

Since we don't know where and when her phone pinged and off what towers and how long her phone stayed stationary, anything is possible. I don't necessarily think the timeline (with what your passenger saw) is corrupted. Largely because of the fact that LE has told us and the media and Michelle's family jack.

That's what I'm saying too... If My co-worker and I are correct it injects several problems. Such as where is the phone? Who sent the Text?
No idea. But whenever I think of suspects/defendents this always come up..."How would Scott Peterson be so stupid as to call his mistress, Amber Frey (unbeknowst to her that she was his mistress) during a vigil for his missing wife and unborn son?" I don't think stupidity is always the answer. Could it be panic? Worried about a time frame? Misdirection?

I have just always heard this excuse, even when I interned for the DA's office. A defendent's mother cornered me to ask me (after her son had gone around bragging all over town that he had killed his friend for his car...to everyone he could think of...there was also a ton of other evidence that linked him to his friend's murder, which is why he was rightfully convicted) "Would my son be so dumb as to tell everyone he killed someone?" Yep...he did...and he was. Criminals are not exactly the "sharpest knives" in the drawer. I think crime shows and movies make us think that everyone that commits a murder is very clever. :innocent:

All I'm saying is if this was planned out which I now believe it was. No one in their right mind would leave their victim's cell phone on unless it was intentional. If you wanted to get away with murder. That would be a perfect decoy. Bait and switch - follow the cell phone while we hide the body...
Your post made me think. I've been following this case, but haven't read every post, so this may have been discussed. We own a Hummer and it has OnStar. Long story short, we once had to track its position and the police were able to track/find it within minutes. I wonder if she also had OnStar and they can tell when/where her phone and her vehicle separated and thereby trace the suspect's/suspects' routes.

Someone discussed that earlier. Apparently her sister said in an interview that the Onstar was turned off.

My guess is because it was a used Hummer so she did not pay the monthly fee or whatever. I just remember that my parents loved the Onstar with their new Tahoe, but after a couple of years it had to be renewed and paid for and they decided against it.
Mod note:

Please remember we cannot bring over direct "quotes" from comments posted on ANY Facebook site.

You are welcome to paraphrase and link to Michelle's Official Support page. Just not directly quote any comments.

That's what I'm saying too... If My co-worker and I are correct it injects several problems. Such as where is the phone? Who sent the Text?

Phone could have been with Dale on the distraction route while accomplice runs wherever they want to dispose of body. They probably brought car back to where phone pings were to throw off police.
That's what I'm saying too... If My co-worker and I are correct it injects several problems. Such as where is the phone? Who sent the Text?

Who sent it? Why would they respond to that one text from her brother? Yep...questions we are all asking. If she did send it...why didn't she bother to call her 11 year old son? Text her current boyfriend back? At least LE has the phone and because the data was built into it, they can get all they need from it...:woohoo:

According to LE, the phone was no where near Waterford...yet the text...why would a stranger bother to respond to a text? IMO, it had to be someone who knew her well and knew her routine...

Again...just my opinion...
So now I believe Michelle could be within a 3.5 hour radius (at 70 miles per hour) that could be over 200 miles away. The hummer could technically drive 200 miles one way and back to where it was dropped with an accomplice. Hummer wasn't spotted until 10:30 that night assuming Michelle was killed by 3:30.

Dale takes phone and kids to Dad's house and stays there (alibi) - could have chucked phone out window along the way.
All I'm saying is if this was planned out which I now believe it was. No one in their right mind would leave their victim's cell phone on unless it was intentional. If you wanted to get away with murder. That would be a perfect decoy. Bait and switch - follow the cell phone while we hide the body...

Okay...I am now on the same page as you. Could it be someone else, other than Michelle, was monitoring that phone? To see the calls and what have you calling in/texting? Or could it be that the phone itself was on mute and forgotten about by the bad guy? Or could it be that it was obvious misdirection? Dump the cell phone here...no way anyone (including LE) would look for the body elsewhere...my gut tells me the road to Titusville...but that is just me...
So now I believe Michelle could be within a 3.5 hour radius (at 70 miles per hour) that could be over 200 miles away. The hummer could technically drive 200 miles one way and back to where it was dropped with an accomplice. Hummer wasn't spotted until 10:30 that night assuming Michelle was killed by 3:30.

Dale takes phone and kids to Dad's house and stays there (alibi) - could have chucked phone out window along the way.

But wonder why he would take the phone back with him?
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