MISTRIAL FL - Six Bodies found in Deltona mass murder, Aug 2004 *guilty* *mistrial 2023*

i was also thinking of you and did not realize you were that close...i hope you'll hear some inside stuff and fill us in. i'm going to call a friend on ormond PD. i keep wondering if this was another danny rolling type incident. although that involved stranger-on-stranger...thinking in terms of the method of slayings.
I haven't heard anything else yet but there is a couple up the street who work as guards at the county jail and they usually have inside info.

Also a guy next door to them who is an FF/EMT in this area.

My husband goes out with the dog later and usually runs into these folks who are also walking their dogs. We live in a very nice, peaceful friendly part of town, this is just unthinkable to be so close to home.

I like to say we don't live in the country but we live right next to it. No streetlights and you can see the stars, there is a horse pasture about a half mile from the crime scene. Folks are friendly and quiet for the most part, property was real cheap up here until just recently.

I still can't believe it. One of those girls mentioned in the news stories went to HS with my oldest son, he just graduated in May.
Newswolf said:
YES sometimes I do think that.

You ought to be able to feel safe in your own home. ANd what did the poor dog do to anyone?
Lori and Laci weren't safe in their own homes either. What a shame. These are sad times for all of humanity.
deputylinda said:
hi rumtumtugger...i knew you lived near the scene, and thanks for all the information...i would only say to you these were very personal murders, and not random...but since they are still out there , please use caution in your day-to-day life. the killers are desperate to evade authorities. this is just a general statement.
These victims had to have beaten beyond recognition since they've not been identified yet. I would think it would take SEVERAL people to perpetrate this crime....how could just 2 people manage to beat 6 adults and a dog to death?
IdahoMom said:
These victims had to have beaten beyond recognition since they've not been identified yet. I would think it would take SEVERAL people to perpetrate this crime....how could just 2 people manage to beat 6 adults and a dog to death?

From the current stories I have just read on the Orlando Sentinel site, I believe they were beheaded among other things (cut up into pieces, sorry to be gross) as they identified a girl by her tattoo on her back (not teeth so is the head not there or in another room?).

I really think they (the twisted freaks who did this) cut them all up. I only pray that they killed them quickly and then did the rest to the bodies. I hope they didn't have to watch the others die. Oh how awful, it breaks my heart.

No matter what they did to someone they did not deserve that. Those poor kids and their poor families. I hope they catch these creeps and fry them (although I think they should see what it's like to be butchered.

Edited to add, I recall reading several stories today on this that stated they WERE butchered. I will try to find the links.
Doesn't it boggle your mind that 6 adults could be overcome like that? They must have been sleeping or something. This is so sad. I cannot imagine what their loved ones are going through!:(
DELTONA -- Two men, one with a violent criminal history, were being questioned Saturday in the killings of six friends whose brutalized bodies were found in a rented home.

Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson said the men, located Saturday at a home in Deltona, were not considered suspects in the killings of four men and two women who were found Friday. But he said they knew at least some of the victims and investigators thought the men could provide useful information.

"We want to know, first, were they involved?" said Johnson, who described the two as "persons of interest."

On Saturday, sheriff's officials identified five of the victims as: Anthony Vega, 34; Roberto "Tito" Gonzalez, 28, of New York; Francisco Ayo Roman, 30; Michelle Nathan, 19; and Jonathan Gleason, 18.

Vega, Roman and Nathan lived in the home where the killings took place. Gonzalez and Gleason were living nearby, friends said, but stayed there on the night of the slayings.

Authorities have had difficulty positively identifying the sixth victim, thought to be Erin Belanger, 22, because the body was so badly disfigured, her father said. Investigators have described the crime scene as one of extreme violence.

"There is so much damage to her face," Bill Belanger said, "a positive identification can't be made with dental records."

Belanger said investigators told him a medical expert will be called in to help identify the woman.

Autopsies on all six of the victims were completed Saturday, but sheriff's officials would not discuss the results.

A necropsy was performed on Erin Belanger's small brown dachshund, George, also killed at the home.

One of the men being questioned by investigators was arrested at gunpoint Saturday afternoon at a home on Fort Smith Boulevard, less than five miles from where the killings occurred. He was arrested on an unrelated probation violation. The second man was not charged, but also was being questioned by investigators, Johnson said.

Sheriff's officials would not identify either man. However, they did say that the man who was arrested was serving seven years of probation for 1997 convictions for grand theft and aggravated battery.

But three neighbors who watched officers take the man away in handcuffs identified him as Troy M. Victorino, 27, of Deltona.

According to Florida Department of Corrections records, Victorino spent eight of the past 11 years in prison. He was released in January 1996 after serving two years for charges including grand theft of a motor vehicle, arson and burglary.

The year after his release, he was sentenced to seven years in prison for aggravated battery and grand theft of a vehicle. He was released from prison in October 2003 and is serving a seven-year probation.

In the battery case, Victorino, whom corrections records list as 6-feet 5-inches tall and weighing 272 pounds, beat a 20-year-old acquaintance so severely with a walking stick that the man's face required hours of reconstructive surgery.

At about 1 p.m. Saturday, neighbors said, about a dozen deputy sheriffs surrounded the home Victorino was in on Fort Smith Boulevard. The homeowner said Victorino is a longtime friend of the family.

Three men, a woman and child came out of the home first, and deputies began calling for Victorino, neighbors said.

"They said, 'Troy, come out of the house now,' " said Vickie Kreger, who lives across the street.

After about 15 minutes, Victorino walked out, wearing jeans and a white tank top, and the deputies rushed him with guns drawn and handcuffed him, neighbors said.

Johnson said detectives are investigating whether the killings were related to a series of disturbances that began about 10 days earlier at a home a few miles from the Telford Lane home where the bodies were discovered Friday morning.

Sheriff's officers were called six times in the 10 days before the killings to a home on Providence Boulevard in Deltona. That house is owned by the grandparents of Erin Belanger. Joe Abshire, Belanger's brother-in-law, said she went to her grandparents' home to go swimming one day and found about six people living there. The house was supposed to be empty because her grandparents are spending the summer in Maine.

Abshire, in a telephone interview from his home in Massachusetts, said Belanger called the Sheriff's Office and deputies asked the group to leave the home.

A few days later, tires were slashed on a car at the Telford Lane home where Belanger lived and she was threatened, Abshire said.

"She was afraid for her life," Abshire said. "It all started escalating with the last week and a half."

Bill Belanger said his daughter called him at his home in New Hampshire last Sunday to tell him that a group of 10 people stood outside the Telford Lane home shouting at her and her housemates.

"They said they were going to kill her," Belanger said.

Abshire said Belanger complained that deputies didn't do enough about the threats.

"She said the police didn't take her seriously," Abshire said. "This was maybe a day and a half, two days ago."

Sheriff's officials would not release reports about the disturbance or other complaints. But a spokesman said deputies were never informed of death threats.

"There were no death threats" reported, sheriff's spokesman Brandon Haught said.
This guy sounds like he could be the one who did this crime considered he disfigured someone else in a previous crime so badly they had to have recontructive surgery. Sounds like his "trademark" or M.O. as you all call it.
Good grief, a bloodbath over a flipping Xbox video game system?

Six people died brutally over a video game system?

What in the world is going on in this country anymore?

They need to go back to the old "an eye for an eye" and give these losers what they gave those poor kids. Life in a prison is nowhere compared to what they suffered.
The bloodbath was caused by the Victorino character. Past criminal record for aggravated assault on a man that had to have reconstructive surgery on his face for such a severe beating. This Victorino is a sociopath and recruited junior sociopaths. It doesn't matter if it was a video game or a diamond ring or 1,000,000 cash, they all have this sense of entitlement and felt they had a "right" to do this. Totally sick. We are producing them in such quantities it is unbelievable!
concernedperson said:
The bloodbath was caused by the Victorino character. Past criminal record for aggravated assault on a man that had to have reconstructive surgery on his face for such a severe beating. This Victorino is a sociopath and recruited junior sociopaths. It doesn't matter if it was a video game or a diamond ring or 1,000,000 cash, they all have this sense of entitlement and felt they had a "right" to do this. Totally sick. We are producing them in such quantities it is unbelievable!

Why does it seem that suddenly things are out of control? I know there have always been sick and twisted people but the last two years or so it just seems like there are more of them than us. I am just worried that my kids chances of living to my age are slim to none.

It makes total sense what you said about not mattering if it is an Xbox or a million bucks but I am wondering if anyone thinks it is possible that there was more to it than just an Xbox? Maybe something like drugs that they just don't want to admit to? (although if you confess to murder what is the big deal about admitting to drugs, surely the youngers ones would have told all since they confessed to the murders)
jojo said:
Sheriff's officers were called six times in the 10 days before the killings to a home on Providence Boulevard in Deltona. That house is owned by the grandparents of Erin Belanger. Joe Abshire, Belanger's brother-in-law, said she went to her grandparents' home to go swimming one day and found about six people living there. The house was supposed to be empty because her grandparents are spending the summer in Maine.
Abshire, in a telephone interview from his home in Massachusetts, said Belanger called the Sheriff's Office and deputies asked the group to leave the home.
A few days later, tires were slashed on a car at the Telford Lane home where Belanger lived and she was threatened, Abshire said.
"She was afraid for her life," Abshire said. "It all started escalating with the last week and a half."
Bill Belanger said his daughter called him at his home in New Hampshire last Sunday to tell him that a group of 10 people stood outside the Telford Lane home shouting at her and her housemates.
"They said they were going to kill her," Belanger said.
Abshire said Belanger complained that deputies didn't do enough about the threats.
"She said the police didn't take her seriously," Abshire said. "This was maybe a day and a half, two days ago."
Sheriff's officials would not release reports about the disturbance or other complaints. But a spokesman said deputies were never informed of death threats.
"There were no death threats" reported, sheriff's spokesman Brandon Haught said.
This is the part that upsets me!!! It sounds like the police needed to be more aggressive with these thugs. Interesting that Erin Belanger was the one targeted and now she's the one that they cannot make a positive ID on, even with dental records, because she was horribly disfigured. I hope these scum bags really get it in prison!
:( My God, all over an X-BOX. The unidentifed girl, was probably beaten the worst, since she had called the police to report these animals..!! I heard the beatings were with aluminum bats..!! :furious: :furious: If only the police had listened to her..!! :(

I'm fearful of the next generation.. !! The level of violence in their everyday lifes is growing..!! There is no control, or consequences for their actions.!! Everything is someone elses fault, or lawyers gets them off..!! :furious: :furious:


On the Orlando noon news (WFTV - Channel 9) there was a film story about the arrests with pictures of the 4 ugly a$$***** that committed these horrendous murders. Yes, Victorino was the ringleader .. and the only one that has not confessed. The sheriff was visibly angry and said this should be a death penalty case and sooner rather than later.

Aluminum bats were used to beat the victims to death as well as the use of knives in slaughtering them.

The granddaughter of the Reidys, Erin Bellanger, still has not been positively identified. She was the main target because she was the one who called the police when she found the group of intruders living in & partying at her grandparents home.

Apparently after they were arrested and forced to leave the Reidy home,they broke in to the same house once or twice again. Ms. Bellanger (age 22) had boxed up some of the belongings left behind (some clothes & an X-Box) and stored them in the home where she was living. The group apparently came to the home causing disturbances, slashing her tires & making death threats to Erin.

I agree with all of you that feel the violence in our society is increasing at an alarming rate. Especially the youth .. early teens to around 30.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out all the young punks arrested were *druggies* of one sort or another. But this was not a typical drug killing .. it was definately a *rage killing*. The others in the home with the targeted Erin were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a rampage .. a bloodbath, according to all that have witnessed the crime scene!

There is a candlelight vigil for all of the victims tonight at the high school in Deltona, where one of them, (the identified 19 yr. old girl) I believe, graduated just a year ago. The news reporter stated that her parents lived directly across the street from the crime scene. The 19 yr. old's boyfriend, (34 .. 15 yrs. older!), was one of the victims.

Will post more as it is reported on the news. Not going to repeat all the newspaper and media website coverage as it is already posted on this thread.

My sincere thanks to all who are contributing the links & updates on his horrific story.

For the first time in years I have been locking up at night and utilizing my alarm system .. something I have been remiss in doing. It's so easy to feel just a little too safe even if you live in a gated bedroom community in the suburbs with it's own 24 hr. security force. I'm realizing that as long as there are perpetrators with evil intent .. crime can happen anywhere. I'm no longer taking such foolhardy chances and hope no one else is either. Amazing .. how I'd allowed myself to be lulled into such a false sense of security. It took something like this to shake me to my core.

Good thoughts to all ...

Rum Tum
Well, psychopaths do value items, more than they do human life. And I'm not surprised that the associates confessed, and not the ring leader.

Just a side note observation here. The targeted victim knew who was attacking her. The majority of murders are commited by criminals who have some type of relationship with thier victim, even if it's a negative one.

jmho, of course.

Updated: 02:20 PM EDT
Police Say Xbox Theft Spurred Florida Slayings
Man Hired Three Teens for Revenge Killing, Authorities Claim

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (Aug. 8) - A man who was angry about a suspected theft recruited three teenagers to stab and beat six people to death with baseball bats in a Florida home, investigators said Sunday after making four arrests.

Remains of the six victims - four men and two women - were found Friday in the blood-spattered home.


Troy Victorino, 27, Robert Cannon, 18, Jerone Hunter, 18, and Michael Salas, 18, were arrested in connection with the killings.

All four suspects have been charged with first-degree murder and armed burglary, the Volusia County sheriff's department said. All of the victims had been stabbed, but autopsies determined the cause of death was the beating injuries.

Troy Victorino, 27, of Deltona was identified as the ringleader. Also arrested were Robert Cannon, 18, of Orange City, Jerone Hunter, 18, of Deltona and Michael Salas, 18, of Deltona.

"Officials struggling to come up with a motive for the crime believe the killings were committed over the theft of some clothes and an Xbox game system owned by Victorino,'' who has a criminal record for assault, a statement from the sheriff's office said.

The bodies were discovered in a three-bedroom home in Deltona, about 25 miles north of Orlando, after one victim's co-worker at Burger King called a friend and asked the person to visit the home because the victim had not arrived for work, officials said.

"We've never seen anything like this," Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson told reporters Friday afternoon. "There was an extreme level of violence."

The sheriff's office on Saturday identified the victims as Michelle Ann Nathan, 19; Anthony Vega, 34; Roberto "Tito'' Gonzalez, 28, of New York; Francisco Ayo Roman, 30; and Jonathan Gleason, 18. Authorities had not yet positively identified the sixth victim by late Saturday.
So, I'm assuming that Erin knew the intruders who were living at her grandparents' home. They must have known her. How else would they know where she lived and be able to vandalize her car? How else would they know where she was staying, etc.? Sad to say, there is probably more to this than meets the eye. How did Erin know these people? How did these people know her grandparents had a home in the area that would be empty for the summer?

What scum. It's sad that the police didn't do more. I find it hard to believe that this girl didn't tell them of the death threats, along with everything else that was happening. From the condition of her body, she appears to be the intended victim.
Ok, talk about 6 degress of separation .... My guitarist works with a man whose son in a band in california, and one of the guys/victims who died violently in that house was in the son's band. Small world.
Anyway, he was just staying overnight there with his girlfriend.

Ya know, we're fighting these Taliban and al quaeda terrorists when we have our own terrorists in this country!! this crime, the Hacking murder and Peterson case among many others including the Ok City bombing, Columbine, etc. were caused by our own American terrorists.... our own f@cked up people!!!
Some of our own citizens are just as cruel and committing as heinous crimes as the terrorists we are fighting in the middle east.

Something needs to be done about our country, too.
this *advertiser censored* needs to stop!

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