FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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I read that Kyle had said that ST walked into the yard, and made some comment about how he/they were doing a great job. He said that she then walked out of the yard the way she had come in. So, if CS's daughter then saw ST at the junction of Gano and Grove Park Drive, it could well be that "Kyle" was telling the truth. That is, she left the yard,and continued on Gano to the corner of Gano and Grove Park Drive. At that point it becomes kind of crucial who last saw her alive. I was interested to see that LE eliminated several RSO's even before their DNA swabs came back. And I would * SPECULATE * that this was not a sexual crime at all.
I do not remember who it was that I talked to while searching for Somer on Tues....but I was told that LE sits up towards the school, not as far down as Grove Park, but closer to the school.....we have LE sitting by our school everyday also, lights not flashing tho...they do this to catch speeders in the school zone.....
Very interesting post about sibling incest, NSC!

Your post makes me wonder why DT's eldest daughter, M, does not live with her anymore.

Thanks Chick! Sure makes you wonder.

Just curious did all the facts ever get sorted out about DT being hospitalized in the past?? I remember reading something about it when I stopped by to briefly read--
A few pages back, someone was asking about the confusion in the time Somer left school.

Uncut: Sheriff Talks About Search For Somer Thompson

In this Tuesday (11:30 a.m.) press conference, the Sheriff says Somer left the school at 2:20 p.m. (GPE website says school is out 2:32; Sgt. Dan Mahla reported on Tuesday (not sure of time of that press conference) that Somer left school at 2:50 p.m., and reports are saying Somer was last seen by siblings at 2:45 p.m.) I'm in a time warp.
I hear you MommaD, however sometimes as people are skimming through posts, they seem to sometimes miss the all important IMO or a "?" mark and nothing can prevent that, except for the person asking for clarification. If they think something is being stated as a fact they are not aware of, they simply need to ask for a link and many times people have said "you missed the "I think" part "MO" that sort of thing. IMO this has happened more times than actual rumors. Although, we all will never agree on everything I enjoy reading everyone's different opinions, family & locals certainly included. Everyone has an opinion LOL!

As far as analyzing Somer's demeanor that day, from statements from her siblings and friends she was upset that day. I can see the relevance in trying to get inside her head to try and see where she would go, if she "really" made that positive statement to Kyle? I don't see it at all as demeaning to Somer in anyway.

One of the witnesses - I think it was a young male - said he saw Somer running in and she looked upset. We also know from her own mother's t.v. appearance that she did not feel well and did not want to go to school that day. Various accounts have her fighting in school or after school with or without backpack and some say that Abby chastised her for it. We also know from her mother that Somer was picked on a lot. She said this when asked what she thought happened that day. She said Sammy lagged behind and Somer ran ahead. So we have not one but two children who were not walking with their sister.

Which of these statements indicates that Somer was happy that day?

P.S. I am not posting this to argue with you - I am referring to past post(s) where people are outraged anyone would classify Somer as "unhappy" - stating that there were witnesses and etc., who referred to her as a happy little girl...
Infinity...I know you're not here but I'll post anyway. I was google mapping again. Found another convertible (at least I think it is). Can't tell if its cream or white. Anyway....street view 1770 W. Papaya dr...If you want to take a look.

I will check it out when I can. Really having to work for a living this week:banghead: HATE IT!! I am missing reading your posts!! EEK!!
Has anyone seen or heard from DT? Has she been in public at all???

Is anyone a member of the Somer site? Nicely put together.

According to DT sister - they (DT & kids) are all doing well and in therapy - on the Somer site. If that is the case, that is great they are all healing and recovering. That is quite an acomplishment in two months with no killer in site. Maybe that was just a figure of speech..who knows..

Just curious if she has been out and about in public or had any interviews. I haven't looked recently but how customary and for how long as donations for the family requested for? Asking to compare in other similar cases...
Thanks Chick! Sure makes you wonder.

Just curious did all the facts ever get sorted out about DT being hospitalized in the past?? I remember reading something about it when I stopped by to briefly read--

Not that I know of, and I'm not even sure if we are allowed to discuss it.
I would also like to know whether the deputy is "stationed" at that intersection rather than driving the route between GPE and DeBarry. TIA

To abduct Somer at this location where she was last seen with all these people (walkers, crossing guards, deputies) is bugging me.

Regarding the video with the route, it worked fine for me but did take a few seconds to come up.




I don't know if that will help but if you quote the post, take out the hard returns, you might get the link.
I think you can discuss it if you refer to it as alleged hospitalization or rumored hospitalization.

Originally Posted by NSC
Thanks Chick! Sure makes you wonder.

Just curious did all the facts ever get sorted out about DT being hospitalized in the past?? I remember reading something about it when I stopped by to briefly read--
Wow...I came to this thread to read about the case and get the latest updates and so far, in going through the last 10 pages, what I've mostly seen is discussions about child care, child care in FL, whether someone is old enough to be a babysitter...

My goodness... is it that hard to discuss the CASE and the CASE alone?

Regardless of what you think of someone's parenting style or how they should raise their kids, a CRIME has been committed...the worst crime any parent can imagine. Is that not worthy of being focused on by WS posters?

And btw, the crime isn't the parenting, the crime is that someone abducted a little girl on her way home from school and murdered her.

Many WSers would like to get updates to the case and not have to wade through multiple pages of peoples' opinions on parenting and how they would have raised the Thompson kids if they were the parent.

ETA: I haven't read the last 25 posts yet so I'm not including any of those in my 'please, please get back on topic' vent.

And as for discerning what is truth and what is rumor...it's always wise to not assume anything presented as fact is a fact until it has been corroborated by LE, is in some official investigation document, and is presented as a fact in a court of law. Outside of that, anything could be a rumor or someone's interpretation on something which isn't accurate.
SleuthyGal, it's been like this for days.

Very discouraging. I'm almost embarassed to be reading this thread.
Has anyone seen or heard from DT? Has she been in public at all???

Is anyone a member of the Somer site? Nicely put together.

According to DT sister - they (DT & kids) are all doing well and in therapy - on the Somer site. If that is the case, that is great they are all healing and recovering. That is quite an acomplishment in two months with no killer in site. Maybe that was just a figure of speech..who knows..

Just curious if she has been out and about in public or had any interviews. I haven't looked recently but how customary and for how long as donations for the family requested for? Asking to compare in other similar cases...

yes here she is her daughters 2 month anniversary of being missing

For the people her who pop in to get updated ..the clay county sheriff dept website is a good stop

For those who spend hours on a tread trying to understand how a child went missing between 3:05 and 5:10 at least they are trying to understand and find the answers

Who cares if they are ranting sometimes about other things

At least they care enough to try
The window of opportunity is so small ... both for the abduction and also for the murder and disposal of body. JMO
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