Fleet White

Jayelles - where you expecting a Ramsey to actually own up to their own actions?! This is just ONE example where Patsy tosses the old "And hence" in as filler, remember the advertisement that has JonBenet speaking in first person?!
RiverRat said:
Jayelles - where you expecting a Ramsey to actually own up to their own actions?! This is just ONE example where Patsy tosses the old "And hence" in as filler, remember the advertisement that has JonBenet speaking in first person?!
No - did it use "and hence"? The advertisements were before my time I think.
That would be a "very" interesting find! Can you find it RR?
IMO the person who murdered Jonbenet used Patsy's '96 Christmas note as a tool to mock. We do know that "and hence" was not used in that note.
Patsy did not send those notes out in time for anyone to receive them before Christmas, only hand delivered ones would have been circulated. No one asked her who , among her friends and family, got one. I was not trying to get into a contest RR, quote for quote, I honestly believe the Whites were feeding off of Steve, I believe ,as well, that Steve was very wrong .Steve's letter IMO has the same flavor as the Whites and I believe it was a collaboration between ST and them.
sissi said:
That would be a "very" interesting find! Can you find it RR?
IMO the person who murdered Jonbenet used Patsy's '96 Christmas note as a tool to mock. We do know that "and hence" was not used in that note.
Patsy did not send those notes out in time for anyone to receive them before Christmas, only hand delivered ones would have been circulated. No one asked her who , among her friends and family, got one. I was not trying to get into a contest RR, quote for quote, I honestly believe the Whites were feeding off of Steve, I believe ,as well, that Steve was very wrong .Steve's letter IMO has the same flavor as the Whites and I believe it was a collaboration between ST and them.
Could you clarify? As you say, "and hence" was in the 1997 Christmas note - not the 1996 one. As you also said, the 1996 note went out late and wasn't received until after JonBenet's murder. Therefore, the only people likely to have knowledge of her 1996 letter (and thus be able to mock it) .. were the Ramseys themselves.
Jayelles said:
Could you clarify? As you say, "and hence" was in the 1997 Christmas note - not the 1996 one. As you also said, the 1996 note went out late and wasn't received until after JonBenet's murder. Therefore, the only people likely to have knowledge of her 1996 letter (and thus be able to mock it) .. were the Ramseys themselves.

No, the little card could easily be slipped into gifts , and handed off to neighbors, I am interested in the "and hence" that RR says is in a writing ,where Jonbenet is said to be quoted in first person, that RR claims existed. It may, and I am very interested in reading it.
sissi said:
Steve's letter IMO has the same flavor as the Whites and I believe it was a collaboration between ST and them.
Steve's letter may very well have the same flavor: for it is the flavor of JUSTICE. Steve Thomas is the same justice seeker as the Whites. Steve is one of the few people involved in this investigation who can look at himself in the mirror with a clear conscience. He (as well as the Whites) did everything in his power to bring the perpetrator of this crime to justice. But the obstacles thrown into his and other committed detectives' way were so monstrous that it makes the JB case one of the most shamefully mishandled cases in criminal history.
How can Alex Hunter and his minions still sleep at night, I ask myself.
In their letters, Steve Thomas and the Whites pointed out this egregious obstruction of justice, and that's exactly why the Ramseys and their pitbull lawyer Lin Wood hate them so much.
I share your opinion of Steve Thomas, rashomon, and of Hunter and his minions.

Thomas is one of the few police officers who worked as hard as possible to uncover the truth of what happened to a six year old girl, despite meeting up with every obstacle imaginable in the process. Even John and Patsy Ramsey themselves said in more than one place in DOI that they believed Thomas was dedicated to JonBenet and truly wanted to serve justice for her.

Fleet White (and wife) was cleared by police as a suspect in JonBenet's murder. His outrage and disbelief at how this case was handled is genuine and entirely appropriate. IMO, he figured out what happened to JonBenet, and is longer friends with her parents because he believes them to be guilty.
Forgive me - I may have mixed up my Patsyisms! Maybe it wasn't in the ad but I do remember that there was another time the H-Word was used. I'll look around and see what I can find.
I'm trying to find a motive for Fleet's long letter, other than his cozy partnership with Thomas.

From Thomas' depo..

14 Q. 331, the second full paragraph, it

15 starts with "Fleet and Priscilla White were

16 being hauled over the coals because they

17 wanted to see their previous statements,

18 pointing out that they were being denied the

19 same privilege given to the Ramseys"?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. "Chief Mark Beckman declared to

22 the Whites, who had supported another

23 candidate for his new job, were 'morally

24 empty' and again suggested putting Fleet White

25 in jail."


1 When did that occur?

2 A. That was late spring, I believe,

3 of '98, certainly in 1998. But I recall

4 this.
This has nothing to do with Steve Thomas. By the time Steve was brought on board, Fleet and Priscilla had already seen and heard enough of the Ramseys own actions, words, and behavior to form their own conclusion. Quit trying to tie that to anything other than what it is.
They were quotes taken from his book. In fact he continues in the depo.

5 Q. Do you recall Mark Beckner ever

6 asking you if you thought that Fleet White

7 could possibly be the murderer?

8 A. Mr. Wood, I think maybe even in

9 this same passage.

10 Q. I think that's where it is, here

11 it is, I'm sorry. "'For what?' I had asked

12 Beckner incredulously. Beckner later asked me

13 if Fleet could possibly be the murderer."

14 Have I read that correctly?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. That would have been a comment

17 made in 1998 by Chief Beckner?

18 A. That's correct.

We can't separate any of the characters from Thomas. It was Thomas who was the source for much of what we believe.

another example...

12 A. Mr. Wood, I talk about in the

13 book the prints that were found on the tablet

14 and the note, but beyond that, I don't have

15 any real evidence beyond that. Early there

16 was believed to have been a partial or bladed

17 palm which I believed turned out to be

18 nothing.

MANY if not MOST continue to believe there was a palm print on the note that was sourced to Patsy.
In late 2001 or 2002 someone ran this ad, who designed it, who was responsible for the photo and the writing?
Jayelles said:
Yes but excuses include:-

I had some research done on the phrase "and hence" and it transpired that it is commonly used in technical documentation.

I can tell you that my Father who was a Trial attorney for many years in NYC, used "and Hence" frequently in his depositions, motions and the beautiful long letters he would send to me when I was in college. I do believe it to be a standard technical phrasing.

At first I was very suspicious of Fleet White. However, as time as gone by and I have read more and more information I have become more and more convinced that he is not involved. I do believe he believes the Ramseys are responsible for Jonbents death . I always go back to the fact that he did not see Jonbenet in the room in the basement when he checked. The excuse givnen for this has always been the lighting. My feeling is this was a man looking for a missing/ kidnapped child. He was not just taking a cursoray look around a little room. I belive if he did not turn the light on it was becuase he was able to see just fine with out it and jonbenet was not there. Thus, when her body did show up there he became very very suspicious of John Ramsey. As no one else could have moved her there.

I'm not really suspicious of Fleet himself, I have concerns about his guests, and I do wonder what he "needed" to hide so badly that he sent out those notes. What is the adage.."thou doth protest too much"?
sissi said:
I'm not really suspicious of Fleet himself, I have concerns about his guests, and I do wonder what he "needed" to hide so badly that he sent out those notes. What is the adage.."thou doth protest too much"?

You can keep wondering, but it is really quite simple, there was a child murdered and obstruction of justice. I would hope that anyone would protest too much.
sissi said:
I'm not really suspicious of Fleet himself, I have concerns about his guests, and I do wonder what he "needed" to hide so badly that he sent out those notes. What is the adage.."thou doth protest too much"?
Fleet's protest is adequate. I can't imagine anybody not protesting if they had been pulled through the mud by the Ramseys like the Whites.

What should raise suspicion is that some people protested to little: the Ramseys for example who, a few days after the murder, said that they were 'not angry' at their daughter's killer.
I can't share the opinion of Steve Thomas as seeking justice for Jonbenet. He was seeking power and running on ego, but that is just my opinion.

His book, that so many think is "gospel" is littered with misinformation, which he DID have to admit to under depo.

ST...16 A. There were, I think, a number of

17 factual errors in the book. And if you

18 would like to sit down and go through the

19 book, we can certainly do that.

Wood..20 Q. If you're willing at some point

21 and your attorneys will let you do that with

22 me, I assure you that I very much would like

23 to sit down and do that with you. I am

24 very interested in those facts for

25 inaccuracies.

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