Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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And, everyone please remember. I do not like to "Predict"!

I personally think this is an improper use for astrology. I realize that others find nothing wrong with predicting, or "fortune-telling". I find it a violation of my personal Christian beliefs. The Bible tells me so.

And, if you think seriously and objectively about this, it makes logical sense not to try to play God with a system so complicated as the interaction of the planets in our solar system.

We can know, from observation of past events, something about the energies of life, how they interact, and get a feel for the "signs of the times", but that is all we should try to do.

We have free will, in my opinion, to make choices about what we do with these energies, as they occur in our lives.

We can use Mars to be a surgeon or a butcher, a policeman or a soldier.

We can also use it to start gang fights with knives, attack the defenseless, or shoot up schools.

Thank you some much for opening my eyes! I too am a christian and have struggled with this subject. It was very encouraging to read the Bible verses about astrology. My mother in law does charts but all of my family thinks its cult-ish. I cant wait to share this info with them. Thank you, you truely have a God given gift.
Thank you some much for opening my eyes! I too am a christian and have struggled with this subject. It was very encouraging to read the Bible verses about astrology. My mother in law does charts but all of my family thinks its cult-ish. I cant wait to share this info with them. Thank you, you truely have a God given gift.

A very careful reading of Genesis, the book of Job, and Ecclesiastes is helpful.

Also, the warnings from God are also very important. There is a "right" and "wrong" use! If understood in the proper context, astrology points directly back to God, and the incredible wonder of His creation.
Okay Housemouse - You sure called/interpreted it concerning the 17th/18th!!!

Great job, please keep us informed...:clap:

I didn't call anything. I just stood on the shoulders of others far wiser than myself, and I have no claim to wisdom. It remains to be seen whether the charts I have looked at, and found significant are the right ones, as far as timing is concerned.

There is a very good reason why good astrologers do not "forecast, prophecy, or soothsay". And, this is because we can only truly understand AFTER the facts have been proved by our experience in real time.

None of us can see ahead, honestly. All we can do is make intelligent guesses, based on past knowledge. And, sometimes, as smart as we think we are, life makes fools of us.
Chart for the news conference coming up... Notice the Moon has just conjuncted Jupiter?

Also, notice the Sun in opposition to Neptune, with the yod to Uranus and Pluto.

Let us hope!


Also notice that Venus is conjuncting Saturn. Venus = young girls/young women. Saturn is restriction/loss/jail/imprisonment/could be death? And the Monn Jupiter conunction is making a trine to Venus & Saturn, with Mercury (news?) just past the orb of a trine.

Venus and Saturn are in sextile to the chart ascendant, and so are the moon and Jupiter.
Looks like the press conference chart is going to have to be changed, for it isn't starting at the time posted above.

And, I wonder why? Something happening behind the scenes?

If the press conference started on time, and it is just for the media, and not the public, then the chart above would still be good.

Just wondering about it all at this point. Will post more when we get something definitive.
Thanks Housemouse, for this thread, and all the time and effort you put into it, I find it fascinating and very informative
Thank you so much Housemouse for all the hard work you are doing to help Caylee. you are the reason I registered on this site.. I was reading your work and was worried you were going to leave.. Please don't ever leave.. Caylee needs all the honest, truthful help she can get.. No one esp. a child should be just out there without being home or a proper burial..

Have you had time to do George's chart.. I saw where some ppl gave u his bd.. but looked and you were gone.. please post all the information possible for caylee no matter who it involves.. I am sure the le is reading here and it could help somehow , someway ... lead them to caylee maybe or someother evidence.

Thank you so much again.. I sure would want you on my side if I was in those shoes.. Thank goodness I wasn't but I pray for all who are even if they are acting like idiots sometimes.. sorry but those gp's get on my nerves..
Have a great day..
My husband has Parkinson's, and I am his sole caregiver, so I am often away from the computer for a bit. I do leave the site up and open, though, so I can do a quick refresh, and catch up.

Here is George's chart. Notice his "stellium" (a bunch of planets) in Virgo. Generally, people with a lot of Virgo in their charts are quite particular, preoccupied with details, analytical, but sometimes miss the forest, because they get distracted by a tree.

I think this might be George's problem. I am guessing he tends to be nit-picky and critical. And, do you see the little "U" shaped symbol at the same degree as his Venus? That is the south node.

Might be significant of the women in his life, being his "achilles heel". Some astrologers make a big deal of the nodes, with the north node being positive, and the south node being negative. I do not have enough experience to feel confident about this, however.

We can't consider the Moon square Uranus, because we do not have his birth time, and it is possible that his moon is actually in Libra.

But, the Jupiter square Uranus is an interesting aspect, but again because we do not have a birth time, we can't be sure how he is apt to use it, personally. One one hand, it can be a "thank the Lord" aspect, but it also can indicate tactlessness, the tendency to exaggerate everything, also somewhat obstinate in "sticking to his guns".

In other words, he makes up his mind about the kidnappers, and dad-gummit, he is going to stay with that notion, and will haul that frickin' sign around just to prove his point. And, with Mars in Leo, he might enjoy being seen doing this, for he does have a bit of an ego, and showing off in a big way would be natural for him.

housemouse, is there still a chance that something big could happen tonight/tomorrow by looking at your charts?
Ok, here is a bi-wheel chart. George Anthony is in the center, and today is the outer wheel. Notice the 3 Virgo planets in the outer wheel hitting George's Virgo planets in the inner wheel?

Poor George is going over details endlessly, looking for something that will help him figure out how this happened to the family. I do feel sorry for him.

See the transit from Jupiter opposing his Uranus? This echoes his Jupiter Uranus square in his natal chart. He is hoping and praying for a "Thank The Lord" solution to all this. I don't blame him, but I don't think it likely.

housemouse, is there still a chance that something big could happen tonight/tomorrow by looking at your charts?

I doubt it, miss lisa.

The news conference earlier today seems to fit the chart for tonight closely enough, but you know Who is in charge, and it isn't us humans.

I do think there is a good chance we will never accurately know what exactly happened. Too much Neptune involvement in all these charts, alas. But, if we hear anything significant, I will be putting up a chart for all of you to look at, and use to advance your understanding of how this stuff all works.

In the meantime, those of you who are interested, study the keywords for the planets and aspects so you can do your own interpretations.

I am happy to provide the charts, and hope these will make you better sleuthers. Please do not get frustrated because there isn't perfect information in them, for there isn't supposed to be.

Don't let anyone tell you differently.
OK, friends. I got the message from the shut-down of the general thread.

I will not post any more on this thread until something actually happens. There does come a time when we are just beating up our keyboards, re-hashing all the old info.
Housemouse (((((((((((((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Thank you for all the hard work you have put into this thread. I find it really informative and scientific. Thanks again. This has been really interesting and educational too! God Bless You!
OK, friends. I got the message from the shut-down of the general thread.

I will not post any more on this thread until something actually happens. There does come a time when we are just beating up our keyboards, re-hashing all the old info.

I was gone all evening .. why was the general thread shut down?? please..

thank you again housemouse for all the hard work.. I am so fasinated with all this.. I love looking at the stars each night.. ON top of this mountain without lights its just beautiful..

Best wishes for you and your husband.. God Bless to you Both.. :)
Housemouse, George and Cindy both just blew up in front of Media Reporters, should be a very interesting day
I think last night's interview with Tony's roomie, and this morning's visit relate to the chart for the 14th.

Now, the next interesting event might occur around the full moon/partial eclipse this weekend. More later.
Thank you again for all your hard work with the charts. When the roomie came on with his important information all I could think of was your charts and the "yod" that was on them for the 17th/18th. I like being able to see possible event times to look for. You are very insightful!
Does anyone know the time of the August 21st hearing?

I will put up a chart for it, and make some comments if I see anything significant.
I browse alot, and try to follow the updates, so if I see it anywhere, I will be sure & post it here
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