Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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DOES ANY OF THE CHARTS SHOW (or can they tell us) exactly how cayle was killed?

Yes. Go to the Astro Crime Calendar, June 2008 and read the entries starting June 16th.

Tuba's post 'Discovery of Death' specifically answers your question.

Thanks soulscape cant believe i missed that. Nice to see you back here

There are three Common Signs in our zodiac, also called Mutable Signs. When the Moon travels through House 9 or any Cadent House from a Mutable Sign, the matter under consideration fluctuates greatly and won't end as planned. That matter is the contention between parties to the defamation suit. The Moon for Tuesday, May 19, fits all the described indications. Furthermore, she is screeching to a halt at Uranus, a sudden and unexpected turn of events. On this day of Mars, the red planet is parallel Saturn. Mars with Saturn is never a happy combination, although some few individuals put them to productive use. Discredit is heaped on proud heads on Tuesday, without any sense of fairness. (Mars in H. 10 square the horizon) There are fraudulent accusations, pole vaults to conclusions from skidding ground. (Mercury square both Jupiter & Neptune, ruling the House of assertions, 3.) Some aspersions will require a retraction, Mercury retrograde. Questionnaires will be redone.

When Saturn is trine the part of fortune, it pays to hide and watch and bide ones time. There are two sorrowful stains on the chart: the heavy thoughts of Saturn when in House 3 and the tears and laments of the Sun when on the Pleaides, also known as the Weeping Sisters. (Fixed star group) There is also a certain lack of concern for promptness and care about details and abiding by the rules prominently on display. Taking it all in all, not a friendly nor pleasant gathering, this.
Meeting running expenses has become an issue; costs are incurred and it is time to pay up. Venus at 14° Aries is quincunx Saturn at 14° Virgo. A demand will be made or is written down in the papers advanced on Tuesday. Is there a readiness to hand over the money? No, Saturn does not wish to part.
Tuba: Does it appear the Judge may order KC to answer questions in the questionnaire?
For those who are wanting the prisoner to spill, very little satisfaction from this judge.
So JM will just have to get the information he needs from the Anthony's? I think by her not answering those questions JM has his answers from the "Mother of the Year". JMO
If we probe the chart, to see what the prisoner would write if she were of a mind to answer the questions, Mercury disposes of Saturn and rules the cusp also of the testimony House, 3. Mercury is not only retrograde and combust the Sun but square both Jupiter and Neptune, so she would put down one clacker after another. Useful for later impeachment, though.
I guess those old sayings say it best. "Oh what a tangled web we weave....."
Because the degrees of Life & Death are found on the cusps of H. 4 and 10, I think Kasen will argue for stricter standards in the civil case. When Judge Rodriguez presided over this case previously, L.D.-B. had not reintroduced the death penalty. Now, with Prisoner's life at stake, the judge may require very little of her. I would be surprised if Kasen does not bring up Prisoner being in peril of her life. There are cases in other parts of the country where the death penalty did not enter into what was required of a civil deponent but Judge Rodriguez is ultra cautious. We must not forget that the prisoner returned fire and brought a counter claim against Zenaida G. She should be made to answer the questions of the deposition. There is no equity in the way the questions are being ignored.
FYI: Deputy Richard Cain submitted his resignation letter on the eve of the administrative hearing to determine whether he should be fired.
:clap: :clap:
IMO He knows he didn't do his job back in Aug., not to mention his story changing numerous times when he was interviewed by the DA's office & OCSD!

Article posted in the Caylee Time-Stamped Media Thread!

Thanks Tuba & SS for the recent charts! I'm still wondering what happened to Kaitland & I really do hope all is well with her. Fifth Thanks for everything you do too! :blowkiss:

I don't think Kaitland saw my concerned inquiry above, after all. Fifth Essence sent her an email though and she replied. She is fine, just v. busy. I think we will see something from her soon.

I'm glad Richard Cain resigned and thank you for letting us know. Had not seen that.
Here's Deputy Cain's resignation letter Tuba:

READ: Deputy Cain's Resignation Letter

Thanks so much for letting me know Kaitland has just been busy & everything is fine with her.:blowkiss: I was getting worried about her.

FYI: Attorney's with Morgan & Morgan Law Firm, are expected to question Leonard Padilla at 1 p.m. Article in the Caylee Time-Stamped Media Thread! I wonder if the Judge throws the case out if this depo will still take place? Maybe someone with a legal background can answer this. TIA

If the civil case is not dismissed, Cindy Anthony will be expected in court Thursday.

FYI: Brad Conway, Cindy, & George Anthony Are At Today's Hearing!

Judge R. graduated from Miami High School....If I heard him correctly! Maybe this will help us track his birth information etc. I'll have to listen to the hearing again to make sure that is what High School he said.

Did anyone else hear this?

FYI: Judge Okay'd the filing of the amendment for Punitive Damages! And it could be decided by JURY. Casey Civil Suit Not Dropped!

Bounty hunter won't be questioned today in Casey Anthony civil case
Padilla's deposition was rescheduled.

Judge Rodriguez accepted the prayer for additional relief in punitive damages submitted by Zenaida Gonzalez, Mitnik and Morgan, Moon ruling plaintiff conjunct ruler H. 8, Uranus and the Mercury retrograde amended complaint alleging new facts.

Like Baez, Kasen addresses the bench as "Judge" rather than "Your Honor", which is not preferred form. He failed to stand until admonished. He was chastened for speaking directly to opposing counsel. He did, as expected, introduce the peril of lethal injection but provided no supporting papers, as noted by the judge. It was hard to assess how his statements about deposition questions were taken. After all, it was this judge who felt he had created a good means of going forward and he wanted each question examined and considered before answering. Kasen admitted he advised a blanket refusal to respond.
Sounds like Judge Rodriguez feels it's no more Mr. Nice Guy. The gloves are coming off!
Yes, the judge was displeased. However, as I've mentioned before, he is terribly cautious and open to briefs and arguments that the civil case should be suspended, so I am worried. If Zenaida has to wait, it will be a case of justice delayed equals justice denied. Even worse, the Anthonys have shown no sign of curtailing the defamation of her name. And I include Prisoner in that.
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