GA - Ronald Westbrook, 72, Alzheimer's wanderer, shot to death, 27 Nov 2013

I am a gun right's advocate, and I agree that a responsible gun owner should not leave the safety of a home to confront an intruder. These things are tragic and preventable :(

I agree. Seems there are a lot of trigger happy people nowdays.
I do believe the shooter is upset and realizes now, too late, that he made a horrible mistake. Just a few moments of aforethought, rather than reacting based on something worrisome and unrelated that happened a week ago could have prevented this.

prayers for all the lives irrevocably altered by this poor poor decision.
I do believe the shooter is upset and realizes now, too late, that he made a horrible mistake. Just a few moments of aforethought, rather than reacting based on something worrisome and unrelated that happened a week ago could have prevented this.

prayers for all the lives irrevocably altered by this poor poor decision.

I think this is worse than just a "mistake." They charged a guy who killed an African-American female recently. Why hasn't this guy been charged?
"Stand your ground" law has been taken to an extreme level here. If he was so scared of some poor old guy knocking on his door, he should have stayed inside and called 911. While he isn't obligated to retreat, going out with a loaded gun is the opposite of retreating.
I think this is worse than just a "mistake." They charged a guy who killed an African-American female recently. Why hasn't this guy been charged?
"Stand your ground" law has been taken to an extreme level here. If he was so scared of some poor old guy knocking on his door, he should have stayed inside and called 911. While he isn't obligated to retreat, going out with a loaded gun is the opposite of retreating.

I do not disagree. I simple said I do believe he feels awful for his actions. I did not suggest charges should not be leveled for them. I am trying to keep various recent incidents where I personally feel the SYG and castle doctrine laws and their misapplication separate in my own mind when discussing cases rather then viewing them as one continuing social wrong (which in my heart of hearts I do feel is the case).

It saddens me to wonder how many people will die as a result of this wild west mentality my fellow citizens IMO have developed.
I do not disagree. I simple said I do believe he feels awful for his actions. I did not suggest charges should not be leveled for them. I am trying to keep various recent incidents where I personally feel the SYG and castle doctrine laws and their misapplication separate in my own mind when discussing cases rather then viewing them as one continuing social wrong (which in my heart of hearts I do feel is the case).

It saddens me to wonder how many people will die as a result of this wild west mentality my fellow citizens IMO have developed.

Like the widow of the poor old guy said, he should feel awful.
It was below freezing and the man had a light jacket and a straw hat on according to the news.

I do find it interesting that the man was "essentially mute" according to articles, yet the police claim he told them he was checking his mail?

My thought too. If he was essentially mute how did he explain checking his mail or did the police just assume that because he had mail in his hands. If they had questioned him and checked the they may have found it belonged to someone else. Maybe new people were living at that address. Don't think the police did a very good job here.
My thought too. If he was essentially mute how did he explain checking his mail or did the police just assume that because he had mail in his hands. If they had questioned him and checked the they may have found it belonged to someone else. Maybe new people were living at that address. Don't think the police did a very good job here.

Alzheimer patients have lucid moments.
all I can say as a responsible gun owner is:

The "law abiding" citizens carrying guns scare me a lot more right now than the hoods carrying guns. I know how to handle a bad guy. Not sure what to expect from fearful citizens. They are the wild cards in my world.

That shooter was not a responsible gun owner. Who shoots someone simple because they knock on your door, turn the handle, and walk through your yard? Seriously, walking through his yard. Any responsible person would have waited on the police since he was walking away. In the state I live in, you can shoot to protect your lives or possessions. Personally, things can be replaced and if they are outside, and if they need it they can have it. If they come in, knowing we are inside, then they are there to hurt us and that changes things. Life is too precious to take over material things. In this case, the man wasn't even taking anything. In my opinion, he needs to be charged.
oh, okay. This family's experience could be completely different though (I know you know that :) ). At this point, we're not even sure they lived in the same area or with the man who was killed. Doesn't really matter as to what happened, but maybe could explain why he was still outside even though he had contact with the police.

Somewhere someone loved him and I am sure they are devastated.
They're aren't a lot of year-round locals in that entire area. I posted above, the entire town of Chickamauga has about 3000 people. I mean, just to put it into perspective, some highschools have that many students! It would suprise me if there WEREN'T tons of connections. Which is why I'm surprised that local LE didn't know Mr. Westbrook on sight and also know exactly what his issues were and where he belonged (assuming they didn't). jmo

My high school had over 2000 students. I attended for four years, did a lot of activities, but I knew (even by sight) far less than half of the people in my grade.

3000 people is a very small town, but a very large number of people to know.

The police officers were, for whatever reason, concerned enough to speak to the gentleman. If they get a reasonable reply, what are they supposed to do? I would have to hear a lot more before I think they bear any fault.

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