General discussion thread No. 15

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I will say that is a mighty big smile. Even Patsy Ramsey didn't smile for a long time.

According to this article, neither has she!

From the above link:

"For over four months, her facial expression has been one of constant grief and pain.But Kate McCann has allowed herself an all too rare - but heartbreakingly slight - smile."

The pictures and videos that I've seen of her have given all appearances of stress, IMO.
Actually, if we're talking about public emotion, Kate McCann has smiled a lot more than this newspaper gives her credit for.

Excuse my not knowing, but how do you know the McCann's didn't search for their daughter?
I swear, they went to church with the twins and some here think that's awful. The McCann's are damned if they do and damned if they don't with most the posters here.

These are the links to newspapers of the first week. They discuss the search done for Madeleine.

The pictures and videos that I've seen of her have given all appearances of stress, IMO.
I just told my husband the same thing. I haven't seen any other smiling pictures of Ms. McCann.

Now if she was constantly photographed smiling like Scott Peterson did, then I'd be more worried.
According to this article, neither has she!

From the above link:

"For over four months, her facial expression has been one of constant grief and pain.But Kate McCann has allowed herself an all too rare - but heartbreakingly slight - smile."

The pictures and videos that I've seen of her have given all appearances of stress, IMO.

I agree. I think Kate McCann has looked horribly stressed throughout.
I thought that they could tell that also Shazza. Don't know if they clean those things out or whatever and maybe it was too long after the fact to find those specific ashes and anyway they'd be mixed in with all the others so I'm not so sure they could figure out anything. He said two weeks after the disappearance and LE came there in July, right? Something in the article was stated as the ashes being disposed of at the scrublands, whatever that is.

I thought the owner of the pet cemetary said "they didn't even ask for the ashes and that surprised me."

"It was also strange how they didn't ask me for the ashes. And I thought it odd that they spoke such excellent English. It was all just a bit strange.
Just wondering - in one of the links up there, it is said that:

In defense of the PJ, I have to say that it was the McCanns themselves who insisted that Madeleine had been kidnapped. They were positive of it, and early on it became the major focus of the investigation.

But somewhere else, the other day, I read, that the McCann's said they had no qualms about leaving the children alone in the apartment as this was such a SAFE area.

Why would the McCann's immediately think it was a kidnapping if they felt they were in such a safe area???? Why not the possibility that she just wandered off?
I thought the owner of the pet cemetary said "they didn't even ask for the ashes and that surprised me."

"It was also strange how they didn't ask me for the ashes. And I thought it odd that they spoke such excellent English. It was all just a bit strange.
Hi Bobbisangel, they didnt ask for the ashes they wanted to them scattered in the scubland and they stayed until it was done.
Just wondering - in one of the links up there, it is said that:

In defense of the PJ, I have to say that it was the McCanns themselves who insisted that Madeleine had been kidnapped. They were positive of it, and early on it became the major focus of the investigation.

But somewhere else, the other day, I read, that the McCann's said they had no qualms about leaving the children alone in the apartment as this was such a SAFE area.

Why would the McCann's immediately think it was a kidnapping if they felt they were in such a safe area???? Why not the possibility that she just wandered off?
An excellent question, Poco. :clap: There is a contradiction there.
Re: the rareness of the smiles (note, smiling doesn't necessarily make them guilty, but aside from the ones around the twins, it strikes me as odd). Maybe it's some sort of nervous reaction?


This was what I found with a quick Google search. I know there are others I recall seeing, including one where they're both smiling over the presentation of a tshirt with Madeleine's photo on it.

As for these, I wasn't quite sure if they were smiles:

Edited to add, some of the other photos I'd recalled seeing were posted by Colomom over in the Pictures thread, particularly the ones in posts 6 & 25 on there:

The tshirt one in particular strikes (no. 25 in that thread) strikes me as odd. You're holding a tshirt with your missing daughter's image on it, why would you be grinning ear to ear like that? Unless it was a novelty shirt the family posed with before she went missing?
She looks horrible...all that stress is paying off.

Actually I was going to comment that the "smile" does not look natural at all to me. She looks very stressed out or maybe it is just not a good pic (which photographers sometimes take on purpose)
Has anyone saw this article ??I posted it in the media link thread.I just had a question though...hasn't the sun really been more Pro-McCann??,,2005320001-2007421066,00.html


'I'm thinking the unthinkable'

Chief Feature Writer
September 15, 2007

MY misgivings began with the lack of emotion shown by the McCanns in those first few days after Madeleine went missing.

No streaming tears, no trembling lips, no sobs of despair.
Now that unease has become an awful gnawing doubt.
It hurts me to say this, but I now fear something is amiss with Kate and Gerry’s story.

All the British papers I've seen have been pro-McCann. Some like the Daily Mirror much more so.
All the British papers I've seen have been pro-McCann. Some like the Daily Mirror much more so.

I was thinking about this, what is the concensus over there, are there polls in the news? How do the locals feel about the McCanns and what do they think happened?
I was thinking about this, what is the concensus over there, are there polls in the news? How do the locals feel about the McCanns and what do they think happened?

I have been wondering the same thing!I saw one poll in one of the papers over in Britian and it was like 49% against the McCanns to 51% for.Not sure of the exact question.I did read rumblings on the mirror forums that they didn't think it was being a fair poll because it didn't change and If I am not mistaken it was not up for very long maybe just a day or two.

I would be interested to know the concensus over there in a fair unbiased way.
All the British papers I've seen have been pro-McCann. Some like the Daily Mirror much more so.

It's not that they're necessarily all pro McCann's, it's more that people think that the way the case is being handled is a mess and that it wouldn't stand up to legal scrutiny in the UK or in the US for that matter.

For example from today's Daily Mail (17th Sept 2007), these are being cited as some of the police blunders.


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