Geraldo Rivera - Sept. 6, 2008 (10pm EDT)

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Watching LP's body language - he doesn't believe anything from the family - As for him "leaking" info...IMO he doesn't owe that family anything. He owes it to the little one to tell what he knows.
Geraldo wasn't accusing Leonard, he was accusing law enforcement. Ie, the po-lice.
Maybe the one's on the webcam are the only ones that dare get that close to GA's lawn, are the others on the other side so the Anthony's can see them.

Oh and what confrontation?
They cut Baden's theory short back from commercial. LOst his feed.
Heads up on the cam. WHen it freezes or won't refresh, click in the address bar and highlight it. THen hit enter. It completely refreshes it. It doesn't work every time, but sometimes it does.
Jeanine P is not just not believing the story, shes not believing Rob and LP. She seems a tad hostile to the whole bounty Hunter Circus.

remind me again, did someone recently say shes getting her own show? and why?

Judge Jeanine is a little too uppity for me, she's going to have her own show, huh?
I don't love Jeanine's new cut & color.
I'm glad there's nobody on GR defending any Anthony like NG!!!
Dr. could be examined to see if chloroform had been used in the past.

Kimberly Guilfoyle............Casey is female Scott Peterson!
Geraldo questioning the validity of the chloroform evidence.

He used the word 'canard', which in plain English means deliberately misleading.
Female Scott Peterson - love Kim Gilfoiyle, she says it like it is...
Ah poooyeee, I could care less about Oprah, let's hear more from Dr. Boden !!
I don't think that the chloroform overdose was accidental.

Couldn't she achieve the same effect with Benadryl or some other over-the-counter med?

Why use the archaic and dangerous chloroform if all she wanted to do was make Caylee sleep a few hours?
Wow, no wonder they don't have all the forensic testing done, they have so much to test for...that is great that they can test the hair to see of there was Chloroform use in the past.
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