Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023 #8

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Cutting up, cleaning up, packaging up, and disposal even with power tools is still a lot more time than dumping a body, intact, unless you're going for a full burial. You need an area you can fully clean down, and even then, a bit of Bluestar and that room is going to scream what was done there. People are still going to do it, sure, but as we saw with the Florida case the other week, it makes an unholy amount of mess. It'd be a challenge, let's say, for someone to erase all trace of that so not only does your wife not notice when she gets home from holiday, but the CSIs who systematically stripped your house over a couple of weeks don't find anything, either. And they were looking HARD. They would have been over every inch of that place with presumptive testing for blood.

Keep in mind, if Rex was a hunter, as has been reported, yes it can be messy, but he could easily dismember in the woods/outdoors somewhere. I don't want to equate the victims to wild game, but I know personally of hunters who can dress and process their harvest without that big of a mess on their person/clothing. JMO
But a big upside of dismemberment doesn't exist any more. Hindering identification. With DNA, it doesn't matter how many parts someone is cut into, or how far you distribute them, DNA will assemble those parts into one person, and eventually, give LE a name for that person. So, for someone to cut someone up, they have to be determined. They have to be driven. Since identification isn't hindered by dismemberment any more, the two things remaining are transportation and gratification.
Not related to anything specific here, but just wanted to mention this: IMO, nowadays dismemberment and putting the remains in different places actually increases the odds that the body is found - and therefore ID-d. Because if any understandably human remains are found, they'll end up with the LE and DNA testing.

It might be different at a place where you can hope on wildlife being your accomplice. Maybe then you are better off with "smaller units" than a whole body. But statistically, if you have 1 body and 1 dump site, there is only 1 needle in the haystack. If you cut it into 6 pieces and use 6 dump sites, there are now 6 needles in that haystack. The odds that the 1st nor the 2nd nor the 3rd nor the 4tn nor the 5th nor the 6th are found are most likely to be smaller than the odds that this 1 bigger body is not found.
I suspect he has many addictions. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that he's a hoarder who calls himself a "collector", a drinker who blames the stress of his job and his family for his need to " escape ", a gambler who finds himself in debt but tells himself he can get out of this mess if he can just hit the big one, etc. etc. And it makes me wonder if there is a strong foundation of lack of accountability in his childhood. I also can't help but wonder if the early death of his father was somehow offered up as an excuse not to accept responsibility for his actions, not just by him, but also by others around him who should have held him accountable.

Just thinking out loud really.
With so very little family history and nearly nothing exposed around the death of his father, I have wondered if someone in the family was responsible or felt responsible for his early death, at aged 50.
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might be a stupid question … are mapped ONLY female remains possibly linked to LISK, or all unsolved remains on LI?

The greyscale map is those only related to the LISK killer. The ones from Manorville were included because remains of the same victims were sadly found in both locations - Manorville and Gilgo Beach area. There are doubtless other unsolved murders on LI. These were chosen because they fit the profile of LISK and seemed linked.
Regarding dismemberment, some do it out of necessity, some to make the victim unrecognizable, and some might really enjoy the stress relief of complete destruction, like smashing the glass after drinking the wine.
speculation, imo, fwiw rbbm.
'' July 18, 2023
At home in Massapequa Park on Long Island, while some neighbors saw Mr. Heuermann as just another commuter in a suit, others found him a figure of menace. He glowered at neighbors while swinging an ax in the front yard of a low-slung, dilapidated house that parents cautioned their children to avoid on Halloween.
“We would cross the street,” said Nicholas Ferchaw, 24, a neighbor. “He was somebody you don’t want to approach.”

''After hearing news of his arrest, Ferchaw said he 'wasn't surprised at all... because of all the creepiness.'
He added one eerie run-in with Heuermann, where he went over to say hello to the architect in the street as he was cutting wood. He said the 59-year-old responded with silence, continuing to chop the wood while staring at him in the face'
I agree he didn't bring them home.
The attempted tatt removal would have been about the victim's identification, even when dismembered in perps eyes.

He could well have altered his methods for his own psycho starting the process while they were still alive..

Keep in mind, dismembering is often done for expediency. If a killer is in a place that's near other people, a house with others living there, an apartment building, etc. It's difficult to hide the body of a full grown woman as you carry it out of a building or house. It's also easier for "disposal" purposes. JMO

If they're also mutilating them, that's different. That's sadism, anger, revenge, psychosis, etc.

Here's a good article that explains some of the motivations.

That’s what I was thinking too. They probably sent someone from the business to tell him it’s done and to go over stuff related to the firm. Heuermann seemed like the type that didn’t get close to people and who didn’t seem to care much about making friends. Outside of his direct family, we haven’t really heard from friends (if he has any). If I am wrong, please let me know. I still have a few things to catch up on.
The Sheriff said in the video "It wasn't a name I was familiar with until we did some research on the individual" Maybe I was reading into his face a little too much but I couldn't tell if he meant they checked the person out and now he knows or if it was oh yeah I do know who that person is.
What makes him tick, in my opinion, is power and control. I hesitate to type this because I don't want it to be misconstrued as empathy for RH, but I think there is a great deal of self loathing at play here. I think he felt shame for these urges. How do you reduce the shame ? You shift the responsibility. " If YOU weren't this, I wouldn't be this "...that realm of thinking. I think we see that in his calls to Melissa's little sister. Did he want to torment her ? Absolutely. But within that he also displays venom at the profession if it's very existence somehow MADE him do the things he did. It didn't , of course, but I think he tells himself that it did.


It makes you wonder why he's talking to Catholic clergy. For relief? For absolution? Just someone he can talk to who won't repeat what he says?

Last questions before taking a break...

Woke up thinking about the burlap and duck hunting, so had to ask what all is known about that up to this point. I missed the first few threads so this might be in there, Did you guys find any direct connections to RH and duck hunting?

Do we know when he went duck hunting, and where?

Where did he keep this burlap? In vehicle? Did he have a cabin? Did he camp?

Wondering because, when thinking about motel/hotel rooms, etc., if that was a location, did he have that burlap accessible, or did he go to different location after he killed them to wrap them, or wrapped them at disposable site? The latter sounds risky. If a hotel/motel room was used, maybe had it hidden inside, or in his car/trunk to use afterwards? Or if the meetups were at another location, did he have that burlap handy?

Did he wrap them at same location he killed them, or at the disposal site, or a different location?

TIA for bringing forward any burlap and duck hunting info, thanks.


Eta: wife was out of town so maybe everything happened there.

Thinking about additional victims when she was home, if he killed during those times.
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Last questions before taking a break...

Woke up thinking about the burlap and duck hunting, so had to ask what all is known about that up to this point. I missed the first few threads so this might be in there, Did you guys find any direct connections to RH and duck hunting?

Do we know when he went duck hunting, and where?

Where did he keep this burlap? In vehicle? Did he have a cabin? Did he camp?

Wondering because, when thinking about motel/hotel rooms, etc., if that was a location, did he have that burlap accessible, or did he go to different location after he killed them to wrap them, or wrapped them at disposable site? The latter sounds risky. If a hotel/motel room was used, maybe had it hidden inside, or in his car/trunk to use afterwards? Or if the meetups were at another location, did he have that burlap handy?

Did he wrap them at same location he killed them, or at the disposal site, or a different location?

TIA for bringing forward any burlap and duck hunting info, thanks.


Eta: wife was out of town so maybe everything happened there.

Thinking about additional victims when she was home, if he killed during those times.

Yes, according to some acquaintances, he was an avid duck hunter. He also owned a boat.

I have been saying this for years. Maybe I have just sat with this case for so long that I have become immovable on some things, I dunno. But simple logic would tell you that there would be NO reason for RH to dismember and disperse victims, imo. Let's say, for the moment, that he somehow gets a sexual charge out of dismembering. Why bother to scatter them ? There's nothing to connect a random John with a fake name and a burner phone to a sex worker with a made up name and a burner phone. Why would he bother to try to cut out Jessica Taylor's " Remy's Angel " tattoo ? How on earth would that tattoo lead back to him ?

But what do I know ? I don't believe he brought these women to his home either and I seem to be in the minority on that too.
Lol, for years, I believed Shannan and GB4 were connected, and the so called Manorville butcher was another.

Since then, I've changed my mind! Largely because it seems some dismembered bodies were ID around the same time the task force was making progress.

I meant dismembering, which is murdering for its own sake, especially when it doesn't hinder ID, is different from gang enforcement hits.

But I now think Shannan is connected in that her murder was covered up for the same reason the LISK investigation was hindered. But not necessarily more connected than that.

I'm moving to change on MO theory now...

To be continued....

I suspect he has many addictions. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that he's a hoarder who calls himself a "collector", a drinker who blames the stress of his job and his family for his need to " escape ", a gambler who finds himself in debt but tells himself he can get out of this mess if he can just hit the big one, etc. etc. And it makes me wonder if there is a strong foundation of lack of accountability in his childhood. I also can't help but wonder if the early death of his father was somehow offered up as an excuse not to accept responsibility for his actions, not just by him, but also by others around him who should have held him accountable.

Just thinking out loud really.

Ewwwww chills, I can just hear him saying that!!!

Instead of “troubleshooter” and “facilitator”, “collector”....
It makes you wonder why he's talking to Catholic clergy. For relief? For absolution? Just someone he can talk to who won't repeat what he says?

Let’s hope it’s not Msgr Alan Placa- once the next door neighbor of J Brewer and recently VP of Guiliani Partners. Back in the early 2000s he was accused of sexually assaulting adolescents.

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Shot in the dark, maybe he was in to Halloween killings...thinking about him calling and taunting the victims’ families...this feels “Halloweeny” to me.

Any Halloween cases in the area during this time period? Random shot in the dark based on “Halloween” making its way into this discussion twice now.
Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney, who is leading the Gilgo Beach prosecution, told PIX11 News that “protocols” have now been established for sharing evidence with other jurisdictions.

Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney, who is leading the Gilgo Beach prosecution, told PIX11 News that “protocols” have now been established for sharing evidence with other jurisdictions.

I am getting a "link cannot be found" error message for your link. A geo-block perhaps?

Anyone else?

Edit to add: I managed to get in via going to the Pix11 site directly and clicking on the story. Link below for any others who may have issues:

And sds71's link still does not work for me.
Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney, who is leading the Gilgo Beach prosecution, told PIX11 News that “protocols” have now been established for sharing evidence with other jurisdictions.

The link seems to be broken.
I am getting a "link cannot be found" error message for your link. A geo-block perhaps?

Anyone else?

Edit add: I managed to get in via going to the Pix11 site directly and clicking on the story. Link below for any others who may have issues:
She may have taken it down to fix the typos and will repost it.
The same thing happened this morning.

Looking at unsolved murders that are not officially connected to the #GilgoBeach serial killer case. But the 2008 dismemberment of #TanyaRush is being reviewed, after the Heuermann arrest.

eta: it’s back

Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney, who is leading the Gilgo Beach prosecution, told PIX11 News that “protocols” have now been established for sharing evidence with other jurisdictions.

Good! But... wouldn't protocols already have existed?
Maybe these are updated protocols?
Maybe they mean what they do will be more like what they say they do?

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