Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #2

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I think the house should be checked out very carefully for all sorts of DNA, and matched against any missing persons. It could have been used for all kinds of purposes. In any area, vacant homes and shelters get used for get togethers and for illegal things like drugs, underage parties, and in cases where there are very dangerous people as rape, murder, torture, assault sites.

It's not unusual for those without specific skills and degrees to end up working in assisted care. That is a job widely available in our area, I know. I think JM partook in activities where he needed some secluded "safe house" for himself, and kept his eyes out for any such places. I wish his friends, acquaintances had stepped up and shared what they knew of such places. Maybe he just kept this one to himself, but it's also possible no one wanted to tell on him. JM and others in the area may know of a number of such places. If the property is owned privately, LE doesn 't have ready access to it. Can't patrol it. It's up to neighbors to keep eyes open but if they are far enough away, the land parcel is large enough, it's just not possible to watch it 24/7. 2-3 Am are not times that people are up and about and watching much of anything. I watched our neighbors house while it was vacant and on the market, but I can tell you it was not a strict watch, and anyone being very careful or going there at times that our family was asleep could have had easy access to it.


I might also add to SteveP's ideas...a couple of weeks ago I suggested that the VAN that MJ House (assisted living facility that JM worked at prior to UVA Hospital) owned would likely travel to & from their facility on a daily basis to points all over the greater Charlottesville area.

Now, I'm not saying he was hired as the van driver for that facility. BUT - being that he was previously employed as a taxi driver, before taking the job at MJ House, do you think that he might have mentioned this to his employer?? Thus, "unofficially" had access to their VAN - and might have picked up the slack for the hired driver at times, whether they needed someone to run back and forth to the grocery store, or, even the airport to pick up visiting loved ones? He could have been driving all over the general area for hours at a time. Another perfect setup for what he had been doing. Could have been gone for hours at a time transporting people around.

Seems to me that MJ House, his employment there, their facility, other linked facilities (e.g. "Mountain View Adult Home"), MJ HOUSE VAN, previous MJ VANS, might be important to investigate.

this Old Lynchburg Rd home, on the adjacent property to where the remains were found, was recently an "assisted living facility" - we just have to find out more about this. Very interesting, especially the unfinished basement mentioned in the real estate listings.

Sorry if this might belong in another thread Bessie.
My heart is broken for Hanna and her family. Thank you hannah for bringing this man to justice, I'm so sorry it had to be you.

I also just wanted to say in regards to the pants, they could have been partially on her body - maybe from the knees down. Jmo
NBC29 ‏@NBC29 1m1 minute ago
@DeliaDAmbra29 is at the police command center at the entrance to Walnut Creek Park in Albe. County. #HannahGraham


Parker Slaybaugh @Parker8News · It's going to be another busy day today in the Hannah Graham investigation, as human remains were found yesterday during a search. Police sources tell me they believe the remains are Hannah Graham, but we will have to wait for positive identification from the medical examiner. You can always count on getting the most accurate and up to date information right here so be sure to keep checking back for all the latest information.

Sounds like they might be doing the autopsy today. jmo
In regards to WG describing JM as a bald guy: My hair stylist was telling me that some younger kids these days shave an area of the head, then wear the other parts longer. She went on to say that tight braiding can give the appearance of "shaving" the side of the head, thus eliminating the need to shave it. Although JM does have a full head of dreadlocks, my impression from the video is that it was worn pulled back from the face in a pony tail style. This may explain why WG described a bald man. JMO

I agree that the way JM's hair was pulled back probably accounts for WG's interpretation of baldness. Everything is subject to a degree of interpretation, even science. Think about the interpretation of the scientific evidence of the video footage showing a reported "reflection" of Hannah in the storefront windows vs. JM walking beside her. The scientific evidence in the video was originally interpreted incorrectly. IMO

Upon further thought, maybe I have faith and trust in nothing. :)
Parker Slaybaugh @Parker8News · It's going to be another busy day today in the Hannah Graham investigation, as human remains were found yesterday during a search. Police sources tell me they believe the remains are Hannah Graham, but we will have to wait for positive identification from the medical examiner. You can always count on getting the most accurate and up to date information right here so be sure to keep checking back for all the latest information.

Sounds like they might be doing the autopsy today. jmo
Great. Autopsy will clear up a lot of questions.

Did you see the comment JMs lawyer made? Something like "my client and I are waiting on the autopsy results. No comment at this time."

I'm sure they are quaking in their boots. I PRAY pleasepleaseplease have DNA at the scene to match JM.

I hope there was no bleach used. Its possible even with bleach that there could be DNA, but less likely, I guess.
As of yet, they are not confirming that this Hannah Graham. They only found human remains.

That they notified Hannah's parents is enough for me. Plus called off the search. We'll know this next week. Dental ID is very fast and i'm sure LE has her dental records. DNA ID confirmation will likely take longer.
I think it's also important to remember that the man who continued to search, and then found the remains, likely was also traumatized. Yes, he's apparently a professional member of law enforcement -- but PTSD is a very real thing for people who deal with crime scenes. My point is, sounds like he shouldn't have spoken to that reporter, yes, but don't demonize him.
Surely there is something that make them sure it's Hannah even without the results back. Longo seemed pretty sure. So it means they recognized her from something. I don't think that they would have say that in a press conference with the risk of having a different kind of results in a few days. I don't know if it were the clothes or something else, but they recognized her from something.
Great. Autopsy will clear up a lot of questions.

Did you see the comment JMs lawyer made? Something like "my client and I are waiting on the autopsy results. No comment at this time."

I'm sure they are quaking in their boots. I PRAY pleasepleaseplease have DNA at the scene to match JM.

I hope there was no bleach used. Its possible even with bleach that there could be DNA, but less likely, I guess.
It will be interesting imo, since he knew his DNA was found with Morgan Harrington.
There have been several posts mentioning the possibility that recent rains have pushed these human remains from someplace else until they finally came to rest where they were found. While I understand this can and does happen, I don't think that will be the case here. What are the odds that they would come to settle in a dry creek bed DIRECTLY BEHIND an ABANDONED HOUSE that was formerly an ADULT ASSISTED LIVING CENTER, when he previously worked at an adult assisted living center less than a half hour away, and most SURELY would have been aware of this place, especially as he has family living very close by, and so most likely knew that it was empty at the time, as he surely had been up and down that road many times. JMO, but my guess is that house has his and Hannah's DNA all over it, and perhaps was in fact the crime scene. JMO

Where did this information come from about the Adult Assisted Center? Is there an MSM link for this information? We need to be careful about speculative conclusions because they tend to be twisted to become fact. I have not read an MSM article or LE state exactly where the remains were found and Longo was keeping that information close to the vest.
So who gets the $100,000 reward? The LEO who reportedly found her remains, or God?
Yes, also Longo seemed sure that was her. I don't think he would have say something like that in a press conference without being really sure. They recognized her by something.
I just want to say, what an amazing commitment by LE and all of the searchers. I am amazed/impressed that they were able to find these remains, as it was quite a needle in a haystack. It is only because of their refusal to give up and keep searching...very reminiscent of LE in Jessica Ridgeway's, Tim Bosma's and Erin Corwin's cases.

Also, just want to say good job to everyone here who has continued to search for Hannah and brainstorm, etc. We have been very, very close in many posts.


AND... notice that when human beings (the guy in charge of this search) are allowed to use their judgement, in addition to their true assignment, they can have more success than just following what they are supposed to do. They searched the preplanned area.. and then at the and, CHANGED their search to include one last promising area, when you know everyone was very tired. Strict rules to follow would have not found this girl.
Dick Uliano ‏@DickUliano 8m8 minutes ago
This is the park land south of downtown Charlottesville where remains were found #HannahGraham #wtop

View attachment 61619


Quoting myself for reference. Going by this photograph I have concluded the command post is positioned here https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B056'11.3%22N+78%C2%B035'31.8%22W/@37.9320379,-78.592165,1210m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0

Quoting myself again...

Wondering if this is the road in the first photograph as it is very close to the command post and scrutinizing the best I can (wee google man won't go there) I see a wooden fence and what looks like shadows from a gate.

map.jpg map2.jpg
Where was it stated officially that creek name? Why do I ask? That creek is NOT a dry creek bed. Dry creek beds are there for major major rainfall events... a couple a year. The photos I see of that creek, yes, it's a small creek, but not normally dry. What gives?
Surely there is something that make them sure it's Hannah even without the results back. Longo seemed pretty sure. So it means they recognized her from something. I don't think that they would have say that in a press conference with the risk of having a different kind of results in a few days. I don't know if it were the clothes or something else, but they recognized her from something.

I believe they are very confident it is Hannah. I do believe though that LE has to wait for an official identification from the state.
Where did this information come from about the Adult Assisted Center? Is there an MSM link for this information? We need to be careful about speculative conclusions because they tend to be twisted to become fact. I have not read an MSM article or LE state exactly where the remains were found and Longo was keeping that information close to the vest.

Nor in what condition any remains are. That is a huge no-no in an open death investigation. Seems bogus to me, and odd to me that Longo has not disassociated from that interview. There should be zero info on that right now. That is just common sense.
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