Here's the question you all should ask


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Aug 14, 2003
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I just love the dog and pony show that the RST have now come up with. The RST (now including Candy) are just having a field day with the distraction of Tricia and Gigax' name being put out there.
They are saying that because of this and that, Gigax' right to privacy, Gigax' right to have his name private, Gigax now needs a lawyer, Gigax shouldn't have "been bothered"......yadda, yadda

Even Jameson spews that this is good because now other people can "come forward and clear their name"


Haven't we heard a thousand times that one doesn't have to prove themselves innocent? The ramseys don't have to clear their name because they are not suspects? The ramseys are INNOCENT until proven guilty? For crying out loud, THE RAMSEYS WOULDN'T EVEN COME FORWARD AND "CLEAR THEIR NAME". The Ramseys didn't trust the authorities and now they pick on those who are either dead or have criminal records and a tainted past, who are not at all wealthy and THEY WANT THEM TO GO TO THE SAME AUTHORITIES TO CLEAR THEMSELVES?????????????

Total strangers should "come forward and clear their name?????"

Now for the question you should be asking:

Tricia "outed" Gigax' name.

Why was there a name to out in the first place?????????????????

I'd like Tracey to answer that.

It seems Tracey doesn't want too many copies floating around the United States. Well duh, of course not, people will see what a farce and a slap in the face to the "investigation" here by suggesting such drivel

Tracy will be "outed" as the blood sucker that he is.

Now the National Examiner is naming Helgoth (you know, the man Jameson "outed") and his "accomplice" as the killers.

Yeah, but the RST and Lou Smit and the Ramseys can continue to distract the facts with the focus on Gigax' name made public.

Doesn't anyone see what is happening???? This is the RST's dream! All Tricia talk, all Gigax talk and NO Ramsey talk.

Wake up guys!
Question: In terms of identity theft, is a SS# of any use if you don't have the name that goes with it?
My question is why did Tracy deliberately point this guy out and insinuate that he was the one who was involved in the JBR murder along with Helgoth (another redd herring)? What gave Tracy the right to go and film his life excluding nothing but his name? What gave him the right to show those documents and have the camera STAY on them where the case numbers were clearly visible?
Seeker said:
My question is why did Tracy deliberately point this guy out and insinuate that he was the one who was involved in the JBR murder along with Helgoth (another redd herring)? What gave Tracy the right to go and film his life excluding nothing but his name? What gave him the right to show those documents and have the camera STAY on them where the case numbers were clearly visible?

NOTHING gave him the right.

NOTHING gave anyone the right to EVER mention Helgoth's name either.
Gigax also needs to be made aware that Jameson talks to Kenady, Tracey, Ollie, and Smit on a regular basis.

Her motivation is to promote herself-- It is not to help clear anyone. She only wants publicity, a feeling of importance and $ she can get for selling stories. Just like Kenady.

She plays both sides, has no shame, meddles and is a nuisance to the case. Calls people numerous times a day if they don't call her back. Turns in innocent people and causes them to be investigated-- just like she claims she was accused so she has a bond with Gigax.

So if you are reading her Mr. G..... tread very carefully. Listen to your lawyer who will tell you not to talk to internet groupies or post at their site. And if your lawyer does not tell you this, he's probably incompetent.
Sabrina said:
Gigax also needs to be made aware that Jameson talks to Kenady, Tracey, Ollie, and Smit on a regular basis.

Her motivation is to promote herself-- It is not to help clear anyone. She only wants publicity, a feeling of importance and $ she can get for selling stories. Just like Kenady.

She plays both sides, has no shame, meddles and is a nuisance to the case. Calls people numerous times a day if they don't call her back. Turns in innocent people and causes them to be investigated-- just like she claims she was accused so she has a bond with Gigax.

So if you are reading her Mr. G..... tread very carefully. Listen to your lawyer who will tell you not to talk to internet groupies or post at their site. And if your lawyer does not tell you this, he's probably incompetent.

Excellent insight/post...IMHO her's is an "alien(estrange)" and should be ignored at all times/cost/etc...!!! :laugh: :crazy: :cool: :silenced:
Main Entry: [3]alien
Function: transitive verb
Date: 14th century
2 : to make over (as property)

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