I am bothered by this

Of course, one could also question the media's obsessoin with this case, when there are thousands of other missing children whose cases might be helped with a little more exposure.
If people are watching it in hopes of seeing LE drive up to tell G&C that Caylee's body has been found, then I must say: that is something none of us should want to be witness to... the cruelty of the pain that will overwhelm them is NOT for anyones viewing pleasure.

I'd have to agree with that.
Honestly, if I were a neighbor, I wouldn't give a crap about the lights, attention, etc. I'd solely care about finding Caylee. If all these outside things were going to put more pressure of the Casey, so be it. I think a spotlight in my bedroom would be the least of my concerns. Hell, I'd make iced tea for the media & supplement my income by renting out my lawn.
I don't know much about the webcam, but where is it? The Anthonies can't go on public property or someone else's property and destroy something that is rightfully there, however intrusive or distasteful it is. I imagine within legal bounds, you can keep someone under surveillance. It depends on Florida law. At some point, though, they or their neighbors can complain if someone is creating a nuisance that interferes too much with the use and enjoyment of their property (noise, lights, crowds at all hours, either on the property of others or the public road). They have a right to complain if there is an actual trespass on their land.
While I agree with much of the feelings about the webcam, and do not agree with the glaring lights of last night, the Anthony's do live on a public street. The webcam, while persistant, has not been invasive. It does not show anything that could not be seen by the average citizen walking or driving down that street. It's unfortunate that the Anthonys may feel the public scrutiny; it's even more unfortunate that an innocent child is missing and more than likely is dead. And weren't there at least 2 emails sent to Fox yesterday morning from WS posters asking that the cam be turned back on? I'm not defending nor accusing anyone. I'm just saying.

Let me preface my main point by saying that I feel that Casey is where she needs to be. I would wager that I am in agreement with 99.9% of the posters on this board insofar as her involvement/guilt is concerned.

GP and GM....their involvement is a bit more muddied to me. They have definitely displayed some of the most bizarre behavior under the present circumstances that I have ever seen. I have my personal theories but no facts to back them up...just gut feelings.

All this is to give you an understanding of my POV.

Here's my issue. I find it really unnerving that by the click of a link the world can view their home in near real time. For goodness sakes, it is lit up by flood lights for your optimal night time viewing. This just seems so invasive to me.

Flog me if you must lol, it just doesn't seem right.

No flogging from me. I agree with you 100%. I find it very disturbing that there is a webcam pointed at their house 24/7. I think I would have ripped it down by now. I find it very invasive too.
I just want to be clear that I am in NO WAY passing judgment on people that view/don't have a problem with the cam. That was not my intention when posting this topic.
I can't help but think that if he'd gone into further detail and listed what she ate for breakfast or what cartoons she watched on TV that morning, people would accuse him of going into too much detail, and therefore lying. No, you didn't accuse him of murder and neither did I. This is what you said tho.
I can't follow what you are saying? You are not making sense with regard to CHillyWilly.George has been accused of being a liar for going into to much detail. Here on the this board anyway, which is what Chilly was referring to.
That is what I was saying...JBean. Is it the real reason he didn't or is it he can't tell us because she really wasn't there that morning? He has had no problem into going into detail about everything else...why not this?!
i feel so sorry for this family. their every move is being scrutinized to the nth degree. and all for ratings. seems to me they have enough to deal with.
i am not sure if the parents are involved or not but they deserve their privacy untill or if its proved they are.
i took my daughter to dance last week and their was a death on the street. the city had put up signs to ask the public to be sensitive to their loss not too drive to fast or make too much noise. seems to me the anthonys deserve that too.
EGGSZACTLY! Our 24/7 news society is so desperate for programming that they're making news by their own actions. It's much ado about poo! The whole spectacle...so they took her back to jail. 5 min, tops. Big whoop. And yet people are watching that webcam like their lives depend on it (and it makes you wonder why it would be of interest to so many). Heck, watching my grass grow is much more interesting!


The news media is invasive & basically on the same low level as the paparazzi?! Wow, what a shock!

Anyone who has watched the 'news' in the past 10 years had to have realized that they aren't content to REPORT news.... they want to CREATE the news..... to have something to fill the 24 hours.

Any person who goes out of their way to ANTAGONIZE a person with a camera is just plain STUPID & has no room to complain when they find themselves being watched closely for the next entertaining outburst.

Insult the media one too many times & see how sympathetic the media is to you.

Here's an idea.... if the Anthony's went out of their house & maybe helped in the SEARCH FOR CAYLEE.... the media would have something worthwhile to report.

Do they think the media OR the public has forgotten all the times they went on air claiming they JUST WANT people to get off their azzes & search for Caylee.... and yet when that happens, WHO'S sitting home on their azzes..... still unhappy with the way poor Casey is being treated?

I don't agree with keeping the cameras on them BUT they're not doing ANYTHING to make it easier for themselves.
I agree with the sentiment that the webcam has crossed a line and is unfairly intrusive. George and Cindy did not sign up with Headline News, Nancy Grace, or the general public for a reality show. They're dealing with a horrific situation, they have my sympathy, and I wish the media would leave them alone.
I think the cam is there because George is somehow involved in all this.

It is the freaking gas cans on the 24th of june.

I think Caylee was either in that trunk and he saw her or at least smelt the decomp*

The family is being pressured because of their suspicion.

They are hiding something, I can feel it.
I think the cam is there because George is somehow involved in all this.

It is the freaking gas cans on the 24th of june.

I think Caylee was either in that trunk and he saw her or at least smelt the decomp*

The family is being pressured because of their suspicion.

They are hiding something, I can feel it.

It is true that if media has their own suspicions or good rumors they are unable to verify, they can't publicize them. But that that can influence or aid them in making decisions on where they want to be or what they want to do next on a case.
I think the cam is there because George is somehow involved in all this.

It is the freaking gas cans on the 24th of june.

I think Caylee was either in that trunk and he saw her or at least smelt the decomp*

The family is being pressured because of their suspicion.

They are hiding something, I can feel it.
Are you saying that you believe LE has asked the media to film the Anthony house 24/7 and broadcast the Anthony's every movement to the world?
I think it's way over the top to have a webcam there and I feel like it's encouraging the continuation of the circus atmosphere that this situation has become.
"I am bothered by this...."

Sean Daly/Lake VAJ............................
I think it's way over the top to have a webcam there and I feel like it's encouraging the continuation of the circus atmosphere that this situation has become.

You can't have a circus without the clowns.

Any person who goes out of their way to ANTAGONIZE a person with a camera is just plain STUPID & has no room to complain when they find themselves being watched closely for the next entertaining outburst.

Insult the media one too many times & see how sympathetic the media is to you.

Here's an idea.... if the Anthony's went out of their house & maybe helped in the SEARCH FOR CAYLEE.... the media would have something worthwhile to report.

Do they think the media OR the public has forgotten all the times they went on air claiming they JUST WANT people to get off their azzes & search for Caylee.... and yet when that happens, WHO'S sitting home on their azzes..... still unhappy with the way poor Casey is being treated?

I don't agree with keeping the cameras on them BUT they're not doing ANYTHING to make it easier for themselves.

I agree completely with the above. :clap::clap::clap:

I do not believe the Anthony's should be complaining about no one searching for Caylee when they aren't doing some searching of their own (other than soul searching and of course driving the billboard around). First of all, with all the lies spewed by Casey, where does one even begin to search? They can fault LE all day long, but they should take a deep breath and accept that their daughter has put the OCSO on a wild goose chase from Day 1...or would that be day 31? :confused: And if not for the lies that Casey has spewed, we wouldn't be looking for Caylee anyway. She would be at home playing like a normal 3 year old should be doing. Who the hell waits 31 days to let anyone know that your child is missing? Scared to report her missing because she might become harmed like in the movies....ohh GMAB! WHERE'S CAYLEE?

I have zero sympathy for Casey and little for the grandparents because of the way they have acted. Granted I don't know how I would react if I had a missing child, but I do have a BFF that has been missing for 17 years this past May. So I know it is hard to have lost someone you love and not have a clue where he/she is, but I know that I didn't go completely off the deep end and blame everyone except who should have been blamed. By the way, the 2 guys that are responsible for my friends "disappearance" are walking free to this date. :furious:

I just don't believe that the g-parents should bless out the media now because Casey's lies have been revealed; let's remember they were their BFFs during the first days this fiasco started. There is one person who has all the answers and that is CASEY...no one but her can end all of this, but she is too worried about saving her own butt. And for her attorney, who cares about his opening statement...WHERE'S CAYLEE? that's what I'm worried about.

Camera or no camera - no one is being forced to look at it. The media has the freedom to do it or it would have already been removed. There are a lot of families out there that would love to have this media exposure for their missing loved ones.

They need to use the media to their advantage and that would be to keep CAYLEE's name out there! Afterall, this is ABOUT CAYLEE! I could give a darn about Casey - I know where she is, and she's safe.


Okay, I'm off my soap box. This case infuriates me. I would LOVE to have a child like Caylee; maybe one day if it's God's will. The above is JMHO.
I think it's way over the top to have a webcam there and I feel like it's encouraging the continuation of the circus atmosphere that this situation has become.

Circus or not....Casey brought this on her family. Casey's family should have no anger towards anyone except Casey, but sadly they place blame on everyone except her. If they want this circus to stop, Casey needs to "woman-up" and give some truthful answers. Afterall, she brought Caylee in to this world to love and protect. Where's Caylee's protection....hiding in jail not giving any truthful answers - just out to save her own butt. She makes me ill! :furious:

Of course this is JMHO and am not quoting you to disagree with you.


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