IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #12

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I was abused sexually by an older family member for years, and was the same age as Lizzie when it was happening. Believe it or not, it can be very confusing. And you do often follow their instructions, and meet them when they ask. The emotions are powerful and are a mixture of fear, fascination and guilt and shame, so the abusers have a lot of control.

I'm so sorry honey. (hugs)
I believe whatever happened, happened between 12:15 and 1:30, because they knew they had to get back so Lyric could leave with Gma at 1:30. I doubt that Lyric would risk getting in trouble again, due to the incident a few days before. Plus, that was a pretty long time for them to be gone. Moo

I agree that whatever happened occured within a very short time frame.
Very likely the time you mentioned imo between 12:15 and 1:30pm.
OK. My email was answered! I will screenshot it when I get home but they were in fact referring to a small paddleboat in which a person pedals.
I think another foot search would be to find bodies. Sorry to say that, but we have to look at reality here. The perp or perps would need a dumping site.

I might get slammed for saying this but that was my thinking. Another foot search for a body search.

ETA: this is moo
So I found an article about the case, and the headline is: CUP: BK Racing To Assist Search For Missing Iowa Women

Lyric and Elizabeth are kids; they are not women. The article does not mention their ages at all, or even give a picture, so someone reading the article who isn't familiar with the case is probably thinking two 30-year-olds disappeared! The article does call them "missing girls" once though.


It's the sports section too making it even more likely that the person reading the article isn't someone who pays attention to these cases, just based on demographics.
First I wanted to comment on this photo. If you figure that the girls bikes were found about where the left front of the police cruiser is, and the purse was found right behind where the rower is: that would be approx. 20'.

I cannot find where I read about the dogs tracking the scent but I do have this:

BROUSSEAU: I just wanted to say one more thing, you know, about those bloodhounds that were brought in by the FBI. They did one at a time. One for Elizabeth and one for Lyric. And I was explain to you, so the bikes were found right where those -- the rocky area is, where they`re guessing the girls may have entered the lake at.

But I was there, I watched the bloodhounds continue on into this dense forest area, which is about 400 yards. I watched them go into that area and they positively identified both girls were at that location.

GRACE: Right, at the edge of the water.


GRACE: Go ahead.

BROUSSEAU: Yes, not, you know, not at the -- just at the edge of the water. If you continue on down the bike trail east, there is about approximately 400 acres of forest, dense forest to the left side, and that is where the dogs continued on to and picked up the girls` scent. And that`s when they stopped and brought the dog back and they did the next dog.

The next dog positively identified the next girl`s person to be in that forest. And that`s kind of where I believe it went cold for them. The dogs couldn`t pick up anymore scent. I`m not saying for sure that they couldn`t pick up more scent and go on further, but that is where the investigators stopped, brought the dogs back, told us that, yes, the dogs positively identified the girls to go past the site where the bikes were dropped and farther on into the forest.


I know this is just Tammy's word, but I know I read it somewhere or it was in a press briefing. I have TONS of links, but as you well know, if you don't copy and paste info when it's first released, articles are upgraded and edited.

I'll look at the press releases later.

MArnie, :rocker: THANK yOu!
This is what I referred to yesterday about the scent dogs going into
the wooded area (forest).
nervous_nellie (love the Banksy avatar btw) posted this article earlier. Oh-my-Lord is this disturbing: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-08-04/child-*advertiser censored*-network/56782672/1
It is so strange to me that this happened on a summer afternoon, in a smallish town where people probably notice their neighbors, on a apparantly popular bike trail, and there are only two witnesses that come forward? Was there no one else on trail between 12:30 and 4:00 that either saw or didn't see their bikes there? No one that saw them riding through town? No other kids that saw them? Would LE tell witnesses not to speak publicly for some reason?
I think that is why people get paddle boats, to be honest. They use up way more energy to move over the same distance than a canoe would and take twice as long.

Those paddle boats are a great way to burn energy off from the kids.

Or maybe I think that because my family had a canoe and I well remember passing paddle boats in the canoe. Even if it made my shoulders burn, no way would I ever want to be passed by a paddle boat! <LOL>

Our local lake has paddle boats for rent & you see a lot of people (on Sunday afternoons especially) that will pedal then sit & drift, pedal then sit & drift, etc. Just a lazy way to spend a summer afternoon relaxing & enjoying the great outdoors.
They don't have the cutsey ones like the Dragon or Flamingo ones though. LOL
OK. My email was answered! I will screenshot it when I get home but they were in fact referring to a small paddleboat in which a person pedals.

Thank you for asking and clarifying! Much appreciated.
Thanks...I think high visibility for the girls and an emphasis on finding them is maybe the best use of resources at the moment...kind of like that unidentified boy that ICE was looking for a few weeks back...

Can only assume, and certainly hope, that some of the FBI are surveilling those horrible child *advertiser censored* rings and videos for any signs of those young girls..

I agree, any visibility & keeping this story alive in the media is the best chance of finding the girls. We certainly do not want them to be put on the back burner & forgotten as so many other cases seem to have been.
At this point it can't hurt to try all avenues.
nervous_nellie (love the Banksy avatar btw) posted this article earlier. Oh-my-Lord is this disturbing: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-08-04/child-*advertiser censored*-network/56782672/1

Extremely disturbing.

It doesn't involve any abducted children, though. It sounds like the perps were in positions of trust with the children's families. Or were part of the family.

Which is where 90% of child sexual abuse takes place.
It is so strange to me that this happened on a summer afternoon, in a smallish town where people probably notice their neighbors, on a apparantly popular bike trail, and there are only two witnesses that come forward? Was there no one else on trail between 12:30 and 4:00 that either saw or didn't see their bikes there? No one that saw them riding through town? No other kids that saw them? Would LE tell witnesses not to speak publicly for some reason?
I can't speak to how busy the trail or the lake would be on a summer afternoon. Not my area of knowledge. But I've been giving some thought to how the girls could have gotten across town from the last sighting to the lake without being seen by any one else. And I've realized it might not be as hard as one might think. From a lifetime in Iowa, residential areas can be pretty dead during the day. People are at work. People are at appointments. People are playing golf. And if people do see kids on bikes, would they really notice? It's apart of the landscape.
Yes we must keep them in the public eye not let it go to a cold case like my missing sister forty four years still missing .
It is so strange to me that this happened on a summer afternoon, in a smallish town where people probably notice their neighbors, on a apparantly popular bike trail, and there are only two witnesses that come forward? Was there no one else on trail between 12:30 and 4:00 that either saw or didn't see their bikes there? No one that saw them riding through town? No other kids that saw them? Would LE tell witnesses not to speak publicly for some reason?

It is very common for LE to ask witnesses to avoid the media.

For one thing, LE doesn't want the perp to know what the investigators know. The less the perp knows about the investigation, the better.

For another thing, should there ever be an arrest and trial, the prosecutor doesn't want to take a chance that the witnesses will say one thing to LE, then go on TV and say something different. That is just begging the defence to impeach that witness's testimony as unreliable. Even a difference in a tiny detail such as calling it a black car in a police report and then telling reporters it was a dark coloured car can call a witness's memory into question (even though such minor changes are actually normal).

Plus, there's a risk that someone suggestible can have their memory altered or clouded by reporters who ask leading questions.

So in most cases, LE has a lot more witness testimony than is known to the media.
So I found an article about the case, and the headline is: CUP: BK Racing To Assist Search For Missing Iowa Women

Lyric and Elizabeth are kids; they are not women. The article does not mention their ages at all, or even give a picture, so someone reading the article who isn't familiar with the case is probably thinking two 30-year-olds disappeared! The article does call them "missing girls" once though.


It's the sports section too making it even more likely that the person reading the article isn't someone who pays attention to these cases, just based on demographics.

You've got to be kidding me... and the picture of the car doesn't show the deck lid with the girls' info on it, at least not as of 2:20 PST. I guess it's publicity and I'm VERY happy the team is doing it, but this report is not helpful at all. There's an email address on the site where you can send story comments and suggestions: foxnewstips@foxnews.com. Unfortunately my email got kicked back as undeliverable but if anyone else wants to try, might be worth a shot.
Did you watch the other video. the bald headed guy. His voice changes really creepy. :what:

The bald guy was really creepy! Also when he said that about the abductor might be watching youtube instantly made me think , "or making videos about the abduction".

I just don't get why people feel the need to make videos about something so serious. I guess they want their 15 mins. It just seems sick IMO.
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