IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #4

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Can meth use cause any type of damage to the brain?

I watched a special on it. believe it or not Iowa is one of the leading states for meth use and production. alot has to do with the anhydrous amonia needed for the process which can be found on nearly every farm. meth cookers steal this from farmers. it is a highly unstable and lethal element of the process. anyway, according to the documentary I saw, they compared a meth users brain to a paranoid schizophernic. the brain scans were the same and it is irreversable damage. wish I could remember the name of the docu...i think it was on maybe A&E ??
I think there is a sense of disbelief. it is hard to reconcile that 2 girls could basically vanish and no one saw a thing. the first response is to keep your kids closer. the second is to reach out and help anyway you can. the best way to describe it is that there is a feeling of foreboding. business has to go on like usual, but everything has changed in a way you can't put your finger on. i know my kids feel like their little world here in Iowa isn't the same as it used to be. i think "it happens other places but not here" has really hit them.
Everyone here is touched one way or another. you either know one of the family members or know 5 people that do. I used to live a couple blocks from Misty's house. my kids went to the same elementary school that Lyric now attends. their friends have syblings that know her. I remember when Johnny Gosch and Eugene Martin disappeared, I was just a teenager and I am now having a very accute case of deja' vue. :( it is heart wrenching to me as a mother.

Doesn't it drive you crazy in cases like these when family members start singing like canaries about their relative's criminal histories (and other dirt), when really, they should not be throwing stones from glass houses? Just sayin.
Can meth use cause any type of damage to the brain?

I heard that it creates "holes" in the brain, but that's just by word of a friend.

I am sure that it does something, as all drugs typically do.
Meth may be the single worst drug to abuse. Fairly rapidly it destroys the receptors for pleasure in the brain, permanently. Meaning that it takes more and more drug to maintain your staus quo mood, and even if you kick the habit, you have a flat emotional response to things that should make you happy... you basically lose the ability to be happy and normal...
it is just an awful, awful drug for your brain.

Thank you. I am just wondering if misty's problems with drugs and alcohol could have some impact on her present behavior-I think it could.
true that civilians cannot search private property without consent, and it is true that the investigation was not halted, but believe me there is way more than 12 acres of trails and cornfields etc that could be searched. as I stated before the trails run from town to town to town...quite a few of them connecting. In fact i could ride my bike from Cedar Falls to Waterloo to Evansdale to without leaving the Nature Trail. and as far as corn fields, woods, parks, lakes, streams, ditches...they are everywhere.

Respectfully and not meaning to pick on you, the media accounts said the volunteer searches covered 12 square miles.

That's over 7500 acres.
Why are they not crying/freaking out during these interviews? I have not seen a video yet that the mother has cried. I would freaking.

I think they probably have a few investigations going on.
I truly don't believe that any family member did something bad to these children. And it doesn't matter about any possible drug involvement - at least not to me. To hurt, maybe even kill a child, takes a total disregard for human life, let alone one's own child or relative, this person would be really "off" and just because a person does drugs or has done drugs does not make them automatically that morally corrupt. We don't even know what type of crime has been committed - or the motive. It seems that it is more likely that the children were taken to be sold or used in some very wrong way and maybe not even killed. What are the chances of such a thing happening?

The drugs might matter, only because of the people drug users have contact with.
Thanks. I posted two links, one where one of the moms says the trail stopped at the lake. Lots of conflicting info.

If the mom said the scent trail stopped at the lake, then why is the family so upset that LE is concentrating on looking in there? That makes no sense. imo

Aren't the family reported to be frustrated that LE is spending so much time and energy looking into the lake? If they know the scent trail leads and ends there, how can LE NOT drain the lake and thoroughly search it?
Doesn't it drive you crazy in cases like these when family members start singing like canaries about their relative's criminal histories (and other dirt), when really, they should not be throwing stones from glass houses? Just sayin.

I think they did this for several reasons
they knew it was going to come out anyway-so they were being the first to put it out there
they are showing people they are being open & honest about their past
they want people to know-they are doing everything they are being ask to do
I give them a lot of credit for doing it-JMO
Judge puts dad of missing girl under supervision

Authorities will keep a closer watch on the father of one of two missing Iowa cousins, a man with a lengthy criminal history who stopped cooperating with police in the week-old investigation.

A judge granted a prosecution request Thursday to put Dan Morrissey under pretrial supervision while he faces September trials in two drug cases. It means parole officers will make sure Morrissey doesn't violate the terms of his release

Read More: http://wcfcourier.com/news/national...3d9-5c7b-9b71-b4bc2eb0aedd.html#ixzz21BW8BznF

Read More: http://wcfcourier.com/news/national...3d9-5c7b-9b71-b4bc2eb0aedd.html#ixzz21BW0aDHh

Shouldnt the parole officers have been doing this all along anyway? Even before the girls went missing?

I truly don't believe that any family member did something bad to these children. And it doesn't matter about any possible drug involvement - at least not to me. To hurt, maybe even kill a child, takes a total disregard for human life, let alone one's own child or relative, this person would be really "off" and just because a person does drugs or has done drugs does not make them automatically that morally corrupt. We don't even know what type of crime has been committed - or the motive. It seems that it is more likely that the children were taken to be sold or used in some very wrong way and maybe not even killed. What are the chances of such a thing happening?

But crystal meth is not just any drug. It is not like pot or heroin or even cocaine. It is much more of a twisted, wicked high than most other drugs.

ETA: I am NOT saying that any of the family is guilty of anything in this crime. Just saying tht their circle of druggie friends/customers/suppliers might be.
Respectfully and not meaning to pick on you, the media accounts said the volunteer searches covered 12 square miles.

That's over 7500 acres.

yes, you are correct..Mistype on my part. but you know how rural Iowa. I agree with the other posters that stated they had the volunteers at their disposal who wanted to continue the search. i am sure moving into Monday several would have been returning to work, but what would it have hurt to continue to let people look as long as they did it safely and didn't get harmed in the process.
I would think so. What exactly is pretrial supervision?

I meant to quote OBE.

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Why are they not crying/freaking out during these interviews? I have not seen a video yet that the mother has cried. I would freaking.

I think they probably have a few investigations going on.

Are you talking about Lyric's mother? I am wondering if the drug/alcohol abuse has done something to her brain. I have seen this in patients with severe alcoholism, but meth is typically not something we run into. (yet).
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