GUILTY IA - Sterling Koehn, 4 mos, starved to death, Alta Vista, 30 Aug 2017

The picture of mom, baby Sterling and another child is dated October 24th. Does she think posting family pics 2 months after this poor baby was left in a swing for a week will make people forget WTH she and the sperm donor did? It doesn't make me feel that way; it only make them seem even more despicable. SMH

It took me a while to catch on too, confusing. You have to read Dad's fb page, he mentions Sterling's death and funeral as if he died accidentally. There is also a photo of he and Mom captioned "loving the clean life". You'd never guess what the two of them were charged with based on his posts.
Did they not want Sterling? Was it too late to take him back to the hospital or fire station?

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UGH his facebook, he could care less about anyone but himself.
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So this baby was in the swing seat for over a week???? :eek:

Didn't any of the neighbors notice a dead baby in the swing? WTH?
I wasn't going to read this story. It seems so horrific and beyond words. Such evil in this world. They both deserve the death penalty. You can't rehabilitate evil. I will have trouble sleeping after this. Heaven must be full of tiny little loves like this one. :tears::anguish::praying:
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I'm confused. Was the child dead for a week in the swing or did the child die because it was left in the swing for a week?
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It took me a while to catch on too, confusing. You have to read Dad's fb page, he mentions Sterling's death and funeral as if he died accidentally. There is also a photo of he and Mom captioned "loving the clean life". You'd never guess what the two of them were charged with based on his posts.

I've seen this kind of thing in so many cases here. Perfect family, everyone's smiling and happy ... facebook should rename itself -> Fakebook.
Zachary Paul Koehn, 28, and Cheyanne Renae Harris, 20, identified as the biological parents of 4-month-old Sterling Daniel Koehn, were arrested Wednesday following a two-month investigation.

Bond was set at $100,000 cash only. The penalty upon conviction of first-degree murder is mandatory life in prison.

Court records indicate the child weighed less than 7 pounds and had died of neglect.

“The facts of this case go far beyond neglect and show circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life,” a Chickasaw County sheriff’s deputy wrote in court records seeking charges against the parents.

From that article “According to court records, Koehn told authorities Harris had fed the infant around 9 a.m. and everything was fine, and then he checked again at 11 or 11:30 a.m. and the child was dead.”
What?!!! This is insane. With the baby in that condition he attempted this story?!

I don’t know. I came back to WS after a long break. First Sherin, then Serenity, now this little angel Sterling. I don’t think my heart can take this. I’ve bawled three times today for you sweet little angels that deserved more and could have received it so easily from so many. I cannot fathom the depravity of living with my dead infant sitting there in a swing.
I don’t think I can take this.

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Whenever I think I've heard the worst, something even more evil comes along.

No words are adequate to explain this atrocity. And is it my imagination, or is Mom working a little smirk in her mugshot?

Life in a cold, dark cell for these two.
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Whenever I think I've heard the worst, something even more evil comes along.

No words are adequate to explain this atrocity. And is it my imagination, or is Mom working a little smirk in her mugshot?

Life in a cold, dark cell for these two.
Both their mugshots disturb me.
They didn't even have enough sense to change the diaper before the police came.

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The picture of mom, baby Sterling and another child is dated October 24th. Does she think posting family pics 2 months after this poor baby was left in a swing for a week will make people forget WTH she and the sperm donor did? It doesn't make me feel that way; it only make them seem even more despicable. SMH


Plus, the "Mommy Forever" virtual sticker.
So many people would've adopted that baby in an instant !!!!!
I'm confused. Was the child dead for a week in the swing or did the child die because it was left in the swing for a week?

If I’m interpreting correctly, Sterling died because he was unattended in a mechanical baby swing for no less than a week. A 4 month old needs care at least every few hours. As horrible as it is, having had children in diapers for 13 out of the last 18 years, and a trash bin right outside I’ve seen maggots infest a poopy diaper very quickly outside in the bin. Then the last two kids we used cloth diapers, at a minimum we would have enough diapers for at least 12-15 changes per day. An average 4 month old should be fed every 3-4 hours. The thought of what this poor baby went through because the people who should have cared were to strung out to do so is absolutely heartbreaking. I think every bit of the neglect contributed to his death and the infection and sores were probably painful and potentially fatal (sepsis?) but dehydration due to not being fed was probably what actually killed him.

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If I’m interpreting correctly, Sterling died because he was unattended in a mechanical baby swing for no less than a week. A 4 month old needs care at least every few hours. As horrible as it is, having had children in diapers for 13 out of the last 18 years, and a trash bin right outside I’ve seen maggots infest a poopy diaper very quickly outside in the bin. Then the last two kids we used cloth diapers, at a minimum we would have enough diapers for at least 12-15 changes per day. An average 4 month old should be fed every 3-4 hours. The thought of what this poor baby went through because the people who should have cared were to strung out to do so is absolutely heartbreaking. I think every bit of the neglect contributed to his death and the infection and sores were probably painful and potentially fatal (sepsis?) but dehydration due to not being fed was probably what actually killed him.

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Ugh. Yeah, I'm getting the sense that baby Sterling wasn't being fed or changed - or cared about - for a while.
7 pounds at autopsy? Even considering weight loss due to dehydration that's a very low number.

My guess (MOO) is that mom and dad were too high to notice his distress. Reminds me of the movie Trainspotting. Poor little thing. :tears:

A forensic entomologist studied the maggots to determine that Sterling had not been removed from the baby swing for more than a week and that he had not had a diaper change or bath in that time, court records show.

The State Medical Examiner ruled the death a homicide, and the cause of death was failure to provide critical care.
Sterling was born May 1. He weighed less than 7 pounds at the time of the autopsy, court records show.
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If I’m interpreting correctly, Sterling died because he was unattended in a mechanical baby swing for no less than a week. A 4 month old needs care at least every few hours. As horrible as it is, having had children in diapers for 13 out of the last 18 years, and a trash bin right outside I’ve seen maggots infest a poopy diaper very quickly outside in the bin. Then the last two kids we used cloth diapers, at a minimum we would have enough diapers for at least 12-15 changes per day. An average 4 month old should be fed every 3-4 hours. The thought of what this poor baby went through because the people who should have cared were to strung out to do so is absolutely heartbreaking. I think every bit of the neglect contributed to his death and the infection and sores were probably painful and potentially fatal (sepsis?) but dehydration due to not being fed was probably what actually killed him.

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Thank you.

Did they not release the autopsy results? (NVM...I see they did now.) It seems like this baby would have screamed non stop from hunger and pain until he was just too weak to do so.

These FB pages are so disturbing to me. How can they go about their lives like nothing happened?

I don't understand how something like this could have happened two months ago and we're just now hearing about it. I feel like there must be a lot more to this story.

I'm sorry. I just find this so upsetting. My kids are not babies anymore, but I'm still half tempted to go to their rooms and wake them up right now just to tell them how much I love them. :(
OMG. This is so disturbing. That poor baby.
Two months to investigate and arrest?

I haven’t read the whole thread yet but I’m assuming they did an extremely thorough investigation to bring 1st degree murder charges & have them really prove beyond reasonable doubt to a jury of hopefully 12 reasonable, rational people who will subsequently convict & put these two away for life. I’m anti-death penalty & so is Mr. Lotus & I also was a combat medic in Iraq during the invasion & I’m constantly researching repugnant crimes & crime scene photos so I’ve seen A LOT of really messed up stuff (after enduring an incredibly sexually/physically/emotionally/verbally abusive childhood) but THIS, I can’t get my effing head around it. I’m sorry if saying effing broke a rule. My point of that was Mr. Lotus & I agreed this morning that they deserve the death penalty. Which is really saying a lot, coming from either of us.

I’m not a reactionary person or an alarmist. It takes a whole lot to get me this shook. I mean a whole lot. I’m not desensitized because I’m still appalled at the stuff going on around the world but there isn’t even a word close to appalling that would be adequate to describe this utter depraved apathy.

It reminds me of a mission I was on with my guys (I was in a “line” unit; yes the whole “no women are on the front lines” thing was a lie) where we were searching for some insurgents responsible for an attack on another company in our battalion. Well, we’re going house to house in this village. Since I was the medic, I went along to provide medical assistance if needed, regardless of who it is, bad or good & I took that very seriously (Note: the lady I’m about to write about wasn’t “bad” & my whole view on that war changed as I got older & wiser but the treatment of women was/still is bad, they’re not even considered people to a lot of them, sadly). We got to this one house & my guys have cleared the inside so we headed out back to clear the out buildings & we all just stop. Why? Oh because we see a woman chained to a tree, crawling with maggots & flies. In her ears, eyes, mouth, just everywhere, all over her body, so I’m fixin to get a body bag for transport. Until. She. Blinked. She was medevac to the nearest CSH & I don’t know if she made it or not. I hope she did but with that much necrosis, it was just... nobody could believe our own eyes. This was very, very early on & a sign of what was to come.

Sorry for the tangent & personal information. Also, I know drugs are gonna be brought up & sometimes on here, I’m the resident ex-junkie (can I get verified for that, I ask half-jokingly but on more than a few occasions, people have thanked me for the somewhat extensive & never sugar coated insight I was able to provide, I mean, I was an expert in it for over a decade!) so I’m going to say the same thing I say in most cases of infant death via neglect/abuse/murder where the parents are involved with drugs: It wasn’t the drugs that made them do this. It made them worse, but there are millions of active, habitual users of heroin, crack & meth that would be equally as appalled as I am. You have to have something wrong with your brain first in order to have that malice & intent. It goes far beyond neglect in this case because they knowingly left him there, knowing the end result would be death. Mental illnesses are not excuses & neither are drugs. Only in rare & extenuating circumstances do severe mental deficit cases move forward as a plausible defense.

I had had to come out of lurking to say that THIS poor baby Sterling, how he died, just.... I have not been THIS disgusted since deployment about anything.

This is is so incredibly sad. Sterling, you were too good for this Earth. The ONLY solace I take is knowing that Sterling won’t be continually abused & neglected for 18 years. I know that sounds so weird but I’m just...idk what but I’m feeling something that at least that poor baby endured that for a short time? There isn’t even any solace in that because I can’t stand the facts of what Sterling endured in his short life & I REALLY can’t stand that I have to share the planet with not only these two seriously messed up people but also knowing there are more like them out there.

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