ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Died in Apparent Homicide, Moscow, 13 Nov 2022

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Ethan Chapin’s mother, Stacey Chapin, told the Statesman that the four students were stabbed. She rebutted speculation about the case, including a New York Times report that quoted a Moscow official calling it a “crime of passion.” “They were stabbed. We got the call,” Chapin said. “I don’t want people to make assumptions about our kids. It wasn’t drugs and it was definitely not some passion thing between these kids. Someone entered the house.”
Please remove if this has been posted. You never know if related.

FYI - a follow up said the person had been contacted by police and was cooperating. So, at the very least, if they did consider a connection this wasn't some mystery knife-waver.
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They look a happy in this photo

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When asked if he thinks the killer is still out in the community, Bettge said, “that would be the conclusion that I would draw.”

When asked if he thinks the killer is still out in the community, Bettge said, “that would be the conclusion that I would draw.”

I think they know exactly who they are looking for, or have ideas. BUT I don’t understand why they aren’t in custody. Could they be waiting on evidence but actively following this person? Maybe they don’t want this person to take their own life?

If you look at the Mayors words immediately prior to those quoted above he said this-

The lack of information from investigators likely is meant to protect future prosecution of the case and prevent the suspect from knowing which direction the investigation is headed, Bettge said.

“You don’t want the perpetrator to know what’s coming along,” Bettge said.

I think he said that would be the conclusion he would draw BECAUSE, that is what they want the perp to believe. But I also think the Mayor would be better served letting LE do the talking.

I do notice there is no begging for video, or people to come forward if they were in contact with the victims. Or asking people if they noticed odd behavior from a friend. Or even a press conference. This is a horrible crime with far-reaching impacts. The no press conference is frankly surprising to me. I hope they are waiting because an arrest is imminent.
If students are leaving early to head home/escape the unknowns of a killer potentially being around, it will make it harder/longer for LE to gather info from anyone who may have been a witness, seen a possible clue, remember some tidbit, etc.S

I don't blame the students for leaving & would surely want mine to come home early in this situation. But I fear it may slow the investigation. A lot.


Students who want to leave the university because they don't feel safe, should be offered temporary alternative housing at least until the end of the semester since we're almost at that point - or until the suspect is apprehended by LE.

Most of our universities set aside rooms and/or a building on our campuses over the last two years in order to house students who came down with Covid and needed to be isolated from their roommates/housemates. They could pivot and make these rooms/building available to students who may live around the area where the murders took place and don't feel safe there, or comfortable, and do whatever they can so that these students can finish out their fall semester.

Students should also take advantage of the counseling resources that the university is offering and also work with the university's public safety officers on campus. It is likely the students who are living off-campus who are wanting to leave town right now.

And if these services aren't available to them (temporary on campus housing), then maybe students who live off campus and don't feel safe and want to leave the area can work out an arrangement with the university on finishing out the semester remotely, or returning after the Thanksgiving break, if they have arrested the suspect by then, and just do remote classes until then.

Faculty know how to pivot quickly now, after learning to do so once Covid arrived.
Is the neighborhood generally so safe that a door or window might have been left open and a crazed person just wandered in?

the article above is saying that they died between 3 and 4 am, so possible they were asleep when attacked?

I doubt if anyone would leave a window open at this time of year, but it's possible that somebody might have left a door unlocked.
In the mad dash to create theories, much misinformation is instead created.

We know this is, in fact, a homicide...4 murders. Sounds like whoever committed this crime either targeted these specific individuals for whatever reason, or targeted this specific residence.

These murders are not being referred to as a random event, which implies there's some kind of connection between perp/s and victims.

Yes, one person can kill 4 people. Serial Killer Danny Rollins certainly proved that during his reign of terror. At o'dark thirty, victims likely asleep, maybe inebriated if there was partying beforehand, they were vulnerable.

It's best to take what's said at face value and wait for more information instead of making things up.

I trust they'll solve these horrific murders, though it may not be as fast as case followers want.
Or Richard Speck, who killed 8 student nurses in 1966 and left a survivor only because he was too stupid to keep track of how many women were in the house.

I have a feeling it's going to be something like this, and the victims were totally innocent and in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I haven't read through the whole thread yet but I have a theory.

Two of the victims were seniors. One was a junior and the male a freshman. So Ethan was the newest on the scene. This is pure speculation on my part but I wonder if XK had a boyfriend prior to Ethan. Maybe their friendship only occurred after he came to the university. There is no evidence that they knew one another prior to attending the current semester.

So I wonder if XK ended a relationship to hang out with EC and whether the jilted ex is a student, too. It's a possibility but I can't see a townie being an ex-boyfriend, since the group seemed very involved in college life.

This scenario could explain why LE state there is no threat to the general population. It might also explain the call regarding an unconscious person. Perhaps the assailant called 911, feeling instant remorse for their actions, hoping that the victims might survive.

All my opinion.
Or Richard Speck, who killed 8 student nurses in 1966 and left a survivor only because he was too stupid to keep track of how many women were in the house.

I have a feeling it's going to be something like this, and the victims were totally innocent and in the wrong place at the wrong time.
LE in their news release states it’s an “isolated, targeted attack.” I interpret that as meaning it wasn’t random or a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. LE says “targeted.” JMO.

Completely agree that the victims did nothing that would justify brutal murders. Hoping LE is running down solid leads and that the community will have answers soon.
ANYTHING that comes from REDDIT is NOT APPROVED to be posted, linked, or discussed here on WS. A video that was posted from Reddit has been removed, as have the many replies to that video.

Have you stopped to think how it would feel to be loved ones of the victims, already in shock, and find out random strangers on the internet are viewing some of the final moments of your child‘s life? Possibly before you have seen it yourself??

THIS is EXACTLY WHY Websleuths does not allow what Reddit does.
UNLESS/UNTIL LE releases video that appears in MSM, this video is OFF LIMITS for discussion on Websleuths.

Going forward, there will be repercussions if this warning is ignored.
Whoever did the killing had a lot of pent up anger for a long time based on how they were killed. Most probably an injustice collector or grudge hoarder. Usually injustice collectors commit the most gruesome and heinous crimes. Think Jodi Arias, Gertrude Baniszewski, Elliot Rodger, Richard Speck, Eric Harris, Salvador Ramos, Panya Khamrap, or Osama bin Laden.
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At that age, I was just getting started at 11 PM and often up at 3 on weekend nights, so I think it's possible that they were awake, and the reason the timeframe is more or less known is that that's when activity stopped on all of their phones... but obviously I have no idea what happened.

I agree that it doesn't seem like a great idea to say that there's no threat to the public when nothing is really known.


But why would the activity stopping on all their phones suggest crime rather than they fell asleep? I'm actually wondering if maybe one of them texted someone or tried to call 911 or something and the call was logged with a timestamp, even if it didn't go through.

The four University of Idaho students knifed to death in the early hours of Sunday morning were killed so brutally, blood was left oozing through the walls of their rented home, can reveal.

Exclusive photos show blood dribbling down the side of the house while evidence markers could be seen on the interior walls and back porch.

Police sources told that the scene inside the home is ‘the worst they’ve ever seen’ with the victims left to bleed out following the brutal early morning attack.

'There was blood everywhere,' said one source close to the investigation.

'We have investigators who have been on the job for 20, even 30, years, and they say they have never seen anything like this.'


One of the victims – understood to be 20-year-old Ethan Chapin, of Conway, Washington – was discovered on the floor on the second level of the three-story home.

On Tuesday, police were seen collecting the contents of trash cans close to the slightly run-down fray-paneled home as part of the search for the ‘edged weapon’ they believe was used in the killings.

The trash was taken to a local garbage depot where hazmat-suited cops were seen sifting through garbage bags in a screened-off shed.


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I’m surprised they are going to wait that long for a memorial!

Me too. Makes me wonder if it's a safety thing, maybe they think someone among the student body could be in danger or could be dangerous? Or maybe it's just because some of the students left campus? I imagine the roommates are probably at home with their families during this time and maybe they're waiting for them to return? JMO.

The four University of Idaho students knifed to death in the early hours of Sunday morning were killed so brutally, blood was left oozing through the walls of their rented home, can reveal.

Exclusive photos show blood dribbling down the side of the house while evidence markers could be seen on the interior walls and back porch.

Police sources told that the scene inside the home is ‘the worst they’ve ever seen’ with the victims left to bleed out following the brutal early morning attack.

'There was blood everywhere,' said one source close to the investigation.

'We have investigators who have been on the job for 20, even 30, years, and they say they have never seen anything like this.'


One of the victims – understood to be 20-year-old Ethan Chapin, of Conway, Washington – was discovered on the floor on the second level of the three-story home.

On Tuesday, police were seen collecting the contents of trash cans close to the slightly run-down fray-paneled home as part of the search for the ‘edged weapon’ they believe was used in the killings.

The trash was taken to a local garbage depot where hazmat-suited cops were seen sifting through garbage bags in a screened-off shed.
Remember Abby and Libby’s murders where the town was told not to worry it was isolated and it turned out the murderer was alive and well and working at CVS? With the greatest respect to the police there is no way in the world residents here shouldn’t be concerned.
Whether or not this killer was a Ted Buddy sorority type killer or a spurned suitor gone mad he is extremely dangerous and on the loose.
Remember Abby and Libby’s murders where the town was told not to worry it was isolated and it turned out the murderer was alive and well and working at CVS? With the greatest respect to the police there is no way in the world residents here shouldn’t be concerned.
Whether or not this killer was a Ted Buddy sorority type killer or a spurned suitor gone mad he is extremely dangerous and on the loose.

The killer is likely very angry. Angry at the world.
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