GUILTY ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #6

I'm just now sitting down for the first time today and catching up on today's events. Part of me is shocked that the case has rested. I don't watch or keep up with many trials so I have no idea if this is a weak case or not. I know that in all our minds we are pretty certain we know what happened to Robert, but it seems like there is some important details that might be missing here. I know one thing we all have wondered is how and when did the body get moved from the apartment to the canal. I don't recall in any of the trial tweets that I read that even being speculated by the prosecution.

I know that we all had expected to hear from MJ. Even if she made a plea I don't understand why she couldn't testify as to what happened. I don't understand why they couldn't call her to the stand and ask her what she knew about Roberts death and how it happened and who did it. Its my understanding that if she would have been put on the stand right now the only thing she could have talked about was her plea. I do think that MJ had more to do with this then is letting on. Maybe there is a reason she took the plea and he decided to take the jury.

I just don't know that if you were to ask me if HE is the one who killed Robert based on what I have heard I could say yes 100%. There have been times I have wondered based on things I have heard that were said in court that maybe MJ did it. If all the defense has to do is show some doubt then could they do it based on what we have seen so far?
Idaho-Native - only the prosecution has rested at this point. The defense now puts on it's case in chief.

I think both of them murdered Robert and neither of them protected him, so they are equally guilty, in my mind, anyway.

They make my stomach hurt, not to mention my heart. :(

Clearly Robert was not physically able to leave Ehrlick’s apartment on his own volition Friday evening to attend a birthday party or run away with a package of sausages so I think the evidence presented by the prosecution did prove beyond a reasonable doubt Ehrlick ‘s punishment of Robert caused his death.

Since nobody besides Ehrlick and Jenkins saw Robert on Friday and Jenkins said her son was having trouble walking and he told her his head hurt and she refused to seek medical attention for him strongly suggests Robert died in the apartment.

Ehrlick was extremely upset when Police wanted to use dogs to search his apartment and on Day 16, the Founder & Trainer with Idaho Search & Rescue Dogs who acted as a consultant and was provided search reports and autopsy report said,
- If death occurred as a result of internal injuries, the fact the dog wouldn’t find blood does not rule out the possibility no one died in the apartment.

Next witness: Canine handler from ID Mtn. Search and Rescue who assisted with Search
- dog used was a live search and cadaver dog
- said if a person died and their body was quickly removed from the crime scene, a cadaver dog would not pick up their scent.

Therefore it is reasonable to assume from listening to these two witnesses that the reason the dogs weren't able to locate Robert's body was because his body was removed quickly and there was no evidence of blood because his injuries were all internal. Only vomit was found inside the apartment and all the forms of punishment Ehrlick admitted to using support the supposition all of Robert’s injuries were internal.

In light of the fact Jenkins and Ehrlick were able to keep their abuse of Robert a secret makes it highly conceivable that Ehrlick and Jenkins secretly disposed of his body.

Defense Attorney Gus Cahill said there is no direct evidence that Daniel did this and his previous behavior couldn't be linked to the boy's disappearance or death but he is wrong: Ehrlick’s previous behavior (punishment of Robert) and the various medical and police reports do link him to Robert’s death IMO. Therefore a confession, an eyewitness or fingerprint isn’t necessary.

I snipped information from various articles which will convince the Jury beyond a reasonable doubt that Ehrlick is responsible for causing Robert’s death.

Langhorst said "The abdominal injury that Robert received is absolutely consistent with a 6-foot-1, 280-pound man dropping knees first -- both knees into Robert's chest," Langhorst said Ehrlick admitted he put his knees on Robert’s chest and abdomen when he was forced to hold his legs and arms in the air as a form of punishment.

Ehrlick also admitted Robert got to choose how he would be punished and that he hit him with a board on his back and buttocks.

Ehrlick admitted he hid Robert in a closet to keep him "out of the eyes of H&W caseworkers".

Dr. Keller offered his opinion of the Robert Manwill case. He saw police reports, autopsy results, photos, and transcripts of conversations had between Daniel Ehrlick and police. In those transcripts, the doctor saw statements and admissions by Ehrlick that lead him to say Robert was tortured.
- While holding the board prosecutors believe Ehrlick hit Robert with, Dr. Keller said "When I first held it, I thought, this is very intimidating."

Ehrlick told Jenkins he had a “big blowup” with the boy because he didn’t eat dinner the night of July 23. The next morning, there was a hole in the wall of the apartment and traces of vomit, Longhurst said.

Langhorst said it was exactly that type of abuse that killed Manwill after his tiny body had repeatedly sustained several impact injuries to his internal organs over the course of about three weeks.!/KTVBJamieGrey
Day 25, Week 6, Daniel Ehrlick Trial, Thursday, June 23, 2011
- Scott Evans is replacing Jamie Grey and is tweeting live from the Courtroom

First witness: a teenager who spent a lot of time at the apartment complex where Robert lived.
- She was at the pool the night Robert went missing - says it was busy.
- Police Officer came to her door and she recognized Robert by his photo.
- She knew Robert’s name and told the officer Robert played with her friend’s sibling.
- Saw Robert in the hot tub making a "Whirl pool" with other kids the night he was reported missing.
On cross-examination by prosecution:
- She said she saw Robert many times at the apartment playground that summer.
- Prosecution points out the difference in the length of Robert’s hair (autopsy picture shows Robert’s hair was longer).

Next witness: A teenager who lived in the same apartment complex as Robert. He spent most of the summer at apartment complex and he spent time playing sports outside.
- He met Robert at pool and was teaching him to swim two weeks before he went missing.
- He saw Robert swinging at the apartment complex after lunch the day Robert was reported missing and Robert told him "He was going to the store."
- He saw a man later identified as Ehrlick running and yelling "My son is missing, my son is missing."
On cross examination by prosecution:
- Witness has a conflicting story. FBI report stated the witness saw Robert at Pool and in Court he said he saw him at a pool park.
- Saw a man with a hairy back whom he didn’t recognize carrying Robert on his shoulders.
- Ehrlick didn’t “look down” while he was looking and yelling for Robert.

Prosecution requested a recess to play an audio recording for witness who doesn't remember conversation he had with officers in summer of 2010.
- Witness admitted he told a lot of things to a lot of different people; not consistent.
- Witness admitted he told Fox 12 reporter false information about his relationship with Robert and it wasn’t as good as he claimed it was on television.

Prosecution played an audio recording of conversation between officers and witness which occurred one year after Robert’s death. Officers are easy to hear but not the witness due to music in the background.
- Witness told officers in recording that a friend told him about a birthday party - only friend that knew about it.
- He was asked to describe the length of Robert’s hair.

Next witness: A tenant who lived in the same apartment complex as Ehrlick.
- Her 7-year-old son asked if he could attend a birthday party that night.
- Saw Ehrlick looking and yelling for Robert and he didn’t seem concerned.
- Thinks she possibly saw Robert playing in the area and in the pool on the day he went missing.

This witness’s testimony and written statement completed in 2009 have different timeframes. Witness read her husband’s account of the day which contained inconsistencies. She said her husband was taking a lot of medication when he completed the report.

Next witness: The tenant who lived beneath Ehrlick in apartment complex and got to know Robert.
- She described Robert as a “really sweet kid” who walked the dog. Through tears she said she saw him once a day.
- Never heard fighting coming from Ehrlick’s apartment which was above her.
- She moved out the Monday before Robert went missing and when she heard on the News he was missing, she contacted police.
- Said she never believed someone took Robert, "If he was out with the dog no one would have taken him."
On cross-examination :
Prosecutor: "If something violent happened on July 23rd or July 24th in Ehrlick’s
apartment, you wouldn't know about it."
Witness: "Correct."

Next witness: The night before Robert disappeared; Ehrlick came to apartment to talk with cousin.
- Robert played with his children a lot the summer Robert was killed.

Next witness: Idaho H&W worker who’s worked for the agency for 5 years.
She specializes in early childhood development and worked with Jenkins’ baby.
- Met Robert, his stepbrother, Ehrlick and Jenkins on July 6th, 2009; 3 weeks before Robert went missing.
- Jenkins introduced her to Robert who sat at the kitchen table and kept to himself the hour she was there.
- She said most siblings are interested in what she does but Robert wasn’t. Her impression of Robert was he was well-mannered.
- Doesn’t recall seeing any toys in the apartment that were age appropriate for Robert during her hour-long visit.

Court is on recess until Monday morning at 9 am.

The Judge said the tentative plan for next week is to have court on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday off, and closing arguments on Thursday.
After just reading those tweets I can't say that it looks like anything really helped DE. Not really sure why they put those teens on the stand or the person that said they didn't believe Robert was taken other then maybe they were desperate for witnesses. Even the health and welfare worker didn't say anything that would have them.
Defense begins calling witnesses in Ehrlick murder trial (includes a video)

BOISE -- The defense team for Daniel Ehrlick began presenting its case today on day 25 of his trial.

Ehrlick is charged with murdering 8-year-old Robert Manwill.

On Tuesday, the prosecution rested its case after 24 days.

Ehrlick's attorneys called six witnesses Thursday, the first three testified to seeing Robert the day he was reported missing.

The first two witnesses, both in their teens, claim they saw Robert in the pool and the park near the pool in the morning and afternoon of July 24, 2009.

The witnesses said they were positive they saw Robert, but when prosecutors cross examined them, their testimony today differed from the written statements they provided in 2009 when Robert first disappeared.

Another point brought up several times was the length of Robert's hair on the day he went missing.

The witnesses say it was closer to the length it was in the pictures police used to identify him, but a picture taken of Robert's hair at the time of the autopsy shows a very different length.

Another witness talked about hearing someone yelling for Robert when he was reported missing.

"Just this guy, kind of looking around, calling his name, but he didn't really seem of any concern," said Jennifer Hastings who lived in same complex as Robert.

"Is that Mr. Ehrlick that's sitting over here at the defendant's table?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes," replied Hastings.

We also heard from a woman who lived beneath where Robert lived, but moved out the Monday before Robert went missing.

She told the jury that she never heard fighting coming from the apartment above.

She also said that she saw Robert just about everyday and almost always with his dog.

Because of that she never believed that someone took him, because the dog was always there.

The judge estimates the jury will begin deliberating in about a week.
After just reading those tweets I can't say that it looks like anything really helped DE. Not really sure why they put those teens on the stand or the person that said they didn't believe Robert was taken other then maybe they were desperate for witnesses. Even the health and welfare worker didn't say anything that would have them.

One witness’s testimony and written statement completed in 2009 had different timeframes and she said her husband was taking a lot of medication when he completed his report to explain his inconsistent statements.

Another witness said “she thinks she possibly saw Robert playing in the area and in the pool on the day he went missing."

The teenager who said he saw Robert on the swings after lunch and Robert told him he was going to the store that afternoon gave conflicting statements too. The Defense didn’t present any store receipts to prove this witness spoke to Robert and to show Robert actually went to the store that afternoon like the prosecution did to support Ehrlick Sr’s timeline the day Robert went missing. If this witness said he saw Robert the day Jenkins said her son could barely walk in the morning and he told her his head hurt, the witness should have noticed he was hurt.

All the witnesses said Robert had short hair and his autopsy photos show his hair was much longer.

The witness who lived downstairs said she never heard fighting coming from Ehrlick’s apartment but she should have heard the baby cry (unless their apartments are completely sound proof) to prove she would have heard them fighting. All babies cry and they are loud. Jenkins wasn’t supposed to be living with Ehrlick so they likely maintained control of their voices because they wouldn’t want to be reported to the authorities and risk loosing custody of the baby. This neighbor moved out before Robert went missing so I agree, she wasn’t much help either.

Ehrlick admitted he hit Robert with a board so he likely told Robert not to yell or he would hit him harder. It’s possible they put a sock in his mouth to keep him quiet while he was being punished.

The caseworker said Robert stayed silent during her one-hour visit so Jenkins likely told him to sit there and not say anything. Ehrlick Sr said in Court on Day 19 “Robert wasn’t allowed to talk and Melissa talked for him.” It seems the only visit this caseworker made was on July 6th, 2009 3 weeks before Robert went missing so her testimony was only superficial.
Bluesky#1 - thank you so much for keeping Robert's thread up-to-date through the trial. I truly appreciate your dedication and I'm sure there are many others who do, as well!
Bluesky#1 - thank you so much for keeping Robert's thread up-to-date through the trial. I truly appreciate your dedication and I'm sure there are many others who do, as well!

Thank you fairy1.

All the detectives who worked on this case deserve to be congratulated for successfully bringing this case to trial. Ehrlick's trial is expected to wrap up by the end of this week and I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Jury will hold Daniel accountable for Robert's murder and convict him of murder.

Daniel Ehrlick and Melissa Jenkins were on Probation and violating a court order not to live together when Robert visited in the summer of 2009.
It is difficult to conceive that a man who appeared to be a good father was torturing a beautiful child in his apartment. The Prosecution presented 116 witnesses to prove beyond a reasonable doubt Ehrlick is guilty of first degree murder.

Recovering the victim's body is a crucial step in an investigation and because Robert’s body was recovered the case was classified as a homicide. After an autopsy was performed the medical examiner testified that the injuries inflicted on the child’s body by an adult male was the cause of death. Photos of Robert’s battered body after it was pulled from the canal prove he was beaten to death. One doctor testified in Court on behalf of the State that Robert was tortured to death.

Therefore I believe the decision to abolish the death penalty from this case was made prematurely. Until Mr. Ehrlick confessed to murdering Robert the death penalty should have remained in effect to exert pressure on Ehrlick and the Jury should have been left to decide the verdict and his fate.

LE should have told Ehrlick point blank, “No confession, no deal -- this will remain a death penalty case and a jury will decide your fate based on evidence we will present to the Court."

Court has always started on time and remained on schedule. The reporters at KTVB News who are tweeting live from the court room are doing a fantastic job and I enjoyed watching the lead detectives testify Live in the courtroom and meet all the players.

The Court recessed on Thursday and resumes again this coming Monday, June 27th @ 9 am sharp. The trial will run again on Tuesday and closing arguments are expected on Thursday.

I’d like to invite everyone to join the discussion on Kiesha’s Weippeart’s thread. Kiesha Weippeart who is Robert’s age was murdered in her home in Sydney, Australia around the same time as Robert. Because the trial hasn’t started it is a perfect time to join in.

In Robert Manwill’s case, the focus of the police investigation was on Daniel Ehrlick and in Kiesha Weippeart’s case, we understand from a 7 News reporter that the focus of the police investigation will be on the mother. Kristi was charged for biting Kiesha in her shoulder when Kiesha was a toddler but she was never convicted; and Abrahams admitted she was the last one to see her daughter alive when she tucked her into her bed.

The mother and stepfather were arrested by police when they returned to Kiesha’s gravesite on her birthday. The accused mother, Kristi Abrahams, chose not to appear live at her court hearing so she could avoid an angry mob gathered outside the courtroom yelling “baby killer rot in hell”. Abrahams appeared in Court by video and after stating her name, the Judge promptly ordered Abrahams back to her cell. The stepfather, Robert Smith, remained in his cell during the hearings and no pleas have been entered. The pair’s two biological children were apprehended by Police the week before they were arrested. Kiesha’s biological father, Chris Weippeart was reinstated as Kiesha’s legal guardian and a funeral to honor his daughter and only child will take place once her remains are released from the medical examiner’s office which should be any day now.

Kiesha’s older brother died of crib death shortly after Kristi returned home from her in-laws after giving birth. Kristi Abrahams gave birth to a son
July 15 2009 and Abrahams had just returned to the home within days of Kiesha’s murder. Here is the link to Kiesha’s thread.

Found Deceased Australia - Kiesha Weippeart (Abrahams), 6, Sydney, 31 July 2010 - #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Father of missing Boise boy thanks community for help
(includes a photo of Robert’s father and stepmother)

On the sixth day of the search for Robert Manwill, at a press conference that afternoon, Charles Manwill choked back tears as he thanked the Boise community.

"My heart goes out to the community for all the help and support we've received to find my lost son," he said, surrounded by family members.

Robert's father testified during the trial and has attended Court everyday.
Daniel Ehrlick: 'I am not responsible for Robert Manwill's death' (video included)

BOISE -- Daniel Ehrlick took the stand for the first time in his own defense Monday.

Ehrlick is accused of abusing 8-year-old Robert Manwill, which the prosecution says lead to the boy's death.

Thousands of Boise residents helped to search for the boy for more than one week after he was reported missing. Robert's body was found August 3, 2009, in an irrigation canal near Kuna.

Ehrlick took the stand just after 10 a.m. Monday and he was questioned by the defense until 1:30 p.m.

Full coverage of today's proceedings at
Daniel Ehrlick Trial, Day 26, Week 7, Monday, June 27, 2011 (9 am - 1:54 pm)
-Trial resumes again on Tuesday at 9 am and Judge expects it will run all day until 5 pm if necessary.
Prosecutors can still call Jenkins as a rebuttal witness.
SUV searched and returned
9: 51 am - Attorneys entered the Court Room Defense informed the Judge they plan to call 2 witnesses today.

First Witness: Dr. Greg Hampikian - DNA expert who testified in Amanda Knox case - Defense stated doctor&#8217;s credentials
- Dr. Hampikian is currently working on a cold case of a murder/rape from another county.
- he reviewed the slides containing DNA
- never did any DNA testing in Ehrlick case - but did look at slides.
- witness explained how DNA is left at a location - some type of contact where cells of a person are left behind
- witness says technology allows them to duplicate DNA. If they find one sample - they can recreate billions of copies of it.
- witness says he has no problem with the way the @BoisePD crime lab did DNA testing.
- Witness says DNA found on rock in Robert's pants - both Ehrlick and Robert couldn't have contributed to found DNA.
- Hair found in dry wall in Ehrlick's apartment consistent with Ehrlick and not Robert-although not a perfect match to Ehrlick.
- Stated just because DNA isn&#8217;t found at a location that doesn&#8217;t mean it isn&#8217;t there.
On cross-examination:
- asked how common it is to find hair and DNA in an apartment.

Witnesses excused, Court taking a recess. Ehrlick will be the next witness to testify.
On Ehrlick&#8217;s way to witness stand, Judge stopped him and asked him questions before she allowed the Jury back into the courtroom. Ehrlick signed a document explaining his
5th amendment right - defense objected. Judge overruled. Used for court records only. Jury allowed back in.

Defense: It has been a long 20 months.
Ehrlick: Yes
Defense: Are you responsible for the death of Robert Manwill?
Ehrlick: No.

- The first time Daniel Ehrlick met Robert, Robert asked him if he would be his dad. (Ehrlick cried as he answered his attorney&#8217;s question.). Courtroom beginning to fill up
- No Ehrlick is not the biological father of Jenkins youngest child, a boy, but he later took on that role.
- Daniel stated he was present during the baby&#8217;s birth (Ehrlick&#8217;s voice was strained and he wiped tears from his eyes.)
- Daniel and Melissa moved into their 3-bedroom apartment H&W helped them attain after the baby&#8217;s birth.
- Robert would visit only on the weekends during the spring of 2008; one-year before he passed away.
- Ehrlick relied on his dad for help when he needed it while they were living at Oak Park Village Apartments.
- Attorney asked a lot of questions about transportation, child care, Robert going back and forth between his mom and dad.
- When Robert came to stay with Ehrlick and Jenkins in summer 2008, he arrived with just clothes on his back. (Year before he died)
- Ehrlick was the prime caregiver for Melissa Jenkins' toddler & newborn son while she worked. - Ehrlick cared for Robert too when he was there.
(15 minute recess)
- Defense attorney picking back up on discipline issues for Robert. Ehrlick said Jenkins was in charge of that and he explained discipline.
- Robert loved to swim in the summer of 2008. That's all he talked about in 2008. Robert was getting used to concept - says he was scared of water. Bought him inflated wings to keep him afloat.
- Ehrlick took Robert swimming. Robert liked video games and cartoons.
- Talked about when Health & Welfare took away Robert's brother. Ehrlick said it was frustrating. Ehrlick expressed his emotion as he tells story. Baby returned from foster care in May 2009.
- Jenkins daughter stayed with biological father most of the time.
- In 2009 when Robert came to visit his mother he only had clothes on his back same as he did the previous year.
- Robert wanted to learn to skateboard in summer of 2009 and Ehrlick took him to a Skate Board Park to practice.
- Jenkins told Ehrlick long ago that Robert was her child, so when disciplining - don't second guess her or question what she does.
- Ehrlick&#8217;s main focus was Robert&#8217;s baby stepbrother.
- Robert was a people person and not shy. Would approach and associate with older children at the swimming pool in 2009.
- Ehrlick and Robert wrestled WWE style.
- Ehrlick stated Jenkins told him after the fact that she told H&W that Robert went back to New Plymouth to live with his dad.
- Daniel admitted he helped hide Robert the last two times H&W visited because Jenkins told him Robert wasn&#8217;t supposed to be there.
- The pair hid Robert in the closet during H&W visits and there was adequate room for Robert to read and walk around.
- Ehrlick didn&#8217;t want the children exposed to cigarette smoke and he started to smoke again after he quit for awhile.
- Robert slept in his sister&#8217;s room because his brother woke him up during the night crying.
- Robert only slept in bed for 7-10 days while they tried to fix sleeping arrangements. Robert was fine with arrangement.
- Robert ate oatmeal the afternoon he went missing and he got sick afterwards and vomited it in the hallway.
- Ehrlick said he was taking a shower when his cell phone rang and he slipped while running to answer it and his knee caused the hole in the wall.
- On the day Robert went missing, Robert checked in with Ehrlick every thirty minutes or so who was inside the apartment.
- On two separate occasions Robert asked if he could attend a birthday party and he was told No by both Jenkins and Ehrlick.
- Isn&#8217;t sure if he saw Robert last before or after his father visited him on Friday evening.
- Ehrlick texted Jenkins with updates on search.
- When Police arrived Ehrlick was &#8220;freaking out&#8221;.
- When police arrived, according to Ehrlick the officer was more interested in radio and computer than in finding Robert and that frustrated him.
- Police had Ehrlick and Jenkins go through Robert&#8217;s clothes.
- Ehrlick said he punched a wall/railing because he upset that he allowed Robert to go missing on his watch.
- Ehrlick became upset after he was told he and Jenkins weren't suspects but officers took cadaver dog to apartment.
- Ehrlick said he had Robert do &#8220;dead bug&#8221; but he never dropped his knees on him.
- Ehrlick admitted he hit Robert twice; on one occasion he hit him with a piece of molding.
- Ehrlick stated when Robert needed to be disciplined he had to call Melissa to see how she wanted it handled.
- Ehrlick never admitted to be responsible for Robert's death, adding, "I am not responsible for Robert Manwill's death."
- Ehrlick says police targeted him early on and no matter what he told them, he remained their focus.
- Defense asked about the night where prosecution say Ehrlick overdosed. Ehrlick said he was just trying to sleep. Admitted he took 10-12 pills.
- Ehrlick stated &#8220;I don&#8217;t know if I&#8217;m allowed to say it, but she&#8217;s a liar." referencing Jenkins. Also said his father was turning on him.
- Ehrlick said he never participated in any disciplinary issues that killed Robert. Said he doesn't know what happened to him.
On Cross-examination by prosecution:
- Ehrlick told people he was baby boy&#8217;s biological father when he knew he wasn&#8217;t.
- Prosecution building questions about Ehrlick being dishonest and not credible. Spent a lot of time about Ehrlick claiming to be baby boy&#8217;s biological father
- Prosecution stated Ehrlick&#8217;s criminal history - he is a convicted felon. Grand theft, burglary...
- Prosecution trying to find holes in Ehrlick&#8217;s timeline - saying he wasn't as urgent in his search as he claimed he was.
- Prosecution presented texts and phone records between Ehrlick and Jenkins the night Robert went missing.
- Phone records show not as many phone calls and text messages as Ehrlick testified there was earlier this morning.

The only running vehicle Jenkins&Ehrlick operated was a blazer and Jenkins drove it to work and back.
We don&#8217;t know if Melissa Jenkins was able to leave work during her breaks.
No surveillance tapes from Jenkins work place were played at trial proving the vehicle never left the work site under suspicious circumstances Thursday or Friday evening.
The baby stroller was in the SUV while Jenkins was at work the evening of the 24th of July and Jenkins put the baby in it when she got home and began searching for Robert.

Defense said Robert was not hiding in the closet because he was beat up and the closest had plenty of air and space to move about.

Why did Melissa start lying about Robert not living with her and hide him?
Jenkins is supposedly a compulsive liar so perhaps her mental condition caused her to spread a lie about Robert&#8217;s whereabouts in the summer of 2009.
Don&#8217;t know if the DNA found on Robert&#8217;s body was Melissa Jenkins. Robert and Daniel Ehrlick&#8217;s DNA was not present.
Was Jenkins actively involved in her son&#8217;s disappearance in any way or did an unknown enemy steal him away and kill him? The security guard I believe said he saw two males he didn&#8217;t know on the property so maybe they snatched Robert.
Maybe someone convinced Robert to go with them to a birthday party by showing him a package of sausage biscuits. When Robert came near, they threw the biscuits into the bush, grabbed Robert and took off. Robert trusted strangers and someone testified on Thursday they saw someone with a hairy back riding Manwill on their shoulders..

No one said they saw any suspicious vehicles in the area but it was a large complex with a lot of activity.
Security guard Chris worked that evening at the complex and assisted DE search for Robert.

Ehrlick said the hole in the apartment wall happened when he left the shower to answer his phone. His feet were wet and one of his knees created the hole when he slid into the wall.
- Robert changed bedrooms because Aiden cried at night and it disturbed his sleep.
- The bed in the master bedroom was broken and was being replaced.
- Ehrlick said he always called Melissa when he had discipline problems with Robert and she told him what to do and he obeyed her. Jenkins gave time-outs to Robert and he always listened to her and did what he was told.

Since Robert vomited before Melissa went to work, maybe Robert was given food poisoning. On the stand Ehrlick Jr said Robert was fine Friday morning and Melissa did not say Robert was ill Friday morning in her written statement. Daniel Sr is the only witness who said Robert looked sick days before he disappeared.

Ehrlick said he became upset when cadaver dogs were brought to search his apartment and he never said it was because he didn&#8217;t want to believe in the possibility Robert could be dead. Ehrlick testified that police told him & Jenkins to sit back and let them to their job.
- Ehrlick said him and Jenkins cooperated with police.
- Beginning of July Ehrlick used a board to swat Robert with twice.
- Conversation about getting them needing to get their stories straight didn&#8217;t happen.
- Complex completely abuzz the days following Robert&#8217;s disappearance but Ehrlick attended all the events. Trish was appointed as family spokesperson.

Details about incident with Jenkins baby boy were sketchy. Sounds like Jenkins was alone with the baby and when Ehrlick arrived home, Jenkins pointed out that the baby&#8217;s head was spongy in one particular spot. This incident resulted in MJ being convicted for child abuse. (Don&#8217;t most baby have what are known as &#8220;soft spots&#8221; on the back of their heads? Is there a chance Jenkins was wrongfully convicted and someone gave false testimony about the cause of the child&#8217;s injury?)

Daniel Ehrlick:
- No I did not intend to commit suicide. Took a few pills to knock himself out. Couldn&#8217;t sleep. Played with the dog, took 10-12 pills before falling asleep and told people to leave him alone so he could sleep. Intended to go to rally at South when he woke up but instead went to the hospital because Trish thought he was acting weird and she suspected he needed medical attention. He didn&#8217;t want to go to the hospital and he was upset for being there. Was told he couldn&#8217;t leave and they held him against his will for several days. Underwent a psychiatric assessment at that time. After arrest, called father and told him what he needed him to do. Police had vehicle (blazer) and returned it. Told his father, Melissa was lying and she is a liar but never discussed what lie Jenkins told. LE questioned his father and niece often at Ehrlick&#8217;s father&#8217;s home. Police gave Daniel questions to ask his father.
Defense asked Ehrlick:
- Did the manner of discipline you inflicted on Robert cause his death?
-Did you assist anyone in killing him and moving his body.
Ehrlick&#8217;s response to both questions was no.

On cross-examination:
Prosecutor asked Ehrlick: What was Robert&#8217;s punishment for lying.
Prosecutor pointed out Ehrlick&#8217;s criminal history and that he is a convicted felon and he is dishonest.
Josh Potter is the neighbor who told Ehrlick about dead bug position. Potter is pothead and drug addict. Prosecutor noted that H&W were visiting the home regularly and were there to give parenting advice and instead Ehrlick asked his neighbor for advice rather than H&W workers.
- Ehrlick wore a watch, talked regularly with Jenkins but didn&#8217;t use Jenkins phone calls in the timeline.
- Did your father come before or after conversations with Jenkins - After some hesitation, Ehrlick said his father came before.
- Ehrlick texted Jenkins.

Discussion centered around Jenkins daughter around Jan 2008 - Girl&#8217;s father applied for custody because he didn&#8217;t want his daughter around Ehrlick. Jenkins agreed Ehrlick would not be around her daughter in 2008 when Ehrlick was babysitting her.

Jury dismissed and told to be back 9 am Tuesday morning.
Judge allowing prosecutor to proceed with line of questions about Ehrlick lying. - Defense is portraying Ehrlick to be a good loving father and prosecutor attempting to prove he did not do as much as he claimed to have been done - attacking his credibility - Ehrlick knew all along he wasn&#8217;t in fact *advertiser censored**** bio father and he lied about it.
Live Coverage of Daniel Ehrlick Trial, Day 27, Week 7, Tuesday, June 28, 2011 (9 am-12:34 pm)

Ehrlick seated before jury comes in so they don&#8217;t see him being tied down in the witness stand.
Custody order for Jenkin's daughter said that neither child should be left alone with Ehrlick.
Prosecution questioning Ehrlick&#8217;s credibility and previous testimony;
- Ehrlick was asked about using oatmeal and raisins as a form of punishment for Robert.
- On day of 24th - Jenkins stopped making lunch and switched to oatmeal and raisins - a food Robert reportedly hated.
- Ehrlick admits Robert had bruises when he and Jenkins hid Robert from social workers.
- says he only put Robert Manwill in the closet twice. Melissa Jenkins told him to do that, to hide Robert from Health & Welfare.
On cross-examination: Prosecution revisiting interview Ehrlick had with officers the day of Robert's funeral.
- told detectives Melissa Jenkins told Health and Welfare Robert had gone to his Dad's when he was in the closet to hide bruises.
- Interview with Ehrlick from 2009 - Ehrlick admits Robert had bruises on his back.
- Ehrlick agreed that the bruises on back came from doing dead bugs.
- Ehrlick said the dead bug position Manwill was forced to lay in for punishment caused his bruises.
Judge overruled all the Defenses arguments and objections.
- Ehrlick said he started hitting Robert on July 4th or after, but not before.
- Ehrlick and Jenkins met on July 1st to discuss Ehrlick's relationship with Robert. Prosecution trying to discover what happened that day.
- Ehrlick admitted he began hitting Robert at the beginning of July. He claims he only struck him twice with a piece of molding.
- told Robert to stay in the closet during welfare checks because his mom said so because if he was seen he would be taken away.
- Ehrlick told Robert that if social workers saw him, he could be taken away - that would be scary.
-Ehrlick and Jenkins discussed that they weren't going to go to jail if people found out Robert was in the closet.
- &#8220;Everything was normal the morning Robert went missing, I'm always aware of my surroundings." replied Ehrlick.
- told agents on July 27th that his father took Robert Manwill. Daniel Senior told his son when he called him that he saw Robert outside with a blonde haired girl when he left his son&#8217;s apartment.
- admits during interview with police that he was lying to cover someone close to him (father).
- says his dad was changing his story that's why he was covering for him.
- says he was forced to make a confrontational call asking his Dad if he took Robert. Ehrlick was upset, said it was "their job&#8221;.
- says that he could see that his behavior could have been suspicious during search for Robert.
- admits he may have acted suspiciously... claims he yelled at officers because he was upset. Claims they lied to him.
-says he's told the same story the entire time - from the beginning.
- Ehrlick explained he didn't finish parenting classes required by Health and Welfare because the baby had to be left in the care of a licensed daycare facility.
-doesn't remember going to the bathroom the night he claims he overdosed. Doesn't remember if he flushed pills in toilet. Ehrlick claims he took 10-12 pills so he could sleep. Ehrlick doesn&#8217;t recall going to the bathroom and flushing pills down the toilet.
Prosecutor holding model of hole in drywall hole and is showing a model of Robert's head.
- Prosecutor showed picture of Ehrlick, Jenkins and Robert to show how big Robert was in comparison to Ehrlick
- Prosecutor discussing hole in the wall near the bathroom. Detectives worried it was made with Robert's head. Ehrlick says no.
-If Robert didn't do the "deadbug" position, he was forced to stand on the wall with his knees to the wall, nose to the wall.
- Testimony yesterday and interview with detective are different in how Ehrlick says he had Robert stand/kneel against wall.
- Prosecutor pointing out discrepancies in Ehrlick's testimony from yesterday.
- claims Robert was having "behavioral problems" before he disappeared.
- claims he put Robert in the "deadbug" position (on his back with arms and legs in the air) about 6 times.
- admits now that he did put his knees on Robert while he was in the deadbug position.
- answering questions about when he knelt on Robert - with both knees. Ehrlick says he didn't drop weight on him.
- says he knelt on Robert because he was throwing a fit and wanted to watch TV
- admits to hitting Robert with a board, and knew it was wrong.
- he learned in parenting classes if you leave marks on a child, that's abuse.
- says he tried the "dead bug" himself, but never timed how long he could last in that position.
- says he wouldn't like it if Aiden's foster family forced Aiden to do dead bug or sit on chair with hands under him.
- claims Melissa Jenkins called Robert "it" when talking about him to detectives.
- Robert Manwill told Ehrlick he hated him and that he's not his Dad.
- On night of July 23rd Ehrlick says Robert told him that he wasn't his dad, and that he hated him.
Attorney wants to discuss objection outside the presence of jury.
- Jury coming back in.
- attorney worried prosecution would talk about an incident that occurred between Ehrlick and his cell mate.
- The man in the same jail cell as Ehrlick said Ehrlick said "They can't prove it" when asked if he killed Robert. (apparently 4 men shared one cell and the phone was beside the beds.)
-Prosecution asking Ehrlick about time on the 24th when Robert went out to play. Also asking about Robert's condition at the time. Robert was fine according to Ehrlick.
-Prosecutor says Robert had prior traumatic injury to his abdomen before his death.
-says he would have protected Melissa's younger baby boy (Aidan) from abuse. He thought of him as his own.
-told detectives on July 30th, 2009 that he could not be taken of list of suspects.

Prosecution done interviewing Ehrlick. Jury is back in - Defense redirecting questions to Ehrlick. Trial has around 26,000 documents and 300 CDs.
-says he covered hole in apartment wall the same day it happened so Aiden wouldn't get into it and also for overall appearance.
-Defense finished it's questioning of #Ehrlick - Defense rests! Taking 5 minute break
-Yesterday defense said it could have one more witness after Ehrlick, but today decided not to take that witness, resting instead.
-Ehrlick taken off witness stand, now sitting back at table to the left of his attorneys where he's been most of the trial.
Jury allowed back into the courtroom.
-Plan is to have closing arguments on Thursday 1:00 pm. Judge is explaining what she wants.
Since state rested, Melissa Jenkins WILL NOT testify in this case.
-juror asking if alternates can be present for reading of the ruling. Judge says they can be notified,
-jury plans to deliberate into the night on Thursday - jury's call on how long they want to go. May break at 10:00 pm Thursday.
-12 of the 15 jurors will decide Ehrlick's fate. Three will be chosen as alternates at random.
Both sides rest in #Ehrlick murder trial. Closing arguments Thursday @ 1pm.
&#8216;Dead bugging' technique used by Ehrlick questioned by prosecutor

The dead bug pose in yoga is a very relaxing pose for the entire body. Learn how to do the dead bug yoga pose with tips from a fitness instructor. Benefits: Physical: Releases lower back and sacrum; opens hips, inner thighs, and groins. Emotional: Releases unconscious emotions ...
New: Rules for Jury in Ehrlick trial include no news, no social networking
(video available at

As the attorneys prepare to present their closing arguments beginning at 1 pm on Thursday, I'd like to share my thoughts with you at this point. I think the defense could have created reasonable doubt that Ehrlick was responsible for Robert's death if they had done their homework and created a theory that Robert was abducted from the playground and murdered. Ehrlick told the Court and Jury: "I am not responsible for Robert Manwill's death."

TMK, Mr. Daniel Ehrlick did not ask Robert what he was doing outside and who he was associating with whenever Robert checked in with him. Robert likely didn't have a curfew because children his age would not be allowed out on their own in the evening. If Daniel is telling the truth and Robert was alive outside on the early evening of July 24, 2009, Ehrlick was not aware of Robert&#8217;s surroundings during that time period and he didn&#8217;t know for certain if Robert was in imminent danger and being stalked by a predator. Daniel never said he left the apartment to check on what Robert was doing, to see who he was mingling with and whether Robert was really safe. In fact, the baby stroller was in the SUV when Jenkins was at work Friday evening. Did Jenkins pass the canal on her way to and from work? One witness said Robert was safe and secure in the neighborhood when the pitbull was with him and as far as we know the pitbull was not with Robert before he went missing. We also don&#8217;t know if Jenkins was allowed to leave Blackhawk Industries during her breaks and if her work alibi is rock solid. Ehrlick said one phone call to Jenkins during this critical time period wasn't answered and only Ehrlick talked with Jenkins while she was at work. Makes my hinky meter turn on. IDK what Ehrlick said or meant in the letters he wrote to Jenkins where he called Jenkins a liar. Never once has Ehrlick accused Jenkins of murdering her child Robert so maybe Jenkins pulled it off behind his back or somewhere he couldn't watch. Robert's safety was compromised by Ehrlick and Jenkins because no one kept an eye on Robert when he was outside and there was no security system in place around the complex. Ehrlick's emotions were appropriate for a person who finds himself in the situation where they contributed to the child's death because he wasn't watching him like he was supposed to. It could all be an act though. Ehrlick wasn't able to assess the risk the environment exposed Robert to and because H&W didn't work with Jenkins and Ehrlick to accomplish a plan so that Robert had a safe environment at all times, Robert's needs went unnoticed.

When Robert asked permission to attend a birthday party, Mr. Ehrlick did not tell Robert to stay home to keep him safe; he allowed him to leave without offering him any advice, assistance or protection. Robert was not able to protect himself from a predator and he should never should have been permitted to leave the apartment without adult supervision. Isn&#8217;t it against the law to leave an 8-year-old boy alone outside without adult supervision?

If Ehrlick is innocent, then I think Robert left willingly with someone who intended to harm him. Someone lured Robert away from the complex, beat him, stomped on him, put rocks in his pockets, and then placed his body in the canal. Grab marks were found on Robert&#8217;s upper arms and the examiner should know whether the fingers belong to a teenager or an adult by doing a comparison. DNA expert said neither Ehrlick or Robert contributed to the DNA found on rock in Robert's pants. What about Jenkins DNA - is it a match? I think Jenkins hid where Robert was because she didn't want to give him back to Charles. Whether Ehrlick and Jenkins planned to murder Robert to strip Charles of his parental rights is a real possibility.

The point where Robert's body was recovered in the canal was likely not where Robert's body entered the canal. The person who lured Robert into believing he was taking him to a birthday party could have tossed the package of sausage biscuits found in the bush. Maybe Jenkins and Ehrick made up the birthday party story. The Defense should have called the security guard who assisted Ehrlick on July 24th to testify.

The defense should have discussed with Ehrlick in the jury's presence what Ehrlick did after he called his dad who told him he saw Robert with a blonde girl as he left the property to return home. Hearing Robert was with a blonde girl would not set off any warning bells in Junior&#8217;s head and Ehrlick didn't go and verify the information he was given. Ehrlick testified that he thought Robert had snuck off to the birthday party.

It was very busy at the complex and the defense needs to explain to the jury how the conditions that night at the apartment complex would allow for an innocent and unsuspecting child like Robert to be snatched by a predator. He was outside unsupervised Friday all day by a caregiver who didn&#8217;t find out exactly who Robert was with and what was going on at any given time. Robert was lost and defenseless right before he was abducted and obviously something bad could have happened to him as a result.

The medical examiner said Robert had abdominal injuries before his death so the defense has to convince the jury Ehrlick told the truth and did not use his body to harm Robert when Robert was punished by him. I believe I heard Ehrlick say on the stand when he returned to the apartment he shared with Melissa, she told him she felt a soft spot on the baby&#8217;s head. We don&#8217;t know what happened next or who alerted the authorities. Perhaps Jenkins and Ehrlick took the baby to the emergency room. Knowing how concerned Ehrlick was about the baby, I expect this is what they did. We don&#8217;t know but Jenkins was later convicted for injuring her child. All babies have soft spots on their heads shortly after their birth and the bones are very soft and not mature after a few months so it is completely normal to find this on a baby&#8217;s head.

DNA evidence found in the drywall did not match Robert's hair sample and I believe Ehrlick who said he slid into the wall when his feet were wet and his knee caused the hole in the wall upon contact.

The defense should have explained the dead bug position is a pose used in yoga to diffuse the hostility that is connected to it in this case. Perhaps Robert laid on a floor rather than a rug and that caused this bruises on his back.

Ehrlick said Robert was learning to swim and most boys swim without a shirt which could have helped the defense prove Robert's death did not result from punishment at home before the 24th of July but rather from the punishment inflicted upon him outside the home when he left the apartment for the last time on Friday.

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