GUILTY ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #6

Summary of Court proceedings on Day 15, Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Today’s proceedings were live on Court is in recess until 9 am Wednesday, June 8th which would have been Robert’s 10th birthday.

Melissa and Daniel shared a car and Melissa drove it to work the day Robert went missing. Melissa worked the evening shift this particular day and left for work before 3 pm. She had been working at Blackhawk Industries for about 1 year.

Ehrlick said Robert had to return to the apartment and check in with him every 15 minutes whenever he went outside and Robert was restricted to the playground.

Throughout today’s proceedings, numerous detectives stated they did not at anytime directly accuse Daniel Ehrlick of committing foul play in Robert’s disappearance.

Daniel Ehrlick Jr told detective his father visited his apartment that evening around
8:15 pm and the last time he saw Robert was when he came into the apartment approximately 5 minutes after his father left to ask if he could attend the birthday party. Daniel’s father has not testified in Court and we don’t know if he will.

Melissa told the detective who testified in Court today suspects should include her mother, sister, God, detective and president, but not her and Ehrlick.

Witness who lived across from Erhlick/Jenkins in Summer of 2009 has two sons around Robert Manwill's age. Neighbor saw Melissa Jenkins talking to an officer who wanted to check Melissa’s apartment for Robert. She heard Jenkins ask the officer why.
Witness asked Ehrlick if he thought Robert really went to birthday party and he replied “if he thought Robert was going to be back, he’d be back by now.” Witness moved out of apartments in Oct. 2009 partly because of the Robert Manwill case. Said she didn't want her children there.

Next witness: BPD Patrol Officer who is believed to be witness #80 for the prosecution. Officer heard Ehrlick cursing and crying and saw him punching walls of the apartment during search. When Daniel realized she'd seen him, he was shocked.

Next witness is BPD Sgt. who was initially the lead investigator in the case. He testified on Day 2 of the trial and recorded interview with Ehrlick Sgt. says he doubted a stranger could've taken Robert Manwill because there were a lot of people around that evening. Sgt. explained why Amber Alert was never issued for Robert Manwill - didn't meet state requirements and they require evidence the child was abducted.
Sgt. recorded conversation with Ehrlick and Jenkins about Amber Alert which was played in Court. Jury given transcripts.
When Sgt.asked Ehrlick about the sausage biscuits, Ehrlick changed his mind and said they were a different size than the ones they had at home. Yesterday we heard Ehrlick say the biscuits found in the bush prove Robert ran away.
Sgt. says as the investigation continued, there were inconsistencies in Ehrlick’s statements. "His timeline was getting farther and farther apart."
Ehrlick told Sgt. he noticed Robert missing at 8:30 pm, called 911 at 9:00 pm. He really called after 10 pm and told dispatcher Robert gone since around 7 pm.

Daniel ended an interview with detectives when he heard a dog was searching his apartment. Detective decided not to interview Ehrlick because he became extremely irate when he learned police took a dog into his apartment. Daniel accused the Police of being disrespectful.

During an interview, neighbor interrupted and said she thought it was weird trash got picked up and that in her opinion, the birthday party was a 'great diversion'. Neighbor says to Ehrlick in front of detective, “It could have been any of our kids. Every summer 1 of these kids go missing…but they find them.” This neighbor didn't realize who Ehrlick was and when she finds out he is Robert’s stepdad, she says 'I'm so sorry!"

Ehrlick told detectives the reason he felt guilty for Robert being gone was because he was supposed to be watching him.

Ehrlick told detective he told Jenkins that Robert was missing after 35 minutes and she told him to call 911 which would have been just before 9 pm. Past testimony indicates Ehrlick called 911 after 10:00 pm, more than two hours after his call to Jenkins at 7:30 pm according to Jenkins’ co-worker who testified.

Ehrlick told detective he had a 'good relationship' with Robert considering he's his stepdad. Said they called each other 'dad' and 'son'.

In an audio recording played in Court, a Special Victims detective is heard talking to Ehrlick after Robert goes missing. Ehrlick sounds stressed and said, “I’ve been punching things all night… Let’s see I punched that, I punched my cabinet, I punched my garage...”

The defense is again trying to show Ehrlick cooperated with investigation because he allowed officers to take his cell phone to get its contents. We know from previous testimony there were only about 12 text messages which didn’t raise any red flags but we know Ehrlick sent and received many more. Ehrlick told the officers there should be some text messages "still on the phone" but he didn't say any were deleted.

Pros. wanted to give jurors a list of each officer who talked to Ehrlick and Defense objected because they say it presents information not yet discussed in Court.
Judge rules prosecution can't present that list until those people have testified and that evidence is presented.
On cross examination, defender mentions that we've heard a number of witnesses “were directed to write reports substantially after the fact.”

Motion: Pros. wants to be allowed to question Melissa Jenkins about her guilty plea for aiding and abetting if they call her.

Prosecution said they will not call Melissa Jenkins this week. Attorneys will argue a motion about her testimony on Monday.

Without jury’s presence, we learned some of the information on the previous tape was removed because of pretrial motion restricting discussion of Jenkins' statements. After some debate, Judge informed the Jury that some of the audio recording was deleted and they are not to worry about the gaps.!/KTVBJamieGrey
Today’s media report: Testimony focuses on inconsistent stories from Ehrlick & Jenkins

Day 16 in Ehrlick Trial, Robert Manwill’s 10th birthday
(today’s proceedings were not live)

First state witness: BPD captain called when search for Robert escalated the 1st night.
- Largest investigation for BPD as of yet.
- approximately 3000 volunteers searched for Robert.
- BPD conducted background checks on volunteers to rule out sex offenders.

Next witness: Canine handler from ID Mtn. Search and Rescue who assisted with Search
- dog used was a live search and cadaver dog
- said if a person died and their body was quickly removed from the crime scene, a cadaver dog would not pick up their scent.
- Ehrlick/Jenkins’ apartment was searched with a cadaver dog under less than ideal conditions.
Jenkins was there and the witness had less than 15 minutes to conduct a search.

On cross examination:
- She participated in live search around the apartment complex & canal.
- If injuries were internal, dog wouldn’t find any blood.

Next witness: Founder & Trainer with Idaho Search & Rescue Dogs who acted as a consultant and was provided search reports and autopsy report.
- If death occurred as a result of internal injuries, the fact the dog wouldn’t find blood does not rule out the possibility no one died in the apartment.

Next witness: BP patrol officer dispatched to Ehrlick’s apartment to assist Detective
- said she was nervous the Fire Dept would find Robert’s body in the pond they drained.
- only time she saw Melissa Jenkins express emotion was at the press conference.

Next witness is the woman on a recording who interrupted LE & Ehrlick's conversation.
- Before she realized who Ehrlick was, she told Ehrlick & LE that she felt the birthday story was a diversion because it didn’t add up in her opinion.
- When she realized who the man with the LE officer was, Ehrlick, she became frightened and back-pedaled.
- She compensated by saying lots of children “go missing” and are usually found.
- She later called 1-800-THELOST and went to talk to Ehrlick when she heard Robert hadn’t been reported missing.
- Said Daniel was sobbing uncontrollably on the balcony and she told him to come upstairs to find out why there was no amber alert issued.
- Told Ehrlick “he’d better lose the birthday party story because nobody believed it" and nobody would look for Robert with that story.
- Said she was stunned when Ehrlick told her “we’re not doing that story, we lost that story.”

On cross examination of neighbor:
- She called detective to report she had seen a weird white van there one week before. Never mentioned any suspicions about Ehrlick or Jenkins.
- She was suspicious when Robert Manwill first went missing because her son told her Jenkins' wouldn't let him play outside.
- Neighbor admitted she lied in recording when she told the officer she thought Ehrlick was a good parent who often checked on Robert.
- Admitted she lied because she raised her concern about Ehrlick with LE. “I was backpedaling after I realized I’d said the wrong thing to the wrong person.”
- Neighbor explained to defender why she said and did certain things. “At that point, I didn’t know this was going to be what it is today.”

Next witness: BPD victim coordinator who assisted Jenkins and Ehrlick. She responds to some missing children cases and is a point person on Amber Alert cases.
- Said Ehrlick told her he likes to hit things when he’s angry.
- Said Ehrlick did not want to talk about Manwill.
- Ehrlick’s apartment. was in disarray so she washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen because “it was just too dirty.”

On cross-examination:
- Victim coordinator confirmed parents react differently when their children go missing.

Next witness (a repeat) BPD detective who is also the case officer who sits at prosecutor's table.

Judge just read an order informing Jury that Melissa Jenkins was compelled by the Court to testify against Ehrlick. That motion relates to the detective now testifying about Ehrlick’s attempt to contact Jenkins in jail through letters he wrote and gave his niece.

Calendar displayed which indicates when Jenkins was not with Robert.

The motion obtained yesterday by prosecutors asking judge to allow questioning of Jenkins about guilty plea. Prosecutors want to inform jury that Jenkins pled guilty to aiding and abetting in the murder, that she's compelled to testify, and has immunity.

Back to BPD detective on the stand:
- Ehrlick indicated he believed police were looking at them as suspects and he wanted to know what they’d have to do to clear themselves.
- Ehrlick gave a written statement and it took him 1 hour and 45 minutes to write a three-page statement. "It seemed like forever."
- Ehrlick spoke in the past tense about Robert on Sunday during search. When he was asked why LE shouldn’t suspect him, Ehrlick said, “because I loved him”. (DE's written statement was shown in Court).
- Ehrlick’s statement includes his story about the birthday party and it was written the same day Ehrlick told neighbor he had decided not to use it anymore.
- When Jenkins was asked to write a statement, she was reluctant and made excuses but eventually she gave in and wrote one. Detective said she was faster.
- Jenkins told police she tested Robert to make sure he wouldn’t be abducted by having neighbors coax him into leaving with them.
- In Jenkins' statement she said she found out from Ehrlick that Robert was missing after 8:00 pm. "He called me said he can’t find it."

- Timeline in Jenkins' statement does not match the previous testimony given by her coworkers. She wrote her and Ehrlick both called police which is inconsistent.

According to reporter who is in Court, the timeline is very confusing and it is difficult to remember who said what. “The jurors have got to be having a tough time.”

Recording of LE’s conversation with Ehrlick the night he wrote statement (2 days after Manwill missing) was played. Ehrlick informed LE before he gave his statement: “I am not good at times. I will give you my estimate, my guess.” On the recording, Ehrlick is heard asking detectives and agents questions about how to write a statement.

Prosecution asked the Judge to permit them to talk to Jenkins about testimony before she is called to testify. Will discuss the matter on Monday when Jenkins could possibly be there.

Trial is expected to last 6 weeks and this is week #4. To day,88 witnesses have testified.

Court is in recess until Thursday at 1:00 pm.

The statement written by Ehrlick which was shown in Court is expected to be posted online. The transcriber said it is very difficult to understand because of the punctuation. The statements written by Ehrlick and Jenkins were to explain what they did the day Robert went missing however the copy of Jenkins' statement, which contains a gap of several hours, does not state what she did after she woke up and before she left for work. Her statement is also inconsistent with Ehrlick's statement, the stories they told officers, and what her witnesses have said.!/KTVBJamieGrey
Melissa Jenkins and Daniel Ehrlick's statements were included at the end of the article titled 'Testimony focuses on inconsistent stories from Ehrlick, Jenkins'.

Melissa Jenkins' written statement to police (Sunday, July 26, 2009).

NOTE: The original statement in Jenkins' handwriting contains no punctuation and incorrect capitalization. For ease of reading, KTVB has edited for punctuation and capitalization only. Grammar and spelling have been left as original (indicated by 'sic').

"I woke up about 7-7:30, changed Aidan, woke Robert.
"Went to work at 2:50 p.m. Was picking at 5:30. Call Danny. Went back to work. Had called back at 7:30. He was checking on Robert. Robert was asking about the b-party. I said no. He texted me about 8-8:30. Told me to call him. I did. He told me that Robert was not at the park. He was going to look for the party. He will call me back. He left his phone. I was paniked [sic] and he called me. Said he can't find it. I ran to my boss and said I was living [sic] and let him know that I wold [sic] keep him posted. Got in the truck an [sic] come home. When I got here, I called Danny, ask where and when to him. We walk and call for Robert. Went to an apt. and no help. Went back down stears [sic] and called the cops. Went went [sic] looking for Robert.
"[Melissa Jenkins signiture]"

Daniel Ehrlick's written statement to police (Sunday, July 26, 2009).
NOTE: The original statement in Ehrlick's handwriting contains incorrect punctuation and capitalization. For ease of reading, in typing the statement, KTVB has edited for punctuation and capitalization. Grammar and spelling have been left as original (indicated by 'sic'). Also, Ehrlick's original statement has hand-drawn arrows indicating a change in order; KTVB published it in the order written. The statement is three pages long; however, only the first two pages were shown in open court Wednesday.

Page 1:
"I woke up arround [sic] 7:00 - 7:30 a.m. Got my youngest son Aidan out of his crib, changed his diaper, got him dressed, went to the bathroom, went into [sic] make sure Robert was awake. Came out to the kitchen and got Aidan and Robert juice. Went out on the patio, smoked a cigaret [sic]. About that time Mellisa [sic] woke up. I got the kid there [sic] breakfast adn started the day. Normal routine. Played with the kids and hung out. Around 10:30-11:00 layed Aidan down for his nap.
"About 10:00 met with our social worker. Then we layed down and took a nap with the boys. Got up arround [sic] 1:00 or a little after. Got Aidan up, came out to the living room, cleaned the house, started lunch, ate lunch then. Played in the living room. Arround [sic] 2:00-2:20 Mellisa [sic] started geting [sic] ready for work. Arround [sic] 2:45-3:00 Mellisa [sic] left for work. About 3:30-4:00 me and Aidan was playing. Robert was reading his book.
"(I also remember taking the dog out but in [sic] am not sure of the times. I also smoked a few cigs.)
I called my dad. Don't know what time...
NOTE: A few sentences at the bottom of page one were obstructed from view in court.
Page 2:
"I also remember Giving Aidan a bath. Somewhere between there (unknown time).
Robert did regular checkins. And continued to play out side. I was watching T.V. and playing with Aidan. Robert was regularly checking in. I was regularly checking on him. [Word(s) crossed out] Arround [sic] [Word(s) crossed out] ... on a check in Robert asked to go to a birthday party. I told him no. Robert went back outside. I started dinner. [Word(s) crossed out] Again [Word(s) crossed out] Robert asked to go to a birthday party. I told him no. Arround [sic] 7:30 Mellisa [sic] called. We talked about the birthday party. We agreed not to let Robert go. [Words crossed out] My Dad came by and dopped of [sic] some cig money and talked for a few min. then left. Robert checked in and asked about the party. I again I said no and that the final answer he asked to go back outside. I let him go. I went and checked on him. He was playing. A little wile [sic] late I went to check on Robert and he was not in the park. I text Mellisa, let her know. She called me back. We talked then I went to look for him. I went to the park area with my son Aidan and waited for Robert. Walked arround [sic] the pool area and went back up stairs grabed [sic] my phone, called Melissa. Informed her. [Words crossed out]"
Court resumes Thursday at 1 pm.

This article reveals what was going on in Melissa Jenkins life around the time she gave birth to her youngest son.

Someone killed 8-year-old Robert Manwill

Police say the boy was not abducted by a stranger, and the coroner has ruled his death was not an accident.

- A neighbor said she heard Melissa Jenkins tell police she was working the night 8-year-old Robert disappeared. Another neighbor said she saw Daniel Ehrlick Jr. about 7:45 that night outside his home. He often stayed home to care for Robert and the couple's 18-month-old son, *****.

- State Health and Welfare officials took the younger boy away from Jenkins and Ehrlick Jr. last October, after Jenkins was charged with fracturing the child's skull.

- Jenkins later was convicted of misdemeanor injury to a child and was on probation until March 2011.

- A neighbor and friend, Carol Carrillo, said ***** had been back in the couple’s custody for about two months. She said the couple worked hard to meet Health and Welfare standards to get him back.

- Robert lived primarily with his father, Charles, in New Plymouth - an arrangement crafted after Jenkins was laid up in the hospital for a few weeks before ***** was born and she had no one to take care of Robert.

- An affidavit that Charles Manwill filed at the time to get temporary custody of Robert states that Jenkins told him she "was being physically abused by her ex-boyfriend (the apparent father of the unborn child)."

- He added that the hospital "had kept the admission of mother Melissa, and her room number, secret because mother Melissa was concerned that the ex-boyfriend may storm into the hospital and mother Melissa's room and cause extreme trouble."

- Ehrlick Jr. also has been barred from being around Jenkins' daughter, not from anything he did, but because the father, Raymond Ames, said he didn't like him or want him around the toddler. The girl lived with Melissa Jenkins until Ames got custody last year.
Court proceedings Day17 of the Daniel Ehrlick murder trial

First state witness: FBI agent and member of CARD (Child Abduction Rapid Deployment) team. Flew to Boise from Los Angeles to assist with Robert Manwill case.
- Agent had Jenkins, Ehrlick, and Charles Manwill, (Robert's father) fill out a survey about Robert.
- Ehrlick described Robert as "stubborn, hot-headed, talks allot".
- Said Melissa Jenkins needed help filling out the survey so a family member read her the questions.
On cross-examination:
- Robert Manwill's father, Charles, also said Robert would lie and have temper tantrums.
- Jenkins also said Robert had similar problems.

Next witness: Another neighbor of Ehrlick/ Jenkins
- Never saw Robert Manwill outside playing with other children.
- On the day Robert was reported as missing, neighbor spent a few hours by the pond which was later drained in search for RM.
- Never saw Robert but did see a different boy riding his bike.
- Neighbor accompanied the neighbor who testified, to talk to Ehrlick at his apartment. They saw him crying on his balcony (Sunday during search).
On cross examination:
- Neighbor described Ehrlick after Robert was reported missing as “Upset. He seemed like a concerned parent.”
- Neighbor was there when Ehrlick said he was dropping the birthday party story. Said she was happy; didn't think he'd made up the story.

Next witness: Lead detective (and case officer).
- The conversation between detective and Ehrlick which was recorded on Sunday during the search while Ehrlick was writing his statement about RM's disappearance was played. Read Ehrlick’s statement here:
Police: Do you feel that he was taken?
Ehrlick: I still haven’t felt that… I think that he’s somewhere in somebody’s
house. Scared. He’s a good boy. He’s a damn good boy. He listens. He’s
very polite.
Police: Who's suspicious?
Ehrlick: (speaking through tears) Everybody’s a suspect for me. Everybody. You are.
There’s some weird people here…they’re kind of older, kind of creepy
looking guys, but I've never gotten any weird vibes. Robert Manwill talked
about a bully in the apartments, but I don't know who the kid is.

- Offered an apology to Ehrlick on behalf the department (for searching his apartment with a cadaver dog) because he was the 'face of the department' and he wanted Ehrlick’s cooperation.
- “As a group we were frustrated with the timeline because we didn't have a starting point to locate Robert Manwill.”

Next witness: Another BPD officer who works with a Federal Violent Crimes Task Force with the FBI.
- Canvassed apartments for Robert Manwill.
- He was asked to do a surveillance of Ehrlick/Jenkins on Monday because of determination they were potentially involved in Robert’s disappearance.
- On Monday he saw Jenkins & Ehrlick arguing outside their apartment but he couldn’t hear what they said.

Next witness: BPD Public Information Officer.
- Went over the information that was released to the media each day and whether Jenkins & Ehrlick attended the news conferences.

Defense doesn't want jury to see photos of Jenkins & Ehrlick at news conference: “How they look is irrelevant...Unduly inflammatory. Photos designed to play to the emotions of the jury and have the jury be unhappy because they’re there participating in what the state will characterize as a fraud.”

Judge allowed most of the photos because they "show the demeanor of the individuals." Not unfairly prejudicial because it is consistent with the parent of missing kid.

Prosecutors showed several stills from Channel 7 news stories showing Jenkins, Ehrlick at media briefings and still from 6 interviews with Jenkins. Saw photos of Ehrlick/ Jenkins holding hands with Robert’s dad/ stepmother walking together to a news briefing.

Court adjourned until Monday at 9 am.

Addendum from Day 16:
- Detective said suspects may refer to victims in past tense or themselves in third person (detached).
- When Melissa Jenkins first appeared in court she was unable to read the complaint against her.!/KTVBJamieGrey
Police call Ehrlick’s timeline a problem


In Ehrlick&#8217;s version of events:

&#8226; Robert, 8, began asking him if he could go to a birthday party in their apartment complex around 7 p.m. He said the boy played in the complex&#8217;s playground throughout the evening.

Ehrlick said he called Melissa Jenkins at work around 7:30 p.m., and she agreed Robert should not go to the party.

&#8226; Around that time, Daniel Ehrlick Sr. came to visit. He left shortly after 8 p.m., and a few minutes later Ehrlick told Robert for the last time he couldn&#8217;t go to the party. The boy went back to the playground, and Ehrlick said he never saw him again.

But Ayotte testified that police investigations later pointed to a different order of events. Police believe Ehrlick Sr. was probably at the apartment closer to 7 p.m. because receipts and video from a WinCo store show that he began shopping at 7:20 p.m. that night and didn&#8217;t pay for his groceries until 8:09 p.m.

Ayotte also told the jury that when police asked Jenkins to account for her day on July 24, she wrote a sentence and a paragraph. The first sentence said she woke up at 7:30 a.m., changed her toddler son Aidan and woke Robert up. Her next entry was when she left for work around 2:30 p.m.

Ayotte told the jury he thought it was odd that she left out the whole morning.

Ehlrick said in his statement to police that he woke up arround [sic] 7:00 - 7:30 a.m. Got their youngest son Aidan out of his crib, changed his diaper, got him dressed, went to the bathroom, went into [sic] make sure Robert was awake. Came out to the kitchen and got Aidan and Robert juice. Went out on the patio, smoked a cigaret [sic]. About that time Mellisa [sic] woke up.

Ada County prosecutors told the jury earlier that Robert was likely fatally injured by Ehrlick some time the night of July 23 or the morning of July 24.
Week 5, Day 18 of the Daniel Ehrlick Trial. (Monday, June 13, 2011)

Ehrlick blames dad for boy's death, Jenkins appears in court

Today&#8217;s hearing ended with no notice when Court will resume.

First witness, relative of Melissa Jenkins:
- Went to Ehrlick&#8217;s/ Jenkins' apartment during Sunday&#8217;s search. Jenkins told her Ehrlick went mad and punched a hole in the wall.
- Claimed to not see anything of Robert&#8217;s, only items which belonged to the baby.
- Found it odd to see a gallon of bleach on bathroom floor because there was a baby in the apartment. (Other witnesses talked about smelling bleach).
- Said she never saw a hole in the wall or a patch on the wall in the apt during search and she is sure she would have noticed it.
- Said people don't pay attention to what's going on at canal by apartments. &#8220;Nobody really gets in each other&#8217;s business up there.&#8221;

Next witness, FBI Special Agent in Boise who primarily works in crimes against children:
- Everyone wanted to help search for Robert and there were so many sightings that couldn&#8217;t possibly be true.
- Agent investigated reported Robert Manwill sighting at Jackson's and found no evidence. Pros. indicated a couple boys looked similar.
- There were several reports of Robert Manwill being at pool but it turned out to be another boy. None of the sightings of Robert were true.

Defense objected to a lot of questions asked this witness. Said jury should be the only judge of the truth in stories told. Pros.worked to show extent of agent's investigation whereas Defense pointed how many people she did not interview.

Next witness, another FBI Special Agent based in Boise who became a key investigator:
- When he told Ehrlick he didn&#8217;t believe him, Ehrlick offered him a weak denial, hung his head, and began to cry.
- When Agent pleaded with Ehrlick to tell him where Robert was, Ehrlick blurted out, 'It was someone close to me' and he blamed his dad.
- Ehrlick told agent his father had inappropriate physical contact with Robert Manwill and that his father abused Ehrlick and his sister.
- Interview with Ehrlick wasn&#8217;t recorded because FBI policy states officers can&#8217;t audio/video record an interview unless two officers are present.
- Ehrlick&#8217;s father was very forthcoming with officers and evidence showed it was unlikely he'd taken Robert.
- Ehrlick&#8217;s statement that &#8220;everybody&#8217;s a suspect&#8221; caught agent's attention because in his opinion when he hears someone make an overly broad statement, they are not being helpful.

Next Witness, BPD Detective back on the stand for the second time:
- Had Ehrlick call his dad and confront him about taking Robert. Detective recorded the conversation and prompted Ehrlick on what to say.
- Detective said call did not make Ehrlick&#8217;s dad seem guilty. He watched Ehrlick and he appeared nervous.
- Conversation was 9 minutes long. Ehrlick asked his dad what he did the day Robert was missing and the father said, &#8220;Wait a minute, are you saying I got Robert?&#8221; &#8220;No...&#8221;
- Ehrlick&#8217;s father ends the call by saying he's going to hang up because he realized Ehrlick was accusing him. (Parts of their conversation were included in KTVB's report).

Next witness, BPD detective (Violent Crimes). Became involved 3 days after RM was reported missing:
- he searched Ehrlick&#8217;s father's home and did not seize anything. Did not bring cadaver dogs.

Next witness: Lead investigator/case investigator (again).
- Made copies of receipts found in Ehrlick&#8217;s father&#8217;s home.

Next witness, Health and Welfare administrator who works in nursing home where Ehrlick&#8217;s mother lives.
- Spoke with Ehrlick's dad after Daniel accused him of taking Robert and she said. &#8220;He was devastated. Clearly very upset about that accusation."

Pros. out of witnesses for the day; jurors leaving. Judge heard arguments on Jenkins' testimony.

- Melissa Jenkins&#8217; arrived in Court and sat in the Jury box. Her attorneys were present. Melissa Jenkins is hard of hearing and uses a listening device.
- Jenkins' attorney wants immunity during the pre-trial interviews with pros. Judge agreed and said the interview(s) needs to be recorded.
- Judge said Jenkins wouldn't get immunity in any interviews with defense before she testifies. Ehrlick&#8217;s Defense feels it's unfair.
- Judge reminded Melissa Jenkins that she must testify truthfully or she could be charged with perjury. Judge warned Melissa Jenkins that if she lies, everyone will know.
- Melissa Jenkins was excused from courtroom.

Attorneys argued whether Jenkins can testify about guilty plea. Pros. wants jury to know about Jenkins' guilty plea not as proof of guilt, but as a credibility issue/possibility of motive, bias.

- Jenkins can't say Ehrlick is who she aided and abetted, but she can say she pleaded guilty to aiding, abetting torture murder of her son.
- Both sides are free to fully question Jenkins about what she observed and knows in relation to this case.

Hearing is over. Unsure when and if Jenkins will testify against Ehrlick.
Murder a child and then blame your own dad. Sounds familiar. Not trying to be humorous either.
Murder a child and then blame your own dad. Sounds familiar. Not trying to be humorous either.

Hi Kat,

I knew police searched Ehrlick Sr property for Robert but I didn't know Ehrlick accused his father of abducting Robert. Both Jenkins and Ehrlick Jr accused their close relatives: "Everyone is a suspect" according to them.

- Melissa Jenkins statement to police doesn&#8217;t say Robert Manwill complained to her in the morning about the pain he was in and that she observed he was struggling to walk. Prosecutors say Jenkins helped hide Robert in the closet for days as investigators scoured their neighborhood looking for any signs of the missing boy. If this is true, it certainly explains why Ehrlick flipped out when cadaver dogs entered his apartment. Ada County prosecutors told the jury earlier that Robert was likely fatally injured by Ehrlick some time the night of July 23 or the morning of July 24.

"I woke up about 7-7:30, changed Aidan, woke Robert. Went to work at 2:50 p.m. Was picking at 5:30. Call Danny. Went back to work&#8221;.

- THIS REPORT doesn&#8217;t say how Raymond Ames knew Ehrlick was a threat to his daughter, but he must be overjoyed his complaint was taken seriously and he won custody of her. Ehrlick said Jenkins was becoming increasingly violent and he wanted to take her son and leave her and knowing Ehrlick's a con artist, I think he only wanted her son for himself and that is why he put an effort into building a relationship with him. Ehrlick was unemployed and receiving financial support from his father. A welfare fraud investigator testified at Ehrlick's trial that he used his food stamps appropriately so he must have been on Social Assistance. "Ehrlick, now 36, has spent nearly seven years, off and on, in Idaho correctional facilities and at least 10 years on probation in Idaho and Washington. He has been convicted of burglary, battery, possession of drug paraphernalia and more." He also has a juvenile record. In addition to the first degree murder charges, Ehrlick and Jenkins also face charges for failing to report Manwill's death to police. In the report in the last link, it said Jenkins, (who was married and divorced twice), and Ehrlick fought but Jenkins refused to file charges against him.

Ehrlick Jr. also has been barred from being around Jenkins' daughter, not from anything he did, but because the father, Raymond Ames, said he didn't like him or want him around the toddler. The girl lived with Melissa Jenkins until Ames got custody last year.
This article contains detailed information on Ehrlick and Jenkins which helped me to understand the crisis Ehrlick faced after he was released from prison.

Daniel Ehrlick dreamt of becoming a wild land firefighter and while he was incarcerated, he worked outdoors on an inmate fire crew. He worked hard and made more money than he would have in a typical institutional job, so I imagine he found this job rewarding on all levels (physically, emotionally and financially). It fulfilled his heart's desire and Ehrlick certainly looked more physically fit two years ago then he does today.

Although a report said Ehrlick didn&#8217;t work because he wanted to take care of his son, I doubt this is entirely true. Ehrlick obtained his GED in prison and gained valuable work experience as a fire fighter but he would never be able to work at his chosen profession outside of prison if he wasn't granted a pardon on his criminal record because a clear criminal record is a prerequisite for fire fighters and most other meaningful jobs in today's society. Realistically Ehrlick's chances of surviving in the real world without a pardon on his criminal record are nonexistant. This information helps me understand what was going on inside of Ehrlick at this particular time in his life and why he had a complete breakdown. A criminal record can potentially disable a person for their entire life.
While listening to today&#8217;s court proceedings it became apparent that Ehrlick and Jenkins turned their apartment into a detention facility. Jenkins and Daniel Ehrlick Jr took on the role of the prison guards and Robert was their inmate.
Week 5, Day 19, Daniel Ehrlick Trial (Tuesday, June 14, 2011)

First State witness, Daniel Ehrlick Senior&#8217;s Neighbor:
- Noticed a change in Robert Manwill during the last few weeks of his life.
- &#8220;He seemed less outgoing.&#8221;
- Never saw Ehrlick physically discipline Robert.
- Jenkins primarily disciplined him and it didn't really seem "out of line".
- Saw Jenkins get angry at Robert when he asked her to play a board game with him on his Birthday and for a drink of water.

Next witness on the stand for prosecution, Daniel Ehrlick Senior:
- Yesterday we heard a recording where Ehrlick accused his dad of abducting Robert.
- Said he often paid his son&#8217;s bills, rent, car insurance. Gave Ehrlick and Jenkins furniture, car, and other material possessions.
- When Ehrlick's father began talking about Robert, he, along with his son, and people in the gallery all began to cry.
- Boxes of tissues were passed around the gallery as Ehrlick Sr recalled how Robert liked to go fishing and camping and his veteran's hat that has a lot of pins.
- When he noticed Robert was losing a lot of weight, he begged his son and Jenkins to allow him to take Robert to the doctor. &#8220;Please, something&#8217;s wrong. We got to get him checked out.&#8221;
- On Robert's last birthday, he wasn't allowed to play with the other boys at playground. He "was on restriction" most of day.
This is by far the most emotional testimony we've heard. There are a lot of sad details about Robert's last weeks of life.
- &#8220;The one thing I can say is I&#8217;ve never seen Danny be physical with Robert. That was always left up to Melissa.&#8221;
- Saw a bruise on Robert's buttocks when he sat with his knees up. Jenkins told him to put his legs down and pull the leg of his short&#8217;s down.

Prosecutor: &#8220;Did you have anything to do with Robert&#8217;s disappearance?&#8221;
Daniel Ehrlick Sr: &#8220;No ma&#8217;am."

- Daniel Ehrlick Sr told the Court where he was the day Robert was reported missing which proved he couldn't possibly have taken Robert. (The jurors seemed to like this witness. They laughed with him and smiled when he told stories. They were very engaged.
- When a photo was shown of Ehrlick's dad at the bank, he laughed, and so did the Jurors because he still had his scooter helmet on.
- Surveillance cameras and store receipts confirm nearly everything Ehrlick&#8217;s father said he did the day Robert was reported missing.
- At approximately 10 pm, Ehrlick Senior received a telephone call from his son who said he needed help to find Robert.
- "It didn't look right. Nothing looked right that night...Things just weren't adding up: Parties, kids..."
- Police arrested Ehrlick at his dad's house as he attempted to run. &#8220;I thought he was going to dodge them.&#8221;
- Saw Jenkins grab Robert's little sister and throw her onto the sofa which he found very inappropriate. Also saw Jenkins strike Robert once.
- During abuse case with Jenkins baby, he told Melissa Jenkins she needed help and he recommended she take parenting classes.
- Robert wasn&#8217;t allowed to speak. Jenkins always answered for him.
- Jenkins admitted to him she whipped Robert at least once and he told her not to hit him with an object like a strap or belt.
On cross-examination:
- Defense asked if he saw his son physically abuse his ex-girlfriends because one told the jury he witnessed the abuse.

Continuing with Daniel Ehrlick Senior&#8217;s testimony, a Marine Veteran:
- His son&#8217;s arrest was very traumatic for him. An officer held a gun to his son&#8217;s neck.
- Didn&#8217;t inquire about Robert after his son was admitted to Intermountain. &#8220;I wanted to know but I didn&#8217;t want to bother him. I knew.&#8221; (Prosecutors didn't ask him what he meant by "I knew". Totally open for interpretation. I wonder what the jurors thought?)
- Wouldn&#8217;t make eye contact with his son in the Court room because he was afraid his son would manipulate him. &#8220;I know what his eyes will do to me.&#8221;
- Ehrlick Sr. identified his son by a photo rather than point to him sitting in the Courtroom so he didn&#8217;t have to lmake eye contact with him.
- Was up most of the night worried about testifying in Court and said, &#8220;I&#8217;m here for the State and Robert. That&#8217;s all I care about.&#8221;

Daniel Ehrlick&#8217;s father testimony lasted 3 hours. By far the most emotional testimony we've heard so far.

Next Witness, BPD Detective is back on the stand:
- Revisited Ehrlick Sr.'s phone records which corroborated earlier evidence on his where abouts the day Robert went missing.
On cross examination:
- Detective said cell towers showed Ehrlick stayed in the area of his apartment and Jenkins was always near or at work or driving home the day Robert disappeared.

Next witness: A BPD SVU Detective who specializes in crimes against children (witness #92)
- Ehrlick and Jenkins were uncooperative. &#8220;They became hostile at times&#8221;.
- They accused him and BPD of conspiring against them to blame them.
- Ehrlick and Jenkins yelled at him and accused him of representing a corrupt organization that was setting them up. &#8220;It was weird!&#8221;
- In a recorded conversation between Ehrlick and himself, again we hear Ehrlick cry,
"I could have done so much different! All I want to do is go out and look but Police won&#8217;t let me.&#8221;
- Ehrlick got angry and hurt himself.

Second conversation recorded by Detective with Ehrlick the day after Robert was reported missing:
- Ehrlick cursed at detective and Jenkins is heard trying to calm him down. Detective explained they were trying to eliminate them as suspects.

Third brief recording:
- Jenkins told Detective Ehrlick hit things, not people, when he got frustrated. &#8220;He couldn&#8217;t hit a person if he tried.&#8221;
- Ehrlick&#8217;s hand was bandaged the day after Robert went missing.

Court is in recess until Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m

- Most of the jurors recorded notes at the start of the trial; all appeared to record information.
- Daniel Ehrlick trial - to date 82 witnesses have testified
- OJ Simpson trial - 126 total witnesses
- Casey Anthony - 80 possible state witnesses
- Ehrlick&#8217;s trial is running one day ahead of the Casey Anthony trial. Anthony defense expected to start tomorrow (CNN).!/KTVBJamieGrey
Thank you so much for all of your work on this case.

I always think how brave Robert must have been, to live with such terrible abuse and the fear and pain it had to produce. I'd have given anything to have a little boy like him.
Week 5, Day 20, Daniel Ehrlick Trial (Wednesday, June 15, 2011)

First Witness: BPD detective who said Ehrlick and Jenkins were hostile.
- Ehrlick was angry, upset, and volatile because he believed the reason Police wanted to conduct the interview at the PD was so they could search his apartment with a dog.
- In the fourth recording, Jenkins & Ehrlick said they needed to know everything about the investigation. Prosecution tried to prove Ehrlick wanted control of the situation.
(Ehrlick was angry in all the recordings)
- Detective rushed and wasn&#8217;t soft with Ehrlick & Jenkins because the goal was to find Robert and return him home safely.
- Jenkins said she didn&#8217;t trust cops based on her past experiences.
- Police took abnormal steps to locate Robert quickly but they were opposed by Ehrlick & Jenkins the entire time.
- Ehrlick acted differently from other parents of missing children.
- Ehrlick was concerned about being disrespected and not about the search.
- In the 5th recording, Ehrlick implied his dad was a suspect and he said &#8220;My dad&#8217;s been acting way weird.&#8221;
- During the week Ehrlick withdrew to watch television. He was emotional at press conferences.
- Jenkins & Ehrlick&#8217;s theories were collaborated and they fed off each other.
- At the last meeting Ehrlick sat in a lawn chair and covered his body & head with a blanket.
- Jenkins was very happy & &#8220;chipper&#8221;.
- On the way to an interview at the PD 5 days after Robert went missing, Jenkins said she was nervous and Ehrlick told her not to be because &#8220;we&#8217;re just going to tell the truth".
On cross-examination:
- Never told Ehrlick & Jenkins not to discuss the case nor did he tell them the conversations were recorded.

Defense wanted Detective to testify about people who apparently told Ehrlick they saw Robert outside the day he went missing.
Defense said they will impeach previous officers who said Ehrlick gave them false statements. Prosecution said it's hearsay.
Judge said testimony would confuse jury and would be hearsay because Ehrlick told detective what he heard; therefore no go.

On cross-examination of Detective regarding Ehrlick&#8217;s presence at Press Conferences:
- Confirmed his belief Ehrlick stood in the background.
- Melissa Jenkins told police she, her aunt, and cousin all dreamt Robert attended a birthday party at Ann Morrison Park.
- Ehrlick Sr talked to people at Ann Morrison Park who thought they may have seen Robert but none of the leads panned out.

Next Witness: Another neighbor of Jenkins & Ehrlick&#8217;s
- Saw Robert Manwill in June 2009 at a check-out at Albertson's.
- She was at pool the day Robert went missing and she never heard people calling his name or anything about a birthday party.
- Learned he was missing at 11:30 p.m.
- She took four days off work so her & her 7-year-old daughter could aid in the search.

Next witness: Another neighbor of Ehrlick & Jenkins known as the "grandmother of the complex" because she knew all the kids including Robert.
- Noticed Robert was withdrawn and frightened weeks before his death.

Next witness: An ex-neighbor of Ehrlick&#8217;s & Jenkins who moved during summer 2009 but came back to visit.
- Confirmed exhibit was a photo of her son who looked very similar to Robert (same age and hairstyle).
- People could have easily mistaken her son for Robert.

Next Witness: A 22-year-old live-in caregiver who lived in same apartment building as Ehrlick.
- Recalled something about a birthday party being cancelled.
- She was asked if she saw Robert.
- Confirmed that the girl who told people she had played with Robert in the park told conflicting stories.

Next witness: New Plymouth Elementary School Secretary
- Robert got picked on once, &#8220;If he was picking on me, it probably means he&#8217;s leaving someone else alone.&#8221;
- She described what Robert was like.
- He struggled in the first grade but greatly improved.

Next witness: Robert&#8217;s Grade 1 elementary school teacher in SE Boise.
- Robert left in the middle of the 1st grade to move in with his father in New Plymouth and he was very excited.

Next witness: BPD Officer and Canine Handler
- Found nothing after he searched apartment complex and surrounding area two days after Robert was reported missing.

Next witness: Boise Police Detective (witness #100)
- He and others continued working on the case after Robert's body was found.

Court is in recess until Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p.m.!/KTVBJamieGrey
Thank you so much for all of your work on this case.

I always think how brave Robert must have been, to live with such terrible abuse and the fear and pain it had to produce. I'd have given anything to have a little boy like him.

Melissa Jenkins admitted she whipped her son and told him to put his legs down and pull his pant legs down to hide the bruises on his buttocks. Daniel&#8217;s father told her not to use a belt or strap but what else would she whip her child with? Melissa and Daniel are both criminally insane IMO.

The only way to overcome a negative thought is to replace it with a positive one and when I read your post, there was an immediate shift in my consciousness and feelings of comfort and peace flowed through me. The timing of your post was perfect. Thank you.
Thank you Bluesky for all the updates for Robert! You Rock !

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