Idaho Student Says Teacher Tossed His Mexican Flag In The Trash

So how did you like my experiment......

You all did very well and responded as expected.

I took the anti American stance, as in discrimination in regards to citizenship and country of origin. That would be in violation of Human rights.

Was it a good feeling to have to defend yourself. Did you like the "anti" American sentiments. The "generalized" statements. Now why don't you sit back at your computer and think about how it feels to have another person, from another country, "disparage" people from that country based on where they are from. Does that apply to everyone in that country. Of course not. Generalized of course.....but is that not usually the case when it comes to intolerance and hate.

I thought I would try "reverse" discrimination and see what response I would receive. appears that "Americans" don't mind discriminating against other people from other countries and violating their rights, but OMG do the same thing to Americans and they really get their backs up. That is very telling for some reason..........

Americans' do not like "stereotypes" of their citizens and culture and the "prejudice" they experience when they travel or live in another country. They don't like to be "viewed" by another country as "second class". Just like other people don't like it when they are treated that way in the US by US citizens. Human rights violations go both ways........

The experiment has now ended and thank you for participating. :clap:

Class dismissed..........

Unfortuneatly you don't get it that the majority of us as individuals do not think it is fine to stereotype anyone.

BTW your conclusion in bold is still a stereotype......
So how did you like my experiment......

You all did very well and responded as expected.

I took the anti American stance, as in discrimination in regards to citizenship and country of origin. That would be in violation of Human rights.

Was it a good feeling to have to defend yourself. Did you like the "anti" American sentiments. The "generalized" statements. Now why don't you sit back at your computer and think about how it feels to have another person, from another country, "disparage" people from that country based on where they are from. Does that apply to everyone in that country. Of course not. Generalized of course.....but is that not usually the case when it comes to intolerance and hate.

I thought I would try "reverse" discrimination and see what response I would receive. appears that "Americans" don't mind discriminating against other people from other countries and violating their rights, but OMG do the same thing to Americans and they really get their backs up. That is very telling for some reason..........

Americans' do not like "stereotypes" of their citizens and culture and the "prejudice" they experience when they travel or live in another country. They don't like to be "viewed" by another country as "second class". Just like other people don't like it when they are treated that way in the US by US citizens. Human rights violations go both ways........

The experiment has now ended and thank you for participating. :clap:

Class dismissed..........

I think this post is interesting. This is one of the points that i tried to get across before. This thread has turned very negative towards many groups. Why can some people say that it is ok to view ourselves as better than others and that they don't care how this student feels. I find it ironic that this view only goes one way. If someone does the same to you, the response is how narrow minded and rude the other person is. When looking at a situation, I think it is important to look at it from all parties points of view, not just the point of view you support.

My next comment is a side note, not specifically related to this case. I think that it is important for everyone to know that just because they may have been blessed to be born into a life of relative privilage (compared to many 3rd world countries) doesn't make you, or anyone else better than people who were born in those countries. You didn't choose where you were born and they didn't either. Cheers to all of the good people out there. :blowkiss: it was just an experiment. And, not you revealing your own severely twisted prejudice of a nation you obviously do not understand. (as revealed by your statement above)



Yea and we're all stupid too :rolleyes:
If you discriminate against a person and violate the person's human rights, please don't expect others to not do the same to you.

I am sure Americans don't like going to Europe and being discriminated against. Why do you think they "avoid" it by being a fake Canadian. Fraud comes to mind......

Goodness, we would not want them to experience the same treatment that they "subject" others to.

Why do you think that they avoid the experience. They should not avoid the experience and "get away" with faking the country they are from. They should experience the discrimination and racism first hand, then and maybe then, they may not want to subject others to the same treatment.

The "lesson" I am trying to convey is that of the golden rule. Treat other people the way you would want to be treated. Americans do not like to be discriminated against, but then they turn around and do the same thing to others and then justify it based on hate and intolerance. How is that O.K.?

Either you discriminate against people and violate their human rights, or you don't. You cannot have it both ways. Either you are a racist or you are not.

Human rights - Rights that belong to an individual as a consequence of being human.

When you violate another person's human rights you are treating them as "less" then human.

You have to look at what the world sees. The news reports. The torture and secret prisons. If only one person views the USA on that basis, what do you think they will "envision" of the citizens of that country and the "elected" leader. When they hear in 2008, nooses on trees. Flags in the trash. The government inaction in regards to Katrina. The invasion. That is the basis that they view all Americans. They have nothing else to go on.

So when they meet an American, they think of the above. They don't want to know you, they know you by the actions of your country, that is the example they know and use. They know you by your elected leaders actions and lack thereof. That is all the basis they have to form an opinion of that country and the people of that country. Of course that is narrow minded and generalized, but isn't that the basis of racism, discrimination and hate.

School should be a place to learn positive values that will lead to a person who can function in the real world. The real world does include Mexicans. A school is not a place that "should" promote and teach hate and racism. Oh I forgot in Idaho, 92% of undocumented people pay "tax through pay roll deductions". I wonder what those taxes pay for in the state for all of the citizens. Notice I said the word "people" and not Mexicans. You know why, Mexicans are people too.
Why do you think that they avoid the experience. They should not avoid the experience and "get away" with faking the country they are from. They should experience the discrimination and racism first hand, then and maybe then, they may not want to subject others to the same treatment.

Oh good heavens! We get it! You believe Americans to be intolerant and prejudiced against people from another country (specifically Mexico). And, while berating us Americans about our lack of tolerance you reveal your own hypocrisy. It's poetic, but now it's getting tired.

Please do stay north of the border and remain as ignorant as you are today.

UGH! This thread is so annoying, like a freaking mosquito that you can't find buzzing around your head in the middle of the night!!:mad:

NOT ALL CANADIANS AGREE WITH OR THINK LIKE CYBERLAW!! Post after post on this thread indicates that there is waaaaay more than one point of view about ANY country. I have always had a great time in the US and the people have for the most part been friendly.

We're not perfect' they're not perfect FINE! Why the continuous rock throwing!!!!
UGH! This thread is so annoying, like freaking mosquito that you can't find buzzing around your head in the middle of the night!!:mad:

NOT ALL CANADIANS AGREE WITH OR THINK LIKE CYBERLAW!! Post after post on this thread indicates that there is waaaaay more than one point of view about ANY country. I have always had a great time in the US and the people have for the most part been friendly.

We're not perfect' they're not perfect FINE! Why the continuous rock throwing!!!!

I don't for a second ALL CANADIANS think like Cyberlaw. But, I appreciate you saying it.

If you discriminate against a person and violate the person's human rights, please don't expect others to not do the same to you.
The new golden rule...Do onto others the way they done to you :)
UGH! This thread is so annoying, like a freaking mosquito that you can't find buzzing around your head in the middle of the night!!:mad:

NOT ALL CANADIANS AGREE WITH OR THINK LIKE CYBERLAW!! Post after post on this thread indicates that there is waaaaay more than one point of view about ANY country. I have always had a great time in the US and the people have for the most part been friendly.

We're not perfect' they're not perfect FINE! Why the continuous rock throwing!!!!

AMEN :clap:
UGH! This thread is so annoying, like a freaking mosquito that you can't find buzzing around your head in the middle of the night!!:mad:

NOT ALL CANADIANS AGREE WITH OR THINK LIKE CYBERLAW!! Post after post on this thread indicates that there is waaaaay more than one point of view about ANY country. I have always had a great time in the US and the people have for the most part been friendly.

We're not perfect' they're not perfect FINE! Why the continuous rock throwing!!!!

Thanks jubie!

Additionally, CyberLaw if you dislike us Americans so much, why do you spend time on this board which is owned by an American and has so many American posters? I don't doubt for one second that the American government and some Americans may be viewed negatively throughout the world. However, that is true of EVERY country and Canada is certainly not exempt from that. I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt numerous times but many of your posts are incredibly offensive. Now, that doesn't mean that I think all Canadians are close-minded. Just you. ;)
I don't know if I already posted this our not but let me tell ya. We just got back from Mexico and people down in some parts of Mexico hate white people now. THey are angry we are sending the illegals home. I have seen our village in Mexico DIE because of 2 reasons,
1: Over 80 percent of all men have illegally gone to the US.
2: The money they have sent back home has wrecked the economy of the town, making prices rise and the poorer folks are starving while the ones with family members in th US are begging for more money. We have children sitting on the church steps begging for food or money. This has never ever happened in our village before.

I hate illegals. They make me sick. We worked hard coming to this country legally and while some of you now cuddle the illegals and give them shelter needs to realize they are not the best of the best out of the country, they tend to be the poorest most uneducated of all. Do not feel sorry for them because Mexico has jobs!! Mexico needs workers!! The pay is poor compared to the US but if they stay they can fix the country but they pick coming here, breaking our laws and taking the services that are suppose to help only Americans.
They are hurting 2 countries!

Excellent post!
You have to look at what the world sees. The news reports. The torture and secret prisons. If only one person views the USA on that basis, what do you think they will "envision" of the citizens of that country and the "elected" leader. When they hear in 2008, nooses on trees. Flags in the trash. The government inaction in regards to Katrina. The invasion. That is the basis that they view all Americans. They have nothing else to go on.

So when they meet an American, they think of the above. They don't want to know you, they know you by the actions of your country, that is the example they know and use. They know you by your elected leaders actions and lack thereof. That is all the basis they have to form an opinion of that country and the people of that country. Of course that is narrow minded and generalized, but isn't that the basis of racism, discrimination and hate.

But might these same people recognize that the actions of a leader in government are not endorsed by the leader of the opposition?

There almost always is opposition somewhere, unless the state is totalitarian.
Ben, you are assuming that the whole world knows about the system of politics in the USA. Heck, I had some difficulty(to put it mildly)trying to figure out the political system in the USA. I am still not too clear.

WE all knows what makes the news. Headlines. Heck do I know the political system in some European country, who the parties are, what they stand for, who is elected, how and why.

No....I just read the headline that the leader of this country did a particular action and that action stands. The "other" side can express that they are displeased, but after all it is the person who was "elected" by the people in that country that put the person in power. That is what makes the news and that is what people read about.

I can read that one party not in power was upset over the way a situation was handled. But guess what, that person has no power or say in the powers that be that made the decision. The opposition is just that. They have no power or control over the decision of a person in charge who makes the decisions that affect everyone in that country.

So the headlines reads only the decision of the person in power and the consequences of those decisions.

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