Idaho Student Says Teacher Tossed His Mexican Flag In The Trash

The perception of America through the media horrifies me and Im a citizen I shudder to think what the rest of the worlds perception of us must be.
At least I know that the rest of the country is far removed from "Britneyland" And "AmericanIdolopia"
From Fort Mills Times

"That is not true, never," said Straatman, noting he has several Latino friends who speak English poorly. "If I had a problem with Hispanics, I wouldn't associate with these people," Straatman said. "Nobody ever called me a racist before."

When he says "those people" or "these people" it is quite evident that "those" people he refers to are non white.

If there are racial problems, then the entire school assembly should be treated the same way. Saying "those" people just reinforces the "us and them" as in those people and discrimination.

This school needs serious help to avoid say potential "beatings" and maybe murder of "non white" students.

As to the 12 million illegal immigrants are they the immigrants who work for below legal wage, no health care, no legal rights, are victimized and exploited, have no legal recourse if a victim of violence, live in fear, work at jobs that "true Americans" would never work at such as jobs in "low, wage factories, plants, sweatshops" Dish washers, maids, nanny's, picking fruit, and laborers. Gee it seems to me that some companies "profit" off the back of illegal immigrants. That means the USA profits off the backs of illegal immigrants.

I am sure if all of the 12 million people are back in Mexico, "true" white Americans will just be lining up to fill these "excellent" jobs because they pay so well and the work conditions are second to none. They would be "great" for high school dropouts, low wages and poverty.

Of course the employers will have to improve working conditions, health care, and I put money on the fact that the "employer" will not be paying for this, but the "public" will.

I also put money on the fact that many, "white" American's will feel that these "former" "Mexican jobs" are beneath them and will refuse to work at these jobs.

If I was in charge, I would gladly "welcome" "them" in Canada, we have so many opportunities for immigrants in our country and actually need immigrants to ensure our future population. Remember the USA has 10 times as many people as Canada.

You clearly have an "Us VS Them" attitude against the United States.

We value human rights just as highly as anyone else. We are a nation totally made up of immigrants.

We do not condone businesses exploiting illegals for low pay, dangerous jobs, sweat shops etc. BUT, when our government steps in to stop these practices we are still the bad guys for taking away the only jobs these people had. It's a lose lose scenario.

There is much celebration of diversity in the United States wether you think so or not. All people here also have the same rights as the "white" citizens. We try hard to make our country safe and fair for everyone. We do not always is a hard thing to be a melting pot of so many cultures.

Just because we can't afford to let illegal immigration occur non-stop here doesn't mean we don't care about people of other countries. We all work hard here. We can't afford to give away our taxes to support people who have not come here legally. We can't afford to let people with criminal backgrounds simply enter our country in droves.

I would not expect to illegally enter anyone elses country and then take advantage of the services their taxes pay for.

We allow thousands and thousands of LEGAL immigrants into our country every year. They can fly whatever flag they want out in front of their houses. They can celebrate any religion they choose to.

Does everyone here love everyone from every other country? No, of course not. Nor does everyone in Canada. People are pretty much the same everywhere you go.

Canada doesn't just pass everyone at the border and welcome them with open arms.

Personally I am tired of people who immigrate here and work here but who can barely speak the language even after several years. If I decided to move to France, I would damn sure learn to speak French. If I decided to live in Spain or Mexico I would darn sure learn Spanish.

Have you even visited the U.S.? Do you even know the sheer numbers of immigrants we have here now? We are not exactly turning our backs on the world of diversity. We have more illegal immigrants than you have legal immigrants. When you have the illegal immigration problem that we do perhaps then you can judge us.

Here is a little fact to chew on.

It is estimated that 12 million persons are in the United States without legal immigration status. While it is difficult to ascertain the precise number of undocumented persons in Canada, some media estimates run as high as 300,000 whereas many experts believe 100,000 or less to be a more likely estimate. The number of ILLEGAL, undocumented immigrants in the United States increases by at least half a million persons per year — twice the number of LEGAL, fully-screened immigrants entering Canada each year.

As for the kid with the flag. It didn't belong in Gym class I am sure. It may have been there for Cinco De Mayo which is observed at many US schools as are many diverse and ethnic holidays observed to teach our children diversity. So he may have innocently brought it for no other reason that it was Cinco De Mayo. Further, the teather had the right to have him put it away during class. But, he should not have put it in the garbage. He should not have taunted the student about it. As I see it they both did wrong. An apology from each for the misundertanding is all that should be required to make it right.
Rino: Yes, I am serious, nobody is going to hold the "American attitude" against you.

I never said that Canada is all cotton candy and ponies. But we have far less problems and no teacher will discriminate against any student because they were not born in Canada.

No one is going to treat you differently then any other person. Person being the key word. Human being even being more accurate. I guess what has upset me, is that some people feel that this teacher "was justified" in his action and defended the teacher. That is an affront against the values of Human rights and respect. There is no, and I mean no defense of what this teacher did.

The children learn the attitudes of their parents. Then they act upon it. They learn discrimination. They learn to hate. They learn to discriminate. I find it difficult to understand why a student should not celebrate his/her heritage because it will upset other children who have learned to "hate" people who are not white and "true" Americans. The students who are white and "true" Americans need an attitude change that they are not "superior" to other human beings.

Well he shouldn't be celbrating his heritage in GYM CLASS is what most people are saying.

If it suddenly started happening that a half million of us citizens of the U.S. started crossing your southern boarder illegally every year waving our stars and stripes are you telling me we would be welcomed with open arms? Because I have been to Canada and it's a nice place and I could be at the border in 3 hours. It would be great to be taken in and embraced by your country and use your government services for free. Do you have public assistance I could get on? Because that is what is happening here.

I bet for all your love of diversity you would not love an invasion of half a million illegal people a year.

I just don't get all the US and THEM you have about the U.S. I don't know anyone here who speaks ill of Canada or Canadians. In fact many of our local businesses fly a Canadian Flag side by side with our own flag. We get a lot of Canadian tourists here in the Northern U.S. and I have never heard them spoken ill of.

I have been a tourist in Canada and have never been treated badly or rudely.

Why the animosity?
You clearly have an "Us VS Them" attitude against the United States.

We value human rights just as highly as anyone else. We are a nation totally made up of immigrants.

You've typed one of the BEST responses I've ever seen in my years here at Websleuths.

We value human rights just as highly as anyone else.

May I draw your attention to the website: some of the 2006 headings that someone might find interesting are: military commissions, torture policy, secret prisons, abuses, prisons, death penalty, immigration HIV/AIDS.

Gee I guess Human rights apply to some and not all. Those "not all" are the violations of Human rights.

Canada was not listed on this website, go figure. :clap:

The USA has their own section.

I guess the "USA does not value Human rights as highly as anyone else.

You see Human rights apply to all, not a "selected" few. You cannot violate some people's human rights and then say in a general statement that you value humans rights as highly as anyone else. You apparently do not value Human rights as much as Canada.........

We are a nation totally made up of immigrants.

I am sure some of those "immigrants are from Mexico" also, but the white, American born "citizens" seem to have missed this fact over the ensuing generations. Some people think, non white, non American. Gee "Americans" subjecting other "American's" to nooses from trees. I wonder why that happened if the "nation" is totally made up of immigrants and "whites" do not discriminate against non whites.

I "know" why don't we point out to this teacher and all of his students in this school, that they are all immigrants. I put money that these students and teacher will not see it that way. They will stand up and say: I am white, I am American, I belong here, this is my country. Why don't all of those "other" immigrants go home to Mexico. "Those" people can go back where they came from........:rolleyes:

Oh I am going to England during the summer break, (says the teacher who "discriminates" ) does anyone know where I can buy a "How to fake being a Canadian when traveling?

I know I have to be polite, kind, considerate and respect other people, countries and cultures. This is on the "how to fake being Canadian website". It is going to be hard to "fake" being a Canadian.

Is there a "Canadian" course that I can take, because I don't want to experience any "foreign" discrimination overseas because I am American. I am white and American, why would anyone discriminate against me. It is O.K. that I call "Hispanics" those people, but how dare anyone in another country call me "one of "those" Americans.

Trust me, no one "fakes" being American overseas. No one would want to.

For those of you who may wonder: Yes, Canada and the US are very different. Big time. From culture, religion, ethic diversity, politics, human rights, guns, the legal system, value and morals. 43% of the people of my city are visible minorities and there are no less then 79 ethnic publications in my city alone.

If some people in the USA "thinks" that the two countries are not very different, come visit us, you will be amazed. You will see first hand and experience the difference , the vast differences between the two countries. In my city there were 2.2 murders per 100,000 and is ranked as the 'safest" city in North America. In Dallas, the murder rate was 15 per 100,000. Won't visit Dallas or New York(6.9 per 100,000)without a bullet proof vest and a bodyguard.

With the invasion of Iraq and the non support the USA received worldwide, the USA did decide that countries were "with the USA" or against the USA. That put in place the US and them mentality, that prevails today.
Yes, Canada and the US are very different. Big time.

To this, I'm going to go out on a limb and say, thank God! If the rest of the people there, are anything like you, I'm delighted to urge my fellow Americans to continue being "very different" from your citizens.

You are blind to your own prejudice. Which makes you very dangerous, indeed.
I still say that a teacher doesn't have any business making a child feel bad about their heritage or country their ancestors are from, or force their political beliefs about immigration onto a child. The coach was said to have been taunting the boy.
We value human rights just as highly as anyone else.

May I draw your attention to the website: some of the 2006 headings that someone might find interesting are: military commissions, torture policy, secret prisons, abuses, prisons, death penalty, immigration HIV/AIDS.

Gee I guess Human rights apply to some and not all. Those "not all" are the violations of Human rights.

Canada was not listed on this website, go figure. :clap:

The USA has their own section.

I guess the "USA does not value Human rights as highly as anyone else.

You see Human rights apply to all, not a "selected" few. You cannot violate some people's human rights and then say in a general statement that you value humans rights as highly as anyone else. You apparently do not value Human rights as much as Canada.........

We are a nation totally made up of immigrants.

I am sure some of those "immigrants are from Mexico" also, but the white, American born "citizens" seem to have missed this fact over the ensuing generations. Some people think, non white, non American. Gee "Americans" subjecting other "American's" to nooses from trees. I wonder why that happened if the "nation" is totally made up of immigrants and "whites" do not discriminate against non whites.

I "know" why don't we point out to this teacher and all of his students in this school, that they are all immigrants. I put money that these students and teacher will not see it that way. They will stand up and say: I am white, I am American, I belong here, this is my country. Why don't all of those "other" immigrants go home to Mexico. "Those" people can go back where they came from........:rolleyes:

Oh I am going to England during the summer break, (says the teacher who "discriminates" ) does anyone know where I can buy a "How to fake being a Canadian when traveling?

I know I have to be polite, kind, considerate and respect other people, countries and cultures. This is on the "how to fake being Canadian website". It is going to be hard to "fake" being a Canadian.

Is there a "Canadian" course that I can take, because I don't want to experience any "foreign" discrimination overseas because I am American. I am white and American, why would anyone discriminate against me. It is O.K. that I call "Hispanics" those people, but how dare anyone in another country call me "one of "those" Americans.

Trust me, no one "fakes" being American overseas. No one would want to.

For those of you who may wonder: Yes, Canada and the US are very different. Big time. From culture, religion, ethic diversity, politics, human rights, guns, the legal system, value and morals. 43% of the people of my city are visible minorities and there are no less then 79 ethnic publications in my city alone.

If some people in the USA "thinks" that the two countries are not very different, come visit us, you will be amazed. You will see first hand and experience the difference , the vast differences between the two countries. In my city there were 2.2 murders per 100,000 and is ranked as the 'safest" city in North America. In Dallas, the murder rate was 15 per 100,000. Won't visit Dallas or New York(6.9 per 100,000)without a bullet proof vest and a bodyguard.

With the invasion of Iraq and the non support the USA received worldwide, the USA did decide that countries were "with the USA" or against the USA. That put in place the US and them mentality, that prevails today.

Whoa, do you think the average American goes out and lynches people or even approves of it?

Do you really think we only think whites are Americans?

If you google "racism in Canada" you will find examples of mobs attacking other races there too in the past. Does that mean I should point at all Canadians and say they are all racist? I don't think so. If you google "prejudice in Canada" you will find some more stories. But I won't judge all of your citizens on the crimes of a few nor will I insinuate that you are all racists.

I did not say your culture was the same. I said people are pretty much the same everywhere you go. Most people just want to make a living and get along with the rest of the world.

Why do US citizens travel as Canadians? Because they get treated better. Funny that you don't see that as just another form of prejudice that people in other countries are guilty of against US citizens. I see that that prejudice seems to be just fine with you.

You didn't anser any of the points I made in my post about the sheer number of immigrants we have to deal with compared to Canada. Out country cannot financial support an unlimited number of undocumented people.

You obviously have no idea how diverse our country is. Do you imagine our cities are chock full of mostly white people? LOL !!

Maybe you should do some more reading on how diverse it is here.

Crime rate is high. Yes it is. Not something the average American approves of or values at all. Illegal immigration of criminals and gang members isn't helping that problem at all.

And I am not saying all immigrants are criminals so please don't put those words in my mouth.

You really do prejudge Americans. You are as prejudice as anyone I have ever seen. You just think you have better reasons for it.
The teacher took the Mexican flag and threw it in the trash...

OK, bfd.

If the kid was upset, fine, go to the school board like we did "back in the day" and get a moment to tell your side of the story, but going with the ACLU and a lawsuit over a Mexican flag in our country - waste of $$$.

I'm so sick of people's "feelings" being hurt and their "heritage" being so easily threatened. It's school. You are supposed to learn that life is not fair.

WAAAA, WAAAA WAAAAA. Rub some dirt on and get back in the game.
OK that last post was instead of the one I was going to post, which i will now because I'm in a bored and fiesty mood,

I wish the teacher would have said, "If you like Mexico so much, why don't you marry it?"

Ziggy, the kid did not contact the ACLU, the ACLU contacted the kid and suggested a lawsuit. The kid is "considering" it, according to the article.

I absolutely hate the PCWOCS (politically correct without common sense) crowd, but your statement is a bit short sighted, IMO.
We value human rights just as highly as anyone else. We are a nation totally made up of immigrants.

Yep, technically even my ancestors immigrated here. Granted that was 10,000 - 50,000 years ago in the upper paleolithic age, but still :crazy:

As an aside, I've visited many different countries. I've never acted anything other than American. I think those that do are upholding a stereotype and doing no one a favor by doing so.

I met two rude people while traveling, one was Canadian and one was German, both while visiting Scotland. The Canadian asked me where I was from and when I told him he went into this 10 min tirade over my government and how much he hated Bush. The German just hated everyone that I could tell, he was rude to every single person he spoke to.

Thankfully, I know many other Canadians and Germans and don't judge a whole country by their actions. Because no matter how I'm treated, I live by the golden rule.
I don't know if I already posted this our not but let me tell ya. We just got back from Mexico and people down in some parts of Mexico hate white people now. THey are angry we are sending the illegals home. I have seen our village in Mexico DIE because of 2 reasons,
1: Over 80 percent of all men have illegally gone to the US.
2: The money they have sent back home has wrecked the economy of the town, making prices rise and the poorer folks are starving while the ones with family members in th US are begging for more money. We have children sitting on the church steps begging for food or money. This has never ever happened in our village before.

I hate illegals. They make me sick. We worked hard coming to this country legally and while some of you now cuddle the illegals and give them shelter needs to realize they are not the best of the best out of the country, they tend to be the poorest most uneducated of all. Do not feel sorry for them because Mexico has jobs!! Mexico needs workers!! The pay is poor compared to the US but if they stay they can fix the country but they pick coming here, breaking our laws and taking the services that are suppose to help only Americans.
They are hurting 2 countries!
The teacher took the Mexican flag and threw it in the trash...

OK, bfd.

If the kid was upset, fine, go to the school board like we did "back in the day" and get a moment to tell your side of the story, but going with the ACLU and a lawsuit over a Mexican flag in our country - waste of $$$.

I'm so sick of people's "feelings" being hurt and their "heritage" being so easily threatened. It's school. You are supposed to learn that life is not fair.

WAAAA, WAAAA WAAAAA. Rub some dirt on and get back in the game.

Absolutely! :clap::clap::clap:

Me too!
From what I read, school boards in the USA often side with the teaching staff. They don't have much experience in matters other then school related issue.

Also from what I read, this child's Human rights were violated which is far beyond any school board's mandate and most likely area of expertise.

Also from what I read, I put money on the school board being, white, American born, from small towns, with little or no experience in anything in the form of human rights violations. They would need training to even know what a human right violations is and how to deal with it, if they want to deal with it.

Heck, the ACLU "sought out the child, not the other way around". When a person's human rights are violated, it is not a "minor" incident that the "school board" should hear. I do hope this kid sues and the wonderful school, the board will then have to put their money where their discrimination lies.

I know why don't we put all of the Mexican students in charge of the school, they can make the rules, and the "other" students can have their "feelings" hurt and learn that life is not fair.

Life is not fair, but human rights are a fundamental right to all humans. Lets put the "shoe" on the other foot and see if others like to be degraded(feeling hurt), demeaned(feelings hurt) and humiliated(feelings hurt) because they have blue eyes, or blond hair, or short, or fat, or unattractive. After all they should get used to it, "life is not fair" and the sooner a student learns that "they should get used" to discrimination the better off the USA will be.

Oh US politics have been and will be "fair" game for the rest of the world to comment on. Especially in light of situations like this one, where human rights violations seem to be justified and encouraged in the USA.

In regards to the train in Ontario, low and behold a false alarm. One passenger died of natural causes and the some people had the flu. Nice to know that the Ontario government acted quickly and responsibly. You see we learn from the past, as in SARS. Oh everyone who needed medical care on the train received it, regardless of what country of origin they came from. The woman who died was from South Africa and it appears a blood clot due to DVT was the cause. But nice to know that our government has a plan in action in the event that this was a real emergency. This is old news by the way...........
Oh US politics have been and will be "fair" game for the rest of the world to comment on. Especially in light of situations like this one, where human rights violations seem to be justified and encouraged in the USA.

I just figured it out.

You were out and about (oot and aboot) spouting your pompous nonsense and somehow an American overheard you and tried to shut you up.

Therefore you believe all Americans are for violating the rights of "humans".

Since an American mistook you for one and tried to adjust your attitude.

I can see how that could happen.
So how did you like my experiment......

You all did very well and responded as expected.

I took the anti American stance, as in discrimination in regards to citizenship and country of origin. That would be in violation of Human rights.

Was it a good feeling to have to defend yourself. Did you like the "anti" American sentiments. The "generalized" statements. Now why don't you sit back at your computer and think about how it feels to have another person, from another country, "disparage" people from that country based on where they are from. Does that apply to everyone in that country. Of course not. Generalized of course.....but is that not usually the case when it comes to intolerance and hate.

I thought I would try "reverse" discrimination and see what response I would receive. appears that "Americans" don't mind discriminating against other people from other countries and violating their rights, but OMG do the same thing to Americans and they really get their backs up. That is very telling for some reason..........

Americans' do not like "stereotypes" of their citizens and culture and the "prejudice" they experience when they travel or live in another country. They don't like to be "viewed" by another country as "second class". Just like other people don't like it when they are treated that way in the US by US citizens. Human rights violations go both ways........

The experiment has now ended and thank you for participating. :clap:

Class dismissed.......... appears that "Americans" don't mind discriminating against other people from other countries and violating their rights, but OMG do the same thing to Americans and they really get their backs up. That is very telling for some reason.......... it was just an experiment. And, not you revealing your own severely twisted prejudice of a nation you obviously do not understand. (as revealed by your statement above)


Yes, there is no racism in Canada and never was.......


But honestly, I won't hold it against all Canadians that your government policy says one thing but reality is a bit different.

I found the comments at the end of the following article quite enlightening. There were opinions of every kind from every point of view from the Canadians leaving comments. I find the mix of comments interesting and diverse. Obviously not all Canadians have the same feeling or beliefs about minorities and immigration.... Who would have thought?

As I said before being a melting pot isn't easy, it's a stuggle. But we are all struggling to move forward every day. Our laws are made with the high ideals that all men are created equal and our day to day stuggles are to become that nation though we sometimes fail.... as do all countries and all governments at some times.

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