IL IL - Brian, 31, & Angela Charles, 23, Joliet, 2 Mar 2009

I know someone here can probably give you better info than I can regarding contacting national media.
What about calling your local paper? Perhaps they would do a story on the anniversary of this horrible murder? It might help a little?
I am very, very sorry for your loss.
Thanks, Shelby. There is actually a local reporter who keeps semi-regular in touch with Ang's mom, and is interested in the case and sometimes does updates. I just don't want them to be forgotten, especially Angela who was such a sweet, wonderful person. I feel national exposure could draw more attention to the case and hopefully get some progress made. It's obvious to me JPD couldn't find their own *******s, pardon my French. I just don't want them forgotten, and want help and answers.
Thanks, Shelby. There is actually a local reporter who keeps semi-regular in touch with Ang's mom, and is interested in the case and sometimes does updates. I just don't want them to be forgotten, especially Angela who was such a sweet, wonderful person. I feel national exposure could draw more attention to the case and hopefully get some progress made. It's obvious to me JPD couldn't find their own *******s, pardon my French. I just don't want them forgotten, and want help and answers.

You deserve help and answers. Has the DA been any help at all? What about his superiors?
I know that Nancy Grace has a Facebook page, I am sure HLN does as well, but I have seen posts from people asking for her help. ( I know you said that you have already contacted her, but maybe there are others with Facebook pages?)
Thanks, Shelby. There is actually a local reporter who keeps semi-regular in touch with Ang's mom, and is interested in the case and sometimes does updates. I just don't want them to be forgotten, especially Angela who was such a sweet, wonderful person. I feel national exposure could draw more attention to the case and hopefully get some progress made. It's obvious to me JPD couldn't find their own *******s, pardon my French. I just don't want them forgotten, and want help and answers.

I just read the last 3 pages on this thread. I cannot get over how much this is like the couple that was killed in Mountain City, Tenn! Almost exactly like it.

There's a thread here on them. The Potter man who murdered them used to live in Pa and I don't know where else. I don't know if there could be a connection but I swear it is almost identical.

Foxfire if you scroll down to the bottom of the article it gives you other articles you can read up on about it such as this one...the first one

There's a thread here somewhere on it. See what you think. We wondered if this probably hadn't happened before by this family.
Tiredblondy-I can't check the link but I am positive I know what case this is- Janelle Potter was 'unfrinended' by this couple on Facebook-she had a history of harassing people who did that to her. Her father and a friend killed the couple, the mom was found with the 8 month old (unharmed) in her arms. The other man charged was the murdered man's own cousin, who had a 'thing' for Janelle. Pretty messed up.
Tiredblondy-I can't check the link but I am positive I know what case this is- Janelle Potter was 'unfrinended' by this couple on Facebook-she had a history of harassing people who did that to her. Her father and a friend killed the couple, the mom was found with the 8 month old (unharmed) in her arms. The other man charged was the murdered man's own cousin, who had a 'thing' for Janelle. Pretty messed up.

Yes that's it but I wonder if it hasn't happened before?
Thanks to everyone for the support and suggestions. I will never give up on Angela's case, for Angela herself, her mother, and her son. I miss Ang so much every day. When I look at my photo albums, there she is in so many pictures, tearing my heart to pieces. And every time I see her mom and especially her son, my heart just breaks. I refuse to give up. The DA has been no help, although Angela's mother has had several meetings with him. Joliet PD and the state of Illinois has seemed to write this off and not care. My pain has lit a fire beneath me and I won't give up. I'll keep trying, even if I get nowhere. I will try to contact Nancy Grace again or whoever can help. I will not rest until at least attention is paid to this case.
Any update foxfire?? I know it seems people may not care when a case doesn't have a lot of action, but many of us check back from time to time. It is difficult to 'sleuth' when the case looks solved but unprosecuted. I hope to hear you have some progress next time you post!!
Thanks for all the support, people. Angela will always remain one of my best friends, and I'll always miss her badly - her mom and my own mother have been best friends since they were eleven, so we were bound to be close. I just don't understand how JPD has yet to figure out who is responsible for her death. I've campaigned with Nancy Grace to help with the case, with no response. I refuse to let that get me down - one day our families will find justice.
Ugh. This is coming down to incompetence. Sorry you don't have better news, you all deserve more from JPD. :(
It has been called a cold case. Any help is much appreciated. A petition won't do much, but the thought counts. As far as the Facebook message, she had been mad at Brian after an argument. She felt someone who loves you shouldn't hurt you. She was mad at him after an argument. That's common.

I haven't checked this site in a while, but I'm bored tonight and decided to revisit it. I know this is an old post but I'm glad I came back.

I can give a little context on the argument that occurred that night, as I chatted with Ang on myspace or AOL IM shortly after she posted that status update. Brian told her something hurtful and IMO pretty stupid, and she was sad, but not do something crazy sad. It was between 10-11pm Pacific time. Yes, I spoke with the detective about it a few days later. Even though I was originally just one of Brian's friends, Ang and I were pretty friendly. She was a lovely, kind lady.

Like you foxfire60441, I'm thoroughly frustrated by this. I've also had to deal with the frustration of watching his crazy ex malign him online for the 5 years this has been going on.
Please keep this going. It's been so many years now and many of us would still like updates. Fox and 3ring, I really hope you haven't given up on this. Someone needs to keep pushing for the truth. No matter how hopeless it seems. So many people want answers still.
I'm just trying to keep bumping this up again. Thanks to those that kept posting on this for years after the murder.
I used to work with Angela in 06 or 07. I was bored tonite and googled her to
See if the case was ever solved. Sad to see it has not been solved.
(But happy my good ol websleuths already had a page created for it)
To anyone still here, thanks for the support and I have not given up the fight.

I tried emailing Nancy Grace and news organizations, to no avail. No one answered me. I will not give up; Angela and Brian deserve justice.

Angela’s mom and son are doing quite well. He is in high school now and achieving despite the pandemic. Angela would be proud of him! Her mom and I text each other often, and he’s a successful kid.

If anyone has any suggestions to get media attention drawn to this case to get it solved, I would appreciate it. So far it’s been mostly ignored and forgotten. I just want justice!
Checking back in here. Thinking of Angela . I have been posting about their case on Twitter.
I reached out to Southern Girl Crime Stories on YouTube and asked her to feature their story, she said she would be

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