IL IL - Brian, 31, & Angela Charles, 23, Joliet, 2 Mar 2009

I would not be surprised to hear the ex killed them herself. If it was a murder-for-hire I would think they would have both been shot once or twice but the fact the husband was shot numerous times shows rage and a personal 'touch' if you will.

She had some serious control issues, she was very angry about the custody situation and given the way she lived (you know, defecating in buckets) shooting two people might not have been that hard.
Most of us (Brian's friends) who knew what was going on with the custody battle seem to think that his ex had something to do with it. She (his ex) seemed to make it pretty clear on her blog that she felt that her kids didn't need a father in their lives. Most of us concur that his ex is pretty crazy based on her past behavior.
Most of us (Brian's friends) who knew what was going on with the custody battle seem to think that his ex had something to do with it. She (his ex) seemed to make it pretty clear on her blog that she felt that her kids didn't need a father in their lives. Most of us concur that his ex is pretty crazy based on her past behavior.

So, 3RC, you know Brian? Do tell! Is there anything that you can tell us that hasn't been in the paper? What a sad situation. Thankfully the 2 year old wasn't hurt, but now he is an orphan. Terrible.
So, 3RC, you know Brian? Do tell! Is there anything that you can tell us that hasn't been in the paper? What a sad situation. Thankfully the 2 year old wasn't hurt, but now he is an orphan. Terrible.

I went to middle school and high school with Brian, but we really didn't become friends until high school. I was a year ahead of him. We kept in touch after I graduated... we were in a role playing game group together for a while, and then after I got married and moved away, we kept in touch via e-mail, phone calls and the occasional visit when we were both back "home" visiting our parents.

Other than knowledge about the custody battle and from spending the past 2 years keeping an eye on his ex's blog posts, Associated Content articles and posts on a website we both belonged to for a while, I don't have a lot of information. Any information on the actual murders and aftermath I've been getting second and third hand.

I get teary thinking about their 2 year old... he just barely turned two a few days after Brian and Angela died. He's a beautiful little boy and the thought that he probably won't remember his Mom and Dad is just so awful to bear. :(
I went to middle school and high school with Brian, but we really didn't become friends until high school. I was a year ahead of him. We kept in touch after I graduated... we were in a role playing game group together for a while, and then after I got married and moved away, we kept in touch via e-mail, phone calls and the occasional visit when we were both back "home" visiting our parents.

Other than knowledge about the custody battle and from spending the past 2 years keeping an eye on his ex's blog posts, Associated Content articles and posts on a website we both belonged to for a while, I don't have a lot of information. Any information on the actual murders and aftermath I've been getting second and third hand.

I get teary thinking about their 2 year old... he just barely turned two a few days after Brian and Angela died. He's a beautiful little boy and the thought that he probably won't remember his Mom and Dad is just so awful to bear. :(

Oh 3ringcircus, I'm so sorry for your loss. This is such a horrible crime.
I'm saddened to see this case seems to have suffered from lack of interest at this website (which I love by the way, and only found after Angela and Brian's murders). It is a shame that 2 and a half years later, Joliet Police still can't seem to find anything solid, although many many facts have come out. They have continually done Angela's mother wrong in the investigation.

I just wanted to tell anyone interested that their son is now 4 and a half and doing well. He remembers his mom and dad and talks about them often, insisting that his mother comes to visit him. His grandmother often finds him talking to no one, and when prompted, he tells her mama was there with him. He has stated he knows something really bad happened to his parents, just he doesn't understand exactly what. Every summer he goes to stay with his paternal grandparents in CA, who have custody of Brian's other 2 kids, so he gets to spend time with them. He loves his maternal grandma, who struggles daily to deal with the situation, and tells people she does what his mom would do were she able to.

Angela was a very dear friend of mine. I knew her since she was born. I cherish all the pics I have of us together. I remember her as a child, and remember her wedding. She was a beautiful person. Everytime I go home to visit my family, I see her little boy. He is a wonder - so smart and perceptive, and getting so big.

This is the first time I've been able to post here because it previously hurt too much to read this thread. I pray one day the killer(s) receive their punishment.
Thank you for sharing, foxfire.... What a tragic situation. I hope one day justice is done. I'm assuming that the other two children were removed from the ex's care, or did she willfully give them up to her parents? If the former, then there must be some truth to the situation that Brian complained about. How sad for everyone involved.

Again, thanks for posting.
From a link earlier in this thread:

< snip >

"Neighbors on Louis Road reported hearing loud noises around 2 or 2:30 a.m. Monday. Another resident told investigators she saw two men standing in front of the Charles home at around 1 a.m."

Apparently nothing ever came to light from the neighbors' reports of noise and sighting?

Quite a few of the articles linked here are no longer available. What a terrible crime. I'm so glad to see that the baby is doing well, and apparently the older children, too.

Where is the ex-wife now? I am wondering if she moved to CA to be near her children...

Thank you for posting, firefox. Somehow I missed this in 2009.

Updated: October 14, 2011 2:29AM

Couple’s slaying turning into cold case?

The majority of us still don't understand Angela and Brian's murder. My mother and Angela's mother have been best friends for many years. It feels that Joliet PD have ignored this case. Angela and Brian were murdered and it deserves attention. Angela died while running to her sons room to protect him. She was shot in the back of the head while running to his room. He is doing well these days, but has many questions about his parents, especially his mother. He has said he knows bad things happened to them, and he knows it was a shooting.

We are all sensitive to him, but he is smart enough to know something in his past is a problem. He is such a sweet little boy. God bless him. The things he says sometimes, makes us think he saw more than he could say.
Firefox, first let me say that I'm so sorry for the loss of your lifelong friend, Angela. I know you probably think about her and miss her every single day of your life.

I haven't been on WS for sometime, and I had never heard of this case. I'm glad you posted tonight and bumped the thread to the top so that other sleuthers who might have missed it can read about it and help.

I tried to go back to the links and read the first articles, but the articles are gone. I'm falling asleep at the moment, but when I wake up again I will dig around and try to find more info. From what I've just seems so clear that the ex wife had something to do with it. You've got to keep pushing the police, get it out in the media again, call Nancy Grace, call HLN. Call and talk to anyone that will listen! Get this case out in the open again. Do everything you possibly can to get some focus on this case! Somebody knows something!

Again, I'm very sorry for the loss of your friends. And how tragic for their little son, and for Brian's other children. I'm glad you keep in touch with the family, because I think that little boy needs you since you were so close to his mom, and I just know Angela is looking down from Heaven and is thankful that you are there for him, and there for her mom, too. Hang in there and stay strong!

"Rundle's account of why she went to her former husband's home that day &#8211;&#8211; to pick up some video games for the children, who were spending the weekend with her &#8211;&#8211; was contradicted by the children, according to a Will County investigator's affidavit. The victims' families say Rundle didn't allow her children to play video games."

This is an older article, but the link still works for anyone who wants to read it.
How in the world did the police miss the smashed in window in the back of the house that the family found!!? I thought I read that the police said there was no sign of forced entry?!!
Thanks all for your support. Angela and Brian would appreciate it, I'm sure. I miss Ang every day - her mother and mine being best friends since junior high practically made us feel like siblings. She was so dear to me. She was several years younger than me but we were close and so much fun. Trick or treating, to mini golf, we did it together. When I moved, we stayed in touch via email. I went to her wedding and was happy for her. I savor the pics of us when we were trick or treating and being close. As far as her death and Brian's goes, the majority of us blame Kathleen. Whether it was her or a friends of hers, we are very suspicious of her. Her two children from her marriage to Brian, Liam and Cora, are living with his parents in California. Their son Sean is living with Angela's mother and step-father, and while doing well, still has problems accepting his situation. He often asks about his parents, especially his mother. And he misses his half siblings, but gets to see them at least once a year.
Wow. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine. How senseless. I can't believe the police can't find SOMETHING! The ex has got to be the only person of interest. I hope somebody talks, or they find whatever evidence they haven't found yet. Her poor little boy. Thankfully he has a loving family. None of them deserved this. Sorry.
Thanks again, all. It makes me feel a bit better to see others are interested in what happened. This is a true murder mystery and Joliet Police can't answer any questions and are stalled. I'd love to call national attention to this and get help, but don't know how. We need Nancy Grace and CNN! The local articles and news stories just fall on deaf ears. Their little boy asks more questions each day, and it's hard for everyone to answer him since he's so young. He points at pictures of Angela and states to people she was shot and in heaven. He's particularly interested in his mothers life and interests; he's just a mama's boy. I cherish seeing him, he is so adorable I can barely stand it!
How in the world did the police miss the smashed in window in the back of the house that the family found!!? I thought I read that the police said there was no sign of forced entry?!!

Sadly, that act of vandalism happened after the fact. While services were being held for Brian and Angela, local kids broke in and stole a gaming system and DVDs. They knew services were being held and the house would be unoccupied. It was sick, sad, and infuriating.

Seemingly, the killer(s) came in with permission when Brian answered the door.
I seriously hope that they catch whoever committed these murders. I also have a feeling that the ex had something to do with it. Picking up video games at 7:00 am? hmmmm just sounds weird to me.

Yes, we all suspect the ex. Other leads include Brian's best friend. We don't know the truth of Angela's death, and it bothers us. She gave her life running to Sean's room to protect him. It saddens us all.

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