IL IL - William Shields, 22, Chicago, June 1977


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Jan 26, 2021
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William J. Shields (NamUs)


Missing Age: 22 Years
Current Age: 66 Years
First Name: William
Middle Name: J.
Last Name: Shields
Nickname/Alias: Billy

Sex: Male
Height: 5' 11" (71 Inches)
Weight: 100 - 150 lbs
Race / Ethnicity: White / Caucasian

Date of Last Contact: June 1, 1977
NamUs Case Created: March 7, 2012
Location: Chicago, Illinois 60603
County: Cook County
Circumstances of Disappearance:
Date of last contact is an estimation. William was last seen in Chicago, Illinois in approximately June 1977. He was on presribed medication but left without it.

Physical Description
Hair Color: Sandy
Head Hair Description: "Dishwater" blonde
Body Hair Description: --
Facial Hair Description: Sometimes wore a mustache
Left Eye Color: Unknown
Right Eye Color: Unknown

Clothing and Accessories

Accessories: Possibly a guitar - William loved playing guitars and may prioritize a guitar even over extra clothing
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Bumping with some additional info.
NamUs #MP14152

DoeNetwork: 5608DMIL William Shields
Notable info:
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Sometimes wears a moustache; diagnosed as schizophrenic and requires daily medication

DoeNetwork lists Chicago Tribune - Jul. 8, 1979 as a source, if anyone has access to one of those newspaper websites could you please try to find the article and post it?
DoeNetwork lists Chicago Tribune - Jul. 8, 1979 as a source, if anyone has access to one of those newspaper websites could you please try to find the article and post it?
As requested. Found using; does not appear to be an "article", but some type of write-in column at the paper. Mr. Shields is referenced in the last "Q"(uestion).

As requested. Found using; does not appear to be an "article", but some type of write-in column at the paper. Mr. Shields is referenced in the last "Q"(uestion).

View attachment 345803
Thank you!

His sister wrote that the police wouldn't do anything since he's not a runaway. If he's not a runaway then what is he?
I wonder if something happened to him at the mental hospital cause by the staff of other patients and they are covering it up.
Why does this makes me so upset? I guess one more of the less fortunate.There is a bigger picture of 'Billy' out there. He is wearing a high school ring, I think. I wonder what school he went to and if he still wore it when he got missing.
Why does this makes me so upset? I guess one more of the less fortunate.There is a bigger picture of 'Billy' out there. He is wearing a high school ring, I think. I wonder what school he went to and if he still wore it when he got missing.
View attachment 363672

He has curly or wavy hair hasn't he? It looks like "slicked" straight in the front.
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