IN -Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #1

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WOW - there has been 27,401 visits to Dad and Darleen's thread. I just seen that number.

OMG...WOW.. that is a lot of lukers!

VERY VERY Humbling.

I just wanted to let you all know that if you have internet access where you will be on the day of the interview you can listen to the radio station online. They have a live link on their homepage. You do have to register as a listener but that doesn't take much. I am not in Indy so I will be listening online.
I just wanted to let you all know that if you have internet access where you will be on the day of the interview you can listen to the radio station online. They have a live link on their homepage. You do have to register as a listener but that doesn't take much. I am not in Indy so I will be listening online.
WELCOME TO WS!!:blowkiss:
Welcome Katelynnk to WS.:)

Thank you for reading the thread of my family's murders.

Thanks for the information regarding listening to the radio station online. Great idea for those who don't have the station in their hometown and might have the capability to play it on their PC system.

God bless.

I just wanted to let you all know that if you have internet access where you will be on the day of the interview you can listen to the radio station online. They have a live link on their homepage. You do have to register as a listener but that doesn't take much. I am not in Indy so I will be listening online.
Welcome Katelynnk to WS.:)

Thank you for reading the thread of my family's murders.

Thanks for the information regarding listening to the radio station online. Great idea for those who don't have the station in their hometown and might have the capability to play it on their PC system.

God bless.

Thanks! I have been lurking here for awhile. I respond more on the forum.
I was just informed that the interview I had for tomorrow at the radio station in INDY with 'Morning Mess' has been taken off the air. They are currently playing 95 days worth of Christmas music and will return in Jan 2008.

Well - moving on to the next source.

Also - brother called monument company and stone is in. They require 'someone' to go and sign/confirm the engraving BEFORE it's done. Brother and I are not easily accessable. Soooo brother said he was calling 'A" to take on this minor task of going to the monument company and confirming the engraving. If not then when I visit this month for the 2yr anniversary I will have to do it myself.

Off to Mongo this weekend to mark the 2nd Anniversary to Dad and Darleen's murders. HATE this time of year. Used to be a great time Dad and I would spend time together - hunting season. ANYWAY - I was fortunate enough to get some radio interviews to plug the web-site, myspace and 20K reward. Need to keep this information awake and in the minds of all in that area.

Rev. James Bartlett will be performing a Memorial on Sat Oct 20th at 12noon at Dad and Darleen's gravesite. It is public and I stated that in the interview they will air on the radio - with SEVERAL stations. I am very excited about that because earlier in the week I sent an email to a newspaper whom I have used before and asked for some time/or information to be placed in the paper/TV about the memorial. I was denied by the editor. Said that there are too many memorials and they can't cover them all. I certainly was taken back by the reply as I know that this case is not only an UNSOLVED case, I do believe it's the ONLY double homicide in the LaGrange County history and also the first homicides in the county in almost 10yrs. Didn't know they do ALL THOSE MEMORIALS...
DH was really upset and wanted to personally call this editor - give his 2 cents to that person. I told him to chill and that this is only ONE source. There are more out there to ask and maybe someone might bite.. AND IT WORKED. Bless all who had helped me on that project.

Asked LE to meet and not available. Said email will be forwarded to Sheriff and I have NOT heard back from. I will send the email again.

Pray for our safe return.

God Speed.
I was just informed that the interview I had for tomorrow at the radio station in INDY with 'Morning Mess' has been taken off the air. They are currently playing 95 days worth of Christmas music and will return in Jan 2008.

Well - moving on to the next source.

Also - brother called monument company and stone is in. They require 'someone' to go and sign/confirm the engraving BEFORE it's done. Brother and I are not easily accessable. Soooo brother said he was calling 'A" to take on this minor task of going to the monument company and confirming the engraving. If not then when I visit this month for the 2yr anniversary I will have to do it myself.


95 days of Christmas music?????????????? You've got to be kidding me? Who wants to hear Christmas music in October before it's even Halloween???? That is absolutely insane! :eek:

Well, you'll get some more media coverage early next year when they return, is the way I see it. :blowkiss:

After researching it, this is what happened in Indy:

You may or may not get a shot at the interview next year, but I pray you do.
I know - christmas music. LOL. Already?? :waitasec:

Yea - maybe next year we can get this one moving along - huh?:cool:


95 days of Christmas music?????????????? You've got to be kidding me? Who wants to hear Christmas music in October before it's even Halloween???? That is absolutely insane! :eek:

Well, you'll get some more media coverage early next year when they return, is the way I see it. :blowkiss:

After researching it, this is what happened in Indy:

You may or may not get a shot at the interview next year, but I pray you do.
Rosco, just wanting you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts.

Mine too, I am dying to hear an update about how the memorial went!!
I know - christmas music. LOL. Already?? :waitasec:

Yea - maybe next year we can get this one moving along - huh?:cool:


Jeez. That's awful that they took away an interview for Christmas music!

At our mall, we have a Nordstrom's that always has signs up that they don't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. The rest of the mall though, it seems the day after Halloween is playing Christmas music and has their decorations up. It's awful!

I like Christmas. I like Christmas music. I, however, cannot fathom enjoying it for 95 days nor wanting to hear it 2 holidays early!

I'm sure they'll be getting some complaints!
Well I/we are back from the 2nd Anniversary and the Memorial. Sorry for the delay. I had a bout' w/appendix and had surgery this past week. Just getting my head back together and checking threads and web-sites. VERY slow moving....
The Memorial was small but/and very personal. I was honored to have the eldest Mongo Resident attend the services as he said he has been following the murders since the first day. HE said that I am strong and to please continue to keep the murders in the minds of the public and media. Rev. held me tight and whispered scriptures in my ear that follow me today and for tomorrow. He expressed the importance of keeping the murders in the public eye and that whom ever had commited these murders MUST be under the duress of drugs daily and nightly just to keep the memory and horror of what occured and he/they/she/it did. He sang from his guitar a wonderful song that I must ask a friend for another copy as during my illness the moment we returned I had somehow misplaced. GGRRRR... I really looked everywhere. BUT - Rev. said that he wanted everyone who attended the Memorial to remember The Andersons's whenever they hear this piece...becz he will forever sing/play this song and remind him of Terry and Darleen Anderson. Nobody showed from any family side of Dad and Darleen. 'A' - was a no-show. I was not able to see baby Terri since the 'long lost brother' has temp. custody of her and he is now not wanting to talk to me since I question his biological connection. I received no call or contact from nobody while I was in Mongo.
I did visit and meet the Sheriff of LaGrange. He stressed and encourgaged me that this case is very open and they continue to work it daily. I was pleased with our visit.
BUT - when I got back and I was able to check threads and web-sites - I was very hurt by this email I received thru one of the threads - it was sent in a private message....


This is in response to the Memorial Service for Terry and Darleen on Saturday Oct. 20, the cemetary in Mongo. They had other family members that attended the cemetary on Sunday Oct.21,2007 for their own private way of saying they were loved very much and will never be forgotten in anyway. People have their own private way of mourning without the media. Terry and Darleens granddaughters were also there. Sons Rick, Shane and daughter Amanda have thier own way of grieving. Knowing Terry and Darleen as we all did, for all these yrs and being as private of people as they were, they wouldnt like what is going on. Only the good LORD knows who is responsible for this awful tradegy. PLEASE let them rest in PEACE!

First - do not EVER include my brother Rick in anything as being part of the PRIVATE people. My Brother Rick and I are together in the efforts of keeping their brutal HOMICIDES alive and in the minds of the media and public. My FATHER and Darleen did not die in a car accident or fallen to their death from a plane - they were murdered!!! Do not ever reply and tell me how my father would like me to act on behalf of his murder. I will never - EVER stop with the media and TV, NEWSPAPERS and Sheriff's office for attention on their murders. Maybe YOU might like to put it all behind and go on with YOUR life.. go right ahead and leave me alone to my efforts with trying to find the loosers who did this. I KNOW (you don't have to tell me) the Lord is the only one who knows... BUT I intend to make sure that their lives will not be forgotten and their murder/s will be taken off the streets and my father and Darleen DESERVE justice - my friend.
OH and regarding the services - I FIRST asked Rev. to have a short service on Sun and 'mention' my dad and Darleen for prayer - Let me tell you it was HIS idea to have a memorial service at gravesite. SO unless you know your story - don't ever interfere and comment on my efforts. It's obvious YOUR life remains unchanged on a daily basis and you can
'Let them rest in peace'.

And since miss Amanda could care less about the care her child is getting - do you truly believe that Darleen and Dad are slapping her on the back for all that she is doing and the drugs she is taking. Amanda is a METH drug user - child abusing and selfish person.

PLEASE - don't ever email me again and keep your nose out of my business

Why? Am I doing something SOOOO wrong???? Maybe I should have asked if this person was the killer/s and that is why they wish for me too keep quiet and let my dad and Darleen RIP? If I don't keep these murders in the public eye then everyone will forget and this case will be cold as my fathers body...

This email hurt me. It brings my spark to a fizzle and makes me think that I am hurting more than doing good.

Well I/we are back from the 2nd Anniversary and the Memorial. Sorry for the delay. I had a bout' w/appendix and had surgery this past week. Just getting my head back together and checking threads and web-sites. VERY slow moving....
The Memorial was small but/and very personal. I was honored to have the eldest Mongo Resident attend the services as he said he has been following the murders since the first day. HE said that I am strong and to please continue to keep the murders in the minds of the public and media. Rev. held me tight and whispered scriptures in my ear that follow me today and for tomorrow. He expressed the importance of keeping the murders in the public eye and that whom ever had commited these murders MUST be under the duress of drugs daily and nightly just to keep the memory and horror of what occured and he/they/she/it did. He sang from his guitar a wonderful song that I must ask a friend for another copy as during my illness the moment we returned I had somehow misplaced. GGRRRR... I really looked everywhere. BUT - Rev. said that he wanted everyone who attended the Memorial to remember The Andersons's whenever they hear this piece...becz he will forever sing/play this song and remind him of Terry and Darleen Anderson. Nobody showed from any family side of Dad and Darleen. 'A' - was a no-show. I was not able to see baby Terri since the 'long lost brother' has temp. custody of her and he is now not wanting to talk to me since I question his biological connection. I received no call or contact from nobody while I was in Mongo.
I did visit and meet the Sheriff of LaGrange. He stressed and encourgaged me that this case is very open and they continue to work it daily. I was pleased with our visit.
BUT - when I got back and I was able to check threads and web-sites - I was very hurt by this email I received thru one of the threads - it was sent in a private message....


This is in response to the Memorial Service for Terry and Darleen on Saturday Oct. 20, the cemetary in Mongo. They had other family members that attended the cemetary on Sunday Oct.21,2007 for their own private way of saying they were loved very much and will never be forgotten in anyway. People have their own private way of mourning without the media. Terry and Darleens granddaughters were also there. Sons Rick, Shane and daughter Amanda have thier own way of grieving. Knowing Terry and Darleen as we all did, for all these yrs and being as private of people as they were, they wouldnt like what is going on. Only the good LORD knows who is responsible for this awful tradegy. PLEASE let them rest in PEACE!

First - do not EVER include my brother Rick in anything as being part of the PRIVATE people. My Brother Rick and I are together in the efforts of keeping their brutal HOMICIDES alive and in the minds of the media and public. My FATHER and Darleen did not die in a car accident or fallen to their death from a plane - they were murdered!!! Do not ever reply and tell me how my father would like me to act on behalf of his murder. I will never - EVER stop with the media and TV, NEWSPAPERS and Sheriff's office for attention on their murders. Maybe YOU might like to put it all behind and go on with YOUR life.. go right ahead and leave me alone to my efforts with trying to find the loosers who did this. I KNOW (you don't have to tell me) the Lord is the only one who knows... BUT I intend to make sure that their lives will not be forgotten and their murder/s will be taken off the streets and my father and Darleen DESERVE justice - my friend.
OH and regarding the services - I FIRST asked Rev. to have a short service on Sun and 'mention' my dad and Darleen for prayer - Let me tell you it was HIS idea to have a memorial service at gravesite. SO unless you know your story - don't ever interfere and comment on my efforts. It's obvious YOUR life remains unchanged on a daily basis and you can
'Let them rest in peace'.

And since miss Amanda could care less about the care her child is getting - do you truly believe that Darleen and Dad are slapping her on the back for all that she is doing and the drugs she is taking. Amanda is a METH drug user - child abusing and selfish person.

PLEASE - don't ever email me again and keep your nose out of my business

Why? Am I doing something SOOOO wrong???? Maybe I should have asked if this person was the killer/s and that is why they wish for me too keep quiet and let my dad and Darleen RIP? If I don't keep these murders in the public eye then everyone will forget and this case will be cold as my fathers body...

This email hurt me. It brings my spark to a fizzle and makes me think that I am hurting more than doing good.


Or it's the murderer or an associate of theirs that sent that to you, trying to discourage you. You should have the ISP tracked.
Oh Honey, I feel so bad that you have to live with this sort of crap. You hang tough. I personally think you where a bit mild with your response. I'd have ripped them a new a-hole...:)
Well I/we are back from the 2nd Anniversary and the Memorial. Sorry for the delay. I had a bout' w/appendix and had surgery this past week. Just getting my head back together and checking threads and web-sites. VERY slow moving....
The Memorial was small but/and very personal. I was honored to have the eldest Mongo Resident attend the services as he said he has been following the murders since the first day. HE said that I am strong and to please continue to keep the murders in the minds of the public and media. Rev. held me tight and whispered scriptures in my ear that follow me today and for tomorrow. He expressed the importance of keeping the murders in the public eye and that whom ever had commited these murders MUST be under the duress of drugs daily and nightly just to keep the memory and horror of what occured and he/they/she/it did. He sang from his guitar a wonderful song that I must ask a friend for another copy as during my illness the moment we returned I had somehow misplaced. GGRRRR... I really looked everywhere. BUT - Rev. said that he wanted everyone who attended the Memorial to remember The Andersons's whenever they hear this piece...becz he will forever sing/play this song and remind him of Terry and Darleen Anderson. Nobody showed from any family side of Dad and Darleen. 'A' - was a no-show. I was not able to see baby Terri since the 'long lost brother' has temp. custody of her and he is now not wanting to talk to me since I question his biological connection. I received no call or contact from nobody while I was in Mongo.
I did visit and meet the Sheriff of LaGrange. He stressed and encourgaged me that this case is very open and they continue to work it daily. I was pleased with our visit.
BUT - when I got back and I was able to check threads and web-sites - I was very hurt by this email I received thru one of the threads - it was sent in a private message....


This is in response to the Memorial Service for Terry and Darleen on Saturday Oct. 20, the cemetary in Mongo. They had other family members that attended the cemetary on Sunday Oct.21,2007 for their own private way of saying they were loved very much and will never be forgotten in anyway. People have their own private way of mourning without the media. Terry and Darleens granddaughters were also there. Sons Rick, Shane and daughter Amanda have thier own way of grieving. Knowing Terry and Darleen as we all did, for all these yrs and being as private of people as they were, they wouldnt like what is going on. Only the good LORD knows who is responsible for this awful tradegy. PLEASE let them rest in PEACE!

First - do not EVER include my brother Rick in anything as being part of the PRIVATE people. My Brother Rick and I are together in the efforts of keeping their brutal HOMICIDES alive and in the minds of the media and public. My FATHER and Darleen did not die in a car accident or fallen to their death from a plane - they were murdered!!! Do not ever reply and tell me how my father would like me to act on behalf of his murder. I will never - EVER stop with the media and TV, NEWSPAPERS and Sheriff's office for attention on their murders. Maybe YOU might like to put it all behind and go on with YOUR life.. go right ahead and leave me alone to my efforts with trying to find the loosers who did this. I KNOW (you don't have to tell me) the Lord is the only one who knows... BUT I intend to make sure that their lives will not be forgotten and their murder/s will be taken off the streets and my father and Darleen DESERVE justice - my friend.
OH and regarding the services - I FIRST asked Rev. to have a short service on Sun and 'mention' my dad and Darleen for prayer - Let me tell you it was HIS idea to have a memorial service at gravesite. SO unless you know your story - don't ever interfere and comment on my efforts. It's obvious YOUR life remains unchanged on a daily basis and you can
'Let them rest in peace'.

And since miss Amanda could care less about the care her child is getting - do you truly believe that Darleen and Dad are slapping her on the back for all that she is doing and the drugs she is taking. Amanda is a METH drug user - child abusing and selfish person.

PLEASE - don't ever email me again and keep your nose out of my business

Why? Am I doing something SOOOO wrong???? Maybe I should have asked if this person was the killer/s and that is why they wish for me too keep quiet and let my dad and Darleen RIP? If I don't keep these murders in the public eye then everyone will forget and this case will be cold as my fathers body...

This email hurt me. It brings my spark to a fizzle and makes me think that I am hurting more than doing good.


I'd send a copy of that correspondance to Det. Oakes and the Sheriff so they can add it to their ever-expanding file of information.
I agree with Dark Knight. Aw Roscoe.... big hugs. Keeping the information about your father and step mothers horrific murder in the news is a good thing. They will be able to rest in peace after their murders are captured and brought to justice. Whoever sent this, obviously wants to keep it hush hush. How can they think or do such a thing?
BUT - when I got back and I was able to check threads and web-sites - I was very hurt by this email I received thru one of the threads - it was sent in a private message....


This is in response to the Memorial Service for Terry and Darleen on Saturday Oct. 20, the cemetary in Mongo. They had other family members that attended the cemetary on Sunday Oct.21,2007 for their own private way of saying they were loved very much and will never be forgotten in anyway. People have their own private way of mourning without the media. Terry and Darleens granddaughters were also there. Sons Rick, Shane and daughter Amanda have thier own way of grieving. Knowing Terry and Darleen as we all did, for all these yrs and being as private of people as they were, they wouldnt like what is going on. Only the good LORD knows who is responsible for this awful tradegy. PLEASE let them rest in PEACE!
Maybe I'm wrong, but.......Since the Memorial Service date was pulic knowledge isn't showing up a day late......the same as going to a funeral a day late.
IF Amanda did indeed go on the 21st, there is no reason she couldn't have attended 2 days.
And that message sounds like one of the twits who was posting pro amanda on myspace, altho she hadn't been in touch w/her since school.
Stay strong Rosco, you did right!!
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