Interviews Lisa's Parents Good Morning America, Fox, The Today Show 10/17/2011 #2

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Again if it were an accident why lie and make up kidnapping, and risk being charged with a murder instead of child neglect? Dr G in the casey a case stated it and I believe it to be true 100% percent of the time when it was an accident 911 is called. No matter if she was drunk or not.

Dr G was talking, specifically, about accidental drowning deaths. I have to remind myself about that because sometimes I start thinking that she was wrong but then i realize she was speaking of drownings.
My parents were drinkers (I would even say one of them was alcoholic) and the responses and attitudes from DB and JI seem very familiar to me - the confusion about details - the jokey defensiveness about the 'normality of parent time'. Someone who drinks a lot will try to see their behavior as healthy and any criticism of that is perceived as 'your' problem - ie: 'you're hung up' - 'controlling' 'uptight' 'neurotic' etc..... I'm posative that my parents had many nights they couldn't account for accurately.*
Having grown up with this I pull no punches when I say that it is EXTREMELY damaging for children to be around inebriated parents. The core of the child's existence is suddenly shaken, when parents are drunk it feels to the child as if the parent is no longer there and they *have been left in the care of someone unpredictable, confusing, inappropriate and sometimes even scary. Please parents, don't kid yourselves about this issue....

As for DB and JI, this has left me still on the fence as their behavior does gel with the lesser crime of being a drunk negligent parent. I imagine DB would feel substantially confused about the night in question and pretty guilty as well..... If someone had kidnapped Lisa mom would be partially responsible, her irresponsibility contributed to the circumstances that allowed this to happen....... Predators can be attracted to disfunctional families as the children are more likely to be vulnerable...

JI is weird though...... Something is going on there..? He is holding it in so much that he seems poised to explode. It's possible that he is REALLY furious with her but doesn't want anyone to go to jail. If he had done something to Lisa himself surely he would make more of an attempt to seem normal ?He is BLATANT in his weirdness.......?
Ok, so the prescription meds...were at the same time as drinking? (please say no! :pullhair:) Do we know what meds they were (or what general class of drugs)?

She stated in one of the interviews that she took her meds that she does every morning. (paraphrasing) Can't remember which interview tho.
They are not all sedatives, some are SSRI, the same medications used to treat depression.

Right...but typically, they are sedatives. In either case, narcotics are opium or synthetic opium based, and are not prescribed for anxiety.
IF that's true then I think we have a PD looking for the easy route. In most cases like this it usually is a family member IIRC. However, if I had nothing to do with it and I was told I'd failed a poly I'd know what the cops were up to and I'd leave right then hire a lawyer and PI and take my case to the media. JMO

If LE did in fact go adversarial with the parents only a few hours into the investigation without any tangible evidence of harm to Lisa (e.g., blood stains) then I am very concerned that they possibly prematurely closed off other avenues/potential suspects. And if they did that and caused the parents to back away, then IMO the 'lack of cooperation' and subsequent loss of time in the investigation was a serious misstep by LE. MOO.

I know what the odds are in terms of crimes involving infants, but they are odds, not guarantees. I'm glad the FBI seems to be taking a more active role at this point.
Just throwing this out there:

Based on the way the houses are laid out (side-by-side), if it was her next-door neighbor that was drinking on the porch with her that night, how would she even be able to see if DB had turned out ALL the lights in the house after she left DB alone?

Seems to me that you wouldn't be able to tell that unless you were standing in front of the house--not from the side. So is DB trying to imply that the neighbor stood in her yard and watched all the lights in her house go dark? And NO, I am in NO way suggesting that the neighbor had anything to do with this....just suggesting that the idea of the neighbor suggesting she witnessed all the lights in the house being turned off doesn't seem feasible. :waitasec:
Did ya'll hear that???? Sounded like a sonic boom???? Well, it was me falling off the fence. The interview and the revelations it brought forth were enough to sway my opinion.There just doesn't seem to be any rational reason why the Mother of an abducted child would leave out any information that could assist LE finding her child.....
Which porch are they referring to? I don't see a porch or is it in the back of the house?
Right...but typically, they are sedatives. In either case, narcotics are opium or synthetic opium based, and are not prescribed for anxiety.

I'm aware of that they are not narcotics, I also know that doctors don't hand out scrips for benzos like they used to, or at least they shouldn't, especially to a young mother with what appears to be an alcohol problem.
have just caught up.......

I do beleive that she was drunk and it is a common occurrence for her to have her "grown up time" she said she drinks 2-3 times a week, therefore the defensive attitude.

One question I have, can someone please fill me on the relevance of showing her the cell phone ping sheets??????

The reason I ask this is I go back to the supposed text at 2.30am. If this is true, then I am convinced that something happened to this baby while mum was passed out, she or one of the boys woke up, and a cover up took place.

Oh just want to put in there as another life I was a major party girl, so know what it is like to blackout etc.........I went on antidepressants (for anxiety...actually to deal with guilt of blackouts) and boy oh boy, you have to be careful when drinking with them. They really do quicken the effects of alcohol.
Which porch are they referring to? I don't see a porch or is it in the back of the house?

The Irwin home has a small front porch with a couple of steps. DB and the neighbor reportedly sat on the "steps" and drank wine.
Also strikes me as suspicious that her fiancee/Lisa's father is not openly enraged, furious, scared to death, upset, angry, etc., that she was bombed while watching his three children. He is about as nonchalant about it as she is, if not more. WEIRD.

I know what you mean. He was like " just because you get drunk it doesn't change who you are as a person."

Ummm...sorry. But it does change who you are. Tremendously so. She put a sick baby into her crib at 6:40 and never looked back. She left the window open and the front door unlocked, and passed out cold. How could that not bother the father of those children?
They are not all sedatives, some are SSRI, the same medications used to treat depression.

:banghead: Not supposed to drink, much less get drunk, while taking any of these meds. A lot of people do drink while they are on anti-depressants, I know. I have done it (although I cut myself off long before I could be considered drunk), and I realize that a lot of people think nothing of getting drunk while they are taking ADs. Nevertheless, the pharmacy will give info about drug instructions, side effects, interactions, etc, and the papers definitely say not to take with alcohol. :sigh:
I know what you mean. He was like " just because you get drunk it doesn't change who you are as a person."

Ummm...sorry. But it does change who you are. Tremendously so. She put a sick baby into her crib at 6:40 and never looked back. She left the window open and the front door unlocked, and passed out cold. How could that not bother the father of those children?

Maybe because he knows that is not what happened but it is what they want the public to believe happened.
Oh that's interesting! Any reasons given?
Not much of one. But I expected it to be that way. He has a lot of equity in that house if he has lived there since 2002. This is not a good time to sell in most places.

She has no real stake in the house. They aren't married, and her name isn't on the deed from what I saw on the public records.
Right...but typically, they are sedatives. In either case, narcotics are opium or synthetic opium based, and are not prescribed for anxiety.

Oops, changed this to Anti-Anxiety meds:

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, are a classification of medication used to relieve anxiety symptoms by blocking serotonin, a chemical in the brain contributing to fear response, from being reabsorbed in the brain. Preventing the reabsorption of serotonin allows for the chemical to distribute evenly for performing its other functions of regulating excitatory arousal and mood. The Anxiety Disorders Association of America notes that SSRIs are effective for treating all types of anxiety disorders, however, higher dosage for certain disorders is required to reach desired therapeutic levels.
Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, or SNRIs, are another class of medications primarily used in the treatment of depression, but found effective for use in some anxiety disorders. SNRIs differ from SSRIs in the mechanism of action or the chemicals targeted in the brain. SNRIs not only block the reabsorption of serotonin, but also of norepinephrine, a chemical similar to adrenaline that regulates stress. Norepinephrine also induces the biological response to anxiety, which causes increased heart rate and blood pressure. According to Insight Journal, SNRIs effectively treat panic disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The short-term symptoms associated with panic attacks and specific phobias are temporarily alleviated by the classification of medications known as the benzodiazepines. This class of drugs is highly effective in reducing the physical symptoms such as tension, hyperventilation and increased pulse rate. The benzodiazepines also induce a sedative or calming state, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns that chronic use of this form of medication may become habit-forming. Benzodiazepines are intended for use on an as needed basis, and due to the addicting potential, careful monitoring of use with this medication is suggested.

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Has anyone heard of anyone asking if their computer was taken by LE?
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