Issues with Specific Thread Content

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JMO I for one don't want to navigate through yet another branch-off thread. I prefer the big picture, not a compartmentalized one. Maybe it's just me, because I'm older than most, and a luddite, lol. I have noticed that participation has waned since the loss of general discussion, and most of the time I can't remember on which of the numerous threads I read something.....or on what page. Maybe it's early-onset dementia. Boo Hoo. If this particular thread is for therapeutic venting, just say so. But if it was started for the purpose of voting to bring back a general discussion thread or to continue its quash, it looks to me like the majority of posters have voted to bring it back. end rant. ty. JMO JMO
Isn't it all speculation on facts though? Isn't an Alternative Theory also speculation? I always enjoyed WS because the conversations, debates, and back and forth were filled with differing viewpoints, and opinions. That is the beauty of it in many ways. That is how we figure things out and develop new theories, thoughts, and find the holes. That and this forum is moderated very well.

The discussions are what brought me here, and the respect for the fact that people are going to have different opinions, outnumbered or not. We have all been the minority and we have all been part of the majority opinion here on different threads. That is part of it right?

There are some that clearly enter threads to stir the pot and argue. And that can and does happen in every single thread, not just General Discussion. It happens on the specific threads as well. Ignore Buttons and Scroll and Roll are the answer to that on any thread.

But isn't it all speculation based on the facts that have been released? General Discussion, Alternative Theories, Carseat,Insurance Payout, etc. We have a ton of posters here, and the forum is very active, which is what I love about it. Wading through tons of information, speculation, and trying to "catch up" are all parts of the WS experience. At least it always has been for me.

I feel like a no speculation thread goes against the very grain of WS. How do you sleuth and figure things out without speculation? I feel like that is what "No Discussion" threads are for, like The Media Thread. No discussion, no speculation, just reading and information. :cow:

I 100% agree with you on EVERY point - especially the bolded part. I rarely come into a case with my mind made up - it's only after reading other opinions, hearing locals' views, reading the links that are posted, and the news that I make up my mind (speculate) whether someone is innocent or guilty. It's not unusual for me to read the threads for a while before I ever start posting.

Look at the Casey Anthony case - there weren't many who thought she was innocent. And 12 jurors said she wasn't guilty. I lost faith in the judicial system with that case because IMO it didn't work. BUT, I read Jose Baez's book - and found myself waffling on her guilt. <Don't throw anything at me! It was a temporary lapse!!!> That's what WS does - it shows you other sides of evidence - other ways to interpret it.

The thing I have never liked on any forum is the "stirrers" who seem to have no purpose to their posts other than to create unpleasantness. I'm not talking about those who really believe in their take on a case, because they offer their observations, gut instincts, and interpretations to support their theory. I'm talking more about those who post with an attitude - usually 2 or 3 words like "he's guilty", "he's innocent", "you're wrong", and "link?".

I hope that made sense. I'm a tad bit sleep deprived. I think our biggest thing right now is we need a new piece of evidence!

Hope I didn't offend anyone - that was NOT my intention!
I 100% agree with you on EVERY point - especially the bolded part. I rarely come into a case with my mind made up - it's only after reading other opinions, hearing locals' views, reading the links that are posted, and the news that I make up my mind (speculate) whether someone is innocent or guilty. It's not unusual for me to read the threads for a while before I ever start posting.

Look at the Casey Anthony case - there weren't many who thought she was innocent. And 12 jurors said she wasn't guilty. I lost faith in the judicial system with that case because IMO it didn't work. BUT, I read Jose Baez's book - and found myself waffling on her guilt. <Don't throw anything at me! It was a temporary lapse!!!> That's what WS does - it shows you other sides of evidence - other ways to interpret it.

The thing I have never liked on any forum is the "stirrers" who seem to have no purpose to their posts other than to create unpleasantness. I'm not talking about those who really believe in their take on a case, because they offer their observations, gut instincts, and interpretations to support their theory. I'm talking more about those who post with an attitude - usually 2 or 3 words like "he's guilty", "he's innocent", "you're wrong", and "link?".

I hope that made sense. I'm a tad bit sleep deprived. I think our biggest thing right now is we need a new piece of evidence!

Hope I didn't offend anyone - that was NOT my intention!

Fabulous post! thanks!
I would just like to say that I really appreciate the vibe on this board. That people can respectfully debate things. And I even love how the "snark" is very mild but still discouraged.

On the board where I came from- a mom board- the snark was really just bullying and members were harassed, name called, etc for voicing different opinions or for no reason at all because cliques formed. I never thought grownasswomen could be that catty and immature.

So yeah, I really appreciate how the mods keep things on track and respectful. It's good stuff! :)

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Isn't it all speculation on facts though? Isn't an Alternative Theory also speculation? I always enjoyed WS because the conversations, debates, and back and forth were filled with differing viewpoints, and opinions. That is the beauty of it in many ways. That is how we figure things out and develop new theories, thoughts, and find the holes. That and this forum is moderated very well.

*Snipped for brevity*

BBM- No, a lot of the speculation posted is not based on the facts of the case.
Respectfully, You missed the point. It has nothing to do with posting and being attacked. As a member of WS for many yrs.,I know how to handle myself.I should know how to anyway. Thanks for the advice tho.

I wasn't advising you - I was making a general statement and was not suggesting you didn't know how to handle yourself. Your answer to me was quite snarky - I'm sorry you took exception to it.

I have seen several posters say that the attacks make them uncomfortable. My answer is not to you, but to anyone in general. I posted in good faith that it would help someone who is thrown off by the snarkiness of some posters.
I've always said that if I'm ever wrong, I'll admit it! Well, I'm admitting it. There really aren't that many possibilities in this case, and posting them without discussion about them isn't helping me clarify things in my mind either. I guess there's just no pleasing me. Thanks Salem. :truce: :blushing:
JMO I for one don't want to navigate through yet another branch-off thread. I prefer the big picture, not a compartmentalized one. Maybe it's just me, because I'm older than most, and a luddite, lol. I have noticed that participation has waned since the loss of general discussion, and most of the time I can't remember on which of the numerous threads I read something.....or on what page. Maybe it's early-onset dementia. Boo Hoo. If this particular thread is for therapeutic venting, just say so. But if it was started for the purpose of voting to bring back a general discussion thread or to continue its quash, it looks to me like the majority of posters have voted to bring it back. end rant. ty. JMO JMO

I'm a "big picture" kinda gal myself.

I would prefer it the other way too.

Are we voting?

I'm lost and don't feel like reading this entire thread...


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BBM- No, a lot of the speculation posted is not based on the facts of the case.

Sorry, I see how I wasn't clear about what I meant. What I meant to say is isn't it all speculation? All of it, every thread, including General Discussion and the others,based on what we know and what we may not know. Speculation has always been allowed at Webslueths and is very different than stating rumor as truth which is not allowed. KWIM?
Seems like most of the people want the General Discussion thread back, myself included, although I did get worn out with the car seat discussion about the measurements but I just scrolled past them because to me they were so boring. Just my opinion, of course.
I 100% agree with you on EVERY point - especially the bolded part. I rarely come into a case with my mind made up - it's only after reading other opinions, hearing locals' views, reading the links that are posted, and the news that I make up my mind (speculate) whether someone is innocent or guilty. It's not unusual for me to read the threads for a while before I ever start posting.

Look at the Casey Anthony case - there weren't many who thought she was innocent. And 12 jurors said she wasn't guilty. I lost faith in the judicial system with that case because IMO it didn't work. BUT, I read Jose Baez's book - and found myself waffling on her guilt. <Don't throw anything at me! It was a temporary lapse!!!> That's what WS does - it shows you other sides of evidence - other ways to interpret it.

The thing I have never liked on any forum is the "stirrers" who seem to have no purpose to their posts other than to create unpleasantness. I'm not talking about those who really believe in their take on a case, because they offer their observations, gut instincts, and interpretations to support their theory. I'm talking more about those who post with an attitude - usually 2 or 3 words like "he's guilty", "he's innocent", "you're wrong", and "link?".

I hope that made sense. I'm a tad bit sleep deprived. I think our biggest thing right now is we need a new piece of evidence!

Hope I didn't offend anyone - that was NOT my intention!


I had no idea he actually wrote a book :eek:

But why am I not surprised :rolleyes:
Sorry, I see how I wasn't clear about what I meant. What I meant to say is isn't it all speculation? All of it, every thread, including General Discussion and the others,based on what we know and what we may not know. Speculation has always been allowed at Webslueths and is very different than stating rumor as truth which is not allowed. KWIM?

There's a difference between factual speculation and speculation with no factual foundation at all.
There's a difference between factual speculation and speculation with no factual foundation at all.

I respectfully disagree. The very definition of the word speculation is: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
I respectfully disagree. The very definition of the word speculation is: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

We were thinking along the very same lines! That truly is the definition of speculation. Thank you!
I don't understand. What alternate theories are not permitted ????? I believe that thread was set up for all theories.

Theories considering the possibility of ADHD or NPD. Mental health discussion. It wasn't a complaint. Just restating the mod warning.
I respectfully disagree. The very definition of the word speculation is: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

We have circumstances in this case that we know are fact. Right? For example, we know for a fact, RH was dropped off at his car during lunch break. We know that morning, he and Cooper stopped by CFA. Speculation on these two circumstances are based on facts.

LE believes the marriage was troubled. However,they have not yet released any facts to support those beliefs. Speculation on the troubles in their marriage is not based on any fact. Therefore, any speculation on this subject, has no factual foundation.

These are just two examples off the top of my head. hth

We will just have to agree to disagree on this one.


I had no idea he actually wrote a book :eek:

But why am I not surprised :rolleyes:

Yea, I know! But it was actually well written, and interesting. I also read Jeff Ashton's book in regards to this case. It was good, too, although maybe a little on the whiney side. :)

Sorry - I know this is a bit OT! lol
We have circumstances in this case that we know are fact. Right? For example, we know for a fact, RH was dropped off at his car during lunch break. We know that morning, he and Cooper stopped by CFA. Speculation on these two circumstances are based on facts.

LE believes the marriage was troubled. However,they have not yet released any facts to support those beliefs. Speculation on the troubles in their marriage is not based on any fact. Therefore, any speculation on this subject, has no factual foundation.

These are just two examples off the top of my head. hth

We will just have to agree to disagree on this one.

He had an affair in the past and in the present as well as the sexting certainly supports the marriage was troubled imo.
I will say - just go back to the Gen.D threads and see the number who were there (is that number recorded? - hope so) and compare that to these various threads now... there are a handful of posters on a thread at any one time. I cannot remember what thread I read last and what thread something was posted on.... When something was posted on the GD thread - within a minute or two there were comments, answers to questions, etc. Now, you can wait several minutes and nothing has changed..... I REALLY, REALLY appeal to the moderators to PLEASE, PLEASE restore the GD board. This has taken my enjoyment of reading and posting and turned it into confusion and frustration. Thank you for considering the pleas for our GD board back!
I will say - just go back to the Gen.D threads and see the number who were there (is that number recorded? - hope so) and compare that to these various threads now... there are a handful of posters on a thread at any one time. I cannot remember what thread I read last and what thread something was posted on.... When something was posted on the GD thread - within a minute or two there were comments, answers to questions, etc. Now, you can wait several minutes and nothing has changed..... I REALLY, REALLY appeal to the moderators to PLEASE, PLEASE restore the GD board. This has taken my enjoyment of reading and posting and turned it into confusion and frustration. Thank you for considering the pleas for our GD board back!

I agree! I guess I will just have to follow this case on the Atlanta news sites as it's too frustrating to try to follow it here now without the general discussion threads.
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